Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid Guide – Loot and Boss Tactics

By: friolt
21 min read
Wow Mop Remix Raid Guide

The Heart of Fear is a truly terrifying place that can horrify anyone who enters it. The most eccentric and provocative raid in the World of Warcraft MoP Realms is back with World of Warcraft: Pandaria Remix. But what exactly can you expect to find new in our Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear raid guide:

  1. What’s new in the Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid?
  2. How to farm bronze by killing Heart of Fear raid trash?
  3. Where is the entrance to the Heart of Fear raid located?
  4. What are the trash mob abilities in the Heart of Fear Pandaria Remix?
  5. Which bosses should be the focus of groups?
  6. How to use your Cloak of the Infinite to kill all mobs, bosses, and others.
  7. List of achievements.
  8. Raid composition for all types of raids.
  9. Loot table.

And a piece of the plot, all exactly for your progress in the remixed and reshuffled area of the Mists! So, assemble and beat the Fear in its own lair!

Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid | overview

Heart Of Fear Loot Table

In the Pandaria expansion, the Heart of Fear raid has been given a fresh spin for WoW Remix. You can jump into this nightmare at level 35 for normal difficulty and level 70 for heroic. This remix throws you into the creepy lair of the Mantid, with updated mechanics and loot tables. Perfect for timerunning characters wanting to fall back into the chaos of the Dread Wastes.

Heart of Fear Raid Overview

LocationDread Wastes
Advised Level35 for normal, 70 for heroic
Player Limit10/25
EntranceKlaxxi’vess, Dread Wastes
ExpansionRemix Mists of Pandaria
LootPrismatic gems, unique raid drops
ChallengesNew mechanics and raid strategies
ThemeCorruption of the Mantid and the fall of the Empress
AccessibilitySuitable for both new and retail characters
RewardsUnique achievements and treasure chests
SubscriptionRequires Warcraft subscription for access

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Get ready to tackle some serious Mantid madness and grab some epic loot along the way!

Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid | entrance

Wow Heart Of Fear Raid Loot

To get into the Heart of Fear raid, you’ll need to head to the Dread Wastes, specifically to Klaxxi’vess. The approximate coordinates are 39.0, 35.5. This place is crawling with Mantid, so be ready to use some crowd control abilities on your way in. Here’s a quick route for both Alliance and Horde players:

How to Get to Heart of Fear

AllianceFly to the Shrine of Seven Stars in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Head south through the Valley of the Four Winds, then enter the Dread Wastes. Make your way to Klaxxi’vess.
HordeFly to the Shrine of Two Moons in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. Head south through the Valley of the Four Winds, then enter the Dread Wastes. Make your way to Klaxxi’vess.

And remember, the best way to get in? Just use a summon stone from the Looking for Raid groups! Why trek all the way when you can get summoned right to the action and straight to that final boss for all the valuable loot?

Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid | raid composition 10/25 people

Heart Of Fear Raid Bosses

When tackling the Heart of Fear in WoW MoP remix raids, you need a solid group. For 10-man groups, you’ll need the right balance to handle the raid mechanics and snag that Heart of Fear raid loot. For 25-man groups, it’s a bigger party but the same rules apply—just more people to help (or mess things up). Here’s the breakdown:

Group SizeTotalTanksHealersDPSInformal Commentary
10-man1022-35-6Tight-knit squad, everyone’s vital.
25-man252-35-616-18Big team, more room for chaos!

And remember, the real trick isn’t just about the perfect raid composition—sometimes the best way to win is to have a summon stone from the Looking for Raid groups, skip the running around, and fall straight into the action. More time fighting, less time traveling!

Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid | Trash mobs + abilities

Heart Of Fear Loot Table Mop Remix

These Mantid minions are ready to mess up your day with their annoying abilities. But fear not, with a little strategy and a lot of crowd control, you’ll sweep them aside like the bugs they are.

