WoW The War Within The Waterworks Delve Guide

By: friolt
8 min read
How To Complete The Waterworks Stories Achievement

As we all know, WoW The War Within brings lots of new things to do, and the Waterworks Delve is one of them. It’s a dungeon with dangerous air, big fights, and cool rewards. You have to stay safe by using Air Totems and Purifiers to keep the bad air away, and at the end, you fight a boss named Waxface.

In this guide, we will show you everything you need to know about the Waterworks Delve. We will help you with the different challenges, how to avoid dangers, and how to win rewards like gold and special items. It’s all explained in very simple steps, so you can easily follow along and have fun!

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WoW The War Within The Waterworks delve | overview

Waterworks Delve Sturdy Chest Locations In Wow

The Waterworks Delve is a dungeon in World of Warcraft: The War Within, located on the west side of Ringing Deeps in Khaz Algar. Inside, players have to deal with dangerous Suffocating Fumes and stay near Air Purifiers and Air Totems to survive. The Waterworks has different challenges, like finding lost gear or rescuing workers. At the end of the dungeon, there’s a big boss called Waxface. Players can try this dungeon at different levels of difficulty (from Tier 1 to Tier 11) for better rewards, like keys and cosmetics.

LocationWest of Ringing Deeps, Khaz Algar
Main GoalStay alive by using Air Purifiers and Totems
DangerSuffocating Fumes lower your health
VariantsStomping Some Sense, Captured Engineers, Trust Issues
Final BossWaxface
RewardsGold, cosmetics, Resplendent Keys

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WoW The War Within The Waterworks | Entrance

Complete Guide To Delve Loremaster Achievements

The Waterworks Delve is a dungeon in World of Warcraft: The War Within, located on the west side of Ringing Deeps in Khaz Algar. To find it easily, look for the coordinates 46.3, 48.6. When you enter, you must be ready for tricky challenges, like avoiding Suffocating Fumes, and using Air Purifiers and Totems to stay safe. Both the Horde and Alliance have their own routes to get to the Waterworks, and you can try different levels (Tiers 1 to 11) to earn better rewards. The final boss in this dungeon is called Waxface, and defeating him gives you nice loot!

HordeStart in Orgrimmar → Go to Gundargaz → Head west to Ringing Deeps
AllianceStart in Stormwind → Go to Gundargaz → Head west to Ringing Deeps

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WoW The War Within The Waterworks | variants events

Wow Waterworks Delve Tips For Higher Tiers

In World of Warcraft: The War Within, the Waterworks Delve has three different types, called variants: Stomping Some Sense, Captured Engineers, and Trust Issues. In each variant, you have to stay safe from Suffocating Fumes by using Air Purifiers and Air Totems. Each variant has a special task to do, and at the end, you fight the boss Waxface. When you finish, you get rewards, like gold and keys.

VariantEvent Description
Stomping Some SenseFix broken Air Purifiers and find lost gear. Fight Waxface at the end.
Captured EngineersSave 5 workers while staying safe from the fumes. Fight Waxface at the end.
Trust IssuesHelp Karnk and Pugsley find stolen things and protect them. Fight Waxface at the end.

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Stomping Some Sense guide

What’s The Easiest Way To Beat Waxface In Waterworks?

In the Stomping Some Sense variant of WoW TWW Waterworks, you have to fix broken Air Purifiers and use Heavy Boots to bring them back to life. Without working purifiers, the Suffocating Fumes will make it hard to survive. You will also need to find lost gear from kobold corpses while avoiding dangerous monsters. When you finish gathering all the gear, you fight the boss, Waxface. Be careful during the fight, as he has some tricky moves like Noxious Gas. If you defeat him, you get good rewards!

StepWhat to Do
1. Fix Air PurifiersUse Heavy Boots to fix broken Air Purifiers and make sure they keep you safe from Suffocating Fumes.
2. Gather Lost GearFind lost gear near kobold corpses by using the Stomping Shoes. Be careful of the enemies around.
3. Fight WaxfaceWhen you have all the gear, fight the boss Waxface. Avoid his Noxious Gas and Throw Wax attacks.

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Captured Engineers

How To Complete All Waterworks Delve Variants

In the Captured Engineers variant of WoW TWW Waterworks, your main goal is to save five Earthen workers who have been captured by kobolds. You need to protect yourself from Suffocating Fumes by using Air Totems. As you move through the area, find and rescue the workers while fighting off kobolds. Once all the workers are safe, you will fight the boss Waxface. Be ready for his strong attacks, but if you defeat him, you will earn good rewards!

StepWhat to Do
1. Use Air TotemGrab an Air Totem to stay safe from the Suffocating Fumes.
2. Free WorkersFind the 5 workers and save them from the kobolds.
3. Fight WaxfaceAfter freeing the workers, fight the boss Waxface. Avoid his strong attacks and defeat him for rewards.

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Waxface boss Guide

Waterworks Delve: Horde And Alliance Routes

This boss has strong attacks, so you need to be ready. Waxface uses Noxious Gas, which you should run away from, and Throw Wax, which targets players. Make sure to stay healthy and use your defenses when Waxface uses his Burn Away attack. Defeating Waxface will give you rewards!

StepWhat to Do
1. Avoid Noxious GasRun away when Waxface starts casting Noxious Gas to avoid damage.
2. Watch for Throw WaxStay healthy and ready when Throw Wax targets you.
3. Defend against Burn AwayUse defensive skills when Waxface casts Burn Away, a strong area attack.

