World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Argent Dawn Reputation Guide

By: friolt
17 min read
Argent Dawn Emissary Locations In Wow Classic

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7, the Argent Dawn is important for reputation and rewards. Building reputation takes time, and Blizzard might change things, so check back if it feels different later.

This World of Warcraft Classic Argent Dawn Reputation Guide will help you. With your trinket equipped, you can collect Scourgestones from normal mobs and earn reputation. The Argent Dawn holds great rewards like Argent Dawn Shoulder Enchants and multiple resistance shoulder enchants.

Here’s what you’ll learn:

  • How to start farming reputation.
  • What mobs to kill for Scourgestones.
  • Where to get the best rewards.

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Season of discovery Argent Dawn | Faction overview

Argent Dawn Lore Wow Classic

The Argent Dawn is a neutral group in World of Warcraft Classic. They fight against evil forces like the Scourge and Burning Legion to protect Azeroth. Their camps are in Western Plaguelands (Chillwind Camp for Alliance, The Bulwark for Horde) and Eastern Plaguelands (Light’s Hope Chapel, their main base). Players gain Argent Dawn reputation by completing quests, killing undead mobs, and turning in Scourgestones with the Argent Dawn Commission trinket. Rewards include resistance shoulder enchants, profession recipes, and more. They work with both Horde and Alliance players to stop the spread of the Scourge.

Main FocusFighting the Scourge and protecting Azeroth
Main LocationsWestern Plaguelands (Chillwind Camp, The Bulwark), Eastern Plaguelands (Light’s Hope Chapel)
How to Gain ReputationKill undead mobs, complete quests, turn in Scourgestones
Important TrinketArgent Dawn Commission (needed to collect Scourgestones)
RewardsResistance shoulder enchants, recipes, and more
Key QuestsCauldron quests, dungeon quests in Scholomance and Stratholme
Reputation LevelsFriendly, Honored, Revered, Exalted
Factions InvolvedBoth Horde and Alliance players

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Season of discovery Argent Dawn | Key npcs

Argent Dawn Reputation Levels And Rewards

The Argent Dawn has many important NPCs to help players in World of Warcraft Classic. They are found in Western Plaguelands and Eastern Plaguelands. These NPCs give quests, sell rewards like resistance shoulder enchants, and help players gain Argent Dawn reputation. The main NPC camps are Chillwind Camp for the Alliance, The Bulwark for the Horde, and Light’s Hope Chapel for all. Quartermasters sell items when you earn higher reputation levels.

