The War Within PvP Guide – Season 1 Rewards and Tips

By: friolt
9 min read
Tww Season 1 Honor Cap

So, it’s happened: The Blizzard finally released the World of warcraft: The War Within, and introduce us new the world of warcraft: The War Within pVp season. What does it mean, for us, mortal gladiators? Tons of Fun! Tons of Arenas! Tons of New Battlegrounds. Tons of fights, and many other things. But today in our WoW: the War Within PvP Guide for the season 1, we’ll uncover for you:

  1. New Battleground, which is passes the War Within lore, and called the Deephaul Ravine
  2. The new World of warcraft: PvP Achievements
  3. The new Arena Rotations.
  4. The War Within Conquest Cap!
  5. New Gear.
  6. New Titles
  7. Wow Tww Season 1 PVP Transmogs.

And many other things. All to provide you with the best PvP Experience, Gladiator!

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So let’s overview the War Within PvP!

The War Within PvP | Deephaul ravine Battleground

Tww Season 1 Honor

DeepHaul Ravine is a super fun place in WoW TWW Season 1 where 10 players from the Horde and 10 from the Alliance face off in a crazy battle. The goal is to collect 1500 resources by escorting mine carts and holding a big crystal in the center. It’s a mix of other battlegrounds like Silvershard Mines and Arathi Basin, but with a fresh, exciting twist.

LocationHeart of the Ringing Deeps, Khaz Algar
Teams10v10 (Horde vs. Alliance)
ObjectiveCollect 1500 resources by escorting mine carts and controlling the central crystal
Map LayoutSymmetrical with mine paths, central gem control point, and faction graveyards
PvP Gear FocusWoW TWW Season 1 PvP gear, perfect for this battleground
ModeRated Battleground (RBG)
Best ClassesTWW Season 1 tier list favorites recommended
StrategyBalance between escorting carts and holding the central point

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Achievements in DeepHaul Ravine

  1. Expedience — Win DeepHaul Ravine in under 7 minutes.
    • You’ll need to be super fast! Gather your TWW S1 PvP set, and work as a team to dominate both the mine carts and the crystal control point in record time.
  2. Shutout — Win DeepHaul Ravine with a score of 1500 to 0.
    • This one’s tough! You’ll need to be the best PvP class in TWW Season 1, or at least coordinate with your team to ensure the enemy doesn’t score any points.
  3. Veteran — Complete 100 victories in DeepHaul Ravine.
    • It’s all about dedication. Keep playing and winning, and soon you’ll hit that 100-win milestone. Make sure to keep upgrading your PvP gear TWW Season 1 to stay competitive!
  4. Victory — Win DeepHaul Ravine.
    • This is the easiest one—just win! Equip your best TWW PvP gear Season 1 and work with your team to secure the victory.

TWW PvP Season 1 | release date

Tww Season 1 Max Pvp Rank

TWW Season 1 PvP kicks off on Wednesday, September 10th, at 9 AM UTC+2. It’s the perfect time to gear up in your WoW TWW Season 1 PvP gear and get ready for those epic battles. Whether you’re aiming to top the TWW Season 1 PvP ranks or just want to have some fun in the new arenas, make sure you’re online and prepared. This is your chance to test out the best PvP class TWW Season 1 has to offer and climb the ranks with your TWW S1 PvP gear.

Time ZoneLocal Time (September 10th)
UTC07:00 AM
UTC+209:00 AM
UTC-4 (EDT)03:00 AM
UTC+803:00 PM
UTC+1005:00 PM
UTC-7 (PDT)12:00 AM (Midnight)
UTC+1 (BST)08:00 AM
UTC+904:00 PM

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TWW PvP Season 1 | Overview

In WoW TWW Season 1 PvP, there are lots of new things to explore! You can get shiny new WoW TWW Season 1 PvP gear, try out cool mounts, and earn special titles. There are new battlegrounds and arenas where you can show off your skills. Plus, there are new rewards for winning in PvP modes like Rated Battlegrounds and Arenas.

