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Professions are changing a lot going into The War Within, and it’s not just a cosmetic overhaul. There hasn’t been this much love for World of Warcraft professions, and it shows. The old profession system lacked depth, and was pretty much useless outside of the initial days of every new expansion. All of these issues have been addressed.
You may now pick and choose how you want to use your professions, what kinds of products you might want to produce, and which kinds of items you want to be extremely good at making thanks to our many new, overlapping mechanics within the new system.
We have a ton of new features now: specializations, profession knowledge, profession gear that boost your unique profession stats. Profession materials and crafts can now be of various quality, and the higher quality, the more powerful is the item.
Even better, there’s this new thing called re-crafting, which is the most useful feature to be added to WoW professions in years.
Choose Epiccarry’s Boosting services; our pro team will boost professions and your crafting skill with low prices and safe enough time for more exciting things!
Using the WoW TWW profession boost is a fantastic way to delay having to get into the new profession systems. However, progressing in The War Within demands forethought, experience, and planning. One must first discover which professions are best suited to their class and spec and the particular aspect of the game you enjoy the most.
Are you a Shaman and you know that you’ll need Mail armor? Consider leveling Leatherworking. Those who use cloth armor should think about pursuing a career as Tailors, players who like PvP battles should pick Engineering, and so on. Because your main professions has the greatest ability to affect your character’s overall strength, it should not be chosen lightly.
The patch 11.0 is yet to be released, and our players have already done the majority of work for you. By buying our WoW Professions boost service not only you get a player who will go out in the world and get all the materials required for your chosen profession. Our experienced players already know exactly how to boost up every profession in the new expansion.
To say that in The War Within profession leveling is changed a lot would be a severe understatement. The whole profession system has been rebuilt from the scratch and now World of Warcraft professions offer a lot of power, depth and complexity, and it seems like the time spent on them will be well worth it.
Leveling up a profession is now its own part of the game, and crafting will become an alternative way to move forward at the end of the game, with it’s own set of significant achievements, goals and rewards.
This is exactly why you may need the boost services of our professional players. WoW Professions are very different and complicated, and the choices you make are so important for moving forward.
The first major update for primary WoW professions in The War Within is the ability to choose a specialization. This will affect your entire profession leveling path. Specializing in some branch of a profession is what truly makes the new system unique.
After getting 25 skill points in your chosen profession, you can choose to unlock a specialization. The first unlock will happen at skill 25, the second at 50, the third at 75, and if you have a fourth one (not all do), you’ll get it at the maximum level. This will be a very important part of your overall progress.
For example, blacksmiths can choose from four different specializations. Armorsmithing boosts your skills at making armor. Weaponsmithing focuses on making weapons. The further you progress into each of the specialization trees, the fewer types of crafts will bonuses apply to, but they their effect will be more potent.
Specialty smithing is a small tree focused on making tools and alloys, which give General bonuses to most crafting options. Tools will be essential for any craftsman, but you can also craft and better adventuring gear like grappling hooks, improve your stonework for enhancements, and smelting to focus on the various alloys you’ll need to craft the best blacksmithing gear.
Specialty smithing is a small tree that focuses on making tools, utility items, and alloys, which give general bonuses to most crafting options. Any craftsman needs tools, but you can also make useful items and adventuring gear, like grappling hooks. Alloys are a new type of reagent. You’ll need them to make the best blacksmithing equipment.
Hammer control is the last choice. This skill tree also gives you broad bonuses to your blacksmithing skill.
Your journey in any given profession can be very different from that of other players, depending on where you go next and what you unlock first. Even if you choose the same specialization, you might put your points in different nodes. You’ll make different things with varying levels of quality. Every profession has multiple specializations that let you focus on different skills, so you’ll never be a “one-stop shop” in The War Within.
Leveling up your profession just means increasing your skill level so you can learn new recipes and improve your craft. However, the specialization talent trees require profession knowledge, which is your specialization’s talent points. You can allocate the profession knowledge points of your character anywhere on the specialization tree according to your final goal. There is huge potential for min-maxing here.
There are many ways to get this knowledge, and it will also depend your chosen profession. Crafting things is the easiest way to earn knowledge. But you will only learn something the first time you make a recipe.
This means that you will want to make at least one of every recipe you learn. This is interesting because leveling up a profession used to be a game of finding the most cost-effective item to make and spam it until it no longer increases your skill level. Even though that is still kind of important, you should make every recipe at least once. Knowledge is the main stat that governs the quality and overall usefulness of your crafts, so you have to make use of all possibilities to get it.
We have three professions that don’t have many recipes to create or craft: Mining, Herbalism and Skinning. Players who chose these can instead find knowledge while collecting raw materials from nodes. Anytime you collect resources, there’s a chance your character will get some knowledge. It’s more straightforward when compared to Production professions knowledge, but it is also quite random.
Another source of knowledge is going to be daily quests in Valdrakken. Each profession has a quick daily quest related to its craft that’ll have you to collect and provide materials or craft items. Your service will be rewarded with a set of notes that increases your knowledge by a few points. There will most likely be other quests that can boost professions and knowledge, too, so we should have plenty of options when the system is all flashed out.