Carlin Redpath <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Ardelle DraltaHillsbrad Foothills
Argent Quartermaster <The Argent Dawn>IronforgeStormwind CityDarnassus, …
Azore Aldamort <The Argent Dawn>Desolace
Argent Outfitter <The Argent Dawn>Eastern PlaguelandsOrgrimmar
Argent Quartermaster Hasana <The Argent Dawn>Tirisfal Glades
Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Quartermaster Lightspark <The Argent Dawn>Western Plaguelands
Father Gavin <The Argent Dawn>Dun Morogh
Quartermaster Miranda Breechlock <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Jessica RedpathWinterspring
Archmage Angela Dosantos <Brotherhood of the Light>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Sentry <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Guard Thaelrid <The Argent Dawn>Blackfathom Deeps
Argent Defender <The Argent Dawn>Tirisfal GladesWestern Plaguelands
Ysida HarmonStratholme
Korfax, Champion of the Light <Brotherhood of the Light>Eastern Plaguelands
Master Craftsman Omarion <Brotherhood of the Light>Naxxramas
Craftsman Wilhelm <Brotherhood of the Light>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Officer Garush <The Argent Dawn>Tirisfal Glades
Argent Officer Pureheart <The Argent Dawn>Western Plaguelands
Jase Farlane <Trade Supplies>Eastern Plaguelands
Commander Eligor Dawnbringer <Brotherhood of the Light>Eastern Plaguelands
Guard Didier <Brotherhood of the Light>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Dawn Cleric <The Argent Dawn>OrgrimmarThunder Bluff
Dawnwatcher Selgorm <The Argent Dawn>Darnassus
Argent Guard Manados <The Argent Dawn>Darnassus
Dawnwatcher Shaedlass <The Argent Dawn>Darnassus
Gregor Greystone <The Argent Dawn>Winterspring
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Betina Bigglezink <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Leonid Barthalomew the Revered <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Guard <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Rider <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Father Inigo Montoy <Brotherhood of the Light>Eastern Plaguelands
Dispatch Commander Metz <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Dawn Infantry <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Injured Argent Dawn Infantry <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Recruiter <The Argent Dawn>IronforgeStormwind CityDarnassus
Argent Scout <The Argent Dawn>OrgrimmarThunder BluffUndercity
Jessica Chambers <Innkeeper>Eastern Plaguelands
Keeper of the Rolls <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Packmaster Stonebruiser <Brotherhood of the Light>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Medic <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Emissary <The Argent Dawn>Stormwind CityDarnassusEastern Plaguelands, …
Argent Messenger <The Argent Dawn>OrgrimmarThunder BluffUndercity
Commander Thomas Helleran <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands
Argent Dawn Initiate <The Argent Dawn>Thunder BluffOrgrimmarUndercity
Argent Dawn Paladin <The Argent Dawn>IronforgeStormwind CityEastern Plaguelands
Argent Dawn Crusader <The Argent Dawn>IronforgeStormwind CityEastern Plaguelands
Argent Dawn Champion <The Argent Dawn>IronforgeStormwind CityDarnassus, …
Argent Dawn Priest <The Argent Dawn>Thunder BluffOrgrimmarUndercity
Lieutenant Orrin <The Argent Dawn>Stormwind City
Lieutenant Nevell <The Argent Dawn>Dun Morogh
Lieutenant Lisande <The Argent Dawn>Thunder Bluff
Lieutenant Dagel <The Argent Dawn>Orgrimmar
Lieutenant Rukag <The Argent Dawn>Undercity
Lieutenant Beitha <The Argent Dawn>Darnassus
Caretaker Alen <The Argent Dawn>Eastern Plaguelands

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Season of discovery Argent Dawn | Rewards

Where To Find Undead Mobs In Plaguelands Wow

In World of Warcraft Classic, Argent Dawn offers many rewards for earning reputation. Players can get special items like shoulder enchants, recipes, and more. You earn these by completing quests, defeating undead mobs in the Plaguelands, and through repeatable cauldron quests. Quartermasters at Argent Dawn camps sell these rewards. As you reach higher reputation levels, more items become available.

Enriched Manna Biscuit
Recipe: Transmute Air to Fire
Plans: Girdle of the Dawn
Pattern: Dawn Treaders
Pattern: Argent Boots
Formula: Powerful Anti-Venom
Formula: Enchant Bracer – Mana Regeneration
Plans: Gloves of the Dawn
Pattern: Golden Mantle of the Dawn
Pattern: Argent Shoulders
Blessed Sunfruit
Blessed Sunfruit Juice
Formula: Enchant Bracer – Healing
Arcane Mantle of the Dawn
Flame Mantle of the Dawn
Frost Mantle of the Dawn
Nature Mantle of the Dawn
Shadow Mantle of the Dawn
Chromatic Mantle of the Dawn
Glacial Vest
Glacial Gloves
Glacial Wrists
Polar Tunic
Polar Gloves
Polar Bracers
Icy Scale Breastplate
Icy Scale Gauntlets
Icy Scale Bracers
Icebane Breastplate
Icebane Gauntlets
Icebane Bracers

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Season of discovery Argent Dawn | how to farm reputation

  • Where to start — Reach Level 50 in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery, then visit one Argent Dawn camp at any of these locations:
    • The Bulwark in Tirisfal Glades (for Horde players).
    • Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands (for Alliance players).
    • Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands (accessible to both factions).
  • Initial quest — Complete the quest “Argent Dawn Commission” to receive the Argent Dawn Commission trinket, which is essential for collecting Scourgestones while killing mobs in the Plaguelands.