WoW TWW Season 1 PvP GearUpgrade your PvP gear to higher levels and get special trinkets.
Vicious Skyflayer MountsEarn Vicious Skyflayer mounts by winning Rated PvP matches.
Forged Gladiator’s Fel BatWin 50 games in 3v3 arenas as a Gladiator to earn this mount.
PvP TitlesEarn titles like Combatant, Challenger, and the unique Forged Legend and Forged Gladiator titles.
DeepHaul RavineFight in the new 10v10 Rated Battleground with mine carts and a central crystal.
Elite PvP TransmogUnlock Elite transmog sets with special effects as you increase your rating.
Weapon IllusionAchieve Elite rank to unlock the Luminous Nerubian Catalyst Stone weapon illusion.
PvP Pennant, Tabard, CloakEarn these items through high-level PvP achievements.
Battleground BlitzCompete in Battleground Blitz mode to earn unique seasonal rewards.

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TWW PvP Season 1 | Conquest Cap + schedule

Tww Pvp Rank Rewards

The Conquest cap resets every season. For WoW TWW Season 1, the season starts on September 10, and you can earn up to 1350 Conquest Points in the first week.

What can you do with Conquest Points?

  • Make your PvP gear stronger.
  • Buy special PvP trinkets and gear.
  • Get the best PvP gear in WoW TWW Season 1.
Week StartingConquest Points
Sep 101,350
Sep 171,900
Sep 242,450
Oct 013,000
Oct 083,550
Oct 154,100
Oct 224,650
Oct 295,200
Nov 055,750
Nov 126,300

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The War Within PvP Gear

Tww Pvp Guide

In WoW TWW Season 1, all PvP gear is getting a boost to help you face new challenges. Whether you’re crafting gear, earning honor in battles, or winning conquest points, here’s how the new gear levels up:

Gear TypeSourcePvP Item Level
Combatant GearCrafted gear584
Aspirant GearConquest597
Gladiator GearConquest610

The War Within PvP Titles

Tww Season 1 Arena

In WoW TWW Season 1, you can earn special titles by getting higher ranks in PvP. Each title shows how strong and skilled you are in PvP battles. The higher your rank, the cooler your title!

TitleHow to Get It
CombatantReach 1000 rating in any PvP activity. Start earning TWW S1 PvP gear!
ChallengerReach 1400 rating. Get even better PvP gear for TWW Season 1.
RivalReach 1800 rating. Unlock more parts of your PvP set TWW Season 1.
DuelistReach 2100 rating. Earn the Rank 10 PvP gear TWW players love.
EliteReach 2400 rating. Max out your TWW Season 1 PvP rank and gear.
Forged GladiatorBe in the top 0.1% of 3v3 arena players at season’s end.
Forged LegendBe in the top 0.1% of Solo Shuffle players at season’s end.
StrategistWin 25 Rated Battleground Blitz matches at Elite rank. Get your TWW S1 PvP set.
Forged WarlordBe in the top 0.1% of the Battleground Blitz ladder at season’s end.
Forged MarshallAlso be in the top 0.1% of the Battleground Blitz ladder, with 50 games won.

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Earn these titles by playing hard and reaching higher ranks in The War Within PvP Season 1!

The War Within PvP mounts

The War Within Pvp

In WoW TWW Season 1, you can earn some awesome mounts by doing well in PvP. These mounts are special rewards that show off your skills and achievements in PvP battles. We’re also recommend you read our Wow: The War Within Mounts Guide – Wow TWW mounts

MountHow to Get It
Vicious SkyflayerWin Rated PvP matches while at 1000 rating or higher. Get your PvP set TWW Season 1 and start winning!
Forged Gladiator’s Fel BatWin 50 games as a Gladiator in 3v3 arenas. Reach the max PvP rank TWW Season 1 and claim this cool bat!

These mounts are perfect for showing off your PvP victories and are a must-have for any serious PvP player in The War Within!

The War Within PvP transmog

In WoW TWW Season 1, you can earn special transmog sets by climbing the PvP ranks. These sets look amazing and show everyone your PvP skills. The higher your rank, the more pieces of the set you unlock!

Transmog PieceHow to Get It
CloakReach 1000 rating (Combatant I). Start earning your PvP set TWW Season 1.
Legs, BracersReach 1200 rating (Combatant II). Get closer to completing your TWW S1 PvP set.
Gloves, BootsReach 1400 rating (Challenger I). Unlock more pieces of your PvP gear Season 1 TWW.
Chest, BeltReach 1600 rating (Challenger II). Keep going to complete your TWW S1 PvP set.
Head, Shoulders, HelmReach 1800 rating (Rival I). These pieces make your set look epic!
Weapon IllusionReach 2100 rating (Duelist). Show off your rank 10 TWW with this cool effect.
Full Transmog SetReach 2400+ rating (Elite). Unlock the entire set and show you’re one of the best!

