WoW Delves Boost

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Gold Airship Skin
  • Full transformation for mount
  • The Underpin Solo Kill
  • FoS Achievement
From 22$
The Underpin Challenge Delve
  • The Underpin Kill
  • Flexible Options
  • FoS Achievements
From 14.50$
Delves Boost
  • Fast Delve Run
  • Delves Tiers Unlock
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From 1.50$
3+1 Free Delves Combo
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From 14.70$
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From 54$
Great Vault Boost
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  • High-Level Gear
From 2.50$
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  • FoS Achievements
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From 5$
Void Airship Skin
  • Full Transformation
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  • FoS Achievement
From 22$
Delver's Dirigible Mount
  • Customizable Flying Mount
  • Customization Options
  • New Achievement
From 19$
Glory of the Delver
  • Prestigious Meta-Achievement
  • Epic Mount
  • Cosmetic Rewards
From 5$
Immortal Spelunker Title
  • Rare Title
  • Delves-Related Achievements
  • Great Vault Progress
From 34$
Restored Coffer Keys
  • Selected amount
  • Treasures access
  • Performing activities
From 8.60$
Delve Loremaster: War Within
  • Epic Meta-Achievement
  • 12 Delve-Related Achievements
  • Great Vault Rewards
From 285$
Delves Tier Unlock
  • Chosen Delve Tier Unlock
  • Tier-Related Achievements
  • Various Currencies
From 1.40$
Ivory Goliathus Mount
  • Prestigious Mount
  • Rare Meta-Achievement
  • Many Delves Runs
From 5$
Delves Challenge Achievements
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  • Cosmetic Items
From 8.20$
Leave no Treasure Unfound
  • Cool Meta-Achievement
  • Unique Title
  • Cosmetic Items
From 3.30$
Seasonal Ultimate Bundle
  • Full Season Completion
  • PvE and PvP Rewards
  • Many Achievements
From 3,492$
High Explorer Title
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  • Great Vault Progress
From 17$
Undying Caver Title
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  • Tier 8 Delve Run
  • Great Vault Progress
From 11.80$
Four steps to your first epic carry
Easy and straightforward, even a kid can handle it

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The War Within expansion introduces you to a new activity that will brighten your game – Delves. Delves is a new step in developing WoW PvE content from Blizzard Entertainment. They took their past ideas and overhauled them. Delve is a small dungeon designed to be completed solo or in a group of up to five people. You will be accompanied by one of the famous characters who will take an active part in completing Delves. The assistant will fill the role that you lack.

Delves are designed not only to expand the history of World of Warcraft and the variety of activities. Delves will be one of the main types of content for which you can earn rewards from the Great Vault. Although these adventures last only 10-15 minutes, for them, you can get quite good gear and many other valuable rewards. Inside each Delve, you will find bosses to defeat, Puzzles to solve, Earthen miners to free from traps, and platforming sections to overcome.

Epiccarry invites you to check out our WoW Delve Carry services. We guarantee you that you will find exactly what you need. We are ready to help you with any task related to WoW Delves.

Delves Locations

Delves can be found throughout Khaz Algar, the main location of The War Within Expansion. In each of the new locations, there are several Delves. They are distributed like this:

  • On the Isle of Dorn, the lands of the new Earthen race and the starting location of the entire new expansion, you can find three Delves: Kriegval’s Rest, Earthcrawl Mines, and Fungal Folly;
  • The Ringing Deeps, an extensive cave system filled with kobolds and ancient titan machinery, contains three Delves: Deepwalker Hold, The Dread Pit, and The Waterworks;
  • In Hallowfall, the lands of people who left the Arathor Empire long ago, you can find four Delves: Nightfall Sanctum, Skittering Breach, Mycomancer Cavern, and The Sinkhole;
  • In Azj-Kahet, the Nerubian kingdom ruled by Queen Ansurek, it is also home to four delves: Rak-Rethan Abyss, The Spiral Weave, Underkeep, and Mystery 13th Delve.

Legendary Companions in Delves

During your journey through WoW Delves, you will be accompanied by a famous character from the history of the World of Warcraft. Every season, you will have a new assistant. For example, in the first season of The War Within expansion, your companion will be the greatest explorer of the lands of Azeroth, Brann Bronzebeard. Your companion will really help during the WoW Delve run. Blizzard has greatly improved the artificial intelligence of game NPCs. Your WoW Delve companion will become a full-fledged member of your group, and he will be able to heal or deal damage, depending on his chosen role.

Delves Companions Abilities

Brann Bronzebeard has his own spells that he will use to help you during your passage. Some will be unlocked immediately, and some will require you to level up your companion. Below, you can see all of Brann Bronzebeard’s spells:

DPS Abilities:

  • Ancient Weapon Oil: Strengthens the weapons of nearby players, and they can deal additional fire damage;
  • Gryphadin’s Battle Harness: Brann summons a griffin that will drop bombs on enemies when any party member uses a major cooldown ability;
  • Ice Trap: Brann uses an ice trap on opponents, which reduces their movement speed;
  • Monkey Leash: Brann summons a monkey that increases the movement speed of allies;
  • Steel Traps: Brann uses a trap that will physically damage an enemy who steps on it;
  • Thirty Yards of Rope: Brann helps allies get out of control effects and gives them temporary invulnerability;
  • Volley: Many arrows hit enemies and cause physical damage.

