WoW The War Within Earthcrawl Mines Delve Guide

By: friolt
5 min read
Wow The War Within Earthcrawl Mines Entrance

Oh, okay! The Delves. These mini dungeons, are incredible. So we’re uncovered you with our new Delves guide. Learn all about the wow The War Withing EarthCrawl Mines delve guide.

  1. What Earthcrawl Mines Delve is all about;
  2. Where to find the entrance;
  3. The different variants and challenges;
  4. Gear requirements for each difficulty level;
  5. Rewards you can earn;
  6. Achievements tied to the Delve.

We’ll guide you through all these aspects and more, making sure you’re ready to tackle the Earthcrawl Mines and emerge with the best loot and achievements the game has to offer.

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WoW The War Within Earthcrawl Mines Delve | Overview

Earthcrawl Mines Delve Rewards Wow

The Earthcrawl Mines Delve is a one of new 12 delves in WoW’s The War Within expansion. You will Dig& Explore a cave, fight spider enemies, and get loot. Brann Bronzebeard helps you. The Delve has different levels of difficulty, and you get rewards for completing it.

LocationCave near Freywold Village, Isle of Dorn.
Main EnemySpiders called Nerubians.
ObjectiveSave Earthen or collect ores.
CompanionBrann Bronzebeard, a helper.
RewardsLoot, gold, and treasure.
Difficulty Levels11 levels, each harder than the last.
Final BossA big spider boss, Web General Ab’enar.
Delve VariantsThree types: Kidnapped Earthen, Precious Ores, Fiery Grounds.
Special MechanicsWeb traps that slow you down and bring more spiders.
Delve Run TimeShort, 10-15 minutes, good for quick games.

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WoW The War Within Earthcrawl Mines Delve | Entrance

Earthcrawl Mines Delve Loot And Rewards

The entrance to Earthcrawl Mines Delve is a cave near Freywold Village on the Isle of Dorn. To find it, go to coordinates 38.5, 73.9. It’s easy to spot while doing the main quest.

AllianceStart from Freywold Village, go south, and follow the road to the cave at 38.5, 73.9.
HordeStart from Freywold Village, head south, follow the main path to the cave at 38.5, 73.9.

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WoW The War Within Earthcrawl Mines Delve | Affixes

How To Find Earthcrawl Mines Delve Entrance

The Earthcrawl Mines Delve in WoW The War Within has three different variants that change daily. Each variant has unique challenges, but all involve dealing with webs and spider-like enemies. Here’s what to expect and how to beat them.

VariantDescriptionHow to Beat It
Kidnapped EarthenYou need to save Earthen trapped by webs. No roaming enemies at first.Use the Webbed Hookshot to avoid webs. Save Earthen and escort them carefully.
Precious OresCollect ore while avoiding eggs and moving carts. Eggs can explode and reappear.Dodge the carts and step carefully. Break eggs slowly to avoid chain reactions.
Fiery GroundsUse a flamethrower to burn webs and free Lamplighters.Burn webs quickly with the flamethrower. Keep moving and clear the path.

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WoW The War Within Earthcrawl Mines Delve | Gear requirements

Earthcrawl Mines Delve Difficulty Levels Wow

To do the Earthcrawl Mines Delve, you need gear that matches the difficulty level. The higher the tier, the better gear you need. Getting good gear will help you get more valuable loot and complete the Delve easier.

TierGear RequiredWhat to Expect
1Any gearEasy combat, good for beginners.
3ilvl 538+More enemies, need stronger gear.
5ilvl 554+Harder fights, better loot drops.
7ilvl 574+Tough enemies, treasure room rewards.
9ilvl 600+High-level combat, valuable loot.
10ilvl 614+Very tough, heroic raid-like fights.

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WoW The War Within Earthcrawl Mines Delve | Rewards

Wow Earthcrawl Mines Delve Boss Strategies

When you complete the Earthcrawl Mines Delve, you can earn gold, gear, and special items. The higher the tier, the better the rewards. You can also get credit towards the Great Vault and earn the Delver’s Dirigible, a cool mount.

1-3Gold, basic gear, cosmetics
4-6Better gear, Resplendent Keys
7-8High-level gear, rare items, Delve achievements
9-10Top-tier gear, Great Vault In Great Vault Too, Delver’s Dirigible mount

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WoW The War Within Earthcrawl Mines Delve | achievements

Completing the Earthcrawl Mines Delve can earn you special achievements. These are tied to finishing different tasks and discovering hidden treasures. Achievements help you progress in the game and earn cool rewards like mounts.

AchievementTaskWhat You Get
Earthcrawl Mines StoriesComplete all three variants of the Delve.Progression towards Delve Loremaster, part of the main journey.
Earthcrawl Mines DiscoveriesFind and open all Sturdy Chests in the Delve.Helps you navigate and gain more treasure.
Glory of the DelverComplete all Delve achievements.Earns you the Ivory Goliathus mount, a unique reward.

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The Earthcrawl Mines Delve is a dungeon in WoW The War Within. You go into a nearby cave, fight spider enemies, and save Earthen with the help of your small fellow, Brann Bronzebeard. This Delve is part of the Warcraft world, where you can find loot and rewards by completing different tasks.

You have to go through webs and fight bosses in this cave. The harder the level, the better the rewards. You can get gold, gear, and even a special mount if you do well. It’s a fun place to explore and complete challenges in the game with our meteoric fall walkthrough.

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What is the Earthcrawl Mines Delve?

It’s a dungeon in WoW The War Within. You explore a nearby cave, fight spider enemies, and save Earthen. Brann Bronzebeard, a small fellow, helps you.

Where is the entrance to the Earthcrawl Mines Delve?

The entrance is in a cave near Freywold Village on the Isle of Dorn. Coordinates are 38.5, 73.9.

What do I need to know about the Delve’s difficulty levels?

The Delve has 11 difficulty levels. The higher the level, the tougher the enemies, but you get better rewards.

What rewards can I get from the Earthcrawl Mines Delve?

You can get gold, gear, and special items. At higher levels, you can earn rewards like the Delver’s Dirigible mount and credit towards the Great Vault.

Are there any special achievements in the Earthcrawl Mines Delve?

Yes, you can earn achievements like Earthcrawl Mines Stories by completing all three variants of the Delve and Earthcrawl Mines Discoveries by finding all Sturdy Chests.

How do the different Delve variants work?

The Delve has three variants: Kidnapped Earthen, Precious Ores, and Fiery Grounds. Each variant has unique tasks like saving Earthen, collecting ores, or burning webs with a flamethrower.

What gear do I need for the Earthcrawl Mines Delve?

For lower levels, any gear will do. As you progress to higher tiers, you’ll need better gear, like ilvl 538+ for Tier 3 and ilvl 614+ for Tier 10 drop.

Who is the final boss in the Earthcrawl Mines Delve?

The final boss is a big spider called Web General Ab’enar. You’ll fight him at the end of the Delve with a digging the earth on the first outlander with more and more hands.
