Final Fantasy XIV The Jade Stoa Unreal Trial Guide | FF XIV 7.1 Byakko’s Tactics

By: friolt
10 min read
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The The Crossroads expansion brings a new version of the Jade Stoa trial, called the Unreal Jade Stoa. This trial lets players fight Byakko with new challenges and updated moves. Some parts are like other Four Lords trials, but The Jade Stoa Unreal has fresh twists to keep players alert. Here’s what’s inside:

  • 1 tough main trial — The Jade Stoa Unreal
  • 2 main phases with Byakko’s new and old moves
  • 1 Free-Fall phase — players dodge attacks while falling
  • 8 players needed — 2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 DPS
  • 1 Byakko Totem per kill — trade for special rewards
  • Rewards like Byakko-themed weapons, a Triple Triad card, and even a mount

The Jade Stoa also has special achievements.


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Final Fantasy XIV The Jade Stoa Unreal Trial | Overview

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The Jade Stoa Unreal is a level 100 trial introduced in patch 7.1 as part of the Dawntrail update, challenging players with a remastered version of Byakko’s fierce battle. The trial is held in a circular arena, with mechanics like State of Shock and Unrelenting Anguish to keep players on their toes. With item level sync requirements and phase-specific challenges, including the Free-Fall Transition, players must coordinate closely to manage AoE patterns and the White Tiger’s deadly attacks. This trial is an intense test of team coordination, positioning, and timing.

Key FeatureDescription
Trial NameThe Jade Stoa (Unreal)
Level RequirementLevel 100 (Synced)
Item Level Sync690 (Synced to 695)
Party Composition8 players — 2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 DPS
Time Limit60 minutes
Key Mechanics (Phase 1)Storm Pulse, Heavenly Strike, State of Shock, Unrelenting Anguish, Fire & Lightning
Free-Fall TransitionA unique phase where players dodge orbs and AoE while descending
Key Mechanics (Phase 2)Heavenly Strike, Hundredfold Havoc, Sweep of the Leg, Gale Force Puddles
Important TipsUse Limit Break 3 if needed for Roar of Thunder — manage Gale Force puddles carefully to avoid raid wipe
RewardsByakko Totem (x1 per kill) — Exchangeable for rewards like Byakko weapons and Auspicious Kamuy Fife
Notable DropsByakko Weapons, Triple Triad Card, Treasure Coffer

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Final Fantasy XIV The Jade Stoa Unreal Trial | Entrance

Byakko White Tiger Mechanics Explained

To enter The Jade Stoa Unreal trial, introduced in patch 7.1, players need to be at level 100 with item level 690 or higher (synced to 695). This trial, located in Othard, recreates the fierce encounter with Byakko, featuring complex mechanics like State of Shock and Unrelenting Anguish. Players can join the trial via the Duty Finder or Raid Finder under the Trials category, with a time limit of 60 minutes. Coordination and preparation are essential to handle the trial’s challenging phases and mechanics

Entrance DetailInformation
Trial NameThe Jade Stoa Unreal
LocationOthard Region
Approximate CoordinatesX:15.0, Y:7.5
Level RequirementLevel 100
Item Level Sync690 (Synced to 695)
Access MethodDuty Finder or Raid Finder (under Trials category)
Party Size8 players — 2 tanks, 2 healers, 4 DPS
Unsyncing AllowedNo
Required Quest“Fantastic Mr. Faux”
Time Limit60 minutes

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Final Fantasy XIV The Jade Stoa Unreal Trial | Raid composition

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In The Jade Stoa Unreal, an optimal raid composition includes two tanks, two healers, and four DPS, providing balanced support and damage output for managing Byakko’s challenging mechanics, including State of Shock, Unrelenting Anguish, and AoE attacks like Fire & Lightning. Each role should ideally bring the best job-specific abilities to efficiently handle Byakko’s mechanics and phase transitions, particularly during the Free-Fall and Gale Force puddle placements in Phase 2.

RoleCountRecommended Jobs
Tank2Warrior — Paladin
Healer2White Mage — Scholar
Melee DPS2Samurai — Dragoon
Ranged DPS1Bard
Magic DPS1Black Mage

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These jobs bring defensive cooldowns, efficient healing, and high DPS for meeting the DPS checks in Roar of Thunder and Sweep of the Leg while also allowing flexibility in AoE dodging during intense phases.

Final Fantasy XIV The Jade Stoa Unreal Trial | plot

Sweep Of The Leg Byakko Phase 2 Strategy

In Final Fantasy XIV, The Jade Stoa Unreal trial revisits the fierce battle against Byakko, one of the Four Lords—sacred beasts who protect the Far East. Byakko is a powerful White Tiger, an ancient auspice with both animal and human forms, who has lived for over two millennia. His strength is immense, but he is haunted by a dark, uncontrollable rage born from a painful past.

