WoW TWW BlackRock Depths Anniversary Guide

By: friolt
26 min read
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As we all know, the WoW 20th Anniversary brings a ton of exciting features, and the Blackrock Depths raid is one of them! This reworked raid for Patch 11.0.5 is full of Dark Iron Dwarves, tough bosses, and legendary loot. Instead of just a dungeon, it’s now a full raid experience, packed with 8 main bosses, new mini-bosses, and challenging fights.

In this guide, we’ll show you everything you need to know about the Blackrock Depths Anniversary raid. We’ll help you learn the best strategies for defeating the bosses, what gear to aim for, and how to navigate the massive areas like Grim Guzzler and Detention Block. Everything is explained in ultra-simple steps, so you can easily follow along and conquer the raid!

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Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Overview

Wow Blackrock Depths Raid Composition Guide

In the 20th Anniversary of World of Warcraft, Blackrock Depths returns as a reworked raid in Patch 11.0.5. This raid is known for its many Dark Iron Dwarves, tough bosses like Golem Lord Argelmach and Emperor Dagran Thaurissan, and important locations like the Grim Guzzler Tavern. You’ll explore huge areas such as the Upper City, fight Fire Elementals, and discover Dark Iron Ore.

Main Bosses8 bosses like Golem Lord Argelmach, Emperor Dagran Thaurissan.
Special LocationsUpper City, Grim Guzzler, Detention Block.
QuestsInvolves keys, boss kills, and storyline completion.
LootSpecial items like Dark Iron Ore, trinkets, and weapons.
Fire ElementalsDangerous enemies found near Molten Core areas.
Big RaidA huge dungeon with 2 parts, each with many bosses and mobs.
Horde & AllianceBoth factions can play together in this raid.

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Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Innovations

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In Patch 11.0.5, the Blackrock Depths dungeon is turning into a special raid to celebrate the 20th Anniversary of World of Warcraft. This raid brings back many exciting items, bosses, and challenges. Let’s look at the new things happening in this raid, in very simple words!

Main Bosses8 main bosses, including Lord Roccor, General Angerforge, and Emperor Dagran Thaurissan.
Mini-Bosses5 mini-bosses, like High Interrogator Gerstahn and Pyromancer Loregrain.
Dungeon LayoutIncludes areas like Grim Guzzler, Detention Block, and Shadowforge City.
Key ItemsSpecial gear like trinkets, a dagger, and armor pieces.
Dark Iron HighwayYou’ll fight many Dark Iron Dwarves on this road.
Fire ElementalsBosses like Lord Incendius use fire powers in their fights.
Final BossEmperor Dagran Thaurissan, the king of Dark Iron Dwarves.
Loot QualityItem levels from 584 in Raid Finder to 626 in Heroic mode.
Special LocationsBlack Forge, Ring of Law, Black Vault are key places in the raid.
Time-Warped Relic Coffer KeysKeys to help you get special loot if you’re unlucky with drops.
QuestsSpecial quests involving bosses, items, and the Dark Iron Clan.

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Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Raid composition

What Quests Are In Blackrock Depths Wow Anniversary

In Blackrock Depths, the raid for the 20th Anniversary of World of Warcraft, players need a good group to defeat the Blackrock Depths bosses. The raid can be done with 10, 15, or 25 players. Let’s look at how to build your raid group for each size.

Each group will need warrior tanks to hold the mobs and bosses, healers to keep everyone alive, and damage dealers to kill enemies. You’ll face tough fights like Emperor Thaurissan and Golem Lord Argelmach. Make sure you have enough healers and damage dealers to handle the challenges in places like the Black Anvil or Molten Core areas.

Raid SizeTanksHealersDamage Dealers
10 Players226
15 Players2-33-48-10
25 Players3-45-615-17

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Important Tips

  • Warrior Tank — You need strong tanks to handle tough bosses like General Angerforge and Lord Incendius. Tanks will need to lead the way through dangerous areas like the Ring of the Law.

Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Entrance

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For the 20th Anniversary event, the entrance to the special Blackrock Depths raid is in Caverns of Time in Tanaris. This is a new location compared to the original dungeon entrance inside Blackrock Mountain. Players must go to Caverns of Time to access the raid.

Approximate coordinates in Tanaris: 64.6, 50.0 (Caverns of Time entrance).

FactionRoute Description
Alliance– Start from Stormwind City. Take the portal to Uldum (or fly to Tanaris).
– From Uldum, fly or ride to Caverns of Time in Tanaris.
– Once inside the Caverns, find the instance portal for Blackrock Depths.
Horde– Start from Orgrimmar. Use the portal to Uldum.
– From Uldum, fly or ride to Caverns of Time in Tanaris.
– Enter the Caverns of Time and look for the Blackrock Depths instance portal inside.

