Wow: The War Within Mounts Guide – Wow TWW mounts

By: friolt
16 min read

Oh god, here we go again. The World of Warcraft: The War Within, completely change all the rules. As usual, we’re introduce in our wow mounts guide for about 30-40 mounts. But today all is changed. Today in our World of warcraft: the War within mounts guide, we’re introduce you more than 500 NEW MOUNTS! CARL! 500… but where’s trick?

Pff! All is pretty simple! 464 old reworked mounts for the skyriding. Oh, also we have a guide about skyriding. But it doesn’t matter. Today in Epiccarry’s menu:

  1. New Quest Mounts For The World Of Warcraft: The War Within.
  2. New Dungeons Mounts World Of Warcraft: The War Within.
  3. New Explotarion War Within Mounts World Of Warcraft: The War Within.
  4. New Raid Mount World Of Warcraft: The War Within.
  5. New Mounts For Pre-Patch World Of Warcraft: The War Within!
  6. New Renown Mounts World Of Warcraft: The War Within
  7. New World Event Mounts World Of Warcraft: The War Within.
  8. New In-Game Shop Mounts World Of Warcraft: The War Within.

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World of warcraft: the war within | all the mounts

Guide To All Wow Tww Mounts

Wow TWW mounts are everywhere! In The War Within expansion, 36 new mounts await you—each one cooler than the last! Whether you want to soar through the skies or stomp the ground, there’s a mount for every adventurer. Here’s a super-duper simple guide to all the WoW TWW mounts. Check it out below:

MountLaconic DescriptionWay to Obtain
Delver’s DirigibleFly like a boss.Quest: Ship It!
Ivory GoliathusBig and shiny.Glory of the Delver achievement.
Stonevault MechsuitRobo-suit, heavy-duty.Drop: Void Speaker Eirich in dungeon.
Diamond MechsuitDark and mysterious.Drop: The Darkness in dungeon.
Wick’s LeadBling-bling mech.War Within Keystone Master Season 1.
AluniraStormy and epic.Drop: Alunira.
Beledar’s SpawnWeird spawn.Drop: Beledar’s Spawn.
Regurgitated Mole ReinsGross, but cool.Drop: Lurker of the Deeps.
Reins of the Soaring MeaderbeeBuzzing high.Vendor: Cendvin, 900 Sizzling Cinderpollen.
SiesbargSpooky and strong.Drop: Tka’ktath, Vial of Tka’ktath’s Blood.
Swarmite SkyhunterSmall but mighty.Khaz Algar Glyph Hunter achievement.
Remembered Golden GryphonShiny and nostalgic.Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul, 2000 Residual Memories.
Remembered Wind RiderBreezy and legendary.Vendor: Remembrancer Amuul, 2000 Residual Memories.
Crowd Pummeler 2-30Techy and tough.Crafted via Engineering.
Forged Gladiator’s Fel BatFierce and fiery.Gladiator: The War Within Season 1.
Raging CinderbeeAngry and buzzing.Ruffious’s Bid achievement.
Vicious SkyflayerSharp and deadly.PvP Season Reward.
Vicious SkyflayerSturdy and rocky.Allied Races: Earthen achievement.
Reins of the Slatestone RamolithMythical and powerful.Drop: Mythic Queen Ansurek.
Earthen Ordinant’s RamolithSwift and rare.Drop: Queen Ansurek (very rare).
Reins of the Ascendant SkyrazorShadowy and swift.Glory of the Nerub-ar Raider achievement.
Reins of the Sureki SkyrazorRed and rugged.Vendor: Waxmonger Squick, Renown 19.
Reins of the Shadowed SwarmiteGlowy and cyan.Vendor: Waxmonger Squick, Renown 23.
Crimson MudnoseImperial and graceful.Vendor: Auralia Steelstrike, Renown 18.
Cyan GlowmiteDark and mysterious.Vendor: Auralia Steelstrike, Renown 23.
Vermillion Imperial LynxSolid and dependable.Vendor: Auditor Balwurz, Renown 21.
Shackled ShadowHot and fiery.Vendor: Auditor Balwurz, Renown 23.
Shale RamolithFerocious and dangerous.Vendor: Lady Vinazian, Renown 18.
Smoldering CinderbeeSparkling and swift.Vendor: Lady Vinazian, Renown 23.
Ferocious JawcrawlerCreepy crawler.Vendor: Yamas the Provider, Conspirator Rank.
Aquamarine SwarmiteRoyal and sneaky.Vendor: Yamas the Provider, Conspirator Rank.
Heritage UndercrawlerDark and deadly.Vendor: Yamas the Provider, Conspirator Rank.
Royal Court UndercrawlerBold and fearless.Drop: Spreading the Light World Event.
Widow’s UndercrawlerHigh-tech defender.Drop: Awakening the Machine World Event.
Dauntless Imperial LynxCute and quick.In-Game Shop.
Machine Defense Unit 1-11Big and goofy.In-Game Shop.

