Season of Discovery Atiesh Greatstaff of the Guardian Guide

By: friolt
7 min read
Rewards From Atiesh In Season Of Discovery

Every time we talk about World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery (SoD) and the legendary staff Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, I want to tell you: this quest is really hard. Getting this legendary weapon takes a long time. You must collect rare items, defeat powerful bosses, and run difficult raids like Naxxramas many times. Be ready for a big challenge!

In this guide, we will explain the steps in a very simple way so that everyone can follow. Whether you are new to Season of Discovery or an experienced player, this guide will help you get Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian. Here’s what we will talk about:

  • The different steps of the quest
  • How to get ready for raids like Naxxramas and Ahn’Qiraj
  • What items you need to collect, like Splinters of Atiesh
  • All the rewards Atiesh gives, including its special powers
  • Tips to help you beat tough bosses and purify the staff

Now, let’s get started with everything you need to know to earn Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, in WoW Season of Discovery!

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WoW SoD Atiesh Greatstaff of the Guardian overview

Brood Of Nozdormu Reputation Steps

The Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian is a legendary staff in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery (WoW SoD). This legendary weapon is for classic WoW players and comes with an epic journey to acquire it. Players must complete a quest chain, defeat powerful bosses, and collect rare items like Splinters of Atiesh. Only certain classes—Druids, Mages, Priests, and Warlocks—can obtain this legendary item. The questline takes place in classic WoW raids like Naxxramas and Ahn’Qiraj, where players face dangerous battles to finally purify Atiesh. This weapon is part of WoW’s classic era legendary items and is a prized treasure for those who complete the legendary questline.

TypeLegendary Staff
ClassesDruid, Mage, Priest, Warlock
Quests NeededCollect Splinters of Atiesh, Purify Atiesh, Defeat Atiesh
Main StatsHigh Spell Power, Attack Power Boost
Special EffectsGrants teleport to Karazhan; Class-specific bonuses
Raids InvolvedNaxxramas, Ahn’Qiraj
Bosses to DefeatKel’Thuzad, C’Thun, Atiesh <Hand of Sargeras>
Items to Gather40 Splinters of Atiesh, Staff Head, Staff Base
Reputation RequiredNeutral with Brood of Nozdormu
Notable FeaturesPart of WoW Classic’s Phase 7 legendary questlines
Final RewardAtiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian

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Atiesh Greatstaff of the Guardian | Checklist

Defeating Atiesh Hand Of Sargeras Guide

In WoW SoD, to get Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian, you must finish a special quest line. First, collect 40 Splinters of Atiesh in Naxxramas (low drop rate). Next, talk to Anachronos in Caverns of Time (you need neutral reputation). Then, defeat Kel’Thuzad for the Staff Head and C’Thun for the Staff Base. Go to Stratholme, purify the staff, and defeat the demon Atiesh <Hand of Sargeras>. Finally, return to Anachronos to get your legendary staff.

NaxxramasCollect 40 Splinters of Atiesh (low drop rate).Naxxramas raid.
Caverns of TimeTalk to Anachronos (neutral reputation needed).Tanaris.
RaidsGet Staff Head (Kel’Thuzad) and Base (C’Thun).Naxxramas, Ahn’Qiraj.
StratholmePurify staff, fight Atiesh <Hand of Sargeras>.Festival Lane.
AnachronosReturn to Anachronos and get your legendary staff.Caverns of Time, Tanaris.

Atiesh Greatstaff of the Guardian | quests

Naxxramas Raid Guide For Splinters

In World of Warcraft Season of Discovery (WoW SoD), the quests for Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian are an epic journey. Players need to gather rare items, defeat powerful bosses, and work through a challenging quest line. You must collect Splinters of Atiesh, visit Anachronos for help, and fight strong enemies like Kel’Thuzad and C’Thun. Finally, you purify the staff and defeat the last guardian, Atiesh. Completing this legendary questline rewards you with the legendary Atiesh, a treasure for classic WoW players.

Quest NameTasksRewards
Collect 40 Splinters of Atiesh from Naxxramas bosses.Frame of Atiesh to start the next quest.
Frame of AtieshTalk to Anachronos, gather Head and Base of Atiesh.Ready to purify the staff.
Atiesh, the Befouled GreatstaffPurify the staff in Stratholme, defeat Atiesh <Hand of Sargeras>.Complete the legendary Atiesh staff.

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Atiesh Greatstaff of the Guardian | Instruction

Here is how you get Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery (WoW SoD). Follow these steps carefully:

Collect 40 Splinters of Atiesh

Is Atiesh Legendary Staff Worth It
  1. Go to Naxxramas and fight various bosses.
  2. Collect Splinters of Atiesh.
  3. The drop rate is low, so you need to clear the raid many times.
  4. Once you have 40 Splinters, combine them to create the Frame of Atiesh.

Talk to Anachronos

  1. Go to Caverns of Time in Tanaris.
  2. You must have neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu to talk to Anachronos.
  3. Anachronos will give you the next part of the quest.

