Pandaria Remix Terrace of Endless Spring Raid Guide – Loot and Boss Tactics

By: friolt
16 min read
Mop Remix Raids

So, in the New Remixed Mists – there’s a new Raid. Yup, all the 5 key Raids are available right from the start in World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria Remix, but let’s be honest, many, really many players, forget how to pass through these raids and make foolish mistakes, like the Real Pugs. That’s why it was a strategic move, which we’ve solved to make! I mean, to create the first, unique, full Pandaria Remix Terrace of Endless Spring raid guide. It will cover:

  2. NORMAL Groups.
  3. HEROIC Groups.

In this Pandaria Remix Terrace of Endless Spring raid guide, we’ll strive to include all the important information, which has been forgotten in the mists of time, about:

  1. Main Trash abilities.
  2. Main boss abilities.
  3. Tactics and Strategies for each boss.
  4. Loot Table.
  5. Where the entrance to this raid is.
  6. Why you can’t loot the Legendary Cap anymore.
  7. The raid composition for 10/25.

And of course, a little piece of the story for your fun, because Mists of Pandaria, even if it is the Pandaria Remix expansion, is not just a common event for looting common things, which are just passed to people who want to get some transmog. It’s a real renovation of the most cult and iconic expansion. So let us Shuffle the mix!

What is the Terrace of Endless Spring in Pandaria Remix

The Terrace Of Endless Spring Loot Table

the Terrace of Endless Spring, a MOP Remix raid where you’ll face off against iconic bosses like Protectors of the Endless, Tsulong, Lei Shi, and the dreaded Sha of Fear. Set in the mystical setting of the Veiled Stair, this raid offers a mix of challenging encounters and epic loot that’s not just about beating bosses but mastering complex mechanics and teamwork.

Key Features Table:

ModesLFR, Normal, Heroic
Raid CompositionFlexible size: 10-30 players in LFR, 10 or 25 in Normal and Heroic
BossesProtectors of the Endless, Tsulong, Lei Shi, Sha of Fear
Level Required40 + for normal. 70 for Heroic!
Unique FeatureLocated near the Black Market for convenient pre or post-raid deals

Keep this quick guide handy to tackle the challenges and claim the treasures of this legendary raid.

Terrace of Endless Spring Wow Mop Remix | Entrance

The Terrace Of Endless Spring Raid Bosses

Nestled in the Veiled Stair, the entrance to the Terrace of Endless Spring sits at 49, 61. If you’re thinking of hitting up the Black Market, you’re in luck—it’s just a stone’s throw away. The spot is perfect for a quick raid entry or some sneaky deals.

FactionRoute Description
AllianceFly to Pearlfin Village in The Jade Forest, then head west through the Valley of the Four Winds into the Veiled Stair.
HordeSet your course from Honeydew Village in The Jade Forest, scoot south, then hook a right into the Veiled Stair.

Can’t fly in Pandaria yet? Just hoof it! For Alliance, travel from Pearlfin Village along the main roads westward; keep going till you hit the Veiled Stair. Horde folks, start at Honeydew Village and follow the road south to the same place. Both routes are scenic and totally doable on foot or mount.

Wow Mop Remix TOES RAID composition 10 people | 25 People

Wow Mop Remix The Terrace Of Endless Spring Loot Table

For the WoW MOP Remix version of the Terrace of Endless Spring raid, you’ve got options to tailor your raid group size to either a cozy 10 people or a bustling 25. Whether you’re rolling with a smaller, tight-knit crew or a larger party, each setup demands solid teamwork and smart composition to take down the bosses like Protectors of the Endless, Tsulong, Lei Shi, and Sha of Fear.

Group SizeAmount of TanksAmount of HealersAmount of DPSInformal Commentary
10 People226Cozy and coordinated, perfect for tight-knit groups. Keep it balanced!
25 People2-35-616-18A bit chaotic, but more the merrier—just crank up the communication!

Remember, a good mix of melee and ranged DPS can make a huge difference, especially when tackling the varied mechanics offered by bosses like the Protectors of the Endless and the Sha of Fear.

Mop Remix TOES RAID Trash mobs + abilities

Wow Mop Remix The Terrace Of Endless Spring Raid Guide

Cruising through the Terrace of Endless Spring in the MOP Remix is an epic thrill ride, but don’t get caught napping by the trash mobs lurking around. These sneaky critters, like the Apparition of Fear and Night Terror, come with tricky abilities that can mess up your raid faster than you can say loot! Here’s a quick guide to handle these baddies:

Mob NameAbility NameWhat to DoCommentaryAssociated Boss
Apparition of FearNight TerrorsCCLock this down quick, or it’ll be lights out for real.Protectors of the Endless
Apparition of FearOverwhelming FearFocusSmash this one fast to keep the fear and damage in check.Protectors of the Endless
Night TerrorEnveloping DarknessCCSnuff out this darkness with some solid crowd control.Protectors of the Endless
Apparition of TerrorGrip of FearFocusDon’t run; stand and fight or it’ll tear the raid apart.Protectors of the Endless
Apparition of TerrorUnleashed TerrorCCKeep it cool and contained, or it’ll unleash chaos.Protectors of the Endless
Corrupted ProtectorDisperseInterruptChop chop! Interrupt this or it regenerates to full health.Lei Shi

Terrace of Endless Spring Boss Tactics

Mop Remix The Terrace Of Endless Spring Raid Guide

Let’s slice through the bosses of the Terrace of Endless Spring in MOP Remix, each offering unique challenges and juicy loot:

  1. Protectors of the Endless – A trio that’s all about synergy and timing. Split your attention wisely to handle their healing and powerful attacks.
  2. Tsulong – This dual-phase dragon switches from friend to foe as day turns to night. Manage light and dark mechanics to keep him on your side.
  3. Lei Shi – A slippery water spirit who loves to play hide and seek. Stay sharp with your interrupts and watch out for her hide ability to catch her at the right moment.
  4. Sha of Fear – The big baddie of terror himself, testing your group’s positioning and fear management. It’s a long fight with plenty of twists—keep calm and DPS hard.

Protectors of the Endless

The Terrace Of Endless Spring Raid Mechanics

Protectors of the Endless in the Terrace of Endless Spring MOP Remix can be quite the clash. This trio – Protector Kaolan, Elder Regail, and Elder Asani – each add a unique flavor to the fight, ramping up in difficulty as they absorb Sha Corruption from their fallen allies, which boosts their powers and heals them up.

  • Heals: Stay on your toes for the cascade of abilities like Touch of Sha and Overwhelming Corruption, which will need quick dispels and steady healing to manage the damage over time.
  • DPS: Focus fire is crucial. As each protector gains Sha Corruption, their threat level spikes with abilities like Expel Corruption and Overwhelming Corruption. DPS needs to balance between damage output and control, destroying Corrupted Waters to gain buffs and mitigate incoming buffs on the bosses.
  • Tanks: This is all about spatial awareness and control. Defiled Ground and Expel Corruption require tanks to constantly reposition the bosses to minimize the raid’s exposure to harmful effects.
Boss AbilityWho Must FocusWhat to DoHeroic/NormalInformal Commentary
Touch of ShaHealsDispelBothKeep those dispels handy, or it’ll tick your team down quick.
Defiled GroundTanksMove bossBothDrag the boss out ASAP unless you fancy dancing in the dark.
Expel CorruptionEveryoneAvoid areaBothSpread out or get wrecked—simple as that.
Lightning PrisonDPSFree alliesBothZap those stuns off your buddies, or you’re all zapped out.
Corrupted WatersDPSDestroyBothSmash those waters quick, or the bosses go turbo mode.
Overwhelming CorruptionEveryoneMitigateBothStack, soak, survive—keep those stacks low.

The Protectors of the Endless aren’t just a warm-up act in the Terrace of Endless Spring; they’re a real test of your raid’s ability to coordinate under pressure. Managing Sha Corruption, juggling boss abilities, and utilizing the raid environment effectively are key. Ace this encounter, and you’re well on your way to mastering the MOP Remix raids. So grab your gear, check that loot table, and get ready to throw down with some of the craftiest bosses in the game.


The Terrace Of Endless Spring Raid Loot

Tsulong, the dual-natured celestial dragon in the Terrace of Endless Spring, battles the Sha’s corruption that switches him between Night and Day phases. During the Night, he’s a foe, and during the Day, he’s a friend who needs your healing to break free from the corruption. Mastering these shifts is crucial for the raid’s success.


  • Healers: Night is all about managing the stacking damage from Dread Shadows and saving cooldowns for heavy bursts. Daytime turns healers into DPS; pump Tsulong’s health to max to cleanse his corruption.
  • DPS: Focus on avoiding Nightmares and targeting Embodied Terrors and Fright Spawns during the Day. At Night, manage your position to avoid Shadow Breath and maximize damage while Tsulong is vulnerable.
  • Tanks: Keep Tsulong properly positioned to minimize the raid’s exposure to Shadow Breath during the Night and handle adds efficiently during the Day.
Boss AbilityWho Must FocusWhat to DoHeroic/NormalInformal Commentary
Dread ShadowsEveryoneAvoid stackingBothKeep it light on your feet; those shadows sting more over time.
NightmaresEveryoneAvoid impactBothDodge fast or get ready for a nightmare of a time.
Shadow BreathTanksRotate tanksBothEat too much, and you’re toast—rotate or regret it.
SunbeamEveryoneStand in beamBothGet in that sunshine to shake off the shadows.
The Dark of NightEveryoneProtect sunbeamHeroicKeep those beams burning, or you’re literally left in the dark.
TerrorizeHealersHeal throughBothPump those heals or watch health bars and morale drop.
Sun BreathEveryoneGather for buffBothBask in that glow for a supercharge if you’re close.
The Light of DayHealersUse for regenHeroicMana low? This is your magic fountain—drink up!

Tsulong’s fight is a dance of darkness and light, where timing and positioning are everything. Success in this encounter is as much about when you act as it is about what you do. Handle the transitions smoothly, keep your cool during the chaotic Day phase, and you’ll see this celestial dragon freed from his cursed state. Lock down those mechanics, and get ready for some epic loot from this MOP remix raid boss!

Lei Shi

Wow Mop Remix Guide

Lei Shi, a once playful water spirit in the Terrace of Endless Spring, now presents a significant challenge due to her fear-induced powers. As players damage her, she becomes increasingly afraid, accelerating her spell casting dramatically. This fight is a dynamic dance around her fear and elusive tactics.


  • Healers: Keep an eye on players soaked by Spray, as they’ll take increased frost damage. During Get Away!, focus on those unable to resist the push, as they take more damage.
  • DPS: Crack Lei Shi’s hide-and-seek game with AoE when she hides. Push hard during Get Away! to quickly meet the damage threshold and reduce her channeling time.
  • Tanks: Manage your spacing to minimize the raid’s exposure to Spray, and quickly gather and control Animated Protectors during the Protect phase.
Boss AbilityWho Must FocusWhat to DoHeroic/NormalInformal Commentary
SprayTanksAvoid clusteringBothKeep your feet moving, or you’ll turn into a popsicle.
HideDPSUse AoEBothShe’s playing hide and seek; bring the AoE party.
Get Away!EveryoneCounter pushBothPush back or eat extra damage—resist or regret.
ProtectDPSKill ProtectorsBothBreak those bubbles by knocking down her animated buddies.
Scary FogEveryoneSpread outHeroicStay spaced—too cozy, and the fog makes things worse.

Lei Shi might look less intimidating than other bosses, but her elusive tactics and the increasing pace as she gets more afraid make her a slippery opponent. Handling her Hide with smart AoE usage, pushing back efficiently during Get Away!, and breaking her protectors swiftly are key to unlocking the next phase of the Terrace of Endless Spring raid. Keep calm, stay alert, and you’ll help this fearful spirit find her peace.

Sha of Fear

Mop Remix Loot Table

The Sha of Fear, perched atop the Terrace of Endless Spring, epitomizes terror as it attempts to overwhelm the pure light at the center of the terrace. This monstrous entity engages players in a complex dance of fear-inducing abilities and spatial challenges, testing both resolve and coordination.


  • Healers: Manage high and periodic damage, especially from Breath of Fear and Reaching Attack. Keep an eye on players isolated by Ominous Cackle and treat those huddled by Huddle in Terror.
  • DPS: Stay mobile to avoid Eerie Skull impacts and position correctly for Dread Spray. Focus down Terror Spawns quickly and use Sha Globes efficiently without letting them heal the crossbowmen.
  • Tanks: Brace for the brutal Thrash and position the Sha to minimize the raid’s exposure to Breath of Fear. Manage the Outer Shrines’ crossbowmen and Dread Spawns effectively, keeping them away from other players.
Boss AbilityWho Must FocusWhat to DoHeroic/NormalInformal Commentary
Breath of FearEveryoneUse Wall of LightBothFind that wall or say hello to a whole lot of ouch.
ThrashTanksMitigateBothBrace yourself, it’s going to be a bumpy ride.
Eerie SkullEveryoneDodgeBothKeep moving unless you want a skull-shaped imprint.
Ominous CackleSelected GroupTeleportBothOff to a mini-adventure, be ready to hustle!
Terror SpawnDPSKill quicklyBothThese need to go down fast, or they’ll wreck the place.
Penetrating BoltEveryoneAvoid clusteringBothSpread out or get spiked—your choice.
Dread SprayEveryoneDodgeBothIt’s spray time, don’t get painted.
Lei’s HopeEveryoneUtilize speedHeroicUse that speed boost wisely to outrun the shadows.

