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Kurast, a city with a rich history tied to the Zakarum fate, is overrun by demons and in dire need of assistance from Diablo IV’s most powerful heroes. Vengeful spirits led by Alia won’t go down easy, so expect extreme resistance as you delve into the depths of Kurast.
Kurast Undercity is a new feature introduced to Diablo IV with the Vessel of Hatred expansion and is a multi-floor, time-attack dungeon with a system of Tributes and Bargains in place to keep you entertained when hordes of enemies become too stale. Kill Afflicted enemies to extend your timer, fend off swarms of Mephisto’s minions, defeat the Final Boss, and earn exclusive rewards together with EpicCarry’s Diablo IV Kurast Undercity Boost.
You can choose either Self-Play or
Piloted mode for this boost.
Estimated Start Time: 15 minutes;
Estimated Completion Time: up to 30 minutes per run.
Unlock Torment IV Difficulty – our booster will complete Tier 65 of the Pit and level up Glyphs for your convenience;
Add 1 billion Gold – a hefty bag of gold will be transferred to your character upon the service’s completion to safeguard your journey in Sanctuary;
Stream – you will get the link on the personal stream to control the Diablo 4 Kurast Undercity carry process.
A respective Torment difficulty unlocked.
Character level 60. Use our Diablo IV Power Leveling Boost if you don’t meet this criteria.
Vessel of Hatred Campaign completed. You can use Diablo 4 Vessel of Hatred Story Boost to complete it.
Powerful afflicted demons will challenge your hero in this intense game mode. Time limit, as well as great prizes locked behind particular requirements, make Kurast Undercity an engaging and difficult experience that will require your full attention if you truly want to obtain all the greater rewards and prepare your character for future runs in Nightmare Dungeons or the Citadel. Our reliable booster has your back, though, so you’ll have no issue with completing events and collecting attunement. Before we proceed, however, it’s advised to go through the walkthrough below to have a clear understanding of what’s ahead:
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Approx. response time 2 minutes
Interact with the Spirit Brazer located in the Upper City before venturing on into Kurast Undercity. Tributes can be found all over Sanctuary and are offered at the Brazer in exchange for Bargains – a modification to the possible reward received at the end of the dungeon. Bargains are a great feature that allows for targeting specific rewards and you definitely don’t want to miss on it!
Tribute can also augment your dungeon by making it either more difficult or easier by extending or shortening your Kurast Undercity time limit or allowing you to earn attunement faster.
Attunement is basically your combo meter and can greatly augment your Kurast Underciyy run. Kill hell spawns in fast succession and watch your loot quality become much higher than before. Attunement works great together with Tributes for targeting specific rewards and improving your general loot quality.
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