Diablo 4 Season 7 Release Date & Overview

Diablo IV
By: friolt
9 min read
Diablo 4 Season 7 Vs Season Of Hatred Rising

So, it’s finally here! Blizzard has released Diablo 4 Season 7: Season of Witchcraft, bringing tons of new content and action for all brave adventurers. What does this mean for us, the daring heroes of Sanctuary? Tons of new powers! Tons of enemies! Tons of epic loot! And so much more.

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But today, in our Diablo 4 Season 7 Guide, we’ll tell for you:

  • The new Witch Powers and how they work
  • The return of the Borrowed Power system
  • The Occult Gems and how they boost your power
  • The thrilling Headhunts events
  • The dangerous Roothold Dungeons and rewards
  • The improved Armory System for easy build swapping
  • The Battle Pass and seasonal rewards
  • And much more!

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Diablo 4 Season 7 Release Date

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Diablo 4 Season 7, called Season of Witchcraft, starts on January 21, 2025. It begins right after Season of Hatred Rising ends. This new season brings Witch Powers, new zone events, and the borrowed power system. Players will get new content, better quality of life improvements, and the Battle Pass. If you want to play, you must make a new character to join Season 7. The original Diablo will also come to Xbox Game Pass just before Season 7 releases.

Time ZoneRelease Date and Time
GMT (UTC +0)January 21, 2025, 12:00 AM GMT
PST (UTC -8)January 20, 2025, 4:00 PM PST
EST (UTC -5)January 20, 2025, 7:00 PM EST
CET (UTC +1)January 21, 2025, 1:00 AM CET
IST (UTC +5:30)January 21, 2025, 5:30 AM IST
JST (UTC +9)January 21, 2025, 9:00 AM JST
AEDT (UTC +11)January 21, 2025, 11:00 AM AEDT

Diablo 4 Season 7 Overview

Diablo 4 Season 7 Spiritborn Changes

Diablo 4 Season 7 is called Season of Witchcraft. It starts on January 21, 2025. This upcoming season adds new powers, witchcraft powers, and zone events. You can play new endgame activities, explore new dungeons, and earn rewards like legendary aspects and Occult Gems. The Whispers System and Eternal Realm will get updates. A Battle Pass will give extra rewards. You need a new character to join Season 7. Expect more character builds, better gameplay loop, and quality improvements.

Season NameSeason of Witchcraft
Release DateJanuary 21, 2025
New PowersWitch Powers, Occult Gems
Seasonal MechanicsWitch Powers, Headhunts, Rootholds
Endgame ContentNew dungeons, zone events, Coven rep
Battle PassNew rewards and seasonal blessings
Legendary AspectsNew legendary gear and uniques
Quality of LifeArmory system for easy build swaps
Character RequirementNew character needed for Season 7

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Diablo 4 Season 7 | Borrowed power

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In Diablo 4 Season 7: Season of Witchcraft, the borrowed power system returns with Witch Powers. These powers give extra strength to your character during the season. Witch Powers are special abilities you can unlock and use but will not stay after the season ends. They are found at Altars of the Coven. Players can also use Occult Gems to make Witch Powers stronger. This system helps create new builds and improves the gameplay loop with fresh abilities to try.

Borrowed Power TypeWitch Powers
Where to GetAltars of the Coven
Number of Witch Powers24 total (7 Eldritch, 6 Psyche, etc.)
Power BoostOccult Gems
Quality TypesNormal and Unique
End of Season EffectRemoved after Season 7 ends
Gameplay ImpactStronger abilities for the season

Diablo 4 Season 7 | Two power systems

Diablo 4 Season 7 Ptr Details And Feedback

Diablo 4 Season 7: Season of Witchcraft has two power systems — Witch Powers and Occult Gems. Witch Powers are special borrowed powers you unlock at Altars of the Coven. They give extra abilities and boost damage during the season. Occult Gems are special items you can find and upgrade to make Witch Powers stronger. Both systems work together to give new builds, more power, and fun gameplay for the season.