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Wow TWW delves mounts

How To Get Rare Mounts In Wow Tww

Want some cool Wow TWW mounts from the delves? These mounts are awesome and easy to get. Just do some quests, beat some bosses, and you’re all set! Check out the super-simple list below:

MountDescriptionHow to Get It
Delver’s DirigibleBig airship.Do the quest “Ship It! Ship It!” in the Delves zone.
Ivory GoliathusGiant shiny bug.Finish “Glory of the Delver” achievements.

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WoW TWW dungeon mounts

How To Earn Mounts In Wow Tww

Dungeon mounts in WoW TWW are the best! Ready to grab some sweet rides from the dungeons in The War Within? These mounts are awesome, and you’ll feel like a total boss riding them around Azeroth. So, dive into those dungeons, beat the baddies, and collect your epic mounts. Check out the easy-peasy guide below:

MountDescriptionHow to Get It
Stonevault MechsuitCool robo-suit.Beat Void Speaker Eirich in Mythic or M+. Get the Malfunctioning Mechsuit, do the quest.
Wick’s LeadDark and edgy.Drop from The Darkness in Mythic or M+ Darkflame Cleft.
Diamond MechsuitShiny mech of awesomeness.Get 2000 Mythic+ Score in TWW Season 1. Limited-time mount, so hurry!

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Wow TWW Pre-patch mounts

How To Get Epic Mounts In Wow Tww

Get ready to ride in style before the full expansion drops. These mounts are perfect for showing off to your friends and making everyone jealous. They’re easy to grab, just follow the steps below and you’ll be cruising around in no time!

MountDescriptionHow to Get It
Remembered Golden GryphonShiny and majestic.Buy from Remembrancer Amuul for 2000 Residual Memories.
Remembered Wind RiderClassic and breezy.Buy from Remembrancer Amuul for 2000 Residual Memories.

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Wow TWW profession mounts

Wow Tww Flying Mount Guide

Want to craft your own cool rides? These mounts come straight from your professions, making them even more special. Whether you’re an engineer or a blacksmith, these mounts are a must-have for showing off your crafting skills. Check out the super-simple table below to see how to grab these awesome WoW TWW profession mounts.

MountDescriptionHow to Get It
Crowd Pummeler 2-30Techy flying machine.Crafted with Engineering. Learn the recipe, gather materials, and build it yourself!

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World of warcraft Exploration mounts

Warcraft Tww Mount Collection

If you love exploring every nook and cranny of Azeroth, these mounts are just for you. They’re hidden all over, waiting for you to find them. Whether it’s climbing mountains or diving deep, these mounts make your adventures even more epic. Check out the easy-peasy guide below to see how to grab these awesome WoW TWW exploration mounts!

