TWW Season 1 – Darkflame Cleft Mythic+ Dungeon Guide

By: friolt
9 min read
Darkflame Cleft Boss Fight Strategies

The World of Warcraft: The War Within is here! With the release of WoW TWW, we’re getting new dungeons, new instances for M+, and Delves. But today, we’re diving into the Darkflame Cleft dungeon in World of Warcraft: The War Within. We’re not reinventing the wheel. Instead, we’ll:

  • Show you the entrance.
  • Break down the boss abilities.
  • Provide you with loot information.
  • Give you lore explanations.
  • Share tips and tricks.

It’s a bit disappointing, but the Darkflame Cleft isn’t in the rotation for the 1st season of World of Warcraft: The War Within Mythic+. However, that means when you come across this guide, you’ll have all the info you need about the dungeon. Also, remember, when you revisit this guide later, you’ll find information about the dungeon timer, pro MDI tricks, and the MDT dungeon route to conquer the highest keys possible! And with that, let’s get moving

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WoW TWW Darkflame Cleft | overview

How To Avoid Wipes In Darkflame Cleft

Darkflame Cleft is a dungeon in WoW: The War Within, located in The Ringing Deeps. Once a bustling mine, it’s now overrun by kobolds ruled by the Candle King. Players will face four bosses, including the final challenge, The Darkness, as they work to liberate the kobolds. This dungeon involves navigating through dark, dangerous tunnels, pushing a minecart while keeping its candle lit, and battling powerful enemies.

LocationThe Ringing Deeps, northeast of Gundargaz flight point
BossesOl’ Waxbeard, Blazikon, The Candle King, The Darkness
ThemeAbandoned mine, overrun by kobolds
Main MechanicsPush a candle-lit minecart through dark tunnels, keep small Skittering Darkness adds away
Final BossThe Darkness, fought while escaping the mine
LootUnique gear and items dropped by bosses
Mythic+ AvailabilityNot in rotation for Season 1 of The War Within

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WoW TWW Darkflame Cleft | Entrance

Darkflame Cleft Achievements Guide Wow What Loot Drops In Darkflame Cleft

Darkflame Cleft is an abandoned mine located in The Ringing Deeps at approximately coordinates /way 59.0 21.0. To find it, look for a mine entrance decorated with lit candles. The summoning stone is right outside, making it easy to gather your party before heading inside.

Alliance1. Fly to Gundargaz flight point at /way 47.5 34.2.
2. Head northeast through the tunnels until you reach The Ringing Deeps.
3. Continue northeast to the entrance at /way 59.0 21.0.
Horde1. Fly to Gundargaz flight point at /way 47.5 34.2.
2. Travel northeast through the tunnels towards The Ringing Deeps.
3. Keep heading northeast until you reach the entrance at /way 59.0 21.0.

WoW TWW Darkflame Cleft | Bosses

How To Keep Candle Lit In Darkflame Cleft

In the Darkflame Cleft dungeon of WoW: The War Within, players will face four challenging bosses, each with unique abilities and mechanics that will test your team’s coordination and skill. Get ready to tackle these formidable foes as you progress through the mine and confront the darkness within.

  • Ol’ Waxbeard — Summons kobolds
  • Blazikon — Fiery elemental
  • The Candle King — Tyrannical ruler
  • The Darkness — Final boss, shadowy threat

WoW TWW Ol’ Waxbeard strategy

Darkflame Cleft Dungeon Challenges Wow

Meet Ol’ Waxbeard, the first boss in Darkflame Cleft. He’s an old kobold who’s been around long enough to tame even the wildest creatures in the mine. With his tricky moves and the help of his kobold crew, he’ll test your team’s ability to handle chaos and coordination.


  • Avoid standing in minecart paths.
  • Focus on killing Menial Laborers quickly.

For Healers

For Tanks

  • Pull and control Menial Laborers away from the group.
  • Mitigate damage from Rock Buster and keep Waxbeard positioned steadily.
AbilityWipe PotentialCommentaryWhat to Do
Reckless ChargeHighWaxbeard charges, causing a cave-in.Dodge!
Cave-InHighBoulders drop, dealing damage.Move out!
Rock BusterMediumIncreases physical damage taken.Mitigate!
Luring CandleflameLowMinor damage, but fixates kobolds.Dispel or kite!
Kol-to-ArmsMediumSummons additional enemies.Control crowds!
Underhanded Track-ticsMediumDynamite cart explosion.Destroy or avoid!