Mob NameMain AbilityWhat to DoInformal Commentary
Kor’thik ExtremistFury of the MantidKillJust get rid of this angry bug fast.
Kor’thik SlicerBlade FlurryFocusWatch out for spinning blades of death.
Set’thik SwiftbladeSwift StrikeCCStop this guy before he cuts you to ribbons.
Sra’thik Shield MasterShield WallOtherIgnore until the shield drops, then squish.
Zar’thik SupplicantHealing PrayerFocusInterrupt and take him down ASAP.
Enslaved BonesmasherBone CrushKillBreak his bones before he breaks yours.
Set’thik FanaticFrenzyCCCalm him down with some crowd control.
Zar’thik ZealotZealous ChargeFocusStop his charge or face the pain.
Set’thik Gale-SlicerWind SlashCCCut him down to size before he cuts you.
Instructor MaltikInspiring PresenceFocusTake him out to demoralize the others.
Kor’thik SilentwingInspiring PresenceCCSilence the Silentwing before it strikes.
Instructor Tak’thokRallying CryFocusTake out the motivator to weaken the group.
Kor’thik SwarmerKillSquish the swarm before it multiplies.
Instructor ZarikRallying CryFocusInterrupt his magic and take him down.
Set’thik TempestTempest StrikeCCControl the storm before it controls you.
Set’thik ZephyrianZephyr GaleFocusBlow him away before he does the same to you.
Set’thik GustwingGusting WindsKillKnock him out before he blows you away.
Kor’thik Elite BlademasterDeadly SpinFocusStop the spin and win.
Sra’thik Amber-TrapperAmber TrapCCBreak free from the trap and crush him.
Zar’thik Battle-MenderBattle HealFocusInterrupt and bring him down quickly.
Sra’thik AmbercallerAmber BoltKillSmash him before he casts too many bolts.
Kor’thik FleshrenderFlesh RendCCStop him from rending your flesh.
Kor’thik SwarmguardGuard CallFocusTake him out before reinforcements arrive.
Living AmberAmber ExplosionKillExplode him before he explodes you.
Amber-Ridden MushanChargeCCControl the Mushan before it charges.
Amber SearstingSearing StingFocusSquash him before he stings you.
Sra’thik Pool-TenderPoison PoolKillDrain the pool by taking him out.
Coagulated AmberAmber BurstCCControl the burst and prevent the mess.
Kor’thik ReaverReaving StrikeFocusStop the reaver from reaving.
Set’thik WindbladeWind BladeCCControl the blade before it cuts you down.
Kor’thik WarsingerWar CryFocusSilence the singer to stop the war cries.
Zar’thik AugurerAuguryKillEnd his predictions by ending him.

So, there you have it, the ultimate Heart of Fear trash mob guide! Just remember, the best way to deal with these bugs is to stay sharp, keep your crowd control abilities ready, and don’t forget to laugh off the chaos. And hey, if all else fails, just summon your group with Looking for Raid and let the madness begin right at the door!

Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid | bosses

Wow Mop Remix Heart Of Fear Guide

First up is Imperial Vizier Zor’lok, singing deadly songs that’ll make your ears bleed. Then, there’s Blade Lord Ta’yak, a whirlwind of sharp pain. Garalon, the giant bug, just loves stomping on players. Wind Lord Mel’jarak brings a storm of trouble, while Amber-Shaper Un’sok will try to turn you into amber. Finally, there’s Grand Empress Shek’zeer, the corrupted queen who’s the ultimate showdown. Bring your A-game and plenty of bug spray!

  1. Imperial Vizier Zor’lok
  2. Blade Lord Ta’yak
  3. Garalon
  4. Wind Lord Mel’jarak
  5. Amber-Shaper Un’sok
  6. Grand Empress Shek’zeer

Imperial Vizier Zor’lok in the pandaria expansion

Mop Remix Heart Of Fear Loot Table

Welcome to your first big challenge in the Heart of Fear raid: Imperial Vizier Zor’lok! This guy loves to belt out his deadly tunes across multiple platforms, each with its own special set of abilities. As Zor’lok’s health drops, he’ll shift the party to different stages with a mix of his singing powers that could really ruin your raid’s day. Get ready to dance, dodge, and fall your way through this encounter.