MountDescriptionHow to Get It
AluniraStormy and epic.Drop from Alunira. Collect 10 Crackling Shards, combine into a Storm Vessel, break her shield, and defeat her.
Beledar’s SpawnCreepy flying bug.Drop from Beledar’s Spawn. Find and defeat it to get your mount.
Regurgitated Mole ReinsGross, but awesome.Drop from Lurker of the Deeps. Keep searching until you find this hidden creature!
Reins of the Soaring MeaderbeeBuzzing with style.Buy from Cendvin for 900 Sizzling Cinderpollen. Farm the pollen from elite bees west of Cinderbrew Meadery.
SiesbargSpooky and powerful.Drop from Tka’ktath. Loot Vial of Tka’ktath’s Blood, start a questline, and get your mount!
Swarmite SkyhunterSmall but mighty.Earn the Khaz Algar Glyph Hunter achievement by collecting all the glyphs in the zone.

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World of warcraft: TWW pvp mounts

Unique Mounts In Wow The War Within

If you love smashing your enemies in the arena or on the battlefield, these mounts are for you. Each one is a trophy that shows you’re a true PvP champion. They’re not easy to get, but man, are they worth it! Check out the super-simple guide below to see how to claim these awesome WoW TWW PvP mounts!

MountDescriptionHow to Get It
Forged Gladiator’s Fel BatDark and fierce bat.Win 50 Rated Arena matches in 3v3 while above 2400 Rating during TWW Season 1.
Raging CinderbeeFiery and buzzing.Complete the “Ruffious’s Bid” achievement by doing all the PvP tasks in TWW zones.
Vicious SkyflayerWinged menace.Earn as a Rated Season reward in The War Within. Dominate your PvP matches!

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Wow: The War Within Renown mounts

Wow Tww Mount Achievements

If you’re all about gaining favor with the factions, these mounts are your reward for being the best buddy ever. These beauties are locked behind Renown, so you’ll need to grind and be super friendly, but it’s totally worth it. Check out the super-simple guide below to see how to grab these awesome WoW TWW Renown mounts!

MountDescriptionHow to Get It
Crimson MudnoseFiery red beast.Buy from Waxmonger Squick for 8125 Resonance Crystals. Requires Renown 19 with The Assembly of the Deeps.
Cyan GlowmiteGlowing and cool.Buy from Waxmonger Squick for 11375 Resonance Crystals. Requires Renown 23 with The Assembly of the Deeps.
Vermillion Imperial LynxSleek and powerful.Buy from Auralia Steelstrike for 8125 Resonance Crystals. Requires Renown 18 with Council of Dornogal.
Shackled ShadowDark and mysterious.Buy from Auralia Steelstrike for 11375 Resonance Crystals. Requires Renown 23 with Council of Dornogal.
Shale RamolithSturdy and rugged.Buy from Auditor Balwurz for 8125 Resonance Crystals. Requires Renown 21 with Hallowfall Arathi.
Smoldering CinderbeeBlazing hot bee.Buy from Auditor Balwurz for 11375 Resonance Crystals. Requires Renown 23 with Hallowfall Arathi.
Ferocious JawcrawlerFierce and intimidating.Buy from Lady Vinazian for 2815 Kej Kej. Requires Renown 18 with The Severed Threads.
Aquamarine SwarmiteTiny but mighty.Buy from Lady Vinazian for 3940 Kej Kej. Requires Renown 23 with The Severed Threads.
Heritage UndercrawlerClassic and stylish.Buy from Yamas the Provider for 2020 Kej Kej. Requires Conspirator Rank with The General.
Royal Court UndercrawlerRegal and majestic.Buy from Yamas the Provider for 2020 Kej Kej. Requires Conspirator Rank with The Vizier.
Widow’s UndercrawlerSleek and stealthy.Buy from Yamas the Provider for 2020 Kej Kej. Requires Conspirator Rank with The Weaver.

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Skyriding mounts in wow TWW

Wow Tww Mount Vendors

SkyRiding is a new way to fly in WoW: The War Within. Think of it like flying with a turbo boost! Unlike the old flying style, Steady Flight, which is slow and steady, SkyRiding is fast and exciting, but you have to keep your speed up to stay in the air.