Long ago, Byakko lost his family in a devastating war, an event that filled him with grief and fury. This emotional turmoil transformed his power into an inner storm he struggles to contain. Over the centuries, his friends and fellow sacred beasts have supported him in controlling his anger, but the darkness lingers, threatening to consume him.

In The Jade Stoa Unreal, the Warrior of Light (the player) is summoned to face Byakko once more. Byakko, sensing that he might lose control again, asks for this battle to test his will. Through this fight, he hopes to confront his inner turmoil and find peace. The trial serves as a final test for Byakko to overcome his rage, with the Warrior of Light aiding him in this personal struggle.

Final Fantasy XIV The Jade Stoa Unreal Trial | Achievements

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The Jade Stoa Unreal has two main achievements. One is for defeating Byakko normally, and the other is for beating Byakko with a team of only Blue Mages. These achievements reward you with points and show your skill in this FFXIV The Crossroads content.

AchievementPointsHow to Get ItReward
Rock Warrior10Defeat Byakko in The Jade Stoa Unreal trial.Achievement Points
Mightier than the White5Complete The Jade Stoa Unreal with only Blue Mages, with “Silence Echo” on, and “Unrestricted Party” turned off.Achievement Points

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These achievements let you show off your success in Byakko’s trial, especially with the extra challenge of a Blue Mage-only team.

Final Fantasy XIV The Jade Stoa Unreal Trial | Boss tactics

Best Tactics For Gale Force In Byakko Fight

Say hello to Byakko, the White Tiger who isn’t just your average big cat. He’s a powerful, ancient creature with a history of rage issues. He’s been around for centuries, so he’s packed with moves that hit hard and fast. You’ll face him in The Jade Stoa Unreal—so get ready for his epic lightning shows, rage-fueled charges, and some mean tiger tantrums. If you don’t dodge his claws, he’ll be thrilled to show you how it feels to be on his bad side. Get ready, because this is one kitty who doesn’t play nice!

Ability NamePhaseWhat to DoWho FocusesCommentary
Storm PulsePhase 1HealHealersByakko’s warm-up AoE—healers, better stretch those fingers!
Heavenly StrikePhase 1MitigateTanksTankbuster alert! Tanks, take it like a champ—just don’t forget your cooldowns!
State of ShockPhase 1SoakEveryoneTime to huddle up! Don’t let your tank take all the pain solo.
Unrelenting AnguishPhase 1DodgeEveryoneBig red orbs everywhere. Step aside and look cool dodging these!
Fire & LightningPhase 1+2DodgeEveryoneByakko’s shocking laser show. Move fast, or it’s barbecue time.
Hakutei (Tiger)Phase 1+2KillDPS, Off-TankByakko’s buddy tiger is here. Off-tank, grab it, DPS, roast it.
Aramata PuddlesPhase 1Move awayMarked playersIf you’re marked, walk your puddles to the edge. Friends don’t let friends bleed AoE on each other!
Distant ClapPhase 1DodgeEveryoneStay close or far, but not in the danger zone—a doughnut AoE snack for no one!
Roar of ThunderPhase 1+2Kill AddsEveryoneIf the White Tiger add isn’t low, the roar will hurt—badly. Get those DPS checks in!
Aramata OrbsPhase 1+2Pop OrbsDPS, HealersThese orbs heal the boss. Pop ’em like bubble wrap before they reach him!
Hundredfold HavocPhase 2DodgeEveryoneWatch the arrows and dodge those lightning shots. Remember: arrows = ouch.
Sweep of the LegPhase 2Move behindEveryoneByakko goes full ninja-kick with zero warning. Best dodge or get booted!
Gale Force PuddlesPhase 2Spread outMarked playersPlace your puddles far from others. “My puddle, your puddle” is the motto here.
Free-Fall OrbsFree-FallDodgeEveryoneYou’re falling and dodging—don’t hit these, or you’ll have a rough landing!

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Final Fantasy XIV The Jade Stoa Unreal Trial | Loot table

The Jade Stoa Tank Mechanics Guide

Beating Byakko isn’t just about surviving the White Tiger’s wild moves—there’s treasure at the end! You’ll walk out of The Jade Stoa Unreal with gear that hits around item level 690+, and it’s enough to make anyone purr. Plus, each kill earns you a shiny Byakko Totem, so keep stacking those for extra goodies. Whether you’re after gear, collectibles, or Byakko’s own soundtrack (he’s got good taste!), this loot will make your efforts worthwhile.