As an interesting side effect of gaining knowledge, you will also get a small amount of a special crafting item called Artisan’s Mettle. You can also get this in a few other ways, and it will be very important for crafting and re-crafting at higher levels, so hold on to it.
The most important thing about specializations is that no matter which one you choose to focus on first, your overall skill level in the profession will improve. Most of the time, each knowledge point you allocate will raise your general profession skill level and give you different bonuses depending on which specialization tree you choose. This will be very important because craft quality is another next big factor.
Epiccarry’s main professions boosting services are available 24/7, if you have any questions about our popular services, you can write at any time.
Every profession-related item in The War Within, no matter if it’s raw materials or finished product, will have a quality meter. Ores and herbs, have up to three quality levels. Crafted items and finished goods, on the other hand, can have up to five.
Quality of crafts is a very straightforward trait: the higher the quality, the better the product. When it comes to crafted items and gear, this directly affects the item level. If your goods are of higher quality, they will have a higher item level, which means you should be able to sell them for more money.
The quality of the ingredients is a little different, but it’s also pretty simple. The quality of an item made with rare, high-quality materials goes up. If you use Tier 3 quality ores in your blacksmithing recipes, you’ll get better outcomes. The same is true for optional crafting materials that posess a quality feature.
This is true for all crafts in Yhe War Within, even consumables! Various potions, elixirs and vials, especially. The higher in the quality of whatever you make in your profession the better it is going to be. So it’s not just for crafting equipment. The higher quality you can get to the better that item is going to be.
This is true for all crafts, not just for making gear. Consumable items are also affected. Especially pots, elixirs, and vials. The better is their quality, the more potent they are.
The higher-quality mats will be harder to find and therefore more expensive. They will also cost a lot to use in your craft, so the results need to be worth it. By getting better at Gathering, you can get raw materials of a higher level.
When gathering, those with the highest level of mining, herbalism, or skinning will find better materials than those with low skill. Still, some specializations only focus on high-quality materials, even to the point of refining them. For instance, you can turn tier one mats into tier two mats, and then those into tier three mats.
Depending on how you decide to build your specialization talents, you might have easier access to higher-quality materials but you’ll be sacrificing in other areas so it is an important choice. The quality of an item usually comes down to skill difficulty.
When you open your Mining Journal, for example, and you can look at all the different types of nodes available in The War Within. Each one will have a skill difficulty tied to it and the skill level you need to get the highest quality raw materials from that node reliably.
For production WoW professions, we have recipe difficulty, which is more exciting. The difficulty of a recipe is how much skill is needed to make that item of the highest quality. You also get a bar that shows the quality you can expect from the current set of materials at your current skill level. As you learn more specializations and leveling up your profession, you’ll be able to craft the same recipe at tier 2, then tier 3, then tier 4, and finally at tier 5, which is the best possible quality.
You can also influence your skill directly, by using consumable items and better profession gear. This will make recipes easier or harder, and you’ll to get a different outcome in every case.
As a general rule, if the raw materials are better, you can expect the product to be of higher quality. You can add power to your craft by using special materials. However, using them makes a recipe harder, so you’ll have to do everything you can to enhance the skill of your character. This will help you reach the higher quality tiers, which means the highest item levels.
You can alter the secondary stats of your equipment in the same way you could in Shadowlands, but that makes crafting harder. You can make your gear even more unique by adding powers to it with embellishments. Again, this will make the recipe harder, and you can also use special finishing reagents.
These give you a big boost to your skill level, making it easier to reach those high breakpoints that lead to better results. Stats that apply only to your craft are another way to improve your performance.
The new profession stats actually depend on the type of profession. A character with a production profession will benefit from inspiration, resourcefulness, crafting speed and multicraft. Characters who only have Mining, Herbalism or Skinning will want to stack Finesse, Deftness, and Perception.
Unsurprisingly, stats gathering professions is a bit less complicated and require little to no explanation:
Most of the new stats for your profession will come from the gear you use for that profession. In World of Warcraft: The War Within you have one slot for a profession tool and two slots for profession accessories. Each profession uses it’s own set of tools, so you’ll need to figure out where your three pieces of gear come from and how you can upgrade them.
For instance, a blacksmith needs a hammer, a tool kit, and an apron. Upgrading your gear for your job is another step on this long path of profession leveling.
Each piece of gear can be made by a profession, but you can’t make all of your gear with just one profession. For example, blacksmiths can make their own hammers and tool kits, but to make aprons, they need to find a leatherworker. Also, at least one of your pieces of gear will be made by a profession other than your own.
Still, depending on the chosen profession of your WoW character, you may find out that all of your equipment is made by other professions. If this is the case, you’ll need to purchase the rest, or you could use an alt.
Each piece of gear gives you a set of stats. Just like in the case of battle equipment, you’ll start with uncommon gear and be on the lookout for the rare quality upgrades. There are even special epic gear pieces that give you the most profession boost, but they will take a lot more work to produce.