  1. Speed
    — SkyRiding: Super fast, up to 830% speed in some places!
    — Steady Flight: Up to 310% speed (not as fast, but easy).
  2. Control
    — SkyRiding: Needs active control and momentum to keep flying.
    — Steady Flight: No special control needed, just fly.
  3. Mounts
    — SkyRiding: Most flying mounts can use it, but not all.
    — Steady Flight: All flying mounts can use it.
  4. Special Moves
    — SkyRiding: Uses Vigor, a special energy, for fast flying.
    — Steady Flight: No special moves, just steady flying.
  5. Unlocking
    — SkyRiding: Available at max level with talents to unlock.
    — Steady Flight: Unlocked through regular riding skills.
How To Earn Mounts In Wow Tww

In The War Within, there are 464 new SkyRiding mounts! Yes, that’s a lot more than before. These mounts are reworked to fit the new SkyRiding style, giving you even more ways to zoom across the sky in style! Whether you’re just starting or already flying high, these mounts will make your adventures even more epic.

Machine Defense Unit 1-11 [PH] Firebee Mount (Blue Variant) Soaring Meaderbee [PH] Firebee Mount (Grey Skin, Silver Saddle) Raging Cinderbee [PH] Firebee Mount (White Skin, White Saddle) Cyan Glowmite [PH] Firefly2 Mount (Green) [PH] Firefly2 Mount (Purple) [PH] Firefly2 Mount (Yellow) Shadowed Swarmite Swarmite Skyhunter [PH] FlyingNerubian2 Mount (Tan Body, Orange Saddle) Aquamarine Swarmite Forged Gladiator’s Fel Bat [PH] Gryphon_Air_Mount (White Skin, Gold Saddle) Sureki Skyrazor [PH] NerubianWarbeastMount (Cyan) Siesbarg [PH] NerubianWarbeastMount (Orange) Ascendant Skyrazor [PH] Shadow Elemental (Black) Shackled Shadow Beledar’s Spawn [PH] Silver Armored Fel Bat Gladiator Mount Vicious Skyflayer Vicious Skyflayer Abyss Worm Aerial Unit R-21/X Alabaster Stormtalon Alabaster Thunderwing Albino Drake Alunira Amani Dragonhawk Amber Ardenmoth Amber Pterrordax koan Waveray Antoran Charhound Antoran Gloomhound Arcanist’s Manasaber Archmage’s Prismatic Disc Ardenweald Wilderling Argent Hippogryph Armored Bloodwing Armored Blue Dragonhawk Armored Blue Wind Rider Armored Red Dragonhawk Armored Skyscreamer Armored Snowy Gryphon Ascendant’s Aquilon Ascended Skymane Ashen Pandaren Phoenix Ashenvale Chimaera Ashes of Al’ar Astral Cloud Serpent Autumnal Wilderling Awakened Mindborer Azshari Bloatray Azure Cloud Serpent Azure Drake Azure Netherwing Drake Azure Skitterfly Azure Worldchiller Ban-Lu, Grandmaster’s Companion Battle-Hardened Aquilon Battlefield Swarmer Battlelord’s Bloodthirsty War Wyrm Bestowed Sandskimmer Black Drake Black Proto-Drake Black Serpent of N’Zoth Blazing Drake Blazing Hippogryph Bloodbathed Frostbrood Vanquisher Bloodgorged Hunter Bloodthirsty Dreadwing Bloody Skyscreamer Blue Dragonhawk  Blue Drake Blue Proto-Drake Blue Riding Nether Ray Blue Wind Rider Bonesewn Fleshroc Boulder Hauler Bound Blizzard Bronze Drake Bronzewing Vespoid Brutal Nether Drake Bulbous Necroray Buzz Calescent Shalewing Callow Flayedwing Captured Swampstalker Carcinized Zerethsteed Cartel Master’s Gearglider Cataclysmic Gladiator’s Twilight Drake Cataloged Shalewing Celestial Steed Cenarion War Hippogryph Chittering Animite Cindermane Charger Cloudwing Hippogryph Clutch of Ha-Li Clutch of Ji-Kun Cobalt Netherwing Drake Cobalt Pterrordax Cobalt Shalewing Colossal Slaughterclaw Compass Rose Corrupted Dreadwing Corrupted Fire Hawk Corrupted Gladiator’s Proto-Drake Corrupted Hippogryph Cosmic Gladiator’s Soul Eater Crimson Cloud Serpent Crimson Pandaren PhoenixCrowd Pummeler 2-30 Cruel Gladiator’s Storm Dragon Dark Phoenix Darkmoon Dirigible