Step 2: Collect Scourgestones

How To Complete &Quot;The Active Agent&Quot; Quest Wow
  • What to collect — Farm undead mobs and elite undead mobs in the Eastern and Western Plaguelands to collect these types of Scourgestones:
  • How to use — Equip the Argent Dawn Commission trinket to automatically collect Scourgestones when killing mobs.
  • Tip — Simply grind mobs while exploring both two dungeons (Scholomance and Stratholme) and the outdoor zones.

Step 3: Turn in Scourgestones

Light’s Hope Chapel Argent Dawn Guide
  • Where to turn in — Visit any of the Argent Dawn quartermasters located in their camps to turn in Scourgestones.
  • Reputation points — Each turn-in grants reputation with the Argent Dawn:

Step 4: Complete Plaguelands Quests

Scholomance And Stratholme Reputation Farming Wow
  • Location and quests — Many quests in the Western and Eastern Plaguelands grant reputation with the Argent Dawn. These quests include:
    • Cleaning up the undead side of Scholomance.
    • Supporting the fight against the Scarlet Crusade.
    • Aiding Light’s Hope Chapel’s defenses.
  • Access all the quests — Check the Argent Dawn camps for quests and complete the associated quest chains to progress your reputation farming.
  • Tip — Many quests offer few reputation rewards but are crucial for advancing into repeatable quests and unlocking superior armaments or profession patterns.

Step 5: Engage in Cauldron Quests

Argent Dawn Npc Locations Wow Classic
  • Starting point — Complete the introductory questline for the Scourge Cauldrons in the Western Plaguelands to access repeatable cauldron quests.
  • Cauldron locations and recipes:
  • How to proceed — Loot reagents from undead mobs while grinding rep, then use the materials at each cauldron to complete a turn-in for 25 reputation points per action.

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Step 6: Save Valor Tokens and Special Scourgestones

  • Strategic use of rewards — Save Argent Dawn Valor Tokens for use at higher reputation levels:
    • Use 10 tokens at Revered reputation.
    • Use 25 tokens at Exalted reputation.
  • Special items — Save Corruptor’s Scourgestones until you reach Revered, as these offer significant boosts to Argent Dawn reputation with the faction’s quartermaster.

Step 7: Upgrade Your Trinket

  • Quest — Complete “The Active Agent” quest in Stratholme, one of the two dungeons for Argent Dawn reputation farming. This unlocks two upgraded trinkets:
  • Benefits — These trinkets not only provide bonuses against undead mobs but also allow you to continue collecting Scourgestones.

By following this detailed guide tailored to World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7, you can efficiently grind rep, unlock most rewards, and fully benefit from the reputation system of the neutral organization, the Argent Dawn.

Season of discovery Argent Dawn | Quests

Wow Scourge Cauldrons Questline Guide

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7, players can do quests to gain argent dawn rep. These quests are in the Plaguelands for Horde members and Alliance players. Tasks include killing elite mobs, helping with Scourge Cauldrons, and clearing areas like Writhing Haunt. Players can earn rewards like first aid recipes, alchemy recipes, and blacksmithing recipes. Use cauldrons like Felstone Field Cauldron to get more reputation. Equip the Argent Dawn trinket to collect Scourgestones while killing most mobs. When you reach honored reputation, more quests and rewards open.