Gather the Staff Head and Base

Time Required To Complete Atiesh Quest
  1. Fight Kel’Thuzad in Naxxramas to get the Staff Head.
  2. Fight C’Thun in Ahn’Qiraj to get the Staff Base.
  3. Both items have a 100% drop rate, but you need to kill these tough bosses.

Purify the Staff in Stratholme

  1. Go to Festival Lane in Undead Stratholme using the front entrance.
  2. Find the shiny mound and right-click the staff to start purification.
  3. A demon, Atiesh <Hand of Sargeras>, will appear.

Defeat Atiesh <Hand of Sargeras>

  1. The fight is hard, so bring a strong group of players.
  2. The tank should be well-geared (Tier 3/Naxxramas gear).
  3. Atiesh has 200,000 HP and hits hard, so healers must focus on the tank.

Complete the Questline

Gear Needed For Atiesh Purification Fight
  1. After you defeat Atiesh, go back to Anachronos.
  2. He will reward you with Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian!


Legendary Quests In Wow Classic

To obtain Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian in World of Warcraft’s Season of Discovery, you must work very hard. It is a legendary sword for Druids, Mages, Priests, and Warlocks, offering unique benefits for their respective class. The journey to acquire Atiesh is long and full of big challenges.

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First, you need to collect 40 Splinters of Atiesh from the Naxxramas raid. This task requires players to clear the raid multiple times due to the low drop rate. Next, visit Anachronos in the Caverns of Time, where you will prepare for the next steps. After that, fight strong bosses like Kel’Thuzad and C’Thun to get the Staff Head and Staff Base, showing your ability to summon great power.

The next stage requires you to go to Stratholme and cleanse the staff. Here, you will face a strong demon, Atiesh <Hand of Sargeras>, corrupted by Sargeras’ corruption. This fight is especially challenging, and you need protection warriors to tank and high DPS to defeat the demon. Especially the tank must be prepared with the best gear to survive the battle.

Once the staff is purified, return to Anachronos, who will reward you with Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian. This legendary item is a rare treasure in WoW’s Season of Discovery and is highly prized, like the Sulfuron Hammer for its iconic role in the Molten Core raid. Overcoming these technical limitations and challenges will ensure you acquire this powerful weapon in SoD Phase 7 of the game.

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What is Atiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian?

Atiesh is a legendary staff in World of Warcraft’s Season of Discovery. It is very rare and powerful. Only Druids, Mages, Priests, and Warlocks can use it. It gives special powers, like teleporting to Karazhan and boosting your class abilities.

Who can get Atiesh?

Only Druids, Mages, Priests, and Warlocks can obtain Atiesh. Players from these classes must complete a difficult questline to get it.

How do I start the quest to get Atiesh?

You start by collecting 40 Splinters of Atiesh in the Naxxramas raid. The splinters have a low drop rate, so you need to do the raid many times.

What raids are involved in the Atiesh questline?

You will go to Naxxramas and Ahn’Qiraj to fight bosses and collect quest items. You will also visit Stratholme to purify the staff.

Which bosses do I need to fight for Atiesh?

You need to defeat Kel’Thuzad in Naxxramas for the Staff Head and C’Thun in Ahn’Qiraj for the Staff Base. You also fight a demon called Atiesh <Hand of Sargeras> during the purification process.

How do I purify the staff?

Go to Stratholme, find the shiny mound, and use the staff to begin purification. A demon will appear. You must defeat it to cleanse the staff.

Is the fight with Atiesh <Hand of Sargeras> hard?

Yes, it is very hard. The demon has a lot of health and deals high damage. You need a good tank, strong healers, and high DPS players to win.

What do I need before talking to Anachronos?

You need a neutral reputation with the Brood of Nozdormu. Without this, Anachronos will not help you.

What rewards does Atiesh give?

Atiesh gives high spell power, attack power boosts, and class-specific bonuses. It also allows you to teleport to Karazhan, making it very useful.

How long does it take to complete the questline?

It depends on how fast you can collect the splinters and complete the raids. It can take weeks or even months because of the low drop rates and raid resets.

Do I need a group to complete the quest?

Yes, you need a strong group of players for the raids and the purification fight. Some bosses and the demon Atiesh are very hard to defeat alone.

Can any class use Atiesh?

No, only Druids, Mages, Priests, and Warlocks can use it. Other classes cannot equip this legendary staff.

What makes Atiesh special compared to other items?

Atiesh is a legendary weapon, meaning it is very rare and powerful. It also has unique abilities and is part of WoW Classic’s Phase 7 legendary questlines.

Do I need special gear for the purification fight?

Yes, your tank needs strong gear, like Tier 3 or Naxxramas gear, to survive the fight with the demon. Other players should also have good equipment.

How do I collect the Staff Head and Base?

The Staff Head drops from Kel’Thuzad in Naxxramas, and the Staff Base drops from C’Thun in Ahn’Qiraj. Both items drop 100% of the time when you kill these bosses.

Is Atiesh worth the effort?

Yes, it is worth it! Atiesh is not just a powerful weapon; it is a special treasure for players who enjoy classic WoW. It shows your hard work and skill in completing such a challenging questline.