DPS Tactics

  • Avoid Attenuation: Keep moving to dodge the sonic rings. They’ll mess you up if they hit.
  • Deal with Convert: Focus down any allies turned enemies quickly. You don’t want them on the wrong side for long.
  • Echo Management: Take out Zor’lok’s echoes as they appear; they’re as nasty as the boss himself.

Tank Tactics

  • Positioning: Keep Zor’lok away from the group to minimize the impact of his scream.
  • Echo Prioritization: Grab those echoes quickly. They pack a punch with their inherited abilities.
  • Stay in Melee: You gotta stick close to prevent Zor’lok from using his Song of the Empress.

Heal Tactics

  • Noise Cancelling Zones: Make use of these to reduce damage from Force and Verve.
  • Stay Mobile: Keep moving to dodge sonic rings and avoid Pheromones.
  • Manage Silences: Be aware of the Pheromones of Zeal area that silences players. Position wisely!

Quick Boss Tips Table

Boss MoveWipe PotentialKey RecommendationCommentary
AttenuationHighStay on the move and dodge the sonic rings.It’s like playing dodgeball with sound.
ConvertModerateQuickly free converted allies.Turned allies? Not on my watch!
Force and VerveHighUse Noise Cancelling zones to cut damage.Find the quiet spot—party there!
Echoes of PowerHighTarget and destroy echoes ASAP.Echoes are like mini-bosses. Smash ’em!
ExhaleDeadlyStay spaced out to reduce group damage.When he exhales, you don’t want to inhale.

Using this guide, you’ll be set to handle Imperial Vizier Zor’lok and make your way further into the Heart of Fear raid. Keep these pointers in mind, stay alert, and you’ll find success in this WoW MoP remix challenge!

Blade Lord Ta’yak in the pandaria remix heart of the fear raid guide

Wow Mop Remix Raid Guide Mop Remix Raid Heart Of Fear Raid Guide Heart Of Fear Raid Loot Heart Of Fear Loot Table

Blade Lord Ta’yak whips up a storm as the second boss in the Heart of Fear raid, keeping players on their toes with his mastery of wind and blade. This MoP remix boss slices through the air with Tempest Slash and hurls everyone into chaos with his devastating Blade Tempest. He’s all about movement and positioning—misstep in this dance, and you’ll be swept away by tornadoes or sliced up by unseen strikes.

DPS Tactics

  • Dodge Tempest Slash: Watch out for tornadoes; keep moving to avoid them.
  • Group for Unseen Strike: Stack up when he targets someone to split the massive damage.
  • Handle Wind Step: Spread out slightly to minimize the group getting hit by the bleed effect.

Tank Tactics

  • Manage Overwhelming Assault: Taunt swap frequently to manage the debuff and avoid stacking it too high.
  • Stay Alert: Be ready to pick Ta’yak up quickly after he performs Blade Tempest or when transitioning phases.

Heal Tactics

  • Big Heals for Unseen Strike: Be ready to top off the group quickly after they take the split damage.
  • Bleed Management: Keep an eye on players affected by Wind Step bleed, as it can stack up quickly.
  • Prepare for Phase Two: Ramp up healing when moving through the tornado corridor in Storm Unleashed due to increasing damage over time.