Finish the Fight PaladinTestament of Avenging Wrath100
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The Golden Disk Warrior100
Our Wayward Friend Paladin100
Scale of the Dragon Lord Warrior100
Close Enough To Touch Paladin100
Truthbearer PaladinTruthbearer100
A Lesson in Grace PaladinDalton’s Horn100
Plaguelands Rendezvous Paladin100
In Search of Thaelrid150
The Cost of Victory Paladin100
A Time to Kill Paladin100
Darkwhisper Gorge Paladin100
Grim Batol Warrior100
A Lesson in Violence PaladinDalton’s Horn100
Worst Case Scenario Paladin100
No Good Deed Goes Unpunished Warrior100
The Missing Knight PaladinTestament of Divine Steed100
Blackfathom Villainy200
Grand Theft Echoing Orb Paladin100
A Solid Lead Paladin100
Our Wayward Friend Paladin100
Forging the Mightstone Paladin150
Dalton’s Quest Paladin100
The Ruins of Andorhal Paladin100
Culmination PaladinAda’s Amulet100
A Desperate Escape Paladin100
The Fallen Knight Paladin100
In a Bind Paladin100
Twilight Falls150
Making Ready Paladin100
Ten Commendation Signets75
The Burning of Andorhal Paladin100
Blackfathom Villainy200
Oi! Paladin100
Uther’s Tomb Paladin100
Back to the Future Paladin100
Just What Was Needed Paladin100
A Most Curious Gnome Paladin100
Ten Commendation Signets75
Clearing the Path Paladin100
Who Says You Can Never Go Back? Paladin100
A Paladin of the Silver Hand Paladin100
A Wee Bit O’ Necromancy Paladin100
One Commendation Signet5
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad200
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad200
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad200
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad200
Send Me On Me Way! Paladin100
One Commendation Signet5
Laid to RestRemnants of Valor200
Argent Dawn CommissionArgent Dawn Commission10
Oh No Ye Don’t! Paladin100
Blackfathom Villainy200
UNUSED PaladinTorque of the Silver Hand100
Invader’s ScourgestonesArgent Dawn Valor Token25
Seal the Deal50
Dalson’s Tears Cauldron25
Craftsman’s Writ – Plated Armorfish50
Target: Writhing Haunt100
The “Chow” Quest (123)aa75
Invader’s ScourgestonesArgent Dawn Valor Token25
Frostfire LeggingsFrostfire Leggings200
The Keeper’s Call10
Twilight Falls150
The Truth Comes Crashing Down150
Chromatic Mantle of the DawnChromatic Mantle of the Dawn150
Bonescythe HelmetBonescythe Helmet200
Circlet of Faith PriestCirclet of Faith200
The Dread Citadel – Naxxramas200
Return to the Bulwark50
Minion’s ScourgestonesArgent Dawn Valor Token25
Corruptor’s ScourgestonesArgent Dawn Valor Token25
Mantles of the Dawn100
Dispelling Evil Paladin100
Dreadnaught Legplates WarriorDreadnaught Legplates200
Dreadnaught Helmet WarriorDreadnaught Helmet200
Dreadnaught Pauldrons WarriorDreadnaught Pauldrons200
Dreadnaught Sabatons WarriorDreadnaught Sabatons200
Dreadnaught Bracers WarriorDreadnaught Bracers200
Light’s Hope Chapel25
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the GuardianAtiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian200
The Flesh Does Not Lie100
Return to Chillwind Camp50
Return to Chillwind Camp50
Return to Chillwind Camp50
Target: Felstone Field100
Return to the Bulwark50
Target: Dalson’s Tears100
Return to the Bulwark50
Target: Gahrron’s Withering100
Return to the Bulwark50
Lord Maxwell Tyrosus100
Corruptor’s ScourgestonesArgent Dawn Valor Token25
Invader’s ScourgestonesArgent Dawn Valor Token25
Minion’s ScourgestonesArgent Dawn Valor Token25
Mantles of the Dawn100
Corruptor’s ScourgestonesArgent Dawn Valor Token25
Minion’s ScourgestonesArgent Dawn Valor Token25
