WoW The War Within Skittering Breach Delve Guide

By: friolt
6 min read
Shadow Totem Locations In Skittering Breach Delve

Hey dude, looking for a guide to the Skittering Breach Delve in The War Within? You’re in the right place! This is the first complete guide for tackling Skittering Breach. In this guide, we’ll show you:

  • How to destroy Shadow Totems.
  • Tips for fighting Nerl’athekk and Speaker Xanventh.
  • The best gear for each difficulty level.
  • How to repel the Order of Night.
  • Other useful tips to help you survive Skittering Breach without needing extra help.

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Skittering Breach Delve | overview

How To Defeat Speaker Xanventh In Wow War Within

Skittering Breach is a Delve found on the East side of Hallowfall in Khaz Algar. This guide helps you explore the Delve in all difficulties (from Tier 1 to Tier 11). It covers events, optional bosses (called rares), and the main boss with their abilities. You can also learn about the other Delves in Season 1 from our links.

LocationEast side of Hallowfall, Khaz Algar.
Events2 versions: Destroy Shadow Totems or chase Speaker Xanventh.
Final BossesNerl’athekk the Skulking or Speaker Xanventh.
Boss AbilitiesUse Light Dash to clear shadows, interrupt abilities like Death Bolt and Shadow Drain. Avoid area damage from bosses like Lurking Call and Shadowspin.
Difficulty LevelsFrom Tier 1 to Tier 11.

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Skittering Breach Delve | Entrance

Wow Skittering Breach Delve Quests And Rewards

The Skittering Breach Delve is located on the East side of Hallowfall in Khaz Algar. Players can access it by following different paths depending on whether they are part of the Alliance or Horde. The approximate coordinates are [34, 68].

FactionRoute to Skittering Breach EntranceApprox Coordinates
AllianceStart from Hallowfall Outpost, head east along the main road. Cross the Crimson Gorge and keep moving through Spider’s Pass to reach the entrance.[34, 68]
HordeBegin at Bloodfang Keep, head south through Darkwind Valley. Cross over the Twilight Bridge, and follow the path east through Skulker’s Path.[34, 68]

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Skittering Breach Delve | Variants

Skittering Breach Delve Event Guide Shadow Totems

In The War Within Skittering Breach Delve, there are two versions with different bosses and events to complete. Each version has its own tasks and challenges. Here’s a simple overview of the key events in the Skittering Breach.

  1. Shadow Totem Destroyed — Clear Shadow Totems.
  2. Nerl’athekk the Skulking Boss — Fight Nerl’athekk.
  3. Confront Speaker Xanventh — Chase Speaker Xanventh.
  4. Speaker Xanventh Boss — Defeat Speaker Xanventh.
  5. Order of Night Repelled — Repel enemies.

Shadow totem destroyed guide

In The War Within Skittering Breach Delve, you need to destroy 5 Shadow Totems to clear the way. Use your Light Dash ability to get rid of the shadow patches around the totems. Make sure to deal with any enemies near the totems, then break them all to continue your adventure.

Find TotemsLook for the Shadow Totems in the area.
Clear EnemiesDefeat enemies around the totems.
Use Light DashUse Light Dash to clear shadow patches.
Destroy TotemsBreak all 5 Shadow Totems.

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Nerl’athekk the Skulking Boss Guide

In The War Within Skittering Breach Delve, Nerl’athekk the Skulking is a tricky boss. To win, you need to use Light Dash to remove the shadow patches around the area and avoid getting caught in his powerful attacks. Keep an eye out for his abilities and interrupt or dodge them when needed.

AbilityWhat to Do
Darkrift SmashStay out of the smash area to avoid big damage.
Shadow DrainInterrupt this ability as much as possible.
Lurking CallDodge the ground swirlies during this channel.
Shadow PatchesUse Light Dash to clear these out.

Confront Speaker Xanventh

In The War Within Skittering Breach Delve, the Confront Speaker Xanventh event happens when you face Speaker Xanventh. You’ll fight her multiple times as she retreats after taking damage. Clear your way through enemies, chase her down, and prepare for the final showdown.

