World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Scourge Invasion guide

By: friolt
9 min read
Rewards From Destroying Necrotic Shards In Phase 7

The Scourge Invasion is the main event in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 7. It is a huge attack by undead forces, led by the Lich King. Players must fight in floating necropolises, destroy necrotic shards, and stop waves of undead mobs. There are many rewards, like Necrotic Runes, Marks of the Dawn, and powerful gear to help you fight stronger enemies.

In this guide, you will learn everything about the Scourge Invasion, step by step. We will explain:

  • What is the Scourge Invasion?
  • How to destroy all the necrotic shards.
  • Where to find invasion locations and stop scourge attack.
  • How to collect Necrotic Runes and Marks of the Dawn.
  • What rewards you can earn.
  • How to find rare enemies and bosses.
  • How to complete quests and defend zones.
  • And other important things!

This guide will help you prepare, fight, and win in the Scourge Invasion!

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World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Scourge Invasion | Overview

How To Find Glowing Runic Circles In Scourge Events

The Scourge Invasion is a massive undead attack led by the Lich King in wow sod 7. And until it’s still more than 2 expansions to see himself, you can fight servants, with floating necropolises appearing in key zones like Eastern Plaguelands, Burning Steppes, and Blasted Lands. Scourge forces attack cities and zones, spawning undead mobs that protect Necrotic Shards. Players must destroy these shards to stop the invading Scourge, collect Necrotic Runes, and earn Scourge invasion rewards like powerful gear and Marks of the Dawn. Argent Dawn NPCs set up tents in cities to guide players, while rare spawns, new quests, and undead slaying sets make this event crucial for preparing against the Lich King’s growing threat. The event ends when all invasion points are cleared.

Invasion PointsFloating necropolises in Eastern Plaguelands, Burning Steppes, Blasted Lands, and more.
Key EnemiesUndead mobs like Lumbering Horror, Shadow of Doom, and Pallid Horror.
Necrotic ShardsCrystals protected by undead, destroyed to weaken the Scourge.
Necrotic RunesDropped by mobs; used for rewards and stopping shard repairs.
Argent DawnNPCs set up tents in cities; provide quests, buffs, and gear.
City AttacksMajor cities like Stormwