WoW TWW Professions Guide – The War Within Hints

By: friolt
10 min read
Best Professions For Gold In Wow Tww

Who do you think is the most valuable in the World of Warcraft: The War Within professions list? Is it the profession that makes the most gold? Or maybe it’s the one that creates the best gear? It’s a tricky question, right?

Of course, the most important profession in the game might seem obvious. The ones that craft the strongest weapons or provide the best buffs are often seen as top-tier. But as always, the real magic lies in the details.

So, what am I getting at? In the War Within expansion, the professions aren’t just about crafting the best gear. They involve gathering resources, mastering knowledge points, and even managing crafting orders. But here’s the catch—each profession has its own unique strengths.

That’s why we won’t spend time telling you which profession is the “best” overall. Instead, we’ll guide you through what each profession excels at in The War Within:

  • WoW TWW Top Crafting Professions;
  • WoW TWW Top Gathering Professions;
  • WoW TWW Most Profitable Professions.

We won’t waste your time with lengthy explanations or debates. The facts are simple—the best profession for you depends on what you want to achieve in the game.

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Wow TWW professions | Overview

Optional Reagents In Wow The War Within

In World of Warcraft: The War Within, professions are super important because they let you make cool stuff like gear, weapons, and consumables, which can help you and your friends in the game. You can gather materials, craft items, and even sell what you make for more gold! Plus, you can learn new things called Knowledge Points that make your crafting even better. There are special guides to help you understand everything, from how to level up your profession to finding recipes and adjusting stats.

Crafting OrdersA system where players can request items from others, including new NPC Crafting Orders.
Knowledge PointsPoints you earn to make your crafting skills stronger and unlock new abilities.
RecraftingLets you improve the quality and stats of your items over time.
Item QualityThe better your crafting, the higher the quality of the items you make.
Secondary StatsSpecial stats that you can adjust to make your crafted items even better.
Gathering ProfessionsCollect materials from the world to use in crafting, like herbs, ores, and skins.
Optional Crafting ReagentsExtra items you can add to your crafts to make them stronger or give them special abilities.
Gold MakingCraft and sell items to make gold in the game.

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Wow TWW professions | list of professions

Wow Tww Blacksmithing Tips

NOTE: Visit this part later, to find out specific guide on each profession in the world of warcraft: TWW. There you’ll get all profession guides + bonuses

In World of Warcraft: The War Within, there are different professions you can choose from. Each one lets you make or gather special things that help you in the game. You can make powerful gear, potions, or even just collect stuff to sell for gold. Here’s a simple list of the main professions in the game, along with what they do and a little fun comment about each.

Profession NameProfession Bonus
AlchemyMake potions and elixirs that boost stats.
BlacksmithingCraft powerful weapons and armor.
EnchantingAdd magical effects to gear for extra power.
EngineeringBuild gadgets and explosives for fun and battles.
InscriptionCreate glyphs and scrolls to enhance abilities.
JewelcraftingCut gems and make jewelry that boosts stats.
LeatherworkingCraft leather and mail armor for protection.
TailoringSew cloth armor and bags to carry more items.
HerbalismGather herbs used in Alchemy and Inscription.
MiningCollect ores and gems for Blacksmithing and Jewelcrafting.
SkinningGather leather from animals for Leatherworking.
CookingMake food that heals and boosts stats.
FishingCatch fish that can be cooked or used in potions.

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Wow TWW professions | recrafting

How To Use Crafting Orders In Wow The War Within

In World of Warcraft: The War Within, Recrafting is a cool way to make your gear even better without needing all the original materials again. If you crafted something before and want to improve it—like changing its stats or making it stronger—you can use Recrafting. This saves you time and gold because you don’t need to start from scratch. You can do this yourself if you have the right profession, or you can ask another player to help through a Work Order.

FeatureDescriptionInformal Commentary
What is Recrafting?Recrafting lets you improve your gear by using fewer materials.Like getting a second chance to make your gear awesome!
Why Recraft?Boosts item quality, changes stats, and increases item level.Why settle for okay when you can make it great?
Cost SavingsCheaper than crafting a new item because no original materials are needed.Save your gold for other cool stuff!
Work OrdersYou can ask other players to Recraft items for you.Don’t have the skill? No problem—just ask a buddy!
Crafting TableNeeded to start the Recrafting process if you’re doing it yourself.Time to get to work and make things better!

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Wow TWW professions | Work Orders

Wow The War Within Leatherworking Tips

ork Orders are a simple way to get items made by other players. If you need something crafted but don’t have the right profession, you can place a Work Order. It’s like asking a friend to make something special for you! You can choose who makes it, and they’ll send the item directly to your mailbox when it’s done. This system helps everyone in the game get the items they need without having to learn every profession.

What are Work Orders?A way to ask other players to craft items for you.
Types of Work OrdersPublic, Personal, Guild, and Patron Work Orders offer different options for getting items.
CostYou can pay with gold for the crafting services.
Crafting TableNeeded to place and complete Work Orders.
Receiving ItemsItems are sent directly to your mailbox after crafting is done.

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Completing orders

Wow Tww Tailoring Guide

completing a Work Order is a great way to help others and earn some gold. When someone places a Work Order, you, as a crafter, can accept it and make the item they need. It’s pretty easy—just follow the steps, make the item, and then you’ll get paid! You can find different types of Work Orders, like Public, Personal, Guild, and Patron. Each type has its own rules, but all of them let you craft and earn rewards.

