WoW The War Within The Spiral Weave Delve Guide

By: friolt
7 min read
Wow Tww Spiral Weave Delve Quests

It’s EpicCarry, and we’re here to talk about WoW TWW The Spiral Weave Delve. We’re not just playing other games like Destiny or anything else. Today, we’re going to show you how to beat the Spiral Weave Delve in The War Within. Nothing too hard, but you’ll learn:

  • What the Spiral Weave Delve is.
  • Why you need good gear for deeper levels.
  • How to handle the events and bosses, like the Puppermaster.
  • What rewards you can get by finishing the Delve.
  • Tips to make your run easier and more fun.

Let’s get ready to win in the Spiral Weave Delve!


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The War Within The Spiral Weave Delve | Overview

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The Spiral Weave Delve is a dungeon in the War Within expansion of WoW. It’s located on the north side of Azj-Kahet, Khaz Algar. In this Delve, you’ll fight through events and mobs to reach the final boss. You’ll need to interrupt enemy abilities and avoid deadly attacks to survive. There are also fun side challenges like rescuing puppets and slaying swarms of spiders. Each step gets you closer to the end boss.

LocationNorth side of Azj-Kahet, Khaz Algar
DifficultyTier 1 to Tier 11
Main EventsDefeat Peculiar Nerubian, clear Spider Swarm, rescue puppets
Final BossThe Puppermaster (3 stages)
Key StrategiesInterrupt enemy spells, avoid ground effects
Trash MobsAnkle Biters, Fungal Rotcasters, Kobyss Necromancers, and more

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The War Within The Spiral Weave Delve | Entrance

Spiral Weave Delve Rare Mobs And Loot

The Spiral Weave Delve is located on the north side of Azj-Kahet, Khaz Algar, and can be tricky to find. For both Alliance and Horde, you’ll need to travel through rugged terrain, but the approximate coordinates are 55.8, 67.3. Make sure to prepare for some fights along the way! Each faction has its own route, so you can get there safely depending on which side you’re on.

FactionStarting PointRoute Details
AllianceIronforgeFly to Thorium Point, then ride north through the mountains. Watch out for enemy patrols!
HordeOrgrimmarFly to Kargath, ride east through the Badlands, then head north through Khaz Algar. Be careful of aggressive mobs!

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The War Within The Spiral Weave Delve | Variants

How To Find Spiral Weave Delve Entrance

The Spiral Weave Delve in WoW: The War Within has different events and variants that you’ll face during your run. Each event challenges you with unique enemies and objectives. You might need to clear out spider swarms, defeat strong bosses, or rescue puppets from danger. These events change slightly depending on the difficulty tier, from Tier 1 to Tier 11. Always be ready to interrupt enemy abilities and stay alert for surprise attacks!

EventObjectiveKey Strategy
Peculiar NerubianDefeat 0/1 Peculiar NerubianInterrupt Shadow Bolt and Shadows of Strife
Spider SwarmClear 0/100% Spider SwarmKill Ankle Biters quickly to progress
Puppet RescueRescue 0/8 puppets using AntitoxinClear nearby mobs to avoid interruptions
Final Boss: PuppermasterDefeat 3 stages of enemies (Skittering Swarmers, Nerubian Captains, boss)Dodge Jagged Barbs and use defenses during Stinging Swarm

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Peculiar Nerubian guide

Spiral Weave Delve Walkthrough Tier 11

The Peculiar Nerubian is one of the key enemies in the Spiral Weave Delve. When fighting this enemy, it’s very important to interrupt its Shadow Bolt ability as often as possible. If you don’t, it can deal heavy damage. Also, watch out for Shadows of Strife, which will knock you back if you let it cast. Keep an eye on your interrupts and make sure you’re ready to stop these abilities to avoid trouble in the fight.

AbilityWhat to Do
Shadow BoltInterrupt as often as possible to avoid big damage.
Shadows of StrifeInterrupt or it will knock you backward, making the fight harder.

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Spider Swarm guide

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The Spider Swarm event in WoW TWW Spiral Weave is all about clearing out a huge group of tiny spiders. These little enemies, called Ankle Biters, aren’t too dangerous, but there are a lot of them! Just keep defeating them until the swarm is completely cleared. Once you’ve defeated enough of them, you can move on to the next part of the delve.

EnemyWhat to Do
Ankle BitersDefeat as many as you can to clear 100% of the Spider Swarm.
Key TipFocus on clearing them quickly to avoid getting overwhelmed.

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Puppet Rescue guide

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The Puppet Rescue event in WoW TWW Spiral Weave requires you to save 8 puppets using your Antitoxin ability. But be careful! There are mobs around the puppets that will interrupt you if you don’t defeat them first. Clear all nearby enemies, then use your Antitoxin to safely rescue the puppets. Once you’ve rescued all 8, you can move on to the final boss of the delve.

