WoW The War Within Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve Guide | Epiccarry

By: friolt
7 min read
Horde Guide To Reach Tak-Rethan Abyss In War Within

The Tak-Rethan Abyss in The War Within is an underwater dungeon full of dangerous creatures and tricky events. You’ll need to gear up and be prepared to face tough enemies, smash crates, and dodge attacks. In this guide, you’ll learn:

  • How to enter the Tak-Rethan Abyss.
  • What gear is needed for each difficulty level.
  • How to handle the Pheromone Crates event.
  • Tips for fighting the Undersea Abomination boss.
  • The best routes for both Alliance and Horde players.

Let’s literally dive into the Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve and get ready for an underwater adventure!

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The War Within Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve | overview

Tak-Rethan Abyss Trash Mobs Strategy

This underwater adventure is located on the South side of Azj-Kahet in Khaz Algar, and trust me, you’ll want more than just a snorkel. From Tier 1 to Tier 11, this guide covers the what’s that glowing thing? moments, the optional rares (because who doesn’t love some extra loot?), and the grand finale boss who will probably hate you by the end. So, buckle up your diving belt, grab some underwater breathing elixirs (or bring your Warlock buddy for some Unending Breath magic), and get ready for a wet and wild ride!

LocationSouth Azj-Kahet, Khaz Algar
Difficulty TiersTiers 1 to 11
Breath OptionsUnderwater Elixir or Warlock’s Unending Breath
Events3 types (main event: Destroy 100% Pheromone Crests)
Common Trash MobsKobyss Witherer, Bonechewer, Deepwater Snapper, Necromancer, Spearfisher, Trickster
BossUndersea Abomination
Key MechanicsAvoid Fungal Infection, dodge Deepsea Polyps, and outrange Repelling Blast

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Hope you’re ready to dodge some polyps, or you’ll end up looking like you spent too long at the local kelp bar!

The War Within Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve | Entrance

Underwater Dungeons In Wow The War Within

Getting into the Tak-Rethan Abyss is like trying to find a sunken ship—except this one has less treasure and more creepy fish people. You’ll find the entrance located on the South side of Azj-Kahet in Khaz Algar, somewhere around the coordinates [64.5, 12.3] (because nothing says adventure like swimming into the abyss with a vague map reference!). Make sure to pack some gills (or at least an elixir) because this place is all underwater, and we don’t want you floating face-down in Khaz Algar just because you didn’t check your air supply.

FactionRoute to Abyss
Alliance1. Fly to Khaz Algar from the nearest Alliance camp — 2. Swim South until you hit the ruins of Azj-Kahet — 3. Literally dive into the abyss (literally) at [64.5, 12.3]
Horde1. Hearth to Bloodgate Outpost in Azj-Kahet — 2. Mount up and ride South along the coast — 3. Once you spot some creepy ruins, jump in at [64.5, 12.3]

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The War Within Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve | Variants

How To Prepare For Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve Wow

The events in Tak-Rethan Abyss are like a surprise birthday party—except the presents are mobs, and you didn’t ask for any of them. There are three possible events you can trigger while swimming around in this watery death trap, and while the mini-bosses and trash mobs will always be the same, the event itself will keep you on your toes (or fins?). Whether you’re destroying Pheromone Crates or trying not to get sliced by a Spearfisher, every literally dive promises something… well, fishy.

Destroy 0/100% Pheromone CratesSmash 100% of the crates scattered around while avoiding mobs like Kobyss Witherer and their annoying casts. Once done, head straight to the boss.
Protect the Underwater BeaconStand your ground as waves of mobs, including the Spearfishers and Necromancers, try to destroy the beacon. Stay sharp and don’t get speared!
Collect Deepsea FungiSwim through the abyss gathering glowing fungi while dodging Deepwater Snappers that reduce your armor with Snapper Slice. Fungi soup, anyone?

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Pheromone Crates

Wow The War Within Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve Guide | Epiccarry

The Pheromone Crates event is like a big game of break all the boxes. Your job is to smash every single Pheromone Crate while dealing with some mean enemies. Once all the crates are gone, the event is done, and you get to fight the final boss.