Darkspore Mana Ray Dauntless Duskrunner Dazar’alor Windreaver Deadly Gladiator’s ost Wyrm Demonic Gladiator’s Storm Dragon Depleted-Kyparium Rocket Desertwing Hunter Divine Kiss of Ohn’ahra Dominant Gladiator’s Storm Dragon Drake of the East Wind Drake of the Four Winds Drake of the North Wind Drake of the South Wind Drake of the West Wind Dread Gladiator’s Proto-Drake Dread Raven Duskflutter Ardenmoth Dusklight Razorwing Dusky Waycrest Gryphon Ebon Gryphon Eclipse Dragonhawk Elysian Aquilon Emerald Drake Emerald Hippogryph Emerald Pandaren Phoenix Enchanted Fey Dragon Endmire Flyer Ensorcelled Everwyrm Eternal Gladiator’s Soul Eater Eve’s Ghastly Rider Expedition Bloodswarmer Experiment 12-B Explorer’s Jungle Hopper Farseer’s Raging Tempest Fearless Gladiator’s Storm Dragon Feldrake Felfire Hawk Felglow Mana Ray Felsteel Annihilator Felstorm Dragon Ferocious Gladiator’s Storm Dragon Fierce Gladiator’s Storm Dragon Fierce Razorwing Fiery Hearthsteed Flameward Hippogryph Flying Carpet Flying Machine Forged Spiteflyer Forsworn Aquilon Frostbrood Proto-Wyrm Frosty Flying Carpet Fur-endship Fox Furious Gladiator’s Frost Wyrm G.M.O.D. Garnet Razorwing Geosynchronous World Spinner Ghastly Charger Gilded Prowler Glacial Tidestorm Gleaming Moonbeast Gold-Toed Albatross Golden Cloud Serpent Golden Gryphon Golden Regal Scarab Grand Armored Gryphon Grand Armored Wyvern Grand Gryphon Grand Wyvern Green Proto-Drake Green Riding Nether Ray Green Wind Rider Grievous Gladiator’s Cloud Serpent Grinning Reaver Grove Defiler Grove Warden Gruesome Flayedwing Harvester’s Dredwing Headless Horseman’s Mount Heart of the Aspects Heartbond Lupine Hearthsteed Heavenly Azure Cloud Serpent Heavenly Crimson Cloud Serpent Heavenly Golden Cloud Serpent Heavenly Onyx Cloud Serpent High Priest’s Lightsworn Seeker Highlord’s Golden Charger Highlord’s Valorous Charger Highlord’s Vengeful Charger Highlord’s Vigilant Charger Highwind Darkmane Hogrus, Swine of Good Fortune Honeyback Harvester Horrid Dredwing Hulking Deathroc Huntmaster’s Dire Wolfhawk Huntmaster’s Fierce Wolfhawk Huntmaster’s Loyal Wolfhawk Icebound Frostbrood Vanquisher Igneous Shalewing Illidari Doomhawk Imperial Quilen Infested Necroray Infinite Timereaver Invincible Iron Skyreaver Ironbound Proto-Drake Ironbound Wraithcharger Island Thunderscale Ivory Cloud Serpent Jade Cloud SerpentJade Pandaren Kite Jade Panther Jade Pterrordax Jeweled Copper Scarab Jeweled Onyx Panther Lambent Mana Ray Leaping Veinseeker Leyfeather Hippogryph Leywoven Flying Carpet Life-Binder’s Handmaiden Lightforged Warframe Long-Forgotten Hippogryph Lord of the Corpseflies Lucid Nightmare Lucky Yun Luminous Starseeker Wandering Arden Doe Magenta Cloud Serpent Magnificent Flying Carpet Mail Muncher Maldraxxian Corpsefly Malevolent Drone Malevolent Gladiator’s Cloud Serpent Marrowfang Mastercraft Gravewing Mawdapted Raptora Mecha-Mogul Mk2 Mechagon Peacekeeper Mechanized Lumber Extractor Merciless Nether Drake Merciless Nether Drake Mimiron’s Head Mimiron’s Jumpjets Morsel Sniffer Mottled Drake Mystic Runesaber Nazjatar Blood Serpent Nether-Gorged Greatwyrm Netherlord’s Accursed Wrathsteed Netherlord’s Brimstone Wrathsteed Netherlord’s Chaotic Wrathsteed Night Pterrorwing Noble Flying Carpet Notorious Gladiator’s Proto-Drake Ny’alotha Allseer Obsidian Gravewing Obsidian Nightwing Obsidian Worldbreaker Onyx Cloud Serpent Onyx Netherwing Drake Onyxian Drake Orgrimmar Interceptor Pale Gravewing Pandaren Kite Pandaren Kite Pestilent Necroray Phosphorescent Stone Drake Plagued Proto-Drake Predatory Plagueroc Prestigious Azure Courser