Chromatic Mantle of the DawnChromatic Mantle of the Dawn150
Plagued Hatchlings100
Betina Bigglezink25
Healthy Dragon Scale50
The Everlook Report50
Duke Nicholas Zverenhoff50
Secrets of the Colossus – ZoraColossal Bag of Loot200
Secrets of the Colossus – ZoraColossal Bag of Loot200
Secrets of the Colossus – ZoraColossal Bag of Loot200
Secrets of the Colossus – ZoraColossal Bag of Loot200
Redemption TunicRedemption Tunic200
Redemption LegguardsRedemption Legguards200
Redemption SpauldersRedemption Spaulders200
Redemption BootsRedemption Boots200
Redemption HandguardsRedemption Handguards200
Redemption GirdleRedemption Girdle200
Redemption WristguardsRedemption Wristguards200
Cryptstalker TunicCryptstalker Tunic200
Cryptstalker Legguards HunterCryptstalker Legguards200
Cryptstalker HeadpieceCryptstalker Headpiece200
Cryptstalker SpauldersCryptstalker Spaulders200
Cryptstalker BootsCryptstalker Boots200
Cryptstalker Handguards HunterCryptstalker Handguards200
Cryptstalker Girdle HunterCryptstalker Girdle200
Cryptstalker Wristguards HunterCryptstalker Wristguards200
The “Chow” Quest (123)aa75
Earthshatter TunicEarthshatter Tunic200
Earthshatter LegguardsEarthshatter Legguards200
Earthshatter HeadpieceEarthshatter Headpiece200
Earthshatter SpauldersEarthshatter Spaulders200
Earthshatter BootsEarthshatter Boots200
Earthshatter HandguardsEarthshatter Handguards200
Earthshatter WristguardsEarthshatter Wristguards200
Bonescythe BreastplateBonescythe Breastplate200
Bonescythe LegplatesBonescythe Legplates200
Bonescythe PauldronsBonescythe Pauldrons200
Bonescythe SabatonsBonescythe Sabatons200
Bonescythe Gauntlets RogueBonescythe Gauntlets200
Bonescythe WaistguardBonescythe Waistguard200
Bonescythe BracersBonescythe Bracers200
Shadows of Doom50
Dreamwalker TunicDreamwalker Tunic200
Dreamwalker HeadpieceDreamwalker Headpiece200
Dreamwalker SpauldersDreamwalker Spaulders200
Dreamwalker BootsDreamwalker Boots200
Dreamwalker HandguardsDreamwalker Handguards200
Dreamwalker GirdleDreamwalker Girdle200
Dreamwalker WristguardsDreamwalker Wristguards200
Frostfire RobeFrostfire Robe200
Frostfire CircletFrostfire Circlet200
Frostfire SandalsFrostfire Sandals200
Frostfire BeltFrostfire Belt200
Frostfire BindingsFrostfire Bindings200
Plagueheart RobePlagueheart Robe200
Plagueheart LeggingsPlagueheart Leggings200
Plagueheart CircletPlagueheart Circlet200
Plagueheart Shoulderpads WarlockPlagueheart Shoulderpads200
Plagueheart Sandals WarlockPlagueheart Sandals200
Plagueheart GlovesPlagueheart Gloves200
Plagueheart BeltPlagueheart Belt200
Plagueheart BindingsPlagueheart Bindings200
Robe of FaithRobe of Faith200
Leggings of FaithLeggings of Faith200
Shoulderpads of Faith PriestShoulderpads of Faith200
Sandals of FaithSandals of Faith200
Gloves of Faith PriestGloves of Faith200
Belt of Faith PriestBelt of Faith200
Bindings of Faith PriestBindings of Faith200
The Dread Citadel – Naxxramas200
Cryptstalker Armor Doesn’t Make Itself…Insignia of the Crusade200
The Elemental EquationInsignia of the Dawn200
Core of ElementsInsignia of the Dawn10
Savage Fronds10
Craftsman’s WritSealed Craftsman’s Writ10
Under the Shadow50
Craftsman’s Writ – Dense Weightstone50
Craftsman’s Writ – Imperial Plate Chest50
Craftsman’s Writ – Volcanic Hammer50
Craftsman’s Writ – Huge Thorium Battleaxe50
Craftsman’s Writ – Wicked Leather Headband50
Craftsman’s Writ – Rugged Armor Kit50
Craftsman’s Writ – Wicked Leather Belt50
Craftsman’s Writ – Runic Leather Pants50
Craftsman’s Writ – Runecloth Boots50
Craftsman’s Writ – Runecloth Bag50
