Wow Classic Era anniversary Tailoring guide — how to get 300 skill Tailoring

WoW Classic Era
By: friolt
4 min read
Quickest Way To Level Tailoring In Wow Anniversary 20

Ready to learn WoW Classic Era Tailoring for Wow Anniversary 20? This guide will help you stitch your way to 300 skill without losing your mind. Here’s what’s inside:

  • What tailoring is and why it’s awesome in Wow Classic Era.
  • All the cloth and materials you need to gather.
  • Where to find trainers (yes, we’ll remind you).
  • Step-by-step recipes to level up fast.
  • How to pair tailoring with enchanting for extra gold.
  • The gear and items you can craft to make gold or look cool.
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Wow Classic Era anniversary Tailoring | Overview

What Materials Do I Need For Tailoring In Wow Classic Era

Wow Classic Era Anniversary Tailoring guide is the place where you’ll turn stacks of cloth into snazzy gear while questioning every life choice along the way. Tailoring is perfect for making armor, bags, and crafting materials without needing a gathering profession. Combine it with Enchanting for double the grind, but hey, at least you’ll look good doing it. Whether you’re crafting stylish shirts or Runecloth Bags, this Wow Anniversary 20 profession is your ticket to gold and glory—or misery, depending on your patience.

Best PairingEnchanting for crafting synergy or any gathering profession for extra gold.
Key BenefitsCraft armor, bags, and enchanting mats like bolts and shirts.
Materials NeededLinen, Wool, Silk, Mageweave, Runecloth, and Rugged Leather.
Leveling StagesApprentice (1-75), Journeyman (75-125), Expert (125-220), Artisan (220-300).
TrainersFound in major cities; just ask guards for directions.
Pro TipStockpile cloth from dungeons or mobs, and save gold for higher-level recipes.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Tailoring | Materials required

Best Tailoring Trainers In Wow Classic Era Anniversary Locations

In Wow Classic Anniversary 20, Tailoring is easy to start—all you need is cloth from mobs and dungeons. No gathering skill required! Use Linen, Wool, Silk, Mageweave, Runecloth, and Rugged Leather to craft gear from Apprentice to Artisan. Grab materials, follow recipes, and level up fast. Tailoring in Wow Classic Era keeps you busy and your bags full!

Linen Cloth204Low-level recipes like Bolt of Linen Cloth.
Wool Cloth135Used for Bolt of Woolen Cloth and more.
Silk Cloth804Essential for mid-level crafts like Azure Silk Hood.
Mageweave Cloth470Used in higher-level recipes like Crimson Silk Vest.
Runecloth1195Endgame recipes like Runecloth Bag.
Rugged Leather110Combined with Runecloth for Runecloth Gloves.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Tailoring | Trainers Locations

How To Farm Mageweave And Runecloth For Tailoring In Wow Classic

Tailoring trainers are in all major cities. Horde and Alliance both have plenty of trainers to help you level up your skill from Apprentice to Artisan. Just ask a city guard if you’re lost—they’ll mark the trainer’s location on your map. Easy peasy for every tailor in Wow Classic Era!

FactionTrainer NameLocationSkill Levels
HordeVictor WardUndercityApprentice
HordeVhanThunder BluffApprentice
HordeBowen BrisboiseTirisfal GladesApprentice
HordeRhiannon DavisUndercityJourneyman
HordeTepaThunder BluffJourneyman
HordeJosef GregorianUndercityExpert
HordeDaryl StackHillsbrad FoothillsArtisan
AllianceUthrar ThrexIronforgeApprentice
AllianceLawrence SchneiderStormwind CityApprentice
AllianceJormund StonebrowIronforgeJourneyman
AllianceSellandusStormwind CityJourneyman
AllianceGeorgio BoleroStormwind CityExpert
AllianceTimothy WorthingtonDustwallow MarshArtisan

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How to leveling Tailoring + recipes

Leveling Tailoring in Wow Classic Anniversary 20 is all about crafting specific items at each skill level. Use cloth like Linen, Wool, Silk, Mageweave, and Runecloth, plus threads and dyes. Just follow the recipes, gather your materials, and you’ll hit 300 skill in Wow Classic Era—with some patience

Skill RangeRecipeMaterials Needed
1-45Bolt of Linen Cloth204x Linen Cloth
40-70Linen Belt40x Bolt of Linen Cloth, 40x Coarse Thread
70-75Reinforced Linen Cape10x Bolt of Linen Cloth, 15x Coarse Thread
75-100Bolt of Woolen Cloth135x Wool Cloth
100-110Simple Kilt52x Bolt of Linen Cloth, 13x Fine Thread
125-145Bolt of Silk Cloth804x Silk Cloth
185-205Crimson Silk Vest80x Bolt of Silk Cloth, 40x Fine Thread, 40x Red Dye
220-230Black Mageweave Gloves20x Bolt of Mageweave, 20x Heavy Silken Thread
260-280Runecloth Belt75x Bolt of Runecloth, 25x Rune Thread
290-300Runecloth Gloves72x Bolt of Runecloth, 72x Rugged Leather, 18x Rune Thread

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Top Tailoring Gold-Making Tips For Wow Classic Era Anniversary

Congrats, tailor extraordinaire! You’ve stitched your way through Wow Classic Era Tailoring for Wow Anniversary 20. From humble Linen Belts to glorious Runecloth Bags, you’ve turned piles of cloth into gold, gear, and a few moments of pride. Sure, it wasn’t always glamorous—sorting bolts and running after mobs for cloth gets old fast—but you did it.

Now you’re ready to outfit yourself, make cash on the Auction House, or just show off your crafting skills. Whether it’s for the fashion, the bags, or the enchanting materials, Tailoring is your ticket to Wow Classic Era glory—or at least, a solid side hustle.

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What makes Tailoring worth it in Wow Classic Era Anniversary?

Tailoring is great if you want to craft gear, bags, and enchanting materials. Plus, no gathering skill needed—just loot cloth from mobs and dungeons. Perfect for lazy grinders or gold-makers!

Do I need a second profession with Tailoring?

Not really, but Enchanting pairs perfectly. Craft cloth items, disenchant them, and level both professions. Or pick a gathering profession for extra cash.

Where do I find Tailoring trainers in Wow Classic Era?

Trainers are in major cities for both Horde and Alliance. Lost? Ask a guard—they’ll mark the trainer’s location on your map. Easy!

What materials do I need for leveling Tailoring?

Tons of Linen, Wool, Silk, Mageweave, Runecloth, and some Rugged Leather. Start hoarding cloth from mobs and dungeons early!

How hard is it to get to 300 Tailoring skill?

It’s a grind. Follow recipes, farm materials, and be patient. The toughest part is farming cloth in higher levels, but the payoff—like Runecloth Bags—is worth it.

Can I make gold with Tailoring?

Absolutely! Bags, enchanting mats, and crafted gear all sell well. Runecloth Bags are a hot commodity in the Auction House.

Is Tailoring better for PvE or PvP?

It’s mostly PvE-focused, with gear and utility items like bags. PvP players may find limited use unless crafting for gold.

Should I specialize in any particular recipes?

Focus on popular items like Runecloth Bags, Azure Silk Hoods, and Crimson Silk Vests. They’re always in demand and fetch a good price.
