WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list — Best Tanks, Heals, DPS in World of Warcraft: The War Within 11.0.7 for PvE & PVP + M+ and Raids Tier Lists

By: friolt
14 min read
Best Healer Classes For Pvp Wow 11.0.7

In this guide, we’re not here to sugarcoat anything—we’re here to help you dominate WoW: The War Within Patch 11.0.7. Whether you’re tanking, healing, or dealing damage, we’re breaking it all down so you can crush your enemies and claim your rightful spot at the top. so, prepare to learn in our WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list about:

  • The absolute best tanks to steamroll dungeons, raids, and PvP—no excuses.
  • Healers who can carry teams and keep everyone alive when the pressure’s on.
  • DPS specs that shred everything in their path with insane burst and utility.
  • Hard truths about what works, what doesn’t, and how to adapt to the meta.
  • Strategies to obliterate competition in Mythic+, raids, and PvP arenas.

This isn’t about casual play—we’re here to turn you into an unstoppable force. From Mythic+ dominance to raid supremacy to PvP destruction, we’ll arm you with the knowledge and strategies to annihilate everything in your path.


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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best M+ tank

Guardian Druid Pvp Tank Guide

In Patch 11.07, Protection Paladin stands out as the best Mythic+ tank due to its unmatched utility, high damage output, and excellent self-sustain. Protection Warrior is another solid choice with great mob control and tankiness, though it relies more on healers. Guardian Druid and Blood Death Knight provide good self-sustain and utility but struggle with durability and burst damage in high keys. Meanwhile, Vengeance Demon Hunter excels in AoE damage and crowd control but heavily depends on cooldowns. Brewmaster Monk, while decent in mob control and damage, remains too squishy for high-end Mythic+ keys.

TierSpecKey Features
SProtection PaladinBest overall utility, durability, and DPS for Mythic+; excels in all key levels.
AProtection WarriorStrong tankiness and mob control; slightly weaker with caster-heavy groups.
BGuardian DruidDecent damage and utility; struggles with magic damage and durability.
BBlood Death KnightExcellent self-sustain and mob control; vulnerable to burst damage.
CVengeance Demon HunterHigh AoE damage and crowd control; very cooldown-dependent for survival.
CBrewmaster MonkGood damage and mob control; overly reliant on healers and struggles with squishiness.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best M+ Heal

Restoration Shaman Pve Build Wow 11.0.7

In Patch 11.07, Discipline Priest and Restoration Shaman dominate the Mythic+ healer rankings. Discipline Priest excels with its unique ability to heal through damage and offers powerful shields like Rapture, making it the top choice for high-damage situations. Restoration Shaman brings excellent AoE healing, strong utility (like Bloodlust and poison/curse dispels), and improved mana efficiency. Other solid options include Restoration Druid with its versatile playstyle and Mistweaver Monk, which provides high healing output and solid utility but struggles in a Discipline Priest meta.

TierSpecKey Features
SDiscipline PriestHeals through damage, strong shields, and great utility (Power Infusion, Barrier).
SRestoration ShamanBest AoE healing, Bloodlust, strong utility, and improved mana sustainability.
ARestoration DruidTanky, versatile with strong group healing and decent damage output.
AMistweaver MonkHigh healing output, solid utility, but less favored due to Discipline Priest dominance.
BPreservation EvokerDecent healing and damage but struggles in pugs and group synergy.
BHoly PaladinModerate healing and damage; overlaps too much with Protection Paladin utility.
CHoly PriestSimple to play with decent output but lacks strong utility and crowd control.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best M+ DPS

High Burst Dps Specs In Wow Patch 11.0.7

In Patch 11.07, Enhancement Shaman, Frost Death Knight, and Augmentation Evoker are the top choices for Mythic+ DPS. Enhancement Shaman leads with amazing AoE, single-target damage, and strong utility like Bloodlust and totems. Frost Death Knight shines with its burst AoE, strong survivability, and utility tools like Death Grip. Augmentation Evoker boosts the group with powerful buffs, making it essential for high-level keys. Other strong picks include Balance Druid for AoE and utility, and Assassination Rogue for consistent single-target and AoE damage.