TaskWhat to Do
Rescue PuppetsUse Antitoxin ability to save 0/8 puppets.
Clear Nearby MobsDefeat any mobs around puppets first to avoid being interrupted.

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Final Boss: Puppermaster guide

Spiral Weave Delve Trash Mobs Wow Tww

The final boss in WoW TWW Spiral Weave is the Puppermaster. This fight happens in 3 stages. First, you’ll face Skittering Swarmers, which hit hard with basic attacks. Then, Nerubian Captains will appear—interrupt their Webbed Aegis and sidestep their Wide Swipe. In the final stage, the Puppermaster himself arrives. Watch out for his Jagged Barbs attack and use defensive abilities when he casts Stinging Swarm.

StageWhat to Do
Stage 1: Skittering SwarmersDeal with their auto-attacks and move quickly.
Stage 2: Nerubian CaptainsInterrupt Webbed Aegis and dodge Wide Swipe.
Stage 3: PuppermasterAvoid Jagged Barbs and use defensive skills during Stinging Swarm.

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The War Within The Spiral Weave Delve | Gear requirements

Before you go into the WoW TWW Spiral Weave Delve, check your gear. The stronger your gear, the easier it will be to beat the enemies. The deeper you go, the harder the enemies get, so you need better gear to win.

TierGear Needed
1Any gear
3ilvl 540+
5ilvl 560+
7ilvl 580+
9ilvl 600+
11ilvl 620+

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The War Within The Spiral Weave Delve | Quests

How To Unlock Spiral Weave Delve In Wow Tww

There are quests you can complete while running the WoW TWW Spiral Weave Delve. These quests offer rewards such as experience points, money, and sometimes special items.

Quest NameLevel Req.SideRewardsExp.MoneyCategory
A Radiant Echo80??12,200 XP12,20023g 40sDornogal
Ancient Curiosity: Utility70??Companion Experience10,400NoneDelver’s Headquarters

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The War Within The Spiral Weave Delve | Conclusion

Best Tips For Spiral Weave Delve In Wow War Within

The Spiral Weave Delve in The War Within is a challenging and exciting dungeon located in Azj-Kahet, Khaz Algar. From fighting mobs like the Peculiar Nerubian to clearing out Spider Swarms and rescuing puppets, this delve keeps you on your toes. Each event tests your skills, and with the right strategy and gear, you can take on even the toughest challenges, like the final boss, the Puppermaster.

Before entering, always make sure you have the proper gear for your tier level. The stronger your gear, the better your chances of surviving the deeper levels of the Delve. Completing quests along the way will reward you with experience, money, and other useful items to help you through your journey.

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What is the Spiral Weave Delve?

The Spiral Weave Delve is a dungeon in The War Within expansion of WoW, located on the north side of Azj-Kahet, Khaz Algar. It has multiple events and bosses you must defeat to complete the dungeon.

Do I need good gear for the Spiral Weave Delve?

Yes! As you go deeper into the Delve, the enemies get stronger. It’s important to have the right gear for your tier level. For example, Tier 3 needs ilvl 540+, and Tier 11 requires ilvl 620+.

What are the main events in the Spiral Weave Delve?

The main events include defeating the Peculiar Nerubian, clearing the Spider Swarm, rescuing 8 puppets, and fighting the final boss, the Puppermaster.

How do I handle the Peculiar Nerubian?

Make sure to interrupt its Shadow Bolt and Shadows of Strife abilities as much as possible to avoid heavy damage.

What should I do during the Spider Swarm event?

Defeat all the Ankle Biters quickly to clear the swarm. If you clear enough, you can move on to the next event.

How do I complete the Puppet Rescue event?

Use your Antitoxin ability to save 8 puppets. Make sure to clear nearby enemies first to avoid getting interrupted.

Who is the final boss in the Spiral Weave Delve?

The final boss is the Puppermaster. The fight has three stages, with different types of enemies appearing in each stage. Dodge his attacks and use defensive abilities during Stinging Swarm.

What rewards can I get from the Spiral Weave Delve?

Completing the Delve will give you experience points, gold, and sometimes special items depending on the quests you complete.

Are there any quests in the Spiral Weave Delve?

Yes, there are quests like A Radiant Echo and Ancient Curiosity: Utility, which reward you with experience and gold.

How do I get to the Spiral Weave Delve?

For Alliance, fly to Thorium Point and ride north. For Horde, fly to Kargath and ride east. The coordinates for the Delve are approximately 55.8, 67.3.
