How to Unlock the Earthen Allied Race in The War Within

By: friolt
3 min read
Wow Earthen Allied Race Heritage Armor Set

The War Within expansion lets you play as a new group called the Earthen! Here’s a super simple guide to help you unlock them.

Steps to Unlock the Earthen

To unlock the Earthen race, follow these easy steps:

  • Finish the Main Story — Play through the main story in The War Within.
  • Complete Three Side Quests — You need to do these specific quests:
    • Hope, An Anomaly in Isle of Dorn
    • Mourning Rise in Isle of Dorn
    • Broken Tools in the Ringing Deeps
  • Get the Achievement — After you do all these quests, you’ll earn the Allied Races: Earthen achievement and get the Reins of the Slatestone Ramolith mount.

There might be an extra step to unlock the Earthen, but it’s not confirmed yet.

Starting Your Earthen Character

What Are The Side Quests For Unlocking Earthen In Wow?

When you create an Earthen character, they start at level 10. You’ll begin in a special area with a quest called The Awakening Machine. This quest helps you learn about the Earthen and gets you ready to explore the world.

After finishing the starting quests, your Earthen character will go to Stormwind or Orgrimmar to start the real adventure!

Bonus Armor Set

Wow The War Within Earthen Race Unlock Guide

If you level up to 50 without using any boosts, you’ll get the Heritage of the Earthen armor set. You can pick from different colors to make your Earthen look cool!

What to DoDetails
Main StoryFinish the main story in The War Within
Side Quests– Hope, An Anomaly (Isle of Dorn)
– Mourning Rise (Isle of Dorn)
– Broken Tools (Ringing Deeps)
AchievementGet Allied Races: Earthen and Reins of the Slatestone Ramolith
Starting LevelStart at level 10 with a special quest
Bonus ArmorEarn the Heritage of the Earthen armor set at level 50

Now you’re ready to unlock and play as the Earthen in The War Within!


Earthen Allied Race Quest Requirements Wow

Unlocking the Earthen allied race in The War Within is a fun and rewarding process. By completing the main story and a few important side quests, you’ll gain access to this new group of dwarven allies. Plus, you’ll earn cool rewards like a special mount and an achievement.

Starting your journey as an Earthen is exciting. You’ll begin at level 10 in a unique area with its own questline, which sets the stage for your adventures in the world of Warcraft. If you reach level 50 without using any boosts, you’ll also get a special armor set to make your character look even better.

With these simple steps, you’re all set to enjoy playing as an Earthen in The War Within. Have fun exploring and making the most of your new character!

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How do I unlock the Earthen Allied Race in The War Within?

To unlock the Earthen Allied Race, you need to complete the main story campaign in The War Within, along with three specific side quests: Hope, An Anomaly in Isle of Dorn, Mourning Rise in Isle of Dorn, and Broken Tools in the Ringing Deeps. After finishing these quests, you will earn the Allied Races: Earthen achievement and receive the Reins of the Slatestone Ramolith mount. There might be an additional step to unlock the race, but it’s not confirmed yet.

What level do Earthen characters start at?

Earthen characters start at level 10. They begin their journey in a unique starting zone with a special questline called The Awakening Machine. This quest helps you learn about your new Earthen character and prepares you for the adventures ahead.

Is there any special reward for leveling up an Earthen character?

Yes! If you level up your Earthen character to level 50 without using any character boosts, you will receive the Heritage of the Earthen armor set. This set comes in several colors, allowing you to customize your character’s appearance.

Where do Earthen characters go after completing the starting zone?

Once you complete the starting quests for your Earthen character, you will be sent to either Stormwind or Orgrimmar, depending on your faction. From there, you’ll continue your adventures in the world of Warcraft.

Do I need to complete the unlock requirements on a specific character?

No, you can complete the unlock requirements on any character in your account. Once the Earthen race is unlocked, you can create Earthen characters on any server and faction.