TierSpecKey Features
SEnhancement ShamanBest AoE and single-target damage, versatile utility, and Bloodlust support.
SFrost Death KnightHigh AoE burst, tanky, and excellent group utility (e.g., Death Grip, AMZ).
SAugmentation EvokerStrong buffs for the group, boosting survivability and damage in high keys.
ABalance DruidExceptional AoE damage, great utility, and solid defensive options.
AAssassination RogueGreat single-target and AoE damage with strong debuffs and crowd control.
AArcane MageHigh AoE burst, excellent mobility, and versatile utility.
ARetribution PaladinBeginner-friendly, with solid AoE and single-target damage and strong survivability.
BElemental ShamanConsistent sustained AoE damage, strong utility, but slightly squishy.
BFire MageStrong AoE burst damage, decent single-target, and good group utility.
BSurvival HunterStrong single-target and AoE damage with creative solutions to dungeon mechanics.
CHavoc Demon HunterDecent damage and utility but lacks strong AoE burst and synergy.
COutlaw RogueSolid sustained AoE damage but struggles in burst-heavy fights.
CBeast Mastery HunterWeak AoE damage for Mythic+ but decent single-target potential.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best raid tank

Blood Death Knight Mythic+ Guide

In Patch 11.07, Protection Paladin stands out as the best raid tank. It offers excellent self-healing, group support with abilities like Blessing of Sacrifice and Lay on Hands, and strong defensive cooldowns. Blood Death Knight is another top pick with amazing self-sustain and control tools, making it great for surviving tough boss mechanics. Protection Warrior excels with high damage reduction, reliable crowd control, and consistent performance across all raid encounters.

TierSpecKey Features
SProtection PaladinTop self-healing, raid buffs, and defensive cooldowns.
ABlood Death KnightExceptional survivability and add control.
AProtection WarriorStrong damage reduction and consistent performance.
BGuardian DruidReliable for physical damage but struggles with magic-heavy fights.
CVengeance Demon HunterHigh mobility and AoE damage but lacks sustained defenses for raid bosses.
CBrewmaster MonkGood crowd control but heavily dependent on healers for survival.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best raid DPS

Brewmaster Monk Mythic+ Performance

In Patch 11.07, Enhancement Shaman and Frost Death Knight lead the Best Raid DPS rankings. Enhancement Shaman excels with strong AoE damage, burst potential, and valuable utility spells like Bloodlust. Frost Death Knight dominates sustained damage phases with its Breath of Sindragosa build and great survivability. Balance Druids and Destruction Warlocks also rank high for their consistent damage, raid utility, and performance in both single-target and AoE scenarios.

TierSpecKey Features
SEnhancement ShamanTop AoE damage, great burst potential, and group utility with Bloodlust.
SFrost Death KnightBest for sustained damage phases, strong defensive options.
ABalance DruidStrong AoE damage, utility buffs (Mark of the Wild, dispels).
ADestruction WarlockHigh single-target burst damage and reliable AoE spells.
BShadow PriestVersatile sustained damage, raid cooldowns, and great utility.
BMarksmanship HunterImproved AoE burst and great mobility after recent buffs.
CFeral DruidGood single-target damage but weak AoE performance in raids.
CHavoc Demon HunterDecent mobility and utility, but low sustained damage.
DDevastation EvokerUnderwhelming damage output and lacks raid synergy.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best raid Heal

Best Raid Tanks Wow 11.0.7

In Patch 11.07, Restoration Shaman dominates raid healing with strong AoE heals, great utility like Bloodlust, and powerful cooldowns. Discipline Priest is another top choice, blending damage and healing for consistent raid support. Preservation Evoker offers great burst healing and mobility, making it ideal for handling high-pressure situations. These specs are the best for keeping your raid alive in the evolving meta.

TierSpecKey Features
SRestoration ShamanBest AoE healing, utility like Bloodlust, and reliable cooldowns.
SDiscipline PriestMixes damage and healing, excels in sustained raid support.
APreservation EvokerHigh burst healing, strong mobility, and powerful cooldowns.
BHoly PaladinStrong single-target healing, useful defensive abilities for group safety.
BHoly PriestVersatile healing, good raid cooldowns, and beginner-friendly gameplay.
CMistweaver MonkDecent AoE healing but lacks powerful cooldowns compared to other specs.
CRestoration DruidGood sustained HoT healing but struggles with heavy burst damage situations.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best RBG tank

Wow War Within Tier List Pve And Pvp

In Patch 11.0.7, the best tanks for Rated Battlegrounds (RBGs) are all about mobility, survival, and helping the team. Guardian Druids are S-tier because they move fast, heal well, and protect flags. Vengeance Demon Hunters are also great, with amazing mobility and crowd control. Protection Paladins bring strong team support and great survival tools.