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WoW TWW Blazikon strategy

Darkflame Cleft Funny Boss Fight Moments

Blazikon is the second boss in Darkflame Cleft, a fierce elemental born from the fiery depths of the mines. This blazing foe will challenge your team’s ability to dodge and manage intense damage, making every step in this battle a test of agility and awarenes

For Tanks


For Healers

AbilityWipe PotentialCommentaryWhat to Do
Wicklighter BarrageMediumBarrage that ignites candles and deals damage.Light candles, avoid damage.
Extinguishing GustMediumTornadoes chase players and extinguish candles.Dodge tornadoes.
Incite FlamesHighCreates damaging flame patches around lit candles.Move from flames.
Dousing BreathHighBlows out all candles and deals damage.Prevent candle extinguishing.
Blazing StormsHighDeals massive damage if no players are in melee range.Stay close to Blazikon.

WoW TWW The Candle King strategy

Darkflame Cleft Goblin Victory Over Bosses

The Candle King, once a tyrannical ruler of the kobold kingdom within Darkflame Cleft, has been deposed and is burning with revenge. Driven by fury, he now lurks deeper in the dungeon, creating lethal traps and challenges for anyone daring to confront him. Prepare to face this fiery monarch and extinguish his reign once and for all.

For Tanks


For Healers

AbilityWipe PotentialCommentaryWhat to Do
Eerie MoldsMediumCreates wax statues causing passive damage.Destroy statues.
Darkflame PickaxeHighTargets a player or statue with high damage and knockback.Intercept/Dodge.
Throw DarkflameHighTargets random players, dealing shadow damage and absorbing healing.Spread out.
Molten WaxHighMelting statues create pools that deal fire damage.Avoid pools.
Paranoid MindMediumCauses players to flee in fear randomly.Minimize fear effects.
Cursed WaxHighEncases players who get too close to statues, stunning them.Keep distance.

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WoW TWW The Darkness strategy

Wow Tww Best Team Comp For Darkflame Cleft

The Darkness is the final and most terrifying boss in Darkflame Cleft, embodying the very fears and shadows that haunt the kobolds’ tales. This sinister force thrives in the absence of light, attacking with shadowy might. Teams must strategically manage their light sources to stave off its smothering attacks and survive this ultimate encounter.

For Tanks


For Healers

AbilityWipe PotentialCommentaryWhat to Do
Smothering ShadowsHighMassively reduces damage and healing outside light.Stay in light.
Umbral SlashMediumSlashes that can deplete candlelight.Dodge slash.
ShadowblastHighPowerful blast that damages light and players.Spread from others.
Call DarkspawnMediumSummons minions that attack the light source.Kill quickly.
Drain LightHighDarkspawn drain candlelight’s heat, weakening it.Interrupt/kill.
Eternal DarknessHighContinuous shadow waves reduce candlelight’s heat.Maintain light.
Rising GloomExtremeInflicts damage and fear if the light is lost.Keep light fueled.

WoW TWW Darkflame Cleft | loot table

How To Navigate Darkflame Cleft Tunnels

This table lists all the awesome gear you can grab, each piece at a high item level of 437. You can find everything from shiny armor in different styles—like mail, leather, and plate—to neat trinkets and powerful weapons. Plus, there’s even a mount called Wick’s Lead! Whether you’re looking to boost your defense with tough armor like the Waxsteel Greathelm or amp up your attack with a hefty axe like the Dark Zone Headtaker, this table’s got you covered with all the goodies you need to take on big challenges.

