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Buy World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Classic Glory of the Thundering Raider boost and become the boss of Throne of Thunder raid bosses! There are 23 achievements to become yours! And the Armored Skyscreamer mount which is actually a freaking dinosaur with wings! You don’t ride that, you own the skies!
What about killing bosses on the Heroic difficulty part you may ask? Yeah, also included. We will stomp Lei Shen leaving him zero chances. With us, you can even stand on fire if you want! You will die of course, but we don’t judge. No more “well, at least we tried” raids. Epiccarry we’ll do all the work. You, us, an epic mount, and 23 achievements. Sound good?
You can choose either Self-Play or Piloted mode for this boost.
Estimated Start Time: 15-30 minutes;
Estimated Completion Time: depends on your current progress but usually no longer than 3 weeks.
Stream - watch your Classic Cataclysm boost live.
Add 50 000 Gold - get extra gold upon order completion;
Active World of Warcraft subscription.
Level 90 character. Use our Cataclysm leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.
So, you’ve decided it’s time to ride that Armored Skyscreamer mount? But running Throne of Thunder and trying to complete that meta-achievement is something that you would rather skip? This is exactly what we offer! Here is how our World of Warcraft Mists of Pandaria Classic Glory of the Thundering Raider Boosting service work, step by step:
And that’s it! You’ll have 24 new achievements, and a new mount. And hey, once it’s done, don’t forget to flaunt that mount in Orgrimmar or Stormwind!
Your Request is our quest! Text us via the chat window, and we will do our best to satisfy your needs.
Approx. response time 2 minutes
Glory of the Thundering Raider is a meta achievement that requires you to run Throne of Thunder raid and kill bosses there. Each boss has a specific achievement tied to it. Some of the achievements involve your entire raid team coordination testing. Check out the list of achievements you need to complete:
To make long story short: expect chaos, deaths, and a lot of “what just happened?” moments. If you want to skip all of that nonsense simply buy Glory of the Thundering Raider achievement boost in WoW Pandaria Classic from Epiccarry! Contact our manager and we will do the rest.
You need to complete the Glory of the Thundering Raider meta-achievement. That is a big list of very specific achievements tied to each boss in the Throne of Thunder raid.
Be ready for stuff like killing Megaera’s heads in a specific sequence, handling Jin’rokh without standing in too much bad stuff, and surviving Durumu’s maze without running off the edge. Keep an eye on Wowhead or some achievement guides for the exact details. As soon as you get the last achievement, the meta-achievement will pop — the Glory of the Thundering Raider.
If you’re having troubles there are Epiccarry Reins of the Armored Skyscreamer boosting services that’ll take you through the raid. Contact our manager today to enjoy your dino-bird tommorow!
der is on the Isle of Thunder. To get there, you need to head to the northwest corner of Pandaria, where you’ll find the island. Fly to the Shado-Pan Garrison in the Townlong Steppes and look for the questline that unlocks the island. If you haven’t unlocked it, prepare for some walking simulator content through the quest chain. Once you’re on the Isle of Thunder, The raid portal is on the eastern side of the island.
If you can’t find it? Remember, WoW has this ancient artifact called a map. Or just /1 chat and ask the locals. Someone will probably roast you, but at least you’ll get directions. Maybe. Or they’ll tell you it’s in Goldshire just to mess with you. Be ready for anything. Anyway, have fun storming the castle!
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