TierSpecWhy They’re Strong
SGuardian DruidBest mobility, top self-healing, perfect for flag runs and defense.
AVengeance Demon HunterFast, great crowd control, strong at moving and disrupting battles.
AProtection PaladinStrong team value, great survival tools, and can save teammates.
BBlood Death KnightTough, good grip utility, but not as fast as others.
BProtection WarriorGood mobility and team buffs, solid for node defense.
CBrewmaster MonkDecent mobility, but weaker in team fights and utility.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best RBG heal

Subtlety Rogue Pvp Tips Wow 11.0.7

In Patch 11.0.7, the best RBG healers focus on team support and survivability. Restoration Shamans are S-tier because of their strong AoE healing, utility totems, and crowd control. Discipline Priests also shine with damage-based healing and excellent defensive cooldowns. Holy Paladins offer great single-target heals and strong utility for saving teammates in critical moments.

TierSpecWhy They’re Strong
SRestoration ShamanBest AoE healing, Bloodlust, and strong crowd control for team fights.
ADiscipline PriestHigh damage-based healing and excellent defensive cooldowns.
AHoly PaladinAmazing single-target healing and utility like Blessing of Sacrifice.
BRestoration DruidStrong mobility and sustained heals, but weaker in large team fights.
BMistweaver MonkGood healing throughput but struggles with crowd control and utility.
CHoly PriestDecent healing but lacks mobility and damage compared to other specs.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best RBG DPS

Balance Druid Aoe Dps Guide

In Patch 11.0.7, the best RBG DPS specs focus on damage, utility, and survivability. Frost Mage is S-tier for its strong crowd control and AoE damage. Unholy Death Knight excels with burst pressure and great team utility. Balance Druids provide consistent damage and AoE pressure, while Survival Hunters surprise with their mobility and strong single-target damage. These specs stand out in the current meta for team fights and objective control.

TierSpecWhy They’re Strong in the dps tier list
SFrost MageTop crowd control, high burst damage, and mobility for team fights.
SUnholy Death KnightGreat AoE pressure, survivability, and excellent team utility.
ABalance DruidConsistent AoE damage, great utility, and solid durability.
ASurvival HunterStrong single-target burst and mobility for quick plays.
BFury WarriorReliable melee DPS with burst potential and good survivability.
BSubtlety RogueAmazing stealth plays, high control, and strong burst damage.
CDevastation EvokerDecent damage but struggles with survivability in group fights.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best Arena tank

Restoration Druid Healing Guide Wow 11.0.7

In Patch 11.0.7, Protection Paladin is the S-tier tank for arena battles due to its self-healing, strong defensive cooldowns, and team support with blessings and bubbles. Blood Death Knight comes next with unmatched self-sustain and damage mitigation but needs careful play to handle burst pressure. Vengeance Demon Hunter offers great mobility and damage, making it a solid choice in specific matchups. The current state of arena tanks depends on combat styles, gear, and class tuning this season.

TierSpecWhy They’re Strong
SProtection PaladinBest defensives, self-healing, and team utility with blessings.
ABlood Death KnightUnmatched survivability and pressure absorption but lacks mobility.
AVengeance Demon HunterHigh mobility and consistent damage with decent crowd control.
BGuardian DruidGood defensive cooldowns but struggles with burst situations.
CProtection WarriorGreat AoE control, but lacks self-sustain in long fights.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best arena Heal

Top Arena Healers Wow Patch 11.0.7

In Patch 11.0.7, Restoration Shaman is the top choice for arena healing, sitting in S-tier thanks to its burst healing, strong utility, and ability to bring Bloodlust for critical moments. Discipline Priest is also S-tier, excelling with its unique ability to heal while dealing damage, offering strong offensive pressure. Restoration Druid sits in A-tier for its mobility and powerful HoTs, making it excellent for avoiding crowd control while keeping allies alive. Class tuning and current meta factors are crucial for healers this season.

TierSpecWhy They’re Strong
SRestoration ShamanBurst AoE healing, Bloodlust, and great utility like totems.
SDiscipline PriestStrong damage and healing combo, with Pain Suppression for defense.
ARestoration DruidHigh mobility, great HoTs, and Cyclone for control.
BHoly PaladinSolid single-target healing but struggles with mobility and crowd control.
CMistweaver MonkStrong healing but lacks the utility of other specs in high-tier play.

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WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best arena DPS

Vengeance Demon Hunter Tank Strategies

In Patch 11.0.7, Havoc Demon Hunter is the top arena DPS, thanks to its mobility, high burst damage, and strong crowd control tools. Windwalker Monk also performs well, offering explosive AoE pressure and consistent single-target damage. Subtlety Rogue remains a popular pick for its stealth burst combos and ability to lock down opponents. The current state of the expansion puts high value on mobility and burst, so these specs stand out. The point is, these classes dominate because they bring both damage and control. Rest of the specs rely on good gear and team synergy.