Craftsman’s Writ – Runecloth Robe50
Craftsman’s Writ – Goblin Sapper Charge50
Craftsman’s Writ – Gnomish Battle Chicken50
Craftsman’s Writ – Thorium Tube50
Craftsman’s Writ – Major Mana Potion50
Craftsman’s Writ – Greater Arcane Protection Potion50
Craftsman’s Writ – Flask of Petrification50
Craftsman’s Writ – Lightning Eel50
The Shadow GuardShadow Guard100
Superior Armaments of Battle – Friend of the Dawn100
Epic Armaments of Battle – Friend of the Dawn100
Superior Armaments of Battle – Honored Amongst the Dawn100
Epic Armaments of Battle – Honored Amongst the Dawn100
Epic Armaments of Battle – Revered Amongst the Dawn100
Superior Armaments of Battle – Revered Amongst the Dawn100
Superior Armaments of Battle – Exalted Amongst the Dawn100
Epic Armaments of Battle – Exalted Amongst the Dawn100
Book of the Ancients150
Binding the DreadnaughtInsignia of the Dawn200
Dark Iron ScrapsInsignia of the Dawn10
Atiesh, the Befouled Greatstaff200
Marauders of Darrowshire100
Writhing Haunt Cauldron25
The Archivist150
Argent Dawn CommissionArgent Dawn Commission10
Sceptre of Light100
Inert Scourgestones Paladin50
The Active Agent100
Return to Chillwind Camp50
Mission Accomplished!Also get: Heroic Commendation Medal200
The Only Song I Know…200
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the GuardianAtiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian200
Target: Felstone Field100
Gahrron’s Withering Cauldron25
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the GuardianAtiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian200
Villains of Darrowshire100
Brother Carlin50
Target: Dalson’s Tears100
Mission Accomplished!Also get: Heroic Commendation Medal200
Above and Beyond150
Hidden Treasures200
Forging the Mightstone PaladinAlso get: Holy Mightstone150
Dead Man’s PleaYsida’s Satchel399
Felstone Field Cauldron25
Target: Gahrron’s Withering100
Chromatic Mantle of the DawnChromatic Mantle of the Dawn150
The Everlook Report50
Echoes of War200
Dreadnaught Waistguard WarriorDreadnaught Waistguard200
Crypt Fiend PartsInsignia of the Crusade10
Bonescythe DigsInsignia of the Crusade200
They Call Me “The Rooster”Sealed Craftsman’s Writ200
Craftsman’s Writ – Radiant Circlet50
Craftsman’s Writ – Thorium Grenade50
Alas, AndorhalMark of Resolution150
Alas, AndorhalMark of Resolution150
In Search of Thaelrid150
Dawn’s Gambit200
The Argent Hold200
Menethil’s Gift150
Argent Dawn CommissionArgent Dawn Commission10
Mantles of the Dawn100
Leonid Barthalomew75
Zaeldarr the Outcast75
Dreadnaught Breastplate WarriorDreadnaught Breastplate200
Redemption HeadpieceRedemption Headpiece200
Earthshatter GirdleEarthshatter Girdle200
Dreamwalker LegguardsDreamwalker Legguards200
Frostfire ShoulderpadsFrostfire Shoulderpads200
Frostfire GlovesFrostfire Gloves200
Bone FragmentsInsignia of the Crusade10
Savage Flora200
Writ of Safe Passage10
Craftsman’s Writ – Brightcloth Pants50
Craftsman’s Writ – Major Healing Potion50
Craftsman’s Writ – Stonescale Eel50
The Ice GuardIce Guard100
The Fate of Ramaladni200
Ramaladni’s Icy GraspRamaladni’s Icy Grasp200
Frame of Atiesh200
Target: Writhing Haunt100
Blackfathom Villainy200
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad200
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad200
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad200
The Fall of Kel’Thuzad200
The Dread Citadel – Naxxramas200
Houses of the Holy 100
Dreadnaught Gauntlets WarriorDreadnaught Gauntlets200
Atiesh, Greatstaff of the GuardianAtiesh, Greatstaff of the Guardian200