Quick Boss Tips Table

Boss MoveWipe PotentialKey RecommendationCommentary
Tempest SlashModerateKeep moving to avoid tornadoes.Those twisters are a real twist at your raid plans.
Unseen StrikeHighStack tightly to share the damage.Group hug, or he’ll wipe the floor with you!
Wind StepModerateSpread out to minimize bleed overlap.Don’t get too cozy, or you’ll bleed out together.
Overwhelming AssaultHighTanks should swap to manage debuff stacks.Playing tag with Ta’yak keeps you alive!
Blade TempestDeadlyAvoid getting close, pull him back quickly.When he spins, you run—simple!
Storm UnleashedDeadlyMove fast through tornadoes, don’t get caught.This storm’s more than just a breeze, keep moving!

Stay sharp, keep moving, and handle each phase carefully, and Blade Lord Ta’yak won’t stand a chance. Remember, positioning is key in this encounter—master that, and you’ll secure some sweet MoP remix loot from the Heart of Fear raid loot table!

Garalon boss encounter

Wow Heart Of Fear Raid Guide

Garalon is one massive bug waiting for you in the Heart of Fear raid, a pivotal boss that tests your team’s positioning and coordination. With his towering legs and deadly Pheromones, he can quickly turn the raid into a chaotic scramble. This MoP remix challenge requires precise movement and quick leg-smashing to keep his Fury and Crush under control. Get ready to run around a lot and remember, don’t stand under the big bug!

DPS Tactics

  • Target Legs: Focus on Garalon’s legs to exploit Weak Points for extra damage.
  • Avoid Pheromone Trail: Keep clear of the trails to avoid extra Nature damage.
  • Manage Pheromones: Pass the Pheromones efficiently to prevent excessive Pungency stacks.

Tank Tactics

  • Share Furious Swipe: Ensure at least two tanks are hit by Furious Swipe to prevent Garalon from gaining Fury.
  • Positioning: Keep Garalon moving but avoid dragging him over the raid or his own Pheromone Trail.
  • Handle Crush: Quickly move out from under Garalon to avoid devastating damage.

Heal Tactics

  • High Vigilance on Pheromone Holder: Heal through the increasing damage as Pungency stacks build.
  • Prepare for Crush: Be ready to quickly top off anyone hit by Garalon’s crush, especially if caught underneath.
  • Manage Raid Health: Continuous raid-wide damage from Pheromones requires sustained healing.

Quick Boss Tips Table

Boss MoveWipe PotentialKey RecommendationCommentary
Furious SwipeModerateAlways have two targets in the cone.Get cozy or get crushed—teamwork is key here!
PheromonesHighEfficiently pass to manage damage intake.Pass the bug stink like a hot potato!
CrushDeadlyStay out from under Garalon.If you see a shadow, move your tush!
Garalon’s LegsHighFocus DPS on legs to cripple his movement.Break a leg—literally, it helps a lot!
Pheromone TrailModerateAvoid stepping in the trail.Don’t walk the green mile!

Keep these tactics in mind, watch your positioning, and this giant bug won’t stand a chance against your raid team. Fall into this MoP remix for some intense raid action and a chance at the coveted loot!

Wind Lord Mel’jarak pandaria remix heart of fear raid guide

Mop Remix Raid Guide

Wind Lord Mel’jarak commands the skies and his swarm in the Heart of Fear raid, presenting a complex fight with a focus on crowd control and explosive tactics. As you square off against him and his trusted warriors, your raid must juggle dealing with his Wind Bombs, managing the swarm’s abilities, and surviving the deadly Rain of Blades. This encounter tests your team’s ability to coordinate under pressure, offering a thrilling challenge in the MoP remix of the Heart of Fear.

DPS Tactics

  • Target Prioritization: Focus on taking down one group of Mel’jarak’s swarm at a time to manage the battlefield.
  • Avoid Wind Bombs: Keep clear of Wind Bombs once they’re placed to avoid massive explosion damage.
  • Interrupt and Control: Use Impaling Spear to control swarm warriors and interrupt Zar’thik Battle-Menders.