Wick’s LeadMount
Conductor’s Wax WhistleTrinket
Carved Blazikon WaxTrinket
Burin of the Candle KingTrinket
Remnant of DarknessTrinket
Rail Rider’s BisectorOne-Handed Axe
Arcane ScuttleOff-hand Frill
Mole Knight’s GrimemailMail Armor
Wick’s Golden LoopRing
Waxsteel GreathelmPlate Armor
Scent-Strong CandlecordMail Armor
Shimmering GlimclawsLeather Armor
Flickering GlowtorcAmulet
Gleamwax ShacklesCloth Armor
Dark Zone HeadtakerOne-Handed Axe
Gloomstomper’s SabatonsMail Armor
Gleamkeeper’s BuckleLeather Armor
King’s Malicious ClutchesCloth Armor
Candlebearer’s ShroudCloak
Crepuscular CarverDagger
Poleaxe of Somber FatePolearm
Caliginous ClaspersPlate Armor
Gloaming VisageMail Armor
Shadowspawn LeggingsLeather Armor
Photophobic AmiceCloth Armor

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WoW TWW Darkflame Cleft | lore

Darkflame Cleft Dungeon Map Location

Darkflame Cleft is one wild ride through the murky depths of The Ringing Deeps, where the legends of the kobolds come to life. Once a thriving mine, it’s now a shadowy battleground dominated by the eerie Candle King and his minions. With the dungeon steeped in tales of rebellion and ancient evils lurking in the darkness, adventurers get to dive into a world where every corner holds a story of tyranny, rebellion, and the lingering fight between light and shadow. Get ready to light some candles and kick some serious shadowy butt in this epic showdown!

WoW TWW Darkflame Cleft | Achievements

Falling into Darkflame Cleft isn’t just about tackling the baddies; it’s also a chance to snag some sweet achievements! Whether you’re cruising through on Heroic, challenging yourself on Mythic, or racing the clock in a Mythic Level 10 dungeon run, there’s a shiny badge waiting at the end. And if you’re really up for showing off, complete that high-level run fast enough and you’ll not just earn bragging rights but also a cool teleport spell straight to Darkflame Cleft!

AchievementHow to Get It
Darkflame CleftJust beat The Darkness in Darkflame Cleft.
Heroic: Darkflame CleftTake down The Darkness on Heroic difficulty or tougher.
Mythic: Darkflame CleftDefeat The Darkness on Mythic or Mythic Keystone difficulty.
Keystone Hero: Darkflame CleftFinish Darkflame Cleft at Mythic Level 10 or higher, and beat the clock.
Feat of StrengthReward: Teleport to Darkflame Cleft – Nail the Keystone Hero achievement.

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WoW TWW Darkflame Cleft | Conclusion

Wow The War Within Dungeon Tier List

Darkflame Cleft is more than just a battle; it’s a journey through a tale of darkness and light. From dodging deadly carts to lighting the way through ominous tunnels, every part of this dungeon demands courage and cleverness. Whether you’re here for the first time or coming back to crack a higher difficulty, there’s plenty to explore and conquer. And while it might not be in the Mythic+ rotation this season, the guide’s got all the details to help you dominate and snag some sweet loot along the way. So grab your gear, light those candles, and get ready to take down some tough bosses like The Candle King and The Darkness. Remember, keep the light close, and don’t let the shadows win!

Do graphomaniac work since 2014 year. Have passion to Wow, Wow Classic and other MMO- games
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What is Darkflame Cleft?

It’s a spooky dungeon in a game called World of Warcraft. It used to be a mine but now is full of bad guys called kobolds.

How many bosses are there?

There are four bosses you need to fight: Ol’ Waxbeard, Blazikon, The Candle King, and The Darkness.

What’s special about this dungeon?

You need to move a minecart with a candle to see in the dark and fight enemies. Keep the candle burning, or it gets really tough!

Why isn’t it in the Mythic+ games right now?

Right now, it’s not part of the top-level Mythic+ challenges, but it’s still important for getting cool items and learning the fights.

What can I win in Darkflame Cleft?

You can get special gear like armor and weapons that are really strong. There’s even a special mount called Wick’s Lead.

How do I get there?

Fly to a spot called Gundargaz, then walk northeast. Look for a mine entrance with candles around it.

What loot can I find?

You can find powerful gear pieces like helmets, rings, and more, all suited for tough battles.

Any special prizes for beating it?

Yes, beating it on different difficulty levels like Heroic or Mythic gives you achievements, and doing it super fast gives you a spell to teleport there!

How do I beat The Darkness?

Stay close to the light of the candle so you don’t get hurt by shadows, kill the little monsters fast, and keep the candle lit at all times.

Can I go alone?

It’s really hard to do by yourself because you need friends to help keep the candle lit and fight the bosses. It’s better with a group.