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Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Bosses

Wow 20Th Anniversary Brd Quest Rewards

The Blackrock Depths raid is full of dangerous and unique bosses, each with their own abilities and tactics. From fiery elementals to powerful dwarves, you’ll face tough challenges as you progress through the raid. Here’s a quick look at each boss, with a fun twist!

Lord Roccor boss tactics

Blackrock Depths Anniversary Raid Strategies

Lord Roccor is a giant, rolling rock elemental found in Blackrock Depths. He’s big, he’s angry, and he loves to throw shocks at everyone. His abilities can stun you, burn you, and make life hard for spellcasters. But don’t worry, with a little strategy and humor, you’ll crush him like the pile of rocks he is!

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Focuses
Ground TremorMediumSpread out to avoid the stun.He stomps the ground like he’s throwing a tantrum!Everyone
Earth ShockHighInterrupt his spellcasting.Roccor hates magic and wants to ruin your day!Melee DPS for interrupts
Flame ShockMediumCleanse the fire damage.Oops, now you’re on fire… better put it out!Healers for cleansing

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  • Tank should keep Lord Roccor positioned away from the group to minimize Ground Tremor stuns.
  • Healers need to be ready to cleanse Flame Shock from players, especially if it hits the tank.
  • Melee DPS should focus on interrupting Earth Shock to keep spellcasters safe from its damage and interruption.

Bael’Gar boss tactics

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Bael’Gar is a fiery giant in Blackrock Depths who really loves fire… like, a lot! He’s big, hot, and wants to make everyone regret coming close to him. With his fiery splash attacks and little minions joining the fight, he’s definitely not a boss to underestimate. But with some smart tactics, you can cool down this lava-loving brute.

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Focuses
Magma SplashMediumKeep melee DPS rotations short.Get too close, and he’ll make you feel like you’re on fire!Melee DPS & Healers (watch stacks)
Summon Spawn of Bael’GarHighKill the spawns quickly.Bael’Gar brings friends. Kill them before they party too long!DPS
Spawn of Bael’GarMediumTanks pick them up, DPS burns them down.Little fiery friends. Don’t let them crash the raid!Tanks a

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Lord Incendius boss strategy

Wow Patch 11.0.5 Blackrock Depths Boss Tactics

Lord Incendius is a fiery boss in Blackrock Depths who loves to roast players alive. He’s got firestorms, bursts of flames, and a mighty knockback punch to keep things heated. If you like playing with fire, you’re in for a wild ride! But be careful—standing in his fire for too long will turn you into extra-crispy loot.

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Focuses
Fire StormHighMove out of the fire quickly.Fire’s bad. Don’t stand in it, unless you enjoy BBQ!Everyone
Fiery BurstMediumSpread out to avoid big damage.It’s like a firework, but one you don’t want to catch.Healers (keep group alive)
Mighty BlowMediumStay positioned to avoid knockback.Incendius packs a punch—don’t go flying off the edge!Tank (watch positioning)
Curse of the Elemental LordMediumUse cooldowns to reduce fire damage.He makes you extra toasty. Reduce your heat levels, fast!Healers (help reduce damage)

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Golem Lord Argelmach boss strategy

How To Access Blackrock Depths Raid Wow Anniversary

Golem Lord Argelmach is a mad genius in Blackrock Depths who loves to throw around lightning and zap anyone who comes near him. He’s got his own lightning shield to shock attackers and fires off chain lightning like he’s trying to power up the whole dungeon. Be careful—too many people standing close together will turn into a chain reaction of pain!

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Focuses
Chain LightningHighSpread out to reduce jumps.Don’t stand close unless you want to zap your friends!Ranged DPS & Healers (spread out)
ShockMediumInterrupt or heal through it.A quick zap! Not as bad if you stop him from casting.Melee DPS (interrupt)
Lightning ShieldHighStop attacking when shield is up.Attack him, and you might just shock yourself!Everyone (wait for shield to drop)

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The Seven boss strategy

Blackrock Depths Wow 20Th Anniversary Rewards

The Seven is a group of angry Dark Iron Dwarves who each want to show off their unique fighting skills in Blackrock Depth, and keeping their dark iron bars from dark irons thieves. You fight them one by one, and when six are down, the leader, Doom’rel, jumps in to finish the job. It’s like an angry dwarf parade, with each boss bringing their own set of abilities to the fight!

BossAbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Focuses
Anger’relSunder ArmorMediumDispel it, focus on healing.He breaks your armor and your heart!Healers
Shield WallLowWait out his defense boost.He turtles up when he’s losing!DPS
Seeth’relBlizzardHighInterrupt or move out of it.Chilly storm, better not stand in it!Interrupt DPS & Ranged
FrostboltMediumInterrupt it.A slow and painful freeze, stop it!Interrupt DPS
Dope’relBackstabMediumStay facing him.Don’t turn your back on this sneaky dwarf!Tanks & DPS
EvasionLowWait for it to wear off.Can’t hit him when he’s dancing around!DPS
Gloom’relCrazedHighRe-establish aggro after threat reset.Oops, threat reset! Watch your tank!Tanks
Mortal StrikeHighHeal through reduced healing debuff.He slams hard and makes healing tough!Healers
Vile’relPrayer of HealingHighInterrupt his healing spells.Don’t let him heal the whole crew!Interrupt DPS
Hate’relShadow BoltMediumInterrupt it.More shadowy blasts coming your way!Interrupt DPS
FlurryMediumWatch for increased attack speed.She gets faster the more she hits you!Tanks
Doom’relVoidwalkersHighTank the adds quickly, focus on DPS.He calls in extra help from the void!Tanks & DPS
Shadow Bolt VolleyHighInterrupt it.Shadowy pain for everyone, stop it!Interrupt DPS
BanishMediumBe ready for a player to get banished.Now you’re stuck in the void…have fun waiting!Healers

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General Angerforge boss strategy

Wow 11.0.5 Blackrock Depths Walkthrough

General Angerforge is an angry dwarf in Blackrock Depths who gets really upset when you hit him too hard. His favorite trick? Calling in backup when he’s losing! You’ll need to watch out for his reinforcements and avoid getting your armor shredded by his attacks. He’s a boss that likes to hit fast and bring friends, but with some smart moves, you’ll take him down without too much stress.

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Must Focus
Sunder ArmorMediumHeal the player with reduced armor.He’s tearing off your armor piece by piece!Healers
FlurryHighTanks must keep high health and watch for crits.He gets faster the more he hits—watch out!Tanks & Healers
EnrageMediumBe careful with critical hits, or he’ll get angry.Hit him too hard, and he’ll go berserk!Melee DPS (watch crits)
Intruder Alert! (Summons Reinforcements)HighDPS should switch to the adds, interrupt medics.Here come the cavalry! Deal with them fast!DPS and Tanks

Also, remember, about the general summon some servants to the largest dungeon, in the second half of the brd run.

Reservist/MedicAbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Must Focus
Anvilrage ReservistBattle ShoutMediumFocus and kill them quickly.Their battle cries make everything hurt more!DPS
Anvilrage MedicPrayer of HealingHighInterrupt their heals.They’re healing everyone—stop them!DPS (interrupt)

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  • Melee DPS should be cautious about landing too many critical hits on General Angerforge to avoid triggering Enrage.
  • Tanks need to hold aggro on the adds when Intruder Alert! triggers, while DPS focuses on taking them down, especially Medics to stop heals.
  • Healers must pay attention when Sunder Armor is applied, as it increases damage taken on the tank.

With these tactics, General Angerforge will soon be just another piece of Blackrock Depths history, and you’ll have no trouble handling his Anvilrage reinforcements!

Ambassador Flamelash boss strategy

Wow Blackrock Depths 20Th Anniversary Achievements

Ambassador Flamelash is a fiery boss in Blackrock Depths who just can’t get enough fire. He loves growing bigger and more powerful with every little flame spirit that comes his way. If you don’t stop those Burning Spirits, he’ll be the size of a house and hitting like a truck! But don’t worry—if you can control the adds, you’ll keep him small and manageable.

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Must Focus
Burning SpiritHighCC or kill the spirits before they reach him.He gets bigger and badder with every little flame—stop them!DPS (kill adds)
Fire BlastMediumKeep tanks healed through fire damage.Fire, fire, and more fire—tanks get roasted!Tanks and Healers
Burning Spirit (Spawns at Flame Runes)HighDPS should focus on killing or CCing them before they reach the boss.Tiny fire buddies are bad news—don’t let them make him stronger!DPS & CC focus


  • DPS should focus on killing or crowd-controlling the Burning Spirits as they appear near the Flame Runes—this stops Ambassador Flamelash from gaining power and size.
  • Tanks need to keep Fire Blast under control by positioning the boss well and ensuring they don’t take too much fire damage at once.
  • Healers should focus on keeping the tank alive, especially during Fire Blast bursts, and help handle any fire damage on the party.

Emperor Dagran Thaurissan boss strategy

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Emperor Dagran Thaurissan is the ultimate Dark Iron Dwarf in Blackrock Depths, and he’s not going down without a fiery fight. Armed with his legendary hammer Ironfoe and the help of his wife, Princess Moira Bronzebeard, he’ll stun you, burn you, and generally make your day miserable. But don’t worry—handle the princess and dodge the fire, and you’ll send the emperor packing back to his chamber!