Tank Tactics

  • Swarm Management: Keep the swarm groups controlled and separated to reduce the impact of their combined abilities.
  • Handle Recklessness: Be wary of Mel’jarak’s damage boost when a group falls; he hits much harder but also takes more damage.
  • Watchful Eye: Be mindful of the increased difficulty in controlling warriors as Mel’jarak’s watchfulness increases.

Heal Tactics

  • High Alert During Rain of Blades: Ramp up healing during Rain of Blades due to its significant raid-wide damage.
  • Manage Corrosive Resin: Heal those affected by Corrosive Resin and help manage their movement to avoid creating hazardous pools.
  • Freeing from Amber: Quickly assist in breaking out allies trapped in Amber Prisons to maintain control over the fight.

Quick Boss Tips Table

Boss MoveWipe PotentialKey RecommendationCommentary
Wind BombDeadlySteer clear of bombs post-placement.Treat those Wind Bombs like the plague!
Rain of BladesHighMaximize raid-wide healing and cooldowns.It’s literally raining pain, stay sharp!
RecklessnessModerateExploit his increased damage taken.When he’s reckless, hit him hard!
Amber PrisonHighQuick response to free trapped players.Got stuck? Break ’em out ASAP!
Watchful EyeHighAdapt CC strategies as his vigilance grows.He’s watching closely; keep your CC smart!

This fight offers not only a tough challenge but also the chance to grab some valuable MoP remix loot from the raid loot table.

Amber-Shaper Un’sok boss encounter

Wow Mop Remix Raid

Amber-Shaper Un’sok is not your typical mad scientist. Located in the Heart of Fear, he’s a crafty boss who’ll test your raid’s ability to manage chaos and control. Un’sok uses his mastery over amber to mutate players, spawn oozes, and unleash explosive energy, making the encounter a multi-stage puzzle of positioning and resource management. Handling his abilities effectively is crucial, especially when dealing with his monstrous creations in this MoP remix of the Heart of Fear.

DPS Tactics

  • Avoid Amber Scalpel: Dodge the beam to prevent creating more Molten Amber.
  • Kill Living Ambers: Focus these down but watch out for the Burst effect; don’t let them heal each other.
  • Manage Mutations: Help bring Mutated Constructs down to 20% health so your friends can break free.

Tank Tactics

  • Juggle Adds and Boss: Maintain aggro on Un’sok and any active Amber Monstrosities, balancing your attention between them.
  • Avoid Explosions: Keep clear of Amber Explosions by maintaining distance from the Monstrosity during key phases.
  • Control Positioning: Position bosses and adds to minimize raid damage and maximize DPS efficiency.

Heal Tactics

  • Triage Heals During Parasitic Growth: Heal affected players carefully; overhealing increases the damage they take.
  • Stay Alert for Phase Changes: Healing demands spike with each stage, especially when the Amber Monstrosity is active.
  • Manage Raid Damage: Be ready for sudden bursts of damage from Amber Explosions and Volatile Amber.
Boss MoveWipe PotentialKey RecommendationCommentary
Amber ScalpelModerateDodge the beam to avoid creating hazardous areas.Don’t get cut by that laser—keep those feet moving!
Parasitic GrowthHighManage heals to not exacerbate the damage.Heal smart, not hard. More isn’t always better.
Reshape LifeDeadlyQuickly reduce Mutated Constructs to free players.Turn your buddies back before it’s too late!
Amber ExplosionDeadlyInterrupt or stay away from blast zones.Big booms are bad news—keep them quiet or get clear!
Amber GlobuleHighAvoid contact and prevent globules from merging.Keep those globes apart or face the explosive consequences!

Tackle Amber-Shaper Un’sok with these strategies, and you’ll navigate this complex fight successfully. Mastering the mechanics of mutation and control is key to securing the coveted Heart of Fear loot in this WoW MoP remix raid.