TierSpecWhy They’re Strong
SHavoc Demon HunterHigh mobility, burst damage, and great utility like Darkness.
SSubtlety RogueStealth opener, stuns, and massive single-target burst.
AWindwalker MonkStrong AoE burst, good mobility, and decent self-sustain.
AArms WarriorConsistent pressure and strong defensive cooldowns.
BFrost MageControl-heavy playstyle with great damage if left unchecked.

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Example: In a 3v3 match, pairing a Havoc Demon Hunter with a Subtlety Rogue can create devastating kill windows. The second part of mastering arena DPS is choosing the right partners and knowing when to drop cooldowns for maximum impact. Guys, if you want to climb ranks in this game, focus on these S-tier specs this season!

WoW TWW 11.0.7.Class Tier list | Best Class

Best Melee Dps For Dungeons Wow 11.0.7

In Patch 11.0.7, Protection Paladin dominates as the best tank, Discipline Priest and Restoration Shaman lead as healers, and Enhancement Shaman takes the top spot for DPS. These classes stand out because of their versatility, utility, and top-tier performance across all content like Mythic+, raids, and PvP. The point is clear—these classes excel in the current state of the game, offering great value to their teams. Rest of the specs can shine with proper gear, class tuning, and synergy.

TierClassSpecRoleWhy They’re Strong
SPaladinProtection PaladinTankBest self-sustain, group utility, and durability for any content.
SShamanEnhancement ShamanDPSAmazing AoE and single-target damage, versatile utility, and Bloodlust.
SPriestDiscipline PriestHealerHeals through damage, strong shields, and excellent utility.
ADeath KnightFrost Death KnightDPSHigh AoE burst, survivability, and great utility like Death Grip.
AWarriorProtection WarriorTankStrong defensives and mob control, ideal for high-end keys.
BDruidRestoration DruidHealerGreat mobility, strong healing-over-time (HoTs), and Cyclone control.
CMonkBrewmaster MonkTankDecent crowd control and damage but heavily reliant on healers for survival.

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Havoc Demon Hunter Arena Burst Build

The World of Warcraft (WoW) Patch 11.0.7 brings a clear picture of the best classes for roles and activities. In Mythic+ dungeons, Protection Paladin is the top tank with strong utility, durability, and damage. Discipline Priest and Restoration Shaman dominate as healers, each excelling in utility and healing output. For DPS, Enhancement Shaman shines with its powerful AoE, single-target damage, and valuable group support like Bloodlust.

In raid settings, Protection Paladin is the most reliable tank due to its self-sustain and group support. Enhancement Shaman and Frost Death Knight lead DPS rankings with burst damage and utility, while Restoration Shaman and Discipline Priest remain the best healers with exceptional raid utility and healing versatility.

For PvP, Guardian Druids excel in Rated Battlegrounds (RBGs) as tanks, offering mobility and defense, while Frost Mage and Unholy Death Knight dominate as DPS with crowd control and AoE pressure. In arena battles, Protection Paladin is unmatched for its defensive tools, while Havoc Demon Hunter and Subtlety Rogue stand out for their mobility, burst damage, and crowd control.

Across all content, Protection Paladin, Discipline Priest, and Enhancement Shaman are the top-tier picks for their consistent performance, versatility, and utility. These specs define the meta and provide the best results in both PvE and PvP gameplay.

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What is the best tank in WoW Patch 11.0.7 for Mythic+?

Protection Paladin is the best tank in Mythic+ due to its excellent utility, strong self-sustain, and high damage output.

Which healer is top-tier in raids for Patch 11.0.7?

Restoration Shaman leads as the best raid healer, offering powerful AoE healing, great utility (like Bloodlust), and strong cooldowns.

Who are the top DPS specs in Mythic+?

Enhancement Shaman, Frost Death Knight, and Augmentation Evoker are the top DPS choices, excelling in AoE damage, utility, and group buffs.

What tank performs best in PvP Rated Battlegrounds?

Guardian Druids dominate in RBGs with their unmatched mobility, healing, and ability to protect objectives like flags.

Which classes dominate in arena battles?

Havoc Demon Hunter and Subtlety Rogue are the strongest arena DPS specs, combining high mobility, burst damage, and strong crowd control.

What is the most versatile class in Patch 11.0.7?

Protection Paladin, Discipline Priest, and Enhancement Shaman stand out for their strong performance across all content, from dungeons and raids to PvP.