Accepting an OrderChoose a Work Order from the list, then click “Start Order.”
Check MaterialsMake sure you have the right materials to complete the order.
Craft the ItemUse your profession skills to make the item requested.
Finish the OrderClick “Complete Order” to send the item and get your reward.
Get PaidYour payment is sent to you instantly when the order is completed.

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Wow TWW professions | item quality

Wow The War Within Profession Specialization

In World of Warcraft: The War Within, when you craft items, the quality shows how good they are. Better quality means the item is stronger and has better stats. To make the best items, you need good materials and skill. Sometimes you might need to try crafting again to get the best quality. Higher-quality items are more powerful and help you a lot in the game.

Quality RankDescriptionInformal Commentary
Rank 1Basic item with low stats.It’s okay, but you’ll want better soon.
Rank 2Average item with decent stats.Good enough for most things.
Rank 3Stronger item with better stats.Now you’re getting good gear!
Rank 4Very strong item with great stats.This will really help you!
Rank 5The best item with the highest stats.Top quality—nothing beats this!

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Wow TWW professions | secondary stats

Wow Tww Mining Profession Tips

he War Within, secondary stats are special bonuses that help make your crafting and gathering better. These stats can help you save materials, craft faster, or even make extra items. You can get these stats from special gear or by leveling up your profession. They make crafting and gathering more efficient, so you can get more out of your work without spending extra gold or materials.

Stat NameDescription
IngenuityChance to refund some Concentration when crafting.
ResourcefulnessChance to use fewer materials when crafting.
MulticraftChance to create extra items when crafting stackable things.
Crafting SpeedCraft items faster.
FinesseChance to gather more of the main resource when gathering.
DeftnessIncreases how fast you gather materials.
PerceptionIncreases your chance to find rare materials while gathering.

Wow TWW professions | knowledge points

How To Craft High-Quality Items In Wow Tww

Knowledge Points are like special points you can collect to make your crafting or gathering professions stronger in the World of Warcraft: The War Within expansion. You can acquire these points by gathering treasures in the open world or by buying special books. This idea helps you learn more about your profession and get better at it. Once you have them, they stay with you, even if you switch to a different profession later. These points are available from the release date of the expansion, and you can access them at any time, though you can only loot each treasure once per character.

Open-World TreasuresFind treasures in Khaz Algar that give +3 Knowledge Points.
Knowledge Point BooksBuy books from profession trainers that give +10 Knowledge Points.
Loot Once Per CharacterYou can only loot each treasure once per character.

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Wow TWW professions | optional reagents

Top Gear Crafting Professions In Wow The War Within

optional reagents are special items you can add to your crafted gear to make it better. These reagents can improve the quality, stats, or even add cool abilities to your items. You can get these reagents through crafting orders, gathering, or by earning knowledge points. Using these reagents wisely helps you craft powerful gear that will make you stronger in the game.

Reagent NameUseInformal Commentary
Artisan’s AcuityUsed to craft high-quality profession gear and buy recipes.Like a crafting currency—use it wisely!
EmbellishmentsAdds powerful abilities to your crafted gear.Make your gear extra special with cool effects!
Enchanted Crests and SparksLets your gear grow stronger as the expansion progresses.Keep your gear up-to-date with these!
Crafting TablesWhere you craft using your reagents and complete work orders.The place where all the magic happens!


In conclusion, World of Warcraft: The War Within offers a rich and detailed system of professions that goes far beyond just making items. Whether you’re crafting powerful gear, gathering resources, or mastering new skills through Knowledge Points, every profession has its own unique strengths. The expansion introduces new ways to enhance your crafting experience, such as Recrafting, Work Orders, and Optional Reagents, allowing you to create high-quality items and maximize their potential.

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Each profession in The War Within plays an important role in the game, whether you’re focusing on making gold, improving your gear, or simply enjoying the crafting process. By understanding how these systems work and using them to your advantage, you can become a top crafter or gatherer in the game.

Remember, the best profession for you is the one that fits your playstyle and goals. Explore the different options, try out the various professions, and see which one suits you best. With the right approach, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the art of crafting in The War Within.

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What are professions in World of Warcraft: The War Within?

Professions are special skills that let you craft items like gear, weapons, and consumables, or gather resources like herbs and ores. These skills help you and others in the game by creating useful items or earning gold.

How do I earn Knowledge Points in The War Within?

You can earn Knowledge Points by finding open-world treasures in Khaz Algar or by buying special books from profession trainers. These points help you improve your profession skills and unlock new abilities.

What is Recrafting, and why should I use it?

Recrafting allows you to improve the quality and stats of your gear without needing all the original materials again. It’s a cost-effective way to make your items better and more powerful.

What are Work Orders, and how do they work?

Work Orders are a system where you can request other players to craft items for you if you don’t have the right profession. You can place an order, and the crafter will send the completed item directly to your mailbox.

What are Optional Reagents, and how do they help?

Optional Reagents are special items you can add to your crafted gear to improve its quality, stats, or add unique abilities. They can be acquired through crafting orders, gathering, or earning Knowledge Points.

What are Secondary Stats in professions, and why are they important?

Secondary Stats are special bonuses that make your crafting and gathering more efficient. They can help you save materials, craft faster, or create extra items, making your profession work more effective.

How do I choose the best profession for me in The War Within?

The best profession depends on what you want to achieve in the game. If you want to make gold, gathering professions might be best. If you want to craft powerful gear, look into crafting professions. Explore your options and see what fits your playstyle.

Can I change my profession in The War Within?

Yes, you can change your profession, but be aware that you will lose the progress made in your previous profession. However, the Knowledge Points you earned remain with you if you decide to relearn that profession later.