Grand Empress Shek’zeer — final encounter in the pandaria remix

Mop Remix Loot Table

Grand Empress Shek’zeer, the climactic finale of the Heart of Fear raid, is waiting to test your mettle with her insidious powers of charm and corruption. In this MoP remix raid, she will challenge your raid’s ability to manage damage, control, and positioning all at once. As the embodiment of the Sha of Fear, her phases shift from debilitating your casters with Dissonance Fields to summoning her vicious royal guard, and finally, harnessing the full might of the Sha. Prepare for a fight that’s as much about psychological endurance as it is about tactical prowess.

DPS Tactics

  • Avoid Dissonance Fields: Keep magic casts out of these zones to prevent triggering Sonic Discharge.
  • Target Priority: Quickly bring down Set’thik Windblades and Kor’thik Reavers during Stage Two.
  • Beware of Charm: Watch the Eyes of the Empress stacks on tanks; switch targets if anyone is transformed.

Tank Tactics

  • Manage Eyes of the Empress: Swap before reaching max stacks to avoid becoming a Servant of the Empress.
  • Positioning: Keep Shek’zeer and her adds properly positioned to minimize the impact of area attacks and maximize DPS output.
  • Handle Adds: Efficiently manage the positioning and aggro of royal guards to reduce their Band of Valor buffs.

Heal Tactics

  • Cry of Terror Management: Isolate affected players to minimize raid-wide shadow damage.
  • Heavy Healing in Stage Three: Be ready for significant burst healing due to Calamity and Consuming Terror.
  • Dispel Quickly: Stay on top of dispelling fears from Consuming Terror to maintain control.
Boss MoveWipe PotentialKey RecommendationCommentary
Eyes of the EmpressHighSwap before max stacks to prevent charm.Don’t get caught in her gaze too long!
Dissonance FieldModerateAvoid casting inside to prevent Sonic Charge.Keep those spells out of the silence zone!
Cry of TerrorHighIsolate the afflicted player quickly.Screams so scary, you’ll wish you were deaf.
Consuming TerrorDeadlySpread out to avoid mass fearing.Stay spread or get feared into oblivolypse!
CalamityDeadlyHeal through the massive health percentage hit.When she hits half your health, it’s all hands on deck!

Facing Grand Empress Shek’zeer is no small feat. Utilize these strategies to dismantle her phased assaults and keep your raid from succumbing to the ultimate corruption. Victory against her not only marks the completion of the Heart of Fear but also grants access to some of the most coveted loot in the MoP remix raids.

Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid | Loot Table

Heart Of Fear Raid Mechanics
Boots of the Still BreathLeather Armor
Articulated LegplatesPlate Armor
Hisek’s Chrysanthemum CapeCloak
Vizier’s Ruby SignetRing
Gloves of Grasping ClawsCloth Armor
Attenuating BracersCloth Armor
Fragment of Fear Made FleshRing
Gauntlets of Undesired GiftsLeather Armor
Mail of Screaming SecretsMail Armor
Chestplate of the Forbidden TowerPlate Armor
Choker of the Unleashed StormAmulet
Bracers of Unseen StrikesLeather Armor
Waistplate of Overwhelming AssaultPlate Armor
Windblade TalonsPlate Armor
Ring of the Bladed TempestRing
Twisting Wind BracersCloth Armor
Boots of the Blowing WindCloth Armor
Tornado-Summoning CenserOff-hand Frill
Drape of Gathering CloudsCloak
Bracers of Tempestuous FuryMail Armor
Legbreaker GreatcloakCloak
Bonebreaker GauntletsLeather Armor
Grips of the LeviathanMail Armor
Garalon’s Hollow SkullPlate Armor
Necklace of Congealed WeaknessesAmulet
Ring of the Shattered ShellRing
Sandals of the UnbiddenCloth Armor
Xaril’s Hood of Intoxicating VaporsCloth Armor
Stormwake MistcloakCloak
Robes of Eighty LightsLeather Armor
Grasps of PanicPlate Armor
Painful Thorned RingRing
Robes of Torn NightmaresCloth Armor
Korven’s Amber-Sealed BeetleAmulet
Clutches of Dying HopeLeather Armor
Wingslasher PauldronsMail Armor
Impaling TreadsPlate Armor
Cloak of Raining BladesCloak
Belt of Malleable AmberCloth Armor
Seal of the ProfaneRing
Un’sok’s Amber ScalpelDagger
Treads of Deadly SecretionsLeather Armor
Monstrous StompersMail Armor
Shoulderpads of Misshapen LifePlate Armor
Scimitar of Seven StarsOne-Handed Sword
Claws of Shek’zeerFist Weapon
Leggings of Shadow InfestationCloth Armor
Kri’tak, Imperial Scepter of the SwarmOne-Handed Mace
Crown of the Doomed EmpressMail Armor
Zor’lok’s Fizzing ChestguardMail Armor
Chest of the Shadowy Vanquisher Death KnightDruidMageRogueArmor Token
Chest of the Shadowy Conqueror PaladinPriestWarlockArmor Token
Chest of the Shadowy Protector HunterMonkShamanWarriorArmor Token
Leggings of the Shadowy Vanquisher Death KnightDruidMageRogueArmor Token
Leggings of the Shadowy Conqueror PaladinPriestWarlockArmor Token
Leggings of the Shadowy Protector HunterMonkShamanWarriorArmor Token
Gauntlets of the Shadowy Vanquisher Death KnightDruidMageRogueArmor Token
Gauntlets of the Shadowy Conqueror PaladinPriestWarlockArmor Token
Gauntlets of the Shadowy Protector HunterMonkShamanWarriorArmor Token
Pheromone-Coated ChokerAmulet
Scent-Soaked SandalsCloth Armor
Warbelt of Sealed PodsPlate Armor
Sword Dancer’s LeggingsMail Armor
Pauldrons of the Broken BladePlate Armor
Hood of Stilled WindsLeather Armor
Garalon’s Graven CarapacePlate Armor
Shoulders of Foaming FluidsCloth Armor
Vestments of Steaming IchorMail Armor
Shadow Heart SpauldersLeather Armor
Hood of Dark DreamsMail Armor
Legplates of Regal ReinforcementPlate Armor
Kaz’tik’s Stormseizer GauntletsMail Armor
Shining Cicada BracersCloth Armor
Luminescent Firefly WristguardsMail Armor
Smooth Beetle WristbandsLeather Armor
Gleaming Moth CuffsCloth Armor
Pearlescent Butterfly WristbandsLeather Armor
Inlaid Cricket BracersPlate Armor
Jagged Hornet BracersMail Armor
Serrated Wasp BracersPlate Armor
Plated Locust BracersPlate Armor
Darting Damselfly CuffsCloth Armor
Tiny Amber WingsCompanion
Spawn of GaralonCompanion
Amber Goo PuddleCompanion
Essence of PrideCompanion
Kor’thik SwarmlingCompanion

Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid | Achievements

Wow Mop Remix Heart Of Fear Loot Table

Whether you’re a seasoned raider aiming for heroic deeds or just in it for some fun challenges, this table breaks down each achievement by its requirements and rewards. Get ready to light some braziers, keep your crew under a tight debuff, or simply smash some bugs without messing with their legs. Each achievement adds a little more bragging rights and some cool loot to your MoP remix raid experience.