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Must Focus
Avatar of FlameHighAvoid melee when he’s in Avatar form.He’s a fiery juggernaut—don’t touch!Tanks & DPS
Ironfoe (Extra Attacks + Crit Boost)HighKeep heals up, tanks be ready for extra damage.That hammer hits hard, and then harder!Tanks & Healers
Hand of ThaurissanMediumCleanse the stun, heal through the fire damage.It’s a fiery slap that stuns you—ouch!Healers
HealHighInterrupt her heals.Don’t let her heal him or this will never end!Interrupt DPS
RenewMediumInterrupt it, or dispel the HoT.It’s a slow heal, but it adds up—stop her!Interrupt DPS & Healers
Mind BlastMediumInterrupt it.Shadowy pain coming your way, stop her before it hits!Interrupt DPS

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  • Tanks need to be prepared for Ironfoe’s extra hits and Avatar of Flame. During Avatar of Flame, make sure to avoid melee as the king magni will be your arena spectator to the entrance portal.
  • DPS should focus on interrupting Princess Moira—especially her heals and Renew—so that the emperor doesn’t get extra health.
  • Healers need to cleanse stuns from Hand of Thaurissan and be ready to keep tanks alive when Ironfoe triggers.

Once you’ve handled the fiery emperor and his healing princess, you can claim victory over Blackrock Depths and complete your many quests to finally unlock the rewards from the anniversary version of the raid and enjoy your hard-earned loot!

High Interrogator Gerstahn boss strategy

High Interrogator Gerstahn is the first boss you’ll face in Blackrock Depths, and she’s not messing around. She loves to drain your mana, scream in your face, and wrap herself in a shadowy shield. If you’re not careful, she’ll have you running in fear while she drains your mana dry. Just make sure to kick her spells and keep her from turning your party into a screaming, panicked mess!

High Interrogator Gerstahn Key Abilities

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Must Focus
Mana BurnMediumInterrupt it or you’ll lose mana!She’s drinking your mana like it’s her morning coffee!DPS (interrupt)
Psychic ScreamMediumStay spread out to avoid group fear.She’ll make you run around like headless chickens!DPS & Tanks
Shadow Word: PainLowHealers should dispel it quickly.It’s like a ticking time bomb—get rid of it fast!Healers (dispel)
Shadow ShieldLowBurn through the shield or wait it out.She’s wrapped herself in shadows, but it’s not too strong!DPS


  • DPS should focus on interrupting Mana Burn and Psychic Scream to keep the fight under control. Be sure to avoid clustering together to minimize the impact of Psychic Scream.
  • Healers need to be on the lookout for Shadow Word: Pain to dispel it quickly and heal through any lingering damage.
  • Tanks should make sure to hold aggro and avoid getting feared by staying just outside of the Psychic Scream range.

Houndmaster Grebmar boss strategy

Houndmaster Grebmar is the dog-loving menace of Blackrock Depths. With his fierce hounds at his side, he dual-wields weapons and isn’t afraid to shout at you to weaken your attacks. He’ll try to pump his allies up with Bloodlust, but don’t worry—when things get tough, he’ll run away like a scared puppy at 15% health. Just keep an eye on his hounds and his nasty shout, and you’ll send this houndmaster packing!

Houndmaster Grebmar Key Abilities

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Must Focus
Dual WieldMediumTanks keep aggro and healers stay on top of the extra damage.He hits fast with both hands, so tanks better be ready!Tanks & Healers
Demoralizing ShoutLowJust push through the reduced attack power.He’s trying to make you feel bad about your damage!DPS & Tanks
PummelMediumInterrupt or avoid it. Casters, be careful!He’ll smack you and stop your spells—watch out!DPS (casters)
BloodlustMediumDispel or kill the frenzied ally quickly.One of his hounds is on speed mode—take it down!DPS & Healers (dispel)
Run Away!LowChase him down when he runs at 15% health.He’ll bolt like a dog that hears thunder at low health!DPS


  • Tanks should hold aggro and be prepared for his fast attacks due to Dual Wield.
  • Healers must keep an eye on casters affected by Pummel and heal through the extra damage from Bloodlust.
  • DPS should focus on interrupting Pummel and taking down any frenzied allies fast.
  • When Houndmaster Grebmar reaches 15% health, be ready to chase him down!

Phalanx boss strategy

Phalanx, the mechanical bouncer of the Grim Guzzler, is not just here to guard the tavern. He’s got a serious attitude and a powerful knockback to remind you that he’s in charge! If you get too close, you’ll feel the Mighty Blow, and if you think you can outrun him, his Thunderclap will slow you down. He’s not too tough, but watch out for his Fireball Volley—it can light things up fast! Get past him, and you’ll be free to enjoy the Grim Guzzler… until the next fight!