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Keep playing and climb the ranks to unlock all the pieces of your PvP transmog set in The War Within Season 1!

The War Within PvP transmog by class

Wow Tww Pvp Season 1

In WoW TWW Season 1, you can earn unique transmog sets for each class by ranking up in PvP. These sets have special effects and are designed to show off your PvP achievements.

ClassTransmog Set Name
Death KnightExhumed Centurion’s Relics
Demon HunterHusk of the Hypogeal Nemesis
DruidMane of the Greatlynx
EvokerDestroyer’s Scarred Wards
HunterLightless Scavenger’s Necessities
MageSparks of Violet Rebirth
MonkGatecrasher’s Fortitude
PaladinEntombed Seraph’s Radiance
PriestShards of Living Luster
RogueK’areshi Phantom’s Bindings
ShamanWaves of the Forgotten Reservoir
WarlockRites of the Hexflame Coven
WarriorWarsculptor’s Masterwork


Tww S1 Pvp Sets

The War Within PvP Season 1 is full of exciting new content for PvP fans. There’s a new 10v10 battleground called Deephaul Ravine, where Horde and Alliance teams compete to gather 1500 resources by escorting mine carts and controlling a crystal. It’s a fun and fresh experience for everyone.

This season, PvP gear is getting stronger. You can upgrade your gear to higher levels, which will help you perform better in battles. As you rank up, you can earn special titles like Combatant, Challenger, and even exclusive ones like Forged Gladiator for the top players.

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You can also earn cool mounts like the Vicious Skyflayer by winning Rated PvP matches. If you reach the highest ranks, you can get the Forged Gladiator’s Fel Bat, which really stands out. Each class has its own special transmog set that you unlock as you climb the PvP ranks, showing off your PvP skills in style.

Every week, you can earn Conquest Points to improve your gear. The cap starts at 1350 points in the first week and goes up each week. This keeps you playing and getting better gear as the season goes on. There are also new arena rotations and achievements to aim for, like winning Deephaul Ravine in under 7 minutes.

Overall, The War Within PvP Season 1 offers lots of new content and rewards. Whether you love battlegrounds, arenas, or collecting gear, this season has something for you.

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What’s new in The War Within PvP Season 1?

There’s a new 10v10 battleground called Deephaul Ravine, stronger PvP gear, new titles, cool mounts, and unique transmog sets for each class. The season also has new arena rotations and achievements to earn.

How do I earn the new PvP gear?

You can earn PvP gear by winning Rated Battlegrounds, Arenas, and Solo Shuffle matches. The gear gets stronger as you rank up, so keep playing to upgrade your equipment.

What titles can I earn in this season?

You can earn titles like Combatant, Challenger, and Duelist by reaching certain PvP ratings. Top players can earn exclusive titles like Forged Gladiator and Forged Legend.

How do I get the new mounts?

The Vicious Skyflayer mount is earned by winning Rated PvP matches with a rating of 1000 or higher. The Forged Gladiator’s Fel Bat is awarded to players who win 50 games as a Gladiator in 3v3 arenas.

What are the new transmog sets, and how do I get them?

Each class has its own unique transmog set. You unlock pieces of the set as you climb the PvP ranks. The higher your rank, the more pieces you unlock, allowing you to complete the full set.

What is the Conquest Cap, and how does it work?

The Conquest Cap limits the amount of Conquest Points you can earn each week. It starts at 1350 points in the first week and increases every week. You can use Conquest Points to upgrade your PvP gear.

What are the new achievements?

Some of the new achievements include winning Deephaul Ravine in under 7 minutes, winning 100 matches in the battleground, and reaching high ranks in arenas and Battleground Blitz.

When does The War Within PvP Season 1 start?

The season kicks off on Wednesday, September 10th, at 9 AM UTC+2. Make sure you’re ready to jump into the action!

How can I prepare for the new season?

Gear up with the best PvP gear from previous seasons, review the new TWW S1 PvP sets, and be ready to compete in the new battlegrounds and arenas as soon as the season starts.