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Season of discovery Argent Dawn | lore

Argent Dawn Farming Tips And Tricks Wow

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7, the Argent Dawn is a neutral faction created to protect Azeroth from evil forces such as the Lich King and the Scourge. After the death of Alexandros Mograine, the legendary Paladin known as the Ashbringer, some members of the Order of the Silver Hand left to form the Argent Dawn. They believed the Order had become too extreme in its methods. Unlike the fanatical Scarlet Crusade, the Argent Dawn welcomes both Horde members and Alliance players, including Forsaken, to join their cause.

The Argent Dawn operates mainly in the Plaguelands, fighting undead forces and working to stop the spread of the undead plague. Their main camps are located at Light’s Hope Chapel, Chillwind Camp, and The Bulwark. They are focused on studying and countering the dark magic of the Scourge and the Lich King. Players can support the Argent Dawn by completing quests, defeating elite mobs, and equipping a special trinket to gather resources.


The Argent Dawn in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery is a neutral faction dedicated to protecting Azeroth from the Scourge and other dark forces. Players can work with this group by completing quests, killing undead mobs, and turning in Scourgestones using the Argent Dawn Commission trinket. The main camps are located in Western Plaguelands (Chillwind Camp for Alliance, The Bulwark for Horde) and Eastern Plaguelands (Light’s Hope Chapel).

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Reputation farming in WoW: SoD unlocks valuable rewards, including shoulder enchants, crafting recipes, and special trinkets like the Seal of the Dawn and Rune of the Dawn. Players must reach Level 50, complete quests in the Plaguelands, and engage in repeatable activities like cauldron quests and dungeon runs in Scholomance and Stratholme. Argent Dawn also offers important lore, as it was formed by former members of the Order of the Silver Hand to fight evil with a more inclusive approach.

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What is the Argent Dawn in WoW: SoD?

The Argent Dawn is a neutral faction in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery. They fight against the Scourge and other evil forces to protect Azeroth. Players from both the Horde and Alliance can join their cause.

Where are the main Argent Dawn camps?

The main camps are in the Plaguelands. Alliance players go to Chillwind Camp in Western Plaguelands. Horde players go to The Bulwark in the same area. Everyone can visit Light’s Hope Chapel in Eastern Plaguelands.

How do I start working with the Argent Dawn?

First, reach Level 50 in Season of Discovery. Then, visit an Argent Dawn camp and complete the “Argent Dawn Commission” quest to get a trinket. This trinket lets you collect Scourgestones when you kill undead mobs.

What are Scourgestones?

Scourgestones are items dropped by undead mobs. You can collect them with the Argent Dawn Commission trinket. Turn them in to gain reputation and Argent Dawn Valor Tokens for extra reputation.

How do I earn reputation with the Argent Dawn?

You earn reputation by killing undead mobs, completing quests, turning in Scourgestones, and doing cauldron quests. Reputation levels include Friendly, Honored, Revered, and Exalted.

What rewards can I get?

Rewards include powerful shoulder enchants, crafting recipes, and trinkets like the Seal of the Dawn. You can buy these from Argent Dawn quartermasters after gaining enough reputation.

What are cauldron quests?

Cauldron quests are repeatable tasks in Western Plaguelands. You use items like Runecloth and reagents from undead mobs to complete them. Each turn-in gives 25 reputation points.

What dungeons help with reputation farming?

Scholomance and Stratholme are the best dungeons for farming reputation. Killing undead mobs and bosses in these dungeons drops valuable Scourgestones.

Can both factions join the Argent Dawn?

Yes, both Horde and Alliance players can work with the Argent Dawn. The faction welcomes everyone who wants to fight against the Scourge and protect Azeroth.

What is the story of the Argent Dawn?

The Argent Dawn was formed by members of the Order of the Silver Hand who believed the group was too extreme. They work to fight the undead plague in a more balanced and fair way, welcoming all who share their mission.