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Must Focus
Mighty BlowMediumTanks absorb and heal through it.He’ll smack you so hard you might land in the next room!Tanks & Healers
ThunderclapLowAvoid standing too close; healers top off group.You’re slow now, like trying to run through mud!Melee DPS & Healers
Fireball VolleyMediumSpread out to avoid too much damage; healers focus on AoE healing.Suddenly, it’s a tavern BBQ and you’re the main course!Healers & Ranged DPS


  • Tanks need to stay close and absorb the Mighty Blow. Healers should be ready to heal tanks after that knockback.
  • Melee DPS should watch out for Thunderclap and try not to stay too close to each other to avoid the movement and attack speed reduction.
  • Ranged DPS and Healers need to spread out to reduce the damage from Fireball Volley.
  • With some coordination, Phalanx will be down in no time, and you’ll be ready to continue your BRD adventure in the War Within 20th Anniversary event!

Fineous Darkvire boss strategy

Fineous Darkvire, the grumpy architect of Blackrock Depths, has a toolkit full of tricks to keep you on your toes. He loves to heal himself, kick you in the face, and bless his allies with Seal of Reckoning. It’s like dealing with a construction worker who also happens to be a cleric! Interrupt his spells and burn him down before he can heal himself back to full. If you let him stick around too long, you’ll feel like you’re stuck in a never-ending renovation project.

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Must Focus
Holy StrikeLowHealers keep an eye on health; tanks absorb.It’s a holy smackdown, but nothing a good healer can’t handle.Tanks & Healers
Devotion AuraLowNo action needed, just burn him down faster.He thinks extra armor will save him—spoil that plan fast!DPS
Interruptible Holy LightHighInterrupt it to prevent his healing.This guy loves healing himself. Stop him before the renovation gets worse!Melee DPS with interrupts
KickMediumCasters stay alert for interrupts; healers top off damage.Ouch! That kick could ruin your casting day.Healers & Casters
Magic Seal of ReckoningMediumDispel or interrupt it.He’s blessing himself like it’s Sunday service—stop that!DPS with interrupts, Dispel-capable classes


  • Interrupts are key here! Keep Holy Light and Seal of Reckoning from healing him and prolonging the fight.
  • Tanks should focus on absorbing the damage from Holy Strike, while healers keep an eye on the group, especially the casters.
  • Melee DPS should be ready to interrupt and kick Fineous to prevent him from healing and extending the battle.

With some good timing and coordination, Fineous Darkvire will fall like a poorly constructed building, and you’ll be one step closer to finishing your Blackrock Depths run in The War Within 20th Anniversary event!

Pyromancer Loregrain boss strategy

Pyromancer Loregrain is your classic fire-obsessed boss. He’s got flaming totems, scorching spells, and a love for setting everyone on fire. If you don’t enjoy getting burned, be quick on your feet and interrupt his abilities. He might look like he’s running a cozy campfire, but it’s more like a fiery nightmare if you don’t watch out for his Scorching Totem. Just keep cool (literally) and burn him down faster than he can burn you!

AbilityWipe PotentialWhat to DoInformal CommentaryWho Must Focus
Scorching TotemMediumKill it quickly, avoid damage.It’s not a campfire, but it burns just the same—get rid of it!DPS – Focus on the Totem
Flame ShockMediumHealers dispel and heal through the damage.That burning sensation isn’t going away anytime soon, get a healer on it!Healers for dispels, DPS avoid
Molten BlastHighInterrupt it to avoid heavy damage.It’s like a fireball to the face—don’t let him cast this one!Interrupt-capable DPS
Fire WardLowJust hit him with non-fire abilities.He’s fireproof for now, but you’ve got other spells, right?DPS avoid fire-based attacks

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  • DPS should prioritize destroying the Scorching Totem as soon as it spawns to prevent too much fire damage.
  • Healers need to watch out for Flame Shock and dispel the debuff while healing the group through its damage.
  • Interrupt-capable DPS should keep Molten Blast from going off by using interrupts at the right time.

Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Lore

Wow Brd Raid Tactics 20Th Anniversary

Blackrock Depths is like the ultimate underground city in WoW. It’s the home of the Dark Iron Dwarves, who aren’t exactly friendly. Ages ago, their leader, Emperor Thaurissan, tried to summon a fire elemental but instead woke up Ragnaros, the Firelord! Oops. Now Ragnaros is the boss, and the dwarves are just stuck doing his fiery bidding.

The place is full of angry dwarves, big golems, and even some brewing parties (looking at you, Coren Direbrew). The goal? Stop the emperor, slap some sense into the Dark Irons, and maybe take some cool loot along the way. Also, don’t wake Ragnaros again… seriously, bad idea!

Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Achievements

Wow Brd Dungeon Tips And Tricks Anniversary

In WoW The War Within for the 20th Anniversary, Blackrock Depths is back! You’ll need to beat up some old bosses like Emperor Thaurissan and Coren Direbrew. Defeat Emperor Dagran Thaurissan for the Classic achievement and take 10 points in Dungeons & Raids. Then, take down Coren Direbrew during Brewfest for 10 points under World Events. It’s simple: follow the BRD raid strategy, smack those bosses, and walk away with sweet loot. Enjoy the BRD dungeon guide in the WoW War Within 11.0.5 event!

