Doki Doki Destiny Armor Set in Destiny 2 Guide

By: friolt
2 min read
Destiny 2 Anime Inspired Armor Sets

The Doki Doki Destiny armor set in Destiny 2 is a special cosmetic item. It changes the look of your character to make them look like they are from the anime game Doki Doki Literature Club. This set is available for all three Destiny classes: Titan, Hunter, and Warlock.


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Types of Armor Sets

Destiny 2 Doki Doki Literature Club Crossover Doki Doki Destiny Armor For All Classes In Destiny 2

Each Destiny class has its own Doki Doki Destiny armor set:

  • Titan — The Doki Doki Destiny Titan Bundle includes a full set of Titan ornaments.
  • Hunter — The Doki Doki Destiny Hunter Vest is part of the Hunter’s full armor set.
  • Warlock — The Doki Doki Destiny Warlock Bond is part of the Warlock’s full armor set.

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Features of the Armor

  • Universal Ornaments — You can put these ornaments on any Legendary armor.
  • Unlocked for All Characters — Once you get the set for one character, it is unlocked for all characters of the same class on your account.
  • Bright Dust — You can buy the armor sets using Bright Dust, the in-game currency.

Price & How to Buy

Destiny 2 Doki Doki Destiny Armor Eververse

You can buy the armor sets from Tess Everis in the Eververse store. The price is in Bright Dust, and it may go down if you already own some of the items.

Armor SetPrice (Bright Dust)Vendor
Titan Bundle6,000Tess Everis
Hunter Vest6,000Tess Everis
Warlock Bond6,000Tess Everis

How to Get the Armor

  1. Buy — Go to Eververse and buy the armor set for your class.
  2. Equip — Put the armor on any Legendary armor piece.
  3. Customize — You can mix and match with shaders for your perfect look.

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Best Shaders For Doki Doki Destiny Armor

The Doki Doki Destiny armor set is a fun way to make your character look like they are from Doki Doki Literature Club. It’s easy to get, and once you buy it, you can use it on all your characters of the same class. Enjoy dressing your Guardian with a cool anime-inspired look!

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What is the Doki Doki Destiny armor set?

It’s a special cosmetic set in Destiny 2 that makes your character look inspired by the anime game Doki Doki Literature Club. It’s available for Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks.

How do I get the Doki Doki Destiny armor set?

You can buy it from the Eververse store using Bright Dust.

Can I use the armor on different characters?

Yes! Once you buy it for a class (like Titan), it’s unlocked for all your characters of that class.

Do I need to buy each piece separately?

No. The set comes in a bundle, but if you already own a piece, the price goes down.

Can I customize the Doki Doki Destiny armor set?

Yes! You can add shaders to create different color schemes.

Where can I find the Bright Dust to buy the set?

You earn Bright Dust by completing weekly challenges and bounties in the game.