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Trust Issues

How To Fix Air Purifiers In Wow Waterworks

In the Trust Issues part of WoW TWW Waterworks, your job is to help Karnk and Pugsley get back stolen items from kobolds. You need to find the stash of stolen goods and protect Pugsley as he collects the items. Be careful, as many waves of kobolds will try to attack while Pugsley is looting. Once all the kobolds are beaten, you will fight the boss Waxface. If you defeat him, you will get rewards!

StepWhat to Do
1. Find the StashFollow the signs that say This Way! to find the stash of stolen items.
2. Protect PugsleyDefend Pugsley while he loots the stash. Kobolds will come in waves, so be ready to fight.
3. Fight WaxfaceAfter all the kobolds are gone, fight Waxface. Beat him to get your rewards.

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This guide helps you complete the Trust Issues part of WoW TWW Waterworks!

WoW The War Within The Waterworks | gear requirements

Guide To Gathering Lost Gear In Waterworks Delve

Before you start the Waterworks Delve in WoW TWW, you need to make sure your gear is ready. The deeper you go, the harder it gets, so you need the right gear for each tier. With the right gear, you can enjoy the adventure, gain experience, and even unlock some achievements.

TierGear Needed
1Any gear
3ilvl 540+
5ilvl 560+
7ilvl 580+
9ilvl 600+
11ilvl 620+

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WoW The War Within The Waterworks | quests

Waterworks Delve Mount Reward — Ivory Goliathus

Here are the main quests you can find in WoW TWW Waterworks, along with their level requirements, rewards, and categories.

NameLevel Req.SideExperienceMoneyCategory
A Radiant Echo80??12,200 XP23.40 goldDornogal
Ancient Curiosity70??10,400 XPNoneDelver’s Headquarters

WoW The War Within The Waterworks | achievements

How To Avoid Suffocating Fumes In Waterworks Delve

First, there’s The Waterworks Stories achievement. To earn this, you need to complete all three versions of the Waterworks Delve. Doing so helps you progress toward the Delve Loremaster achievement, which is a larger goal that spans multiple delves.

Next is The Waterworks Discoveries. This achievement requires you to find and open all the Sturdy Chests hidden in the Delve. Completing this gives you extra treasure and helps you navigate the Waterworks better, making your runs smoother.

Finally, the big achievement is Glory of the Delver. If you complete all the Waterworks achievements, you’ll unlock this title and earn a special reward—a unique mount called the Ivory Goliathus, which is a rare and impressive prize for showing your mastery of the Waterworks Delve.

The Waterworks StoriesComplete all three versions of the DelveProgress toward Delve Loremaster
The Waterworks DiscoveriesFind and open all Sturdy ChestsExtra treasure and exploration help
Glory of the DelverComplete all Waterworks achievementsUnique mount (Ivory Goliathus)

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WoW The War Within The Waterworks | conclusion

Trust Issues Variant Walkthrough In Waterworks Delve

In WoW The War Within, the Waterworks Delve is a dungeon in Khaz Algar where you face dangers like Suffocating Fumes and the big boss Waxface. You need to stay near Air Purifiers and Totems to survive. There are three versions of this dungeon: Stomping Some Sense, Captured Engineers, and Trust Issues. Each version has different tasks, like fixing purifiers, saving workers, or finding stolen things, but all end with fighting Waxface.

Wow The War Within Waterworks Map And Layout

As you play the Waterworks Delve, the higher the tier, the harder it gets, but you also get better rewards. You can earn achievements like The Waterworks Stories by finishing all three versions of the dungeon, and The Waterworks Discoveries by finding all the hidden Sturdy Chests. The biggest achievement is Glory of the Delver, where you complete all tasks and get a special reward—a unique mount called Ivory Goliathus.

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What is the Waterworks Delve in WoW The War Within?

The Waterworks Delve is a dungeon located in Khaz Algar, on the west side of Ringing Deeps. Inside, you have to avoid dangers like Suffocating Fumes and fight the final boss, Waxface.

What are the challenges in the Waterworks Delve?

You need to stay near Air Purifiers and Totems to avoid losing health from the Suffocating Fumes. There are also different tasks like finding lost gear, saving workers, and retrieving stolen items.

How many versions of the Waterworks Delve are there?

There are three versions: Stomping Some Sense, Captured Engineers, and Trust Issues. Each version has its own tasks but all lead to fighting Waxface.

What rewards can I get from the Waterworks Delve?

You can earn gold, cosmetics, and Resplendent Keys. Completing higher tiers also gives you better rewards.

What are the main achievements in the Waterworks Delve?

The main achievements are The Waterworks Stories (complete all three versions), The Waterworks Discoveries (find all Sturdy Chests), and Glory of the Delver (complete all Waterworks achievements to earn the Ivory Goliathus mount).

What gear do I need for the Waterworks Delve?

For Tier 1, any gear works. For higher tiers, you will need better gear, starting from ilvl 540+ at Tier 3 and going up to ilvl 620+ for Tier 11.

How do I reach the Waterworks Delve?

Horde players start in Orgrimmar, and Alliance players start in Stormwind. Both head to Gundargaz and then go west to Ringing Deeps. The exact coordinates are 46.3, 48.6.