Blackrock DepthsDefeat Emperor Dagran Thaurissan10NoneDungeons & Raids (Classic)
DirebrewfestKill Coren Direbrew10NoneWorld Events (Brewfest)

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Wow BlackRock Depths guide | quests

Brd Dungeon Guide Wow The War Within Event

In Blackrock Depths, you’re not just smashing bosses, you’re also on a questing spree! You’ll find a lot of quirky, serious, and downright chaotic quests here. From delivering ale to aiding dark dwarves, these quests will keep you running around the dungeon like a headless chicken, but they’ll definitely reward you handsomely. Don’t forget to pick up all the quests you can find—it’ll make the dungeon crawl even more fun!

A Binding ContractBlackrock Depths
A Dangerous Alliance WarriorBlackrock Depths
A Dangerous Alliance WarriorBlackrock Depths
Adventurers Wanted: Blackrock DepthsBlackrock Depths
Adventurers Wanted: Blackrock DepthsBlackrock Depths
Blackrock DepthsDark Iron Dwarf
Brawl or Brew Dark Iron DwarfDark Iron Dwarf
Dark Iron DwarvesDark Iron Dwarf
Dark Iron TacticiansBlackrock Depths
Delivery for Kasea Dark Iron DwarfDark Iron Dwarf
Direbrew’s Dire BrewBrewfest
Direbrew’s Dire BrewBrewfest
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Blood of the MountainMolten Core
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Core LeatherMolten Core
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Dark Iron OreMolten Core
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Fiery CoreMolten Core
Favor Amongst the Brotherhood, Lava CoreMolten Core
Fer the Alliance Dark Iron DwarfDark Iron Dwarf
Forged in Fire an’ FlameDark Iron Dwarf
Good Fiery Boy Dark Iron DwarfDark Iron Dwarf
Heritage o’ the Dark Iron Auto Accept
Dark Iron Dwarf
Dark Iron Dwarf
Infiltrating Shadowforge CityBlackrock Depths
Infiltrating Shadowforge CityBlackrock Depths
Into the PrisonBlackrock Depths
Into the PrisonBlackrock Depths
It’s Called Borrowing Dark Iron DwarfDark Iron Dwarf
Morgan’s FruitionBlackrock Depths
Morndeep the ElderLunar Festival
Rebirth of the K.E.F.Blackrock Depths
Rocknot’s AleBlackrock Depths
Slaves of the Firelord Shaman Dark Iron DwarfDraeneiDwarfBlackrock Depths
Slaves of the Firelord ShamanBlackrock Depths
Stones of Binding WarlockBlackrock Depths
Stones of Binding WarlockBlackrock Depths
The 109th DivisionBlackrock Depths
The Anvil-Thane’s Designs Dark Iron DwarfDark Iron Dwarf
The Breath of Cenarius DruidBlackrock Depths
The Dark Iron Army RogueBlackrock Depths
The Dark Iron Army RogueBlackrock Depths
The Dark Iron PactBlackrock Depths
The Dark Iron PactBlackrock Depths
The Golem Lord’s Creations HunterBlackrock Depths
The Golem Lord’s Creations HunterBlackrock Depths
The Grim GuzzlerBlackrock Depths
The Grim GuzzlerBlackrock Depths
The Heart of the MountainBlackrock Depths
The MOTHERLODE!!: IronfoeDark Iron Dwarf
The Pyromancer’s Grimoire MageBlackrock Depths
The Pyromancer’s Grimoire MageBlackrock Depths
The Sealed GateBlackrock Depths
The Spectral ChaliceBlackrock Depths
Twilight Scheming PriestBlackrock Depths
Twilight Scheming Priest UndeadBlackrock Depths
Twilight Scheming Priest Blood ElfBlackrock Depths
Twilight Scheming TaurenBlackrock Depths
Twilight Scheming Priest TrollBlackrock Depths
Twilight Scheming GoblinBlackrock Depths
Twilight SchemingBlackrock Depths
Twilight?! No!Blackrock Depths
Twilight?! No!Blackrock Depths
Weapons o’ the Dark Iron Dark Iron DwarfDark Iron Dwarf
Weapons of Darkness Paladin DraeneiDwarfLightforged DraeneiBlackrock Depths
Weapons of Darkness Paladin Blood ElfTaurenBlackrock Depths
Weapons of Darkness Paladin Blood ElfBlackrock Depths

Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Loot table

Wow Blackrock Depths 11.0.5 Patch Update

Here’s what you can expect in Blackrock Depths. The bosses drop some pretty sweet stuff, but it’s all about luck! Here’s a quick peek:

Formula: Enchant Weapon – Fiery WeaponEnchanting Formula
Plans: Dark Iron PulverizerBlacksmithing Plans
Plans: Dark Iron SundererBlacksmithing Plans
Plans: Dark Iron PlateBlacksmithing Plans
Spritecaster CapeCloak
Kentic AmiceCloth Armor
Enthralled SphereOff-hand Frill
Blackveil CapeCloak
Fleetfoot GreavesMail Armor
Houndmaster’s BowBow
Houndmaster’s RifleGun
Stoneshell GuardShield
Earthslag ShouldersPlate Armor
Spiderfang CarapacePlate Armor
Silkweb GlovesCloth Armor
Hookfang ShankerDagger
Ban’thok SashCloth Armor
Ogreseer FistsLeather Armor
Shadefiend BootsLeather Armor
Graverot CapeCloak
Carapace of Anub’shiahPlate Armor
Rubicund ArmguardsMail Armor
IronfoeOne-Handed Mace
Splinthide ShouldersLeather Armor
Girdle of Beastial FuryLeather Armor
Grizzle’s SkinnerOne-Handed Axe
Stonewall GirdlePlate Armor
Dregmetal SpauldersMail Armor
Savage Gladiator ChainMail Armor
Savage Gladiator LeggingsMail Armor
Savage Gladiator HelmMail Armor
Savage Gladiator GripsMail Armor
Savage Gladiator GreavesMail Armor
Ragefury EyepatchLeather Armor
Wayfarer’s KnapsackBag
BloodfistFist Weapon
Fists of PhalanxPlate Armor
Golem Skull HelmPlate Armor
Flamestrider RobesLeather Armor
Pyric CaduceusWand
Searingscale LeggingsMail Armor
Kindling StaveStaff
Verek’s CollarAmulet
Pyremail WristguardsMail Armor
Flameweave CuffsCloth Armor
Emberplate ArmguardsPlate Armor
Boreal MantleCloth Armor
Chillsteel GirdleMail Armor
Arbiter’s BladeOne-Handed Sword
Rock Golem BulwarkShield
Stone of the EarthTwo-Handed Sword
Shalehusk BootsPlate Armor
Lavacrest LeggingsPlate Armor
Force of MagmaTwo-Handed Mace
Rubidium HammerOne-Handed Mace
Sash of the Burning HeartCloth Armor
Circle of FlameCloth Armor
Flame WrathPolearm
Force of WillTrinket
Cape of the Fire SalamanderCloak
Molten FistsMail Armor
Hand of JusticeTrinket
Angerforge’s Battle AxeTwo-Handed Axe
Lord General’s SwordOne-Handed Sword
Second WindTrinket
Royal Decorated ArmorMail Armor
Warstrife LeggingsLeather Armor
Omnicast BootsCloth Armor
Luminary KiltLeather Armor
Cyclopean BandRing
Burst of KnowledgeTrinket
Chief Architect’s MonocleCloth Armor
Master Builder’s ShirtShirt
Senior Designer’s PantaloonsCloth Armor
Lead Surveyor’s MantleMail Armor
Wraith ScytheOne-Handed Axe
Impervious GiantTwo-Handed Mace
Blood-Etched BladeDagger
The Hammer of GraceOne-Handed Mace
Robes of the Royal CrownCloth Armor
GhostshroudLeather Armor
Deathdealer BreastplateMail Armor
Legplates of the Eternal GuardianPlate Armor
Thaurissan’s Royal ScepterOff-hand Frill
Haunting Specter LeggingsCloth Armor
The Emperor’s New CapeCloak
Dreadforge RetaliatorTwo-Handed Axe
Guiding Stave of WisdomStaff
Imperial JewelAmulet
Emperor’s SealRing
Magmus StoneOff-hand Frill
Dark Iron RingRing
Fire Opal NecklaceAmulet
Searing NeedleDagger
Aristocratic CuffsCloth Armor
BraincageMail Armor
Stoneshield CloakCloak
Blisterbane WrapCloak
Swiftwalker BootsLeather Armor
Hands of the Exalted HeraldCloth Armor
High Priestess BootsCloth Armor
Ebonsteel SpauldersPlate Armor
Barman ShankerDagger
Mixologist’s TunicLeather Armor
Pattern: Black Dragonscale ShouldersLeatherworking Pattern
Pattern: Black Dragonscale LeggingsLeatherworking Pattern
Schematic: Dark Iron RifleEngineering Schematic
Schematic: Dark Iron BombEngineering Schematic
Coal Miner BootsLeather Armor
Hurley’s TankardOne-Handed Mace
Schematic: Goblin Jumper Cables XLEngineering Schematic
Schematic: Gnomish Alarm-o-BotEngineering Schematic
Schematic: World EnlargerEngineering Schematic
Design: Dark Iron ScorpidJewelcrafting Design
Wristguards of RenownLeather Armor
Black Steel BindingsPlate Armor
Sash of the Grand HuntMail Armor
Lavastone HammerTwo-Handed Mace
Golem Fitted PauldronsMail Armor
Foreman’s Head ProtectorPlate Armor
Mantle of Lost HopeCloth Armor
Greaves of Withering DespairMail Armor
Dark Warder’s PauldronsLeather Armor
Verek’s LeashMail Armor
Soot Encrusted FootwearCloth Armor
Wand of Eternal LightWand
Magma Forged BandRing
Mana Shaping HandwrapsCloth Armor
Bloodclot BandRing
Entrenching BootsPlate Armor
Leggings of Frenzied MagicLeather Armor
Firemoss BootsLeather Armor
Ironweave Mantle MagePriestWarlockCloth Armor
Lefty’s Brass KnuckleFist Weapon
Malgen’s Long BowBow
Shroud of Arcane MasteryCloak
Formula: Smoking Heart of the MountainEnchanting Formula
Brawler’s StatueTrinket
Mithril WristwatchTrinket
Thousand-Year Pickled EggTrinket
Coren’s Cold Chromium CoasterTrinket
Bitterest Balebrew CharmTrinket
Bubbliest Brightbrew CharmTrinket
Cold-Forged ChestplatePlate Armor
Belt of the Eminent MasonLeather Armor
Blackened Pit TrousersMail Armor
Dark Iron Dredger’s PauldronsPlate Armor
Ferrous CordCloth Armor

