TWW Pre-Patch Alts Leveling Guide & What to do – The War Within 11.0 Pre-Patch

By: friolt
9 min read
Tww Speed Leveling

Sounds like the perfect time to dive into the WoW — The War Within pre-patch leveling guide, right? I think so! Here, I’ll guide you through everything you need to know to level up fast and get ready for the big expansion.

You’ll learn:

  • How to make the most of the Radiant Echoes event for fast leveling.
  • The best zones and dungeons to speed up your journey from 60 to 70.
  • Tips for using the Mailbox Loot Trick for a huge XP boost.
  • How to gather and use Residual Memories to get cool new gear.
  • The ultimate way to create the powerful Band of Radiant Echoes ring.
  • Why Heirloom gear is essential and how to get the best pieces.
  • The fastest leveling routes and strategies for your alts.
  • All about the weekly quests that give massive XP boosts.

So, are you ready to level up those alts and prepare for the TWW expansion? If yes, you’re in the right place. Let’s get started with this fun and easy-to-follow leveling guide!


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Wow TWW pre patch Leveling with Radiant Echoes

Best Expansion To Level In Tww

The Radiant Echoes event is here to help you level up fast in WoW: The War Within (TWW). It’s super fun and the best way to level from 60 to 70 quickly. Let’s get started with this easy-to-follow guide!

Event BeginsNJuly 30thEU: July 31st
Event EndsNAugust 26thEU: August 27th

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During the event, Azeroth’s past invades the world, creating new invasion points in Dustwallow Marsh, Searing Gorge, and Dragonblight.

Access Points

Fastest Way To Level In Wow
  • Use the portal in Stormwind or Orgrimmar to reach the Legion version of Dalaran.
  • Use your Dalaran Hearthstone if you have it.

Phase One: ConEd Memories

  1. Fight a big blob that spawns smaller enemies until you defeat it.
  2. Gain lots of experience and event currency.

Phase Two: Scattered Memories

  1. Complete zone-specific activities that are nods to iconic WoW moments.
  2. Earn significant experience and Residual Memories.

Phase Three: Remembered Boss

  1. Battle legendary bosses like Onyxia, Ragnaros, or the Lich King.
  2. Get a huge experience boost and more Residual Memories for defeating them.

Collect Residual Memories

Tww Leveling Guide 60-70
  • Residual Memories are the main currency for the event.
  • Participate in all invasion phases to earn as many as possible.
  • Use Residual Memories to buy new gear and collectibles from event vendors.

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Weekly Quests

  • Each invasion zone has NPCs offering weekly quests.
  • These quests give a large experience boost and lots of Residual Memories.
  • Complete these quests on all your leveling characters to maximize your gains.

By following this simple WoW TWW leveling guide, you’ll find the fastest way to level up during the Radiant Echoes event.

Wow: TWW pre-patch Mailbox Loot Trick

Wow Tww Leveling Guide

If you want the fastest way to level in WoW: The War Within (TWW) pre-patch, the Mailbox Loot Trick is the best method. Here’s a simple guide to help you level up quickly.

  1. Start with DungeonsBegin running dungeons when your character is level 10. Do not loot the bosses. This saves the bonus experience for later.
  2. Level Up to 38 Continue running dungeons and avoid looting bosses until you reach level 38. This way, you gather a lot of bonus experience.
  3. Loot the Mailbox At level 38, go to your mailbox and loot all the saved bonus experience from the dungeon bosses. This will give you a huge level boost, making it one of the fastest ways to level in WoW TWW.

Wow: TWW Heilroom gear bonus + new ring

Wow Leveling Guide 60-70 Tww

Heirloom gear is essential for fast leveling in WoW TWW. It provides significant experience bonuses and scales with your character, ensuring you have the best stats as you level up.

There’s a cool new ring coming in WoW: The War Within. It’s called the Band of Radiant Echoes and it’s super powerful. Here’s a simple guide to help you understand what it is, how to get it, and what makes it special!

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What is the Band of Radiant Echoes?

Wow Tww Fastest Leveling

The Band of Radiant Echoes is a new heirloom ring you can get during the pre-expansion event called Radiant Echoes or from a new World Event in Khaz Algar. It’s similar to the Unstable Elemental Confluence from Dragonflight.