Candle in the WindKeep all four braziers lit while defeating Blade Lord Ta’yak.
Heart of FearSmash all Heart of Fear bosses on Normal or higher.
Heart of Fear Guild RunGuild up and defeat all Heart of Fear bosses.
Heroic: Amber-Shaper Un’sokTake down Un’sok on Heroic—watch those oozes!
Heroic: Blade Lord Ta’yakSlice through Ta’yak on Heroic. No sweat, right?
Heroic: GaralonCrush Garalon on Heroic without squishing his legs.
Heroic: Grand Empress Shek’zeerConquer the Empress on Heroic. Show no mercy!
Heroic: Grand Empress Shek’zeer Guild RunGuild version: take down the Empress on Heroic.
Heroic: Heart of FearHeroically beat all Heart of Fear enemies.
Heroic: Imperial Vizier Zor’lokZor’lok goes down on Heroic. Tune out his tunes!
Heroic: Wind Lord Mel’jarakDefeat Mel’jarak on Heroic without a sweat.
I Heard You Like Amber…Overlap 8 amber pools and then defeat Un’sok. Sticky!
Less Than ThreeWin against Mel’jarak with minimal CC on his swarm.
Like an Arrow to the FaceDefeat Garalon without breaking any legs. Gentle!
Nightmare of Shek’zeerTake out the last three bosses in Heart of Fear. Spooky!
OverzealousEveryone’s got the Zealous Parasite? Now take down Zor’lok!
Raid Finder: Heart of FearCrush the Heart of Fear enemies on any difficulty.
The Dread ApproachConquer the first three bosses in Heart of Fear. Kick the door in!
Timing is EverythingSync your kill of two Kor’thik Reavers, then beat Shek’zeer.

Pandaria Remix Heart of Fear Raid | Plot

Heart Of Fear Mop Remix Loot

The Heart of Fear is the lair of the Mantid and their crazed leader, Grand Empress Shek’zeer. She’s been corrupted and is leading the Mantid swarm to wreak havoc across Pandaria. Your mission is to stop her and her top lieutenants, who are twisted by dark powers. The raid is part of the WoW MoP remix, adding a fresh twist to the epic battle. You’ll fight through waves of Mantid, tackle tough raid bosses, and grab awesome loot from the updated Heart of Fear loot table.


And there you have it—the complete lowdown on diving back into the creepy crawly chaos of the Heart of Fear in the Pandaria Remix! Whether you’re here to tackle heroic challenges, nab some unique achievements, or just revel in the revamped mechanics, this raid’s got a bit of everything to keep your adrenaline pumping. So, grab your raid team, brush up on those tactics, and jump into the fray. Remember, it’s not just about snagging that epic loot (though let’s be honest, that’s a pretty sweet part of it); it’s about conquering fears and having a blast with friends. Ready your weapons, plan your strategy, and let’s show the Mantid empire what we’re made of! Here’s to crushing bugs, beating bosses, and, of course, laughing in the face of danger. See you in the Dread Wastes!

Do graphomaniac work since 2014 year. Have passion to Wow, Wow Classic and other MMO- games
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What level do I need to be to participate in the Heart of Fear raid?

You can join the raid at level 35 for normal difficulty and level 70 for heroic difficulty.

Where is the entrance to the Heart of Fear raid located?

The entrance is located in the Dread Wastes, at Klaxxi’vess. The coordinates approximately are 39.0, 35.5.

What are the key mechanics new to the Pandaria Remix of the Heart of Fear?

The remix includes updated boss mechanics, new loot tables, and unique raid strategies that are tailored to challenge both new and veteran players.

How many players are required for the raid?

The raid can be tackled in two formats: a 10-man and a 25-man group. Choose based on your guild’s or group’s size and preference.

What rewards can I expect from the Heart of Fear raid?

Rewards include prismatic gems, unique raid drops, and a variety of achievements specific to the raid’s challenges.

Are there any specific classes or roles particularly beneficial for this raid?

While all classes and roles are necessary, the effectiveness of specific classes can depend on the boss and the specific mechanics of the fight. Versatility and adaptability are key.

How can I efficiently defeat the bosses in Heart of Fear?

Each boss requires a unique strategy, often involving positioning, managing debuffs, and timely coordination. Check detailed guides for each boss for tailored tactics.

Can I access this raid in Raid Finder?

Yes, portions of the raid are available through Raid Finder, allowing for more accessible play for those looking to experience the content at a more relaxed pace.