How to Do the Pheromone Crates Event

  1. Find the Crates — Look around the Abyss for crates. They’re hidden in different places, but you can find them. Just be careful, enemies guard the crates.
  2. Watch for Enemies — While smashing crates, you’ll run into some enemies:
  3. Break the Crates — Smash all the crates to reach 100% progress. When all the crates are gone, you’re done with the event!
  4. Be Quick — The faster you break the crates, the fewer enemies you’ll have to fight again.

Important Tips

  • Stop their strong attacks — Watch for Abyssal Surge and Necrotic Bolt. Stop these if you can.
  • Dangerous Enemy — Stay away from the Kobyss Spearfisher; their Spearfish attack pulls you in.
  • Final Boss Time — After breaking all the crates, you’ll go straight to fight the final boss!

Go and break those crates fast—just like when you’re cleaning up your room but with more danger!

Undersea Abomination Boss Guide

Wow The War Within Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve Guide | Epiccarry

The Undersea Abomination is the final boss in Tak-Rethan Abyss, and it’s as nasty as it sounds. This giant, slimy creature comes with some pretty gross abilities, but don’t worry—we’ve got you covered. With a little dodging and smart moves, you can take down this underwater nightmare without turning into fish food.

AbilityWhat to Do
Fungal InfectionDon’t interrupt it—just avoid standing in front of the boss and keep attacking.
Deepsea PolypsMove away from the polyps on the ground. Avoid stepping on them at all costs.
Repelling BlastStay at least 15 yards away from the boss to avoid the knockback.

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The War Within Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve | Gear requirements

The deeper you go, the tougher the mobs get, so unless you want to spend your time flat on the ground yelling heal me, you’ll need to gear up properly. Here’s a quick rundown of what you’ll need for each tier—because, trust me, walking in with weak gear is like bringing a butter knife to a sword fight.

TierGear Needed
1Any gear—seriously, even that rusty spoon you’ve been holding on to will do.
3ilvl 540+—because mobs start to hit like they’re in a bad mood.
5ilvl 560+—at this point, your gear should at least be shinier than the enemies’ claws.
7ilvl 580+—the deeper you go, the harder they hit. Time to pack some real armor!
9ilvl 600+—if your gear isn’t sparkling now, you’re gonna get sparkled out of existence.
11ilvl 620+—this is no joke level. If your gear isn’t top-notch, you’re basically fish food.

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The War Within Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve | conclusion

How To Prepare For Tak-Rethan Abyss Delve Wow

The Tak-Rethan Abyss is an exciting and challenging underwater adventure in The War Within. As you literally dive deeper, enemies get tougher, so it’s important to have good gear and a plan. From smashing Pheromone Crates to facing the slimy Undersea Abomination, each event will keep you on your toes. Make sure to dodge attacks, avoid traps, and keep an eye on your breath bar, or you’ll find yourself floating face-down!

Gear is key, so don’t walk into the Abyss without preparing. The higher the tier, the stronger your gear needs to be—because trust me, the enemies won’t go easy on you

Do graphomaniac work since 2014 year. Have passion to Wow, Wow Classic and other MMO- games
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Where is the Tak-Rethan Abyss located?

It’s on the South side of Azj-Kahet in Khaz Algar. Coordinates are around [64.5, 12.3]. Pack your underwater gear!

What gear do I need for Tak-Rethan Abyss?

Depends on how deep you go. For Tier 1, any gear works, but for Tier 11, you’ll need ilvl 620+ to survive. Check the table above for more details.

Do I need an underwater breathing potion?

Yes! Unless you’re bringing a Warlock for Unending Breath, grab an elixir. There are air pockets, but why take the risk?

What events can happen in Tak-Rethan Abyss?

There are three main events: Destroy 100% Pheromone Crates, Protect the Underwater Beacon, and Collect Deepsea Fungi. Each one brings its own set of challenges (and mobs).

How do I beat the Undersea Abomination?

Avoid standing in front of its Fungal Infection, dodge the Deepsea Polyps on the ground, and stay at least 15 yards away to avoid the Repelling Blast knockback. Stay sharp and you’ll take it down!

What’s the easiest route to get to the Abyss?

If you’re Alliance, fly to Khaz Algar and swim south to the ruins. Horde players can hearth to Bloodgate Outpost and ride down the coast.