ItemBand of Radiant Echoes
Item Level227
Binds toWarband
Required Level1 to 49

Set Bonuses

If you have more heirloom pieces, you get extra bonuses:

Number of PiecesBonus
2Rested experience consumed is reduced by 30%.
3Increases your out-of-combat regeneration in the outdoors, normal dungeons, and battlegrounds.
5Gaining a level triggers Burst of Knowledge, dealing 7128 Holy damage to nearby enemies and granting you 40% Primary Stat for 2 min. Defeating enemies extends this effect, up to an additional 2 min.
6Rested experience consumed is reduced by an additional 30%.

How to Get the Ring

  1. Collect Lifeless Stone Ring — This is the base item for the ring.
  2. Infuse Memories Spell — You need this spell to create the ring.
  3. Gather Three Reagents:
    • Essence of Northrend — Made from 20x Memory of Northrend.
    • Essence of Kalimdor — Made from 20x Memory of Kalimdor.
    • Essence of the Eastern Kingdoms — Made from 20x Memory of the Eastern Kingdoms.

These reagents are Warbound, meaning they can be used by any character on your account.

Steps to Create the Ring

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  1. Collect 20 Memories — Collect 20 of each lesser version (Memory of Northrend, Memory of Kalimdor, Memory of the Eastern Kingdoms).
  2. Combine Memories — Combine the 20 memories to create each Essence (Essence of Northrend, Essence of Kalimdor, Essence of the Eastern Kingdoms).
  3. Use Infuse Memories — Use the Lifeless Stone Ring and the three Essences to cast Infuse Memories and create the Band of Radiant Echoes.

Which Class You Must To Level In The TWW Pre-Patch — Evoker Leveling Guide

Wow Tww Fast Leveling

If you’ve been thinking about leveling your alts, now’s the perfect time to choose Evokers. In the pre-patch, Evokers start at level 50, but with the new TWW expansion, they’ll begin at level 10. This means you can get a head start and take full advantage of their unique abilities and powerful buffs right from the start. So, level up those Evokers now and be ready to dominate in TWW!

Which Of Time To Choose For Leveling?

If you’re looking for the fastest way to level your alts in WoW: The War Within (TWW), picking the right zones is key. Here’s a quick guide on the best zones to level up efficiently and why they’re awesome.

Chromie Time (Legion)1Fast quests, varied environments, and great storyline.
Warlords of Draenor2Bonus objectives and treasures give tons of XP.
Mists of Pandaria3Engaging quests and beautiful scenery make leveling enjoyable.
Cataclysm4Revamped zones with streamlined questlines.
Battle for Azeroth5Fun zones with unique mechanics and engaging storylines.

For the fastest leveling in TWW, start with Chromie Time in Legion for its efficient quests and great storyline. Warlords of Draenor is also excellent due to its bonus objectives and treasures that give massive XP boosts.

Leveling Zones Wow TWW Pre Patch

Tww Leveling Guide

Leveling in World of Warcraft: The War Within (TWW) pre patch expansion can be a breeze with the right strategies. For new players, start your journey in Exile’s Reach and progress through iconic zones like Redridge Mountains and Ohn’ahran Plains. For seasoned players, dungeons are your best bet for fast leveling. They provide quick XP, valuable loot, and opportunities for team play. Just ensure you use the Dungeon Finder system to expedite the process. Avoid outdated zones like Hillsbrad Foothills and prioritize current content for the fastest leveling experience.

Below is a summarized leveling route from 1 to 70:

Level RangeZone/ActivityNotes
1-10Exile’s ReachFollow starter quests to get a solid foundation.
10-30Classic ZonesFocus on your faction’s starting areas for smooth progression.
30-40Jade Forest (Pandaria)High rewards and efficient questing.
40-60Warlords of DraenorIntro quests provide significant XP boosts.
60-70DungeonsCombine with world quests if in queue; fastest way to level.

Remember, dungeons offer the most efficient leveling from 60 to 70, often reducing your leveling time to just 2-3 hours. Follow these routes and tips to make your leveling journey in TWW as smooth and fast as possible.

The Fastest Way To Powerleveling World Of Warcraft: The War Within

Leveling Guide Wow
  1. Create a Level 20 Twink — Start a trial account on the same Use this twink for boosting yourself in dungeons.
  2. Gear Up — Max out your stats with the best cloak and upgraded gear.
  3. Dungeon Runs — From level 10 to 38, run dungeons but avoid looting bonus XP from bosses.
  4. Loot at 38 — Once you hit level 38, loot all bonus XP from your mailbox to rocket to level 70.