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Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Mounts

Wow Brd Best Raid Setup For 20Th Anniversary

Fight Coren Direbrew during Brewfest, and you might get the Swift Brewfest Ram or the Great Brewfest Kodo. They’re only available during the festival, so grab them while you can. Ride around and make your friends jealous!

Mount NameHow to Get ItEventDrop From
Swift Brewfest RamFight Coren DirebrewBrewfestCoren Direbrew
Great Brewfest KodoFight Coren DirebrewBrewfestCoren Direbrew

Wow BlackRock Depths guide | Conclusion

Wow 20Th Anniversary Blackrock Depths Guide

Blackrock Depths is back for WoW’s 20th Anniversary, and it’s big. You’ll fight through Dark Iron Dwarves, golems, and fire monsters. There are 8 bosses to defeat, including Emperor Thaurissan and Golem Lord Argelmach. You’ll explore cool places like the Grim Guzzler Tavern and find awesome loot like weapons, trinkets, and rare items.

Don’t forget the Brewfest! Take down Coren Direbrew for a chance to grab a special mount, like the Swift Brewfest Ram or the Great Brewfest Kodo. This event is all about fun, loot, and boss fights!

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What’s new in Blackrock Depths for the 20th Anniversary?

The WoW 20th Anniversary brings a special version of Blackrock Depths in Patch 11.0.5. It’s now a raid with 8 bosses, 5 mini-bosses, and lots of new loot!

Are there any new bosses in the 20th Anniversary event?

No new bosses, but the classic bosses like Lord Incendius, Golem Lord Argelmach, and Emperor Thaurissan are back, tougher than ever!

What are the new locations in the raid?

You’ll explore areas like Grim Guzzler, Detention Block, Upper City, and other parts of Shadowforge City.

What’s special about the loot in this event?

You can get special items with higher item levels depending on the difficulty, like trinkets, weapons, and Dark Iron gear. Plus, there are Time-Warped Relic Coffer Keys to unlock even more loot!

Can I find fire elementals in Blackrock Depths now?

Yes! Fire Elementals are still around, and they make bosses like Lord Incendius and Ambassador Flamelash extra spicy to fight.

How big is the raid group for the anniversary event?

You can bring 10, 15, or 25 players to the raid, depending on how you want to take on the challenge.

How do I get to Blackrock Depths for the 20th Anniversary?

The entrance is in Caverns of Time, located in Tanaris. Both Horde and Alliance can access the raid from there.

How many bosses are there in Blackrock Depths?

There are 8 main bosses, including Emperor Thaurissan and Golem Lord Argelmach.

Where is Blackrock Depths located?

The entrance is now in Caverns of Time in Tanaris, not in the original Blackrock Mountain.

What can I get from Blackrock Depths?

You can get awesome loot like weapons, trinkets, Dark Iron Ore, and maybe even some cool mounts during Brewfest!

Are there any mounts in Blackrock Depths?

Yes! Defeat Coren Direbrew during Brewfest for a chance to win the Swift Brewfest Ram or Great Brewfest Kodo.

Can Horde and Alliance play together in this event?

Yes! Both Horde and Alliance can team up to take on this raid.

How do I beat the final boss, Emperor Thaurissan?

Defeat his guards, watch out for his fiery attacks, and focus on interrupting his abilities! Don’t forget to deal with his wife, Princess Moira, too.