StepWhat to Do
Start the FightEngage Speaker Xanventh until she drops to 70% HP.
Chase HerFollow her as she retreats deeper into the delve.
Clear Trash MobsDefeat enemies along the way to reach her again.
Final ConfrontationFight her at 40% HP for the final showdown.

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Speaker Xanventh boss guide

In The War Within Skittering Breach Delve, Speaker Xanventh is the final boss in one of the delve versions. She uses a lot of shadow magic, so be ready to interrupt and dodge her abilities. Stay focused and avoid getting hit by her powerful frontal attacks.

AbilityWhat to Do
Blessing of DuskInterrupt this ability at all times.
Shadow WaveMove out of the way to avoid this frontal attack.
ShadowspinStay more than 5 yards away to avoid the damage.

Order of Night repelled

the Order of Night Repelled event is all about stopping waves of enemies until you reach 100%. You need to defeat enough enemies to push back the Order of Night and complete the event.

StepWhat to Do
Repel EnemiesDefeat waves of non-boss enemies.
Mini-bossesFocus on mini-bosses like the Devouring Shade.
Avoid Dangerous HitsWatch out for strong attacks like Umbral Slam.
Reach 100%Keep fighting until the event bar hits 100%.

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Skittering Breach Delve | Gear requirements

How To Avoid Shadowspin In Speaker Xanventh Fight

Before you enter The War Within Skittering Breach Delve, you need to check your gear. The deeper you go, the tougher the enemies, so better gear is key. With the right gear, you can easily handle the challenges and enjoy the experience.

TierGear Needed
1Any gear
3ilvl 540+
5ilvl 560+
7ilvl 580+
9ilvl 600+
11ilvl 620+

Skittering Breach Delve | quests

Repel Waves In Skittering Breach Order Of Night Event

In The War Within Skittering Breach Delve, you will find special quests that reward you with experience, money, and other goodies. These quests can be completed as you explore the delve and fight enemies. Completing them will help you level up and earn useful rewards!

Quest NameLevelReq.SideRewardsExp.MoneyCategory
A Radiant Echo8080??12,200 XP12,20023 40Dornogal
Ancient Curiosity7070??Companion XP10,400Delver’s Headquarters

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Skittering Breach Delve | Conclusion

In the Skittering Breach Delve, you explore a dangerous place with lots of enemies and challenges. There are two versions of this delve, each with different tasks and bosses, like Nerl’athekk the Skulking and Speaker Xanventh. You need to use your Light Dash ability to clear shadows and stop bosses from using strong attacks.

As you go deeper, you will break Shadow Totems, fight bosses, and stop the Order of Night from taking over. The enemies get stronger, so it’s important to have good gear to stay safe. You can also complete quests to get rewards like experience and gold.

Overall, the Skittering Breach Delve is a fun adventure where good gear and smart moves will help you win.

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What is the Skittering Breach Delve?

The Skittering Breach Delve is a dangerous area in Khaz Algar where you fight enemies, destroy Shadow Totems, and face two main bosses: Nerl’athekk the Skulking and Speaker Xanventh.

Where can I find the Skittering Breach Delve?

It is on the east side of Hallowfall, Khaz Algar. The coordinates are around [34, 68].

How do I enter the Skittering Breach Delve?

Alliance players can head east from Hallowfall Outpost, crossing Crimson Gorge and Spider’s Pass. Horde players can start at Bloodfang Keep, going south through Darkwind Valley, then crossing Twilight Bridge.

What are the main events in this delve?

You can destroy Shadow Totems, fight Nerl’athekk, chase and defeat Speaker Xanventh, and repel the Order of Night.

How do I defeat the bosses in Skittering Breach?

Use Light Dash to clear shadows and avoid strong attacks like Darkrift Smash and Shadowspin. Interrupt abilities like Shadow Drain and Blessing of Dusk.

What gear do I need for the delve?

For Tier 1, any gear is fine. For higher tiers, you’ll need better gear, like ilvl 540+ for Tier 3 and ilvl 620+ for Tier 11.

Are there quests in the Skittering Breach Delve?

Yes, there are special quests that give experience, money, and rewards to help you level up and get stronger.