Power SystemDescriptionHow to GetBoosts Power?
Witch PowersBorrowed abilities for the seasonAltars of the CovenYes, with Occult Gems
Occult GemsSpecial gems that boost Witch PowersEarned in events like HeadhuntsYes, upgrades available
ConnectionOccult Gems boost Witch Powers’ effectsCombined in buildsYes, they work together

Diablo 4 Season 7 | Powers of Witchcraft

Diablo 4 Season 7 Release Date &Amp; Overview

Powers of Witchcraft are special seasonal powers in Diablo 4 Season 7. There are 24 powers divided into 4 groups: Eldritch, Growth & Decay, Psyche, and Lost Powers. Players can use 6 Witch Powers — 5 Normal Powers and 1 Unique Power. These powers give extra strength like damage boosts, healing, and defensive effects. You can unlock them at Altars of the Coven and upgrade them using Restless Rot. The Occult Gems can boost their effects.

Power TypeWitch Power NameEffect
Eldritch PowersDoom OrbDamages nearby enemies with fire.
Abyssal ResonanceShadow explosion triggered after spending resources.
Firebat ServantsFirebats deal fire damage every 2 seconds.
Hex of FlamesAdds extra fire damage on lucky hits.
Purging TouchDeals more damage to certain enemies.
Shaken SoulMakes enemies vulnerable.
Wave of WoeShadow wave damage with echoing effect.
Growth & DecayThe CyclePlants a damaging flower after using skills.
Aura of SiphoningPoison aura that damages and heals.
Decay AugmentationAdds damage over time based on class.
GrowIncreases size and damage of minions.
Hex of WhispersBouncing damage that affects multiple enemies.
Poison Frog ServantSummons a frog that explodes with poison damage.
Soul HarvestBoosts primary stat when using skills.
Psyche PowersVengeful SpiritSummons a spirit that absorbs damage.
Aura of LamentSlows enemies and restores resources.
Aura of MisfortuneInterrupts enemy attacks.
Hex of ShatteringReduces enemy damage with hex effect.
Life LinkLinks player damage with nearby enemies.
Twilight WardingProvides a barrier and reflects projectiles.
Lost PowersPiranhadoSummons a damaging whirlwind.
Aura of SpecializationExpands the size of aura effects.
Breath of the CovenBoosts attack speed with crowd control effects.
Hex SpecializationIncreases the power of hex effects.

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Diablo 4 Season 7 | Headhunts

Diablo 4 Season 7 Release Date &Amp; Overview

Headhunts are special events in Diablo 4 Season 7 where you fight new enemies called Headrotten. These events happen in random zones and give rewards like Restless Rot and Grim Favors. Restless Rot is used to craft Occult Gems. During a Headhunt, you can do tasks like killing bosses, slaying Headrotten, and helping NPC patrols. At the end, a rare Headless Husk may appear with a chance to drop a Fugitive Head, used for crafting powerful gems. These events help players earn Coven Reputation and endgame rewards. More information in recent patches late January in our guide, when the season 7 comes to us!

Event TypeZone Event
EnemiesHeadrotten, Headless Husk
Main RewardsRestless Rot, Grim Favors, Fugitive Heads
PurposeCraft Occult Gems and boost Coven Reputation
Tasks in EventKill bosses, patrol with NPCs, slay enemies
Special DropsFugitive Heads for powerful gem crafting
Main LocationRandom zones in Sanctuary
How to StartActivates randomly with Tree of Whispers from a first season in depth

Diablo 4 Season 7 | occult gems

Diablo 4 Season 7 Release Date &Amp; Overview

Occult Gems are special gems in Diablo 4 Season 7. These gems make your character stronger by giving armor, element resistance, and power boosts. Some gems help with Witch Powers, while others boost damage or defense. You can craft Occult Gems at the Tree of Whispers using Restless Rot, Fugitive Heads, and Gem Fragments collected from events like Headhunts and Rootholds. Magic, Rare, and Legendary Occult Gems exist, each offering greater rewards.

Occult Gem NameEffect
Elder SigilBoosts direct damage for skills on Hexed enemies.
Heart of AnimaMakes Psyche Witch Powers stronger.
Phantom StringIncreases Overpower damage against Hexed enemies.
Pointed FingerSummons deal more damage to Hexed Elites.
Toadling’s WishBoosts Growth & Decay Witch Powers.
Vulture TalonSpeeds up Damage Over Time effects when using Auras.
Wicked PactMakes Eldritch Witch Powers stronger.
CornucopiaBoosts Barrier, Fortify, and Thorns with Growth & Decay Powers.
Hungering VoidPulls enemies closer every 8 seconds while an Aura is active.
Killing WindIncreases Movement Speed and Critical Strike Chance.
Raging EnigmaBoosts damage of Unique Witchcraft Powers.
Spiral CoinIncreases Control Duration and Lucky Hit Chance.
Vile PhylacteryPrevents fatal damage once and gives a Barrier.
Dust StoneBoosts damage for each Aura or Hex on an enemy.
Friend of the BogBoosts Life, Primary Stats, and makes you Unhindered.
Mind WreathReduces cooldowns for Defensive Skills.
Moonlight WardGives Damage Reduction and Resistance.
Voice of the StarsBuffs Ultimate Skills with extra damage and tags.
Witching HourGives Eldritch Power boost every 5 seconds.
  1. Magic Gems — Need 1 Fugitive Head, 1,000 Restless Rot, 50,000 Gem Fragments.
  2. Rare Gems — Need 2 Magic Gems and 75,000 Skull Fragments.
  3. Legendary Gems — Need 2 Magic Gems, 1 Rare Gem, 100,000 Diamond Fragments.