The Sha of Fear fight is a testament to your raid’s ability to handle fear and chaos under pressure. With multiple phases, including a dramatic shift to the Dread Expanse on heroic, the battle tests every facet of raiding—from positioning and damage management to handling adds and special mechanics. Mastering this fight requires patience, precision, and the courage to face fear head-on. Victory over the Sha of Fear not only tests your mettle but also rewards you with some of the best loot the Terrace has to offer.

Terrace of Endless Spring Loot table

Wow Mop Remix Raid

Whether you’re after the Mantle of the Thresher Slayer or the Perfect Blackfathom Pearl, the TOES loot table in this MOP remix doesn’t disappoint. Each boss drop is crafted to not only enhance your character’s stats but also to resonate with the lore and essence of Pandaria itself. From armor pieces infused with celestial motifs to weapons dripping with Sha-touched power, the rewards are as epic as the battles themselves

Bracers of Defiled EarthPlate Armor
Regail’s Band of the EndlessRing
Deepwater GreatbootsPlate Armor
Shackle of EversparksAmulet
Kaolan’s Withering NecklaceAmulet
Watersoul SignetRing
Cloak of Overwhelming CorruptionCloak
Cuffs of the Corrupted WatersCloth Armor
Casque of Expelled CorruptionPlate Armor
Lightning Prisoner’s BootsMail Armor
Asani’s Uncleansed SandalsLeather Armor
Gao-Rei, Staff of the Legendary ProtectorStaff
Dread Shadow RingRing
Stuff of NightmaresTrinket
Sunwrought Mail HauberkMail Armor
Daybreak DrapeCloak
Belt of Embodied TerrorCloth Armor
Spirits of the SunTrinket
Loshan, Terror IncarnateOne-Handed Sword
Sollerets of InstabilityPlate Armor
Sandals of the Blackest NightCloth Armor
Taoren, the Soul BurnerGun
Terror in the MistsTrinket
Cuirass of the Animated ProtectorPlate Armor
Robes of the Unknown FearCloth Armor
Jin’ya, Orb of the WaterspeakerStaff
Darkmist VortexTrinket
Healer’s Belt of Final WinterCloth Armor
Invoker’s Belt of Final WinterCloth Armor
Sorcerer’s Belt of Final WinterCloth Armor
Weaver’s Cord of Eternal AutumnLeather Armor
Stalker’s Cord of Eternal AutumnLeather Armor
Binder’s Chain of Unending SummerMail Armor
Ranger’s Chain of Unending SummerMail Armor
Mender’s Girdle of Endless SpringPlate Armor
Protector’s Girdle of Endless SpringPlate Armor
Patroller’s Girdle of Endless SpringPlate Armor
Shin’ka, Execution of DominionTwo-Handed Axe
Kilrak, Jaws of TerrorOne-Handed Sword
Essence of TerrorTrinket
Dreadwoven Leggings of FailureCloth Armor
Regail’s Crackling DaggerDagger
Helm of the Shadowy Vanquisher Death KnightDruidMageRogueArmor Token
Helm of the Shadowy Conqueror PaladinPriestWarlockArmor Token
Helm of the Shadowy Protector HunterMonkShamanWarriorArmor Token
Shoulders of the Shadowy Conqueror PaladinPriestWarlockArmor Token
Shoulders of the Shadowy Protector HunterMonkShamanWarriorArmor Token
Shoulders of the Shadowy Vanquisher Death KnightDruidMageRogueArmor Token
Shadowgrip GirdleMail Armor

The Role of TOES in MOP Remix Lore

Wow Mop Remix The Terrace Of Endless Spring Loot

The Terrace is the hidden sanctuary where the waters of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms originate, symbolizing hope and renewal for the Pandaren. However, as the dark Sha of Fear infiltrates this serene spot, it sows chaos and corruption, threatening the balance of this sacred place.