It’s no surprise that professions gear also varies in quality. If you use better gear, your stats will be higher and the items you make will be better. This makes specializations that teach you how to make the best tools arguably as important as those that increase your skill in maing armor or weapons, because having better tools always results in better outcomes of your crafts.
Re-crafting might be one of the most important new features in World of Warcraft The War Within. It lets you put in a crafted item and reroll everything on it, using fewer materials than the recipe says. Re-crafting also doesn’t consume rare ingredients, which are the biggest problem when making the same item over and over again. You can recraft an item to try to get a better quality, or you can use embellishments to change the secondary stats or add special effects. You can even use power infusion materials to recraft an item and raise its ilvl.
This feature is very powerful. Say, you need a plate armor but you only have enough rare materials to craft in once. Withoug recrafting the smart thing to do would be to wait until the skill level of your character is high enough to craft the ultimate quality of this item. With recrafting you can just make it right away and use it until you’ve saved up some materials, gained more skill in your profession, bought a tool that gives you a profession boost, you can decide that it’s time to upgrade it.
The last huge change for professions in World of Warcraft: The War Within is the work order system.
The idea behind the work orders is uncomplicated: you can make an order for precisely what you want to be made and give the crafter all the required mats or a certain amount of them, along with a fee for their service. Crafters can then go to the work order menu, fulfill the orders that they think are worth the hassle, and earn gold. You get the item, the crafter gets the gold, skill and whatever proc’ed. On a surface level it looks like AH for anything related to crafting, but Work Orders are far more important than they look at a first glance.
Through work orders a craftsperson can make BoP items for other players or order BoP items for themselves. This means that the term no longer means what it used to in WoW. Now, it just means that you would have to go through a work order to get the item for yourself. It doesn’t matter if something is “Bind-on-Pickup” if it can be made through the work order system. You can still get that thing even if you don’t have the skill. That could be a higher-level gear piece, a high-tier item from a profession, a special reagent, or even a mount or battle pet.
This also applies to materials that are BoP. Some of the rarest crafting materials will be Bind-on-Pickup, but they are tradeable through the work orders.
As you go to skill level 25 your main concern will be making sure that you craft every new recipe at least once to gain profession knowledge. When you reach level 25 in your profession skill, you can choose your first specialization. Your choice will be very important because you can’t respec. So you should probably sit down, look at each spec and what it offers, and maybe look up a guide for your chosen profession and make a plan out your build before you make mistakes.
From there, you’ll keep leveling up your skills until you reach level 50. Don’t forget to craft each new recipe at least once for profession knowledge. Skill level 50 is enough to make almost any recipe for your profession in the game. So you don’t have to max out on your profession to be able to craft everything. The main thing to keep in mind is that while you can technically craft all recipes in the game, the quality of your product will be lacking.
So you’ll choose your second specialization and start the slow process of working your way up to skill level 100. The extra skill between 50 and 100 will raise your overall skill level, which lets you make better items and unlock your last specialization options.
The recipes you’ll be crafting between 50 and 100 will require some costly ingredients, which is why it will take very long time for anyone to reach the maximum level. Also, for a good chunk of your profession leveling, you won’t be able to use every specialization, which makes your decision of spec even more significant.
By the time you reach skill level 50 you’ll get a pretty good idea of where to put your effort to get the best outcome. The process at this point basically boils down to hunting down new recipes for more knowledge, completing any quests or daily quests that reward you with profession knowledge and upgrading your profession gear. Remember that you won’t be going to be able to max all the specializations out right away, so the path you choose will dictate your experience.
Secondary professions follow suit in the new expansion. Cooking got the same treatment as all the production profession, while the leveling process of Archaeology and Fishing closely resembles that of gathering skills. The comeback of the First Aid hasn’t happened yet. 🙂
The secondary professions, are as important as ever. Not every player, though, has the time to level them up. Our service to boost The War Within professions will do all the heavy lifting. If you still have any questions or have some additional things to add to your order just message us. The support team is here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
Blizzard Entertainment has made huge changes to the WoW Professions system. Now, WoW professions have more connections with each other, which allows them to earn a lot of gold. You can craft mail armor for a regular game, cloth armor for inscription, utility items, or mine ore, and be sure that you can sell it profitably. Our boosting services are available 24/7, and our pro players will help you raise your crafting skill quickly and with low prices.
Blizzard Entertainment did not introduce any changes to First Aid; it is still not in the game. If you want benefits of the First Aid, check out our popular services, Alchemy and Tailoring Boosts. These professions allow you to make utility items that perform the same task as First Aid did during its existence. Our pro team of experienced players will boost professions for you quickly, and you will have enough time to enjoy playing World of Warcraft.
Professions are an integral part of character boosts. Thanks to main professions, you will be able to create gear or utility items; thanks to secondary professions, you will make your game in World of Warcraft more comfortable and exciting. Epiccarry's profession and character boosts stand out for its quality and speed. Our skilled gamers always do their work quickly and efficiently. You can check our customers' reviews on Trustpilot to ensure this.