Prestigious Bloodforged Courser Prestigious Bronze Courser Prestigious Forest Courser Prestigious Ivory Courser Prestigious Midnight Courser Prestigious Royal Courser Prideful Gladiator’s Cloud Serpent Priestess’ Moonsaber Proudmoore Sea Scout Pureblood Fire Hawk Pureheart Courser Purple Netherwing Drake Purple Riding Nether Ray Quawks Rajani Warserpent Rampart Screecher Raptora Swooper Red Dragonhawk Red Drake Red Proto-Drake Red Riding Nether Ray Regal Corpsefly Relentless Gladiator’s Frost Wyrm Restoration Deathwalker Riddler’s Mind-Worm Rocket Shredder 9001 Royal Seafeather Royal Swarmer Ruby Panther Runebound Firelord Rustbolt Resistor Rusted Proto-Drake Rusty Mechanocrawler Ruthless Gladiator’s Twilight Drake Sandstone Drake Sandy Shalewing Sapphire Panther Sapphire Skyblazer Scarlet Pterrordax Scintillating Mana Ray Scourgebound Vanquisher Scrapforged Mechaspider Shackled Ur’zul Shadowbarb Drone Shadowblade’s Baneful Omen Shadowblade’s Crimson Omen Shadowblade’s Lethal Omen Shadowblade’s Murderous Omen Shadowflame Shalewing Summon Sharkbait Shimmermist Runner Shu-Zen, the Divine Sentinel Silent Glider Silky Shimmermoth Siltwing Albatross Silver Covenant HippogryphSilver Riding Nether Ray Silvertip Dredwing Silverwind Larion Sinfall Gravewing Sinful Gladiator’s Soul Eater Sinister Gladiator’s Proto-Drake Sinrunner Blanchy Sintouched Deathwalker Sky Golem Slayer’s Felbroken Shrieker Slime Serpent Smoldering Cinderbee Smoldering Ember Wyrm Snowy Gryphon Soaring Razorwing Soaring Skyterror Soaring Spelltome Solar Spirehawk Soultwisted Deathwalker Spawn of Galakras Spectral Gryphon Spectral Pterrorwing Spectral Wind Rider Spirit of Eche’ro Squawks Squeakers, the Trickster Steamscale Incinerator Stonevault Mechsuit Stormsong Coastwatcher Stormwind Skychaser Summer Wilderling Sundancer Sunreaver Dragonhawk Sunstone Panther Sunwarmed Furline Swift Blue Gryphon Swift Gloomhoof Swift Green Gryphon Swift Green Wind Rider Swift Nether Drake Swift Purple Gryphon Swift Purple Wind Rider Swift Red Gryphon Swift Red Wind Rider Swift Spectral Fathom Ray Swift Spectral Rylak Swift Windsteed Swift Yellow Wind Rider Sylverian Dreamer Tamed Skitterfly Tangled Dreamweaver Tarecgosa’s Visage Tawny Wind Rider Tazavesh Gearglider Teldrassil Hippogryph Telix the Stormhorn The Dreadwake The Hivemind Thundering August Cloud Serpent Thundering Cobalt Cloud Serpent Thundering Jade Cloud Serpent Thundering Onyx Cloud Serpent Thundering Ruby Cloud Serpent Time-Lost Proto-Drake Turbo-Charged Flying Machine Tuskarr Shoreglider Twilight Avenger Twilight Drake Twilight Harbinger Tyrael’s Charger Tyrannical Gladiator’s Cloud Serpent Unchained Gladiator’s Soul Eater Uncorrupted Voidwing Undercity Plaguebat Unshackled Waveray Val’sharah Hippogryph Valarjar Stormwing Vengeance Vengeful Nether Drake Verdant Skitterfly Veridian Netherwing Drake Vespoid Flutterer Vibrant Flutterwing Vibrant Mana Ray Vicious Gladiator’s Twilight Drake Vindictive Gladiator’s Storm Dragon Violet Netherwing Drake Violet Pandaren Phoenix Violet Proto-Drake Violet Spellwing Vitreous Stone Drake Volcanic Stone Drake Voldunai Dunescraper Vulpine Familiar Warforged Nightmare Waste Marauder Wastewander Skyterror Wastewarped Deathwalker Wen Lo, the River’s Edge Wicked Swarmer Wild Dreamrunner Wildseed Cradle Winged Guardian Winged Steed of the Ebon Blade Witherbark Direwing Wonderwing 2.0 Wrathful Gladiator’s Frost Wyrm Wriggling Parasite X-45 Heartbreaker X-51 Nether-Rocket X-51 Nether-Rocket X-TREME X-53 Touring Rocket Xiwyllag ATV Yu’lei, Daughter of Jade Zereth Overseer Zovaal’s Soul Eater