Legends say the Terrace serves as a line of defense against the encroaching darkness unleashed during the continent’s troubled times. It’s not just about the epic battles or the loot; it’s a place deeply tied to the Pandaren’s ongoing struggle against their inner fears and darkest emotions. The fights within the Terrace are symbolic battles against fear itself, making every clash here more than just a simple confrontation—it’s a test of spirit and resolve.

Terrace of Endless Spring Achievements

Crushing Darkness Wow Mop Remix

The Terrace of Endless Spring is your arena, and the achievements are your stepping stones to infinite power. Each achievement not only marks your prowess but pushes you to master unique and challenging aspects of the raid.

Here’s a rundown of what you can conquer:

Name of AchievementHow to Snag It (Laconically)
Face ClutchersOvercome Lei Shi while everyone’s got the Parasitic Clutch on them.
Heroic: Lei ShiDefeat Lei Shi on Heroic difficulty.
Heroic: Protectors of the EndlessKnock out the Protectors of the Endless on Heroic.
Heroic: Sha of FearSmash the Sha of Fear on Heroic difficulty.
Heroic: Sha of Fear Guild RunDefeat Sha of Fear on Heroic with your guildies.
Heroic: Terrace of Endless SpringClear all bosses in Terrace on Heroic.
Heroic: TsulongTake down Tsulong on Heroic difficulty.
Power OverwhelmingDefeat the Protectors of the Endless with each as the last alive.
Raid Finder: Terrace of Endless SpringBeat all bosses in the Terrace on any difficulty.
Terrace of Endless SpringDefeat all bosses in the Terrace on Normal or higher.
Terrace of Endless Spring Guild RunComplete the Terrace raid with your guild.
The Mind-KillerBeat the Sha of Fear without anyone getting feared by specific attacks.
Who’s Got Two Green Thumbs?Keep the Enchanted Plant alive through the Tsulong fight.

Each of these achievements is a badge of honor that says you’ve seen the toughest the Terrace has to offer and you’ve conquered it.


Terrace of Endless Spring in the Pandaria Remix is a raid that offers not just epic loot but a thrilling challenge that tests your raid team’s coordination and skills. We’ve walked through the detailed boss tactics, from handling the Protectors of the Endless to facing the Sha of Fear, ensuring you’re prepared for every twist and turn. The loot table is packed with treasures that resonate with Pandaria’s lore, making each victory even sweeter.

Remember, it’s not just about the battles but also about the journey through this iconic raid, revisited in the Mists of Pandaria Remix. Whether you’re a seasoned raider or new to the scene, this guide has you covered with everything from trash mob strategies to achieving those coveted raid achievements.

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Where is the entrance to the Terrace of Endless Spring raid?

The entrance is located in the Veiled Stair at coordinates 49, 61. It’s conveniently close to the Black Market for those sneaky deals.

What raid modes are available for the Terrace of Endless Spring?

The raid can be done in LFR, Normal, and Heroic modes, catering to different group sizes and skill levels.

What are the key bosses in this raid?

The key bosses are Protectors of the Endless, Tsulong, Lei Shi, and Sha of Fear.

What is the required level to enter the raid?

You need to be at least level 40 for Normal mode and level 70 for Heroic mode.

How should we set up our raid composition?

For a 10-man raid, aim for 2 tanks, 2 healers, and 6 DPS. For a 25-man raid, go with 2-3 tanks, 5-6 healers, and 16-18 DPS.

What are some key tactics for handling trash mobs in the raid?

Focus on crowd control for mobs like Apparition of Fear and Night Terror, and interrupt abilities like Disperse from Corrupted Protectors.

What loot can we expect from the Terrace of Endless Spring?

The loot table includes items like the Mantle of the Thresher Slayer, Perfect Blackfathom Pearl, and other epic gear resonating with Pandaria’s lore.

Are there any specific achievements we should aim for in this raid?

Yes, achievements like Ahead of the Curve: Sha of Fear, Cutting Edge: Sha of Fear, and Heroic: Terrace of Endless Spring are some highlights to aim for.

How do we deal with Lei Shi’s Hide ability?

Use AoE attacks to reveal Lei Shi when she hides and be ready to push hard during the Get Away! phase to reduce her channeling time.

What is the best strategy for the Sha of Fear’s Breath of Fear ability?

Make sure to use the Wall of Light to avoid the massive damage and fear effects from Breath of Fear.

How can we handle Tsulong’s Night and Day phases?

During the Night, manage stacking damage and cooldowns. In the Day phase, focus on healing Tsulong to cleanse his corruption while dealing with adds efficiently.