Item NameTypeItem LevelNotes
Byakko TotemCurrencyGet 1 per kill—collect 10 for a weapon, or 99 for Auspicious Kamuy Fife!
Byakko Weapon CofferWeapon Chest690+Opens into a weapon for your class.
Byakko’s Paladin ArmsPaladin’s Arm690+Sword and shield for those who like to tank and look heroic.
Byakko’s GreataxeMarauder’s Arm690+Because nothing says “power” like a big axe.
Byakko’s GreatswordDark Knight’s Arm690+Sharp, dark, and perfect for a brooding hero.
Byakko’s LanceLancer’s Arm690+For poking Byakko’s enemies with style.
Byakko’s FistsPugilist’s Arm690+Unleash a flurry of punches, Byakko-style!
Byakko’s KatanaSamurai’s Arm690+Bring out your inner samurai with Byakko’s blade.
Byakko’s HandscythesRogue’s Arm690+Quick and deadly—perfect for any rogue.
Byakko’s LutebowArcher’s Arm690+Let your arrows sing Byakko’s tune.
Byakko’s RevolverMachinist’s Arm690+Stylish firearm for sharp-shooting adventurers.
Byakko’s RodThaumaturge’s Arm690+Magic staff for those who like flashy fireballs.
Byakko’s GrimoireArcanist’s Grimoire690+Summon your own magical flair with this book.
Byakko’s EstocRed Mage’s Arm690+Elegant, powerful blade for any Red Mage.
Byakko’s CaneConjurer’s Arm690+Healers deserve stylish canes, too!
Byakko’s CodexScholar’s Arm690+Scholarly and perfect for healing your team after Byakko’s rage.
Byakko’s EphemerisAstrologian’s Arm690+For reading the stars while keeping your party alive.
Byakko CardTriple Triad CardCollect it for your card game adventures.
Auspicious Kamuy FifeMount SummonTrade 99 Byakko Totems for this mount if you’re feeling ambitious.
Faded Copy of The Jade StoaOrchestrion RollBring Byakko’s theme home and make your house sound epic.

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The Jade Stoa Tank Mechanics Guide

The Jade Stoa Unreal is a serious challenge for any team in FFXIV, but it’s packed with excitement. You face Byakko, a legendary White Tiger with a dark past and fierce attacks. This trial, with its tight teamwork and split-second moves, is a big test of skill. Between wild AoEs, flying orbs, and phase transitions, it’s never boring!

To win, you need a well-balanced team, fast reflexes, and careful coordination—especially during Byakko’s epic Free-Fall phase. The rewards make it all worth it, with unique weapons, Byakko Totems for bonus gear, and even a mount if you’re dedicated. Each run is a chance to prove your strength, teamwork, and agility, all while collecting impressive loot and achievements.

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What is The Jade Stoa Unreal Trial in FFXIV?

It’s a level 100 trial introduced in patch 7.1 as part of the The Crossroads expansion. This remastered battle against Byakko, a fierce White Tiger, challenges players with mechanics like State of Shock and Unrelenting Anguish.

What are the requirements to enter The Jade Stoa Unreal?

Players need to be level 100 with an item level of 690 or higher (synced to 695). The trial can be accessed through the Duty Finder or Raid Finder under the Trials category.

How is the trial structured?

The Jade Stoa Unreal has two main phases and a unique Free-Fall Transition. Each phase includes specific mechanics requiring coordination:

  • Phase 1: Key mechanics include Storm Pulse, Heavenly Strike, State of Shock, Unrelenting Anguish, Fire & Lightning.
  • Free-Fall Transition: Players dodge orbs and AoE attacks while descending.
  • Phase 2: Mechanics include Heavenly Strike, Hundredfold Havoc, Sweep of the Leg, Gale Force Puddles.

What is the recommended party composition?

A balanced group of 8 players — 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 4 DPS (including melee, ranged, and magic DPS) is ideal for managing Byakko’s intense mechanics.

What roles work best for each position?

Recommended jobs include:

  • Tanks: Warrior — Paladin.
  • Healers: White Mage — Scholar.
  • Melee DPS: Samurai — Dragoon.
  • Ranged DPS: Bard.
  • Magic DPS: Black Mage.

Are there any notable rewards?

Yes, players receive a Byakko Totem per kill, which can be exchanged for rewards like Byakko weapons or the Auspicious Kamuy Fife mount. Other rewards include Byakko weapons, a Triple Triad card, and a Faded Copy of The Jade Stoa Orchestrion Roll.

Are there achievements available in this trial?

Yes, two main achievements:

  • Rock Warrior (10 points): Defeat Byakko in The Jade Stoa Unreal.
  • Mightier than the White (5 points): Complete the trial with only Blue Mages while following specific restrictions.

Where is The Jade Stoa Unreal located?

It is in the Othard Region at coordinates X:15.0, Y:7.5.