Healer Abilities:

  • Aegis of Ironforge: Brann creates a shield that reduces incoming damage by 20% and helps avoid crowd control effects;
  • Ancient Alchemy Stone: Increases the healing received by allies;
  • Antidote Salve: Grants dispel against Poison and Disease effects;
  • Bag of Snacks: Gives players snacks that restore health;
  • Dwarven Medicine: Restores players’ health by throwing healing potions at them;
  • Emergency Supplies: When the player’s health drops below 30%, a quarter of HP will be restored;
  • Relic of Uldum: Heals nearby allies with an ancient relic;
  • Tranquilizing Blow Dart: Dispels positive effects from enemies.

Common Abilities:

  • Aspect of the Turtle: Brann reflects all attacks and takes 30% less damage;
  • Brann’s Epic Egg: When any player uses a loss of control effect on an opponent, summon a devilsaur that will prolong their fear;
  • Feign Death: Pretends to be dead to get out of battle when necessary;
  • Flint and Tinder: Builds a fire, which allows you to cook;
  • Ol’ Faithful: Shoots at opponents with his gun;
  • The Bronzebeard Spirit: Heals yourself for 30% HP after taking large amounts of damage.

The leveling system of Delves

The Leveling System in Delves is very similar to the one Torghast had in Shadowlands expansion. The level of Delve is called Tier. In total, each Delve has 11 tiers. In the beginning, only Tier 1 is available to you. You need complete delves to unlock a higher Tier. When you complete a delve, the next Tier will be unlocked for you until 11. Of course, the higher the Tier of delve, the more difficult it will be to complete. However, the rewards will be more valuable. Here, you can find a boost service that will help you unlock new tiers of delves.

Delves Rewards

WoW Delves has become a new activity for which you can receive a reward immediately after completion and from the Great Vault. Equipment from the Great Vault is comparable in ilvl to items from the heroic difficulty raid.

After completing Delve, you are guaranteed to receive new currency and gold. Delves currency is used to purchase cosmetic rewards. Cosmetic items can also drop from a chest at the end of Delve, which you will need Resplendent Keys to open. Of course, the rewards were not complete without achievements, titles, and mounts. For example, you can get the Undying Cover title and the achievement of the same name for completing tier 8 WoW delve without dying, and for achieving Glory of the Delver, you will get the Ivory Goliathus mount.

The cherry on the cake is the unique, customizable flying mount—Delver’s Dirigible. You can change four parts to your taste: Front, sides, back, and top.

WoW Delve boosting services will help you obtain a fantastic reward for this new activity.

Offers for Delves from Epiccarry

Epiccarry offers a variety of WoW Delve boosting services that can help you achieve any desired result for a fair price. Below, you can see examples of some of our services:

  • TWW Delves Carry: Our main offer for completing WoW Delves. We will help you complete the delve of any tier or help you unlock them;
  • WoW Glory of the Delver Boost: Like raids and dungeons, Delves have their own Glory achievement, which requires you to perform special actions in different Delves; Epiccarry’s boost service will help you fulfill all the requirements;
  • WoW Immortal Spelunker Title Boost: This boosting service will help you get a prestigious title for completing the highest Tier without dying;
  • WoW Delver’s Dirigible Mount Boost: We will help you get a new, unique, customizable flying mount;
  • WoW Resplendent Keys Boost: To open the chest at the end of Delve, you will need a special key that can be obtained through various activities in the game, and our boosters will help you collect them;
  • WoW Delves Bundle: We will help you complete several Delves at once and you will additionally receive free runs!

And this is not all WoW Delve boosting services that we provide. On our website, you will find exactly what you need. You can choose to play in self-play or pilot mode for a boost. Our experienced player will log in to your character during piloted mode and use all precautions for maximum security. We will also provide you with a personal stream where you can watch the boost’s progress. You invest in your comfortable game and cool rewards by purchasing WoW Delve boosting services from Epiccarry.

What are Delves in WoW?

Delves is a new type of PvE content in World of Warcraft. WoW Delve is a small dungeon lasting 10-15 minutes, which can be completed solo or in a group of up to 5 people, accompanied by an improved NPC.

What kind of Delves are there in WoW?

Full list of Delves on Khaz Algar:

  • Isle of Dorn: Kriegval's Rest, Earthcrawl Mines, Fungal Folly;
  • The Ringing Deeps: Deepwalker Hold, The Dread Pit, The Waterworks;
  • In Hallowfall: Nightfall Sanctum, Skittering Breach, Mycomancer Cavern, The Sinkhole;
  • In Azj-Kahet: Rak-Rethan Abyss, The Spiral Weave, Underkeep, and Mystery 13th Delve.

How does the WoW Delves Boost usually go?

Brief instructions of WoW Delve Boost from Epiccarry:

  • You select the desired options and services that our boosters will additionally receive for you and pay for the ordered boost;
  • Our support manager will help you choose a schedule for WoW Delves boost;
  • Depending on Boost mode, you will be invited to the group, or our booster will log in to your character; for piloted mode, we will provide a stream where you can verify account security;
  • Our skill player will help you achieve the desired result;
  • A manager will contact you, congratulate you on your rewards, and ask you to leave a Review about the boost service. Reviews from verified players help us improve the quality of our services.

What cool rewards can you get for completing Delves?

During Delves, you can get many cosmetic items, high-level gear, Undying Cover, High Explorer, Immortal Spelunker and Ascension Breaker Titles, Ivory Goliathus and Delver's Dirigible mounts, and many new achievements.

What are the requirements to visit Delve?

To access Delves, you only need to reach a maximum level and play some of The War Within's main campaign. To unlock a new delve tier, you must complete the Tier one lower.

Is there a limit to the number of times Delve can be completed?

In World of Warcraft, the number of visits to delves is unlimited. You can make as many runs as you want and receive rewards.

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