Karazhan Crypts is a new dungeon in Phase 7 of Season of Discovery. But you can’t just walk in like it’s your backyard. Nope! You need to get attuned first.
Attunement means you have to do a series of quests to prove yourself worthy (or just jump through hoops Blizzard made for fun). This guide will tell you exactly what to do, step by step. Follow these steps, and soon you’ll be deep inside the crypts, ready to face whatever horrors await!
Step | What to Do | Where to Go |
1 | Click the Billboard | Light’s Hope Chapel |
2 | Talk to a Dead Guy | Deadwind Pass (39.0, 74.0) |
3 | Free Harrison Jones | Ogre Cave (59.2, 73.4) |
4 | Listen to a Spooky Story | Harrison Jones |
5 | Collect 3 Items | In different Locations |
6 | Burn a Mysterious Orb | Morgan’s Plot, Deadwind Pass |
7 | Enter the Crypts! | Karazhan Crypts |
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Step 1: Get the First Quest

To start the attunement, you must pick up the first quest. It’s waiting for you at Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands. No, you won’t get it from an NPC—there’s a billboard outside that gives the quest.
- Go to Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands.
- Click the billboard.
- You now have the quest: “For Gold and Glory!”
That’s it! The journey has begun.
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Step 2: Talk to a Dead Guy

Yes, your next objective is to chat with a corpse. Blizzard really loves spooky themes. There’s a dead adventurer lying around in Deadwind Pass, and he has some unfinished business.
- Go to Deadwind Pass at /way 39.0 74.0.
- Click the Deceased Adventurer.
- He gives you the quest: “No Ordinary Shadows.”
This ghost wants your help. Guess you’re a part-time detective now.
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Step 3: Find Some Survivors

Not everyone got turned into bones! Some people actually survived whatever horrible things happened. Now, you need to go find them and help out.
- Go to Aridin’s Camp in Deadwind Pass at /way 52.0 34.0.
- The NPC there sends you on the quest: “Seeking Survivors.”
Where are these survivors? In an ogre cave, of course! You have to head deeper into Deadwind Pass and find a guy named Harrison Jones, who’s been locked up in a cage.
- Go to the Ogre Cave in Deadwind Pass at /way 59.2 73.4.
- Find Harrison Jones in a cage at /way 65.0 78.0.
- Kill ogres to get a key.
- Use the key to free Harrison Jones.
- He gives you a new quest: “To the Rescue.”
If you’re standing near another player doing this quest, you’ll still get credit when they free Harrison. Teamwork makes things easier!
Step 4: Listen to a Story

Now that Harrison Jones is free, he wants to tell you a scary story about Karazhan Crypts. You don’t get to skip it—you have to listen.
- He tells you “Are You Afraid of the Dark?”
- Then, he gives you the next quest: “The Hypothesis.”
This next quest involves fetching three magical items. Time for an adventure!
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Step 5: Collect 3 Special Items

Alright, now you’re on a scavenger hunt. Harrison Jones needs three important objects for his research. These aren’t just lying around—you’ll need to fight monsters and explore dungeons to get them.
Item 1: Flame of Life
You need to kill Elite Dragonkin in Grim Batol to get this. These dragons aren’t friendly, so be ready to fight. Eventually, one of them will drop the Flame of Life.
Item 2: Ancient Ironwood Branch
This item has two possible locations. You can pick whichever one is easier for you:
- Kill the first boss in Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon (but you need attunement first).
- Or, go to Dire Maul West and kill Tendris Warpwood.
Either way, you’ll get the branch.
Item 3: Enthusiastic Wisp
For this one, no fighting is needed. You just need to find a wisp and interact with it.
- Go to Darkwhisper Gorge at /way 51.3 91.1.
- Click the Enthusiastic Wisp.
- Done!
Once you have all three items, it’s time to turn them in.
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Step 6: Test the Hypothesis

Now, it’s time for experiments. You’re given a torch and told to use it on a mysterious black orb in Morgan’s Plot. Sounds safe, right?
- Go to Morgan’s Plot in Deadwind Pass.
- Find the big black orb.
- Hold up the torch to it.
- The orb will disappear into the crypt.
At this point, your quest is complete! Time to return to the Agent and hand in “Testing Our Hypothesis.”

Congratulations! You’re officially attuned to Karazhan Crypts! You can now enter the dungeon and start your adventure.
But before you leave, don’t forget one last thing:
- Talk to Harrison Jones again.
- He gives you “Curious Karazhan Curios!“
- This is a bonus quest you can complete inside the crypts.
Now you’re fully ready to go. Time to enter the crypts, defeat spooky enemies, and grab some epic loot!
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Getting into Karazhan Crypts is not easy, but now you know everything to do. You finished all the steps. You talked to a dead guy, saved a trapped man, found magic items, and burned a strange black orb. Now, you are ready for the dungeon!
Before you go inside, talk to Harrison Jones one last time. He gives you one more quest. It is easy, and you can finish it inside the dungeon. More quests mean more rewards, so don’t forget!
Now, it’s time! Go inside Karazhan Crypts
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What is Karazhan Crypts?
Karazhan Crypts is a new dungeon in Season of Discovery Phase 7. You can’t go in right away. You must do some quests first to get attuned.
How do I start the attunement?
Go to Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands. Outside, you will see a billboard. Click it, and you will get the first quest.
What is the hardest part of the attunement?
The hardest part is finding the three special items. You must fight strong monsters and go inside dungeons to collect them. It can take some time.
Can I do this attunement alone?
Some parts, yes. But for the dungeons and the Elite monsters, you should bring a group. It will be much faster and easier.
What happens if someone else frees Harrison Jones first?
You still get credit as long as you are close by. You don’t have to be the one to open the cage.
Where do I get the Ancient Ironwood Branch?
You can get it in two places. The first boss in Demon Fall Canyon Dungeon drops it, or you can get it from Tendris Warpwood in Dire Maul West.
What do I do with the torch at the end?
Take the torch to Morgan’s Plot in Deadwind Pass. Hold it up to the big black orb. The orb will disappear into the crypt. Then, you are done with the attunement.
Am I attuned after I burn the orb?
Yes! After you return and turn in the quest, you are fully attuned. You can now enter Karazhan Crypts.
Is there anything I should do before I go inside?
Yes! Talk to Harrison Jones again. He gives you a bonus quest that you can finish inside the dungeon. More rewards are always good!
Can I do the attunement on multiple characters?
Yes! If you want to run Karazhan Crypts on different characters, you must attune each one separately.
What if I get stuck or forget a step?
Just check this guide again. Follow the steps, and you’ll be attuned in no time!