Diablo 4 Season 7 | The armory

Diablo 4 Season 7 Release Date &Amp; Overview

The Armory is a new feature in Diablo 4 Season 7 that lets you save and switch between different builds. You can create 5 loadouts, each saving your gear, skills, Paragon boards, and glyphs. Changing builds is free and can be done in towns like Kyovashad and areas like the Tree of Whispers. This system makes it faster and easier to test new character builds and try different strategies for events like Headhunts, Rootholds, and endgame content.

What It DoesSaves and switches builds quickly.
Loadout Slots5 Loadouts available.
SavesGear, Skills, Paragon boards, Glyphs.
Cost to SwapFree (no Gold needed).
Access LocationsKyovashad, Tree of Whispers, Dark Citadel.
UsefulnessGreat for trying new builds and endgame content.
Tied toCoven Reputation, Battle Pass Rewards.

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Diablo 4 Season 7 new dungeon Rootholds

Diablo 4 Season 7 Release Date &Amp; Overview

Rootholds are new dungeons in Diablo 4 Season 7. They are short seasonal dungeons filled with dangerous enemies and puzzles. You start a Roothold by using a Whispering Wood, like a Nightmare Dungeon Sigil. Inside, you will find Exposed Roots, which drop rewards after being defeated. Players can choose between Rites, Rituals, and Ceremonies, which make the dungeon harder but give better loot. Boss fights happen at the end, where you can face powerful Root-born monsters for legendary rewards.

Dungeon TypeShort seasonal dungeon
Entry RequirementWhispering Wood (like Nightmare Dungeon Sigils)
Main MechanicsExposed Roots, Rites, Rituals, Ceremonies
EnemiesRoot-born monsters, Headrotten
RewardsRestless Rot, Grim Favors, Occult Gems
Difficulty OptionsRites & Rituals increase challenge for better loot
Final BossRoot-based Elite Enemy
Loot FocusCrafting Materials, Legendary Aspects


Diablo 4 Season 7 Release Date &Amp; Overview

Season 7 of Diablo 4 is called “Season of Witchcraft” and starts on January 21, 2025. It adds new powers, events, and rewards. Players must make a new character to play. A Battle Pass will give extra prizes.

New Witch Powers and Occult Gems make your character stronger. Witch Powers give special abilities during the season but go away after it ends. Occult Gems help make these powers better. Players can get both by playing events and completing tasks.

Headhunts are new events where you fight special enemies for rare items. These items help you craft gems and get better rewards. New dungeons called Rootholds have puzzles and strong enemies, giving great loot.

The Armory lets players save different builds to switch gear and skills easily. This helps test new strategies faster.

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When does Diablo 4 Season 7 start?

January 21, 2025.

What is Season 7 called?

Season of Witchcraft.

Do I need a new character for Season 7?

Yes, you must make a new character.

What are Witch Powers?

Witch Powers are special abilities you can use during the season.

Do Witch Powers stay forever?

No, they go away after the season ends.

What are Occult Gems?

Occult Gems make Witch Powers stronger.

How do I get Witch Powers?

Unlock them at Altars of the Coven.

How do I get Occult Gems?

Collect them from events like Headhunts and Rootholds.

What are Headhunts?

Special events where you fight new enemies for rewards.

What are Rootholds?

New dungeons with puzzles, strong enemies, and loot.

Is there a Battle Pass in Season 7?

Yes, it gives extra rewards.

What rewards can I get in Season 7?

Legendary gear, Occult Gems, and Witch Powers.

What is the Armory?

A feature to save and switch your builds quickly.

How many builds can I save in the Armory?

You can save 5 builds.