Pro Tip: Dungeon Finder is your best friend. Focus on dungeons for fastest leveling.


Wow Fastest Way To Level 60-70

Leveling up in the WoW: The War Within pre-patch is super easy and fun with the Radiant Echoes event! You start by fighting big blobs, doing special zone activities, and battling famous bosses. This gives you lots of experience and special items called Residual Memories. Use these to buy cool new gear and collectibles.

The Radiant Echoes event runs from July 30th for NA and July 31st for EU, ending on August 26th for NA and August 27th for EU. During this time, Azeroth’s past invades, creating new invasion points in places like Dustwallow Marsh, Searing Gorge, and Dragonblight. Fight big blobs, complete zone activities, and battle legendary bosses like Onyxia and Ragnaros for big experience boosts and lots of Residual Memories.

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You can also use a Mailbox Loot Trick to level up fast. Start running dungeons when your character is level 10 but don’t loot the bosses. Continue running dungeons until you reach level 38. Then go to your mailbox and collect all the saved bonus experience for a huge level boost.

Heirloom gear is great because it makes leveling faster and gives your character better stats. The new Band of Radiant Echoes ring is super powerful and can be made by collecting special items and using a magic spell. Collect Lifeless Stone Ring, Infuse Memories Spell, and three special reagents to create this awesome ring. The ring gives extra bonuses when you have more heirloom pieces, making leveling even quicker.

For the quickest leveling, start in Chromie Time (Legion) for its great quests, then move to Warlords of Draenor for big XP boosts from bonus objectives. Avoid outdated zones and use dungeons for fast leveling from 60 to 70. Just follow these simple tips, and you’ll level up your characters quickly and easily in WoW: The War Within!

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What is the Radiant Echoes event in the TWW pre-patch?

The Radiant Echoes event in WoW: The War Within (TWW) pre-patch is designed to help players level up quickly from 60 to 70. It features fighting big blobs, doing special zone activities, and battling legendary bosses like Onyxia and Ragnaros.

When does the Radiant Echoes event take place in the TWW pre-patch?

The event runs from July 30th for NA and July 31st for EU, ending on August 26th for NA and August 27th for EU.

How do I get to the invasion points during the TWW pre-patch?

Use the portal in Stormwind or Orgrimmar to reach the Legion version of Dalaran, or use your Dalaran Hearthstone if you have it.

What are Residual Memories in the TWW pre-patch?

Residual Memories are special items you earn during the Radiant Echoes event in the TWW pre-patch. You can use them to buy new gear and collectibles from event vendors.

What is the Mailbox Loot Trick in the TWW pre-patch?

The Mailbox Loot Trick in the TWW pre-patch involves running dungeons without looting bosses from level 10 to 38. At level 38, you loot your mailbox for a huge level boost from all the saved bonus experience.

What is Heirloom gear, and why is it important in the TWW pre-patch?

Heirloom gear in the TWW pre-patch provides significant experience bonuses and scales with your character’s level, ensuring you have the best stats as you level up. It’s essential for fast leveling in WoW: The War Within.

How do I get the Band of Radiant Echoes ring in the TWW pre-patch?

Collect the Lifeless Stone Ring, Infuse Memories Spell, and three special reagents (Essence of Northrend, Essence of Kalimdor, Essence of the Eastern Kingdoms) to create the Band of Radiant Echoes ring in the TWW pre-patch.

Which zones are best for leveling quickly in the TWW pre-patch?

Start with Chromie Time (Legion) for its great quests, then move to Warlords of Draenor for big XP boosts from bonus objectives. Avoid outdated zones and use dungeons for fast leveling from 60 to 70 in the TWW pre-patch.

Are there any weekly quests during the Radiant Echoes event in the TWW pre-patch?

Yes, each invasion zone has NPCs offering weekly quests that give a large experience boost and lots of Residual Memories. Complete these quests on all your leveling characters to maximize your gains in the TWW pre-patch.

What class should I level during the TWW pre-patch?

Consider leveling Evokers. In the TWW pre-patch, they start at level 50, but in the new expansion, they’ll begin at level 10, giving you a head start.