In World of Warcraft: The War Within, there are tons of new mounts to collect, and we’ve got you covered with this guide. From flying beasts to creepy crawlers, every mount is unique and awesome in its own way. Whether you’re smashing enemies in PvP, grinding for renown, or exploring hidden corners of Azeroth, there’s a mount waiting for you. Each mount has its own style and way to get it, so whether you’re into battling, questing, or just showing off, there’s something here for everyone.

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How many new mounts are in The War Within expansion?

There are over 500 new mounts in The War Within! 464 are reworked for SkyRiding, and 36 are completely new.

What is SkyRiding, and how does it work?

SkyRiding is a fast way to fly in The War Within. It’s like turbo flying. Not all mounts can use it, but many old mounts have been changed to work with SkyRiding.

How can I get the new mounts?

You can get mounts from quests, dungeons, raids, PvP, exploring, or earning renown with factions. Each mount has its own way to get it, so check the guide for details.

How do I track the mounts I have?

Use Wowhead’s Mount Collection Tracker. It shows which mounts you have and which ones you need. Just import your character to start.

Are there any mounts that are only available for a short time?

Yes, some mounts are only available during PvP seasons or from Mythic+ achievements. Get them before the season ends!

Can I buy mounts from the in-game shop?

Yes, some mounts can be bought in the in-game shop or the Trading Post. You can use real money or in-game currency to buy them.

What are renown mounts, and how do I get them?

Renown mounts are rewards for reaching high renown levels with factions. You need to do tasks for the factions to earn these mounts.

What are the PvP mounts, and how do I earn them?

PvP mounts are rewards for winning rated PvP matches or completing PvP achievements. The better you do in PvP, the cooler the mount!

Where can I find more details on how to get each mount?

The guide has a table for each mount category that tells you how to get each mount. Just follow the steps to get your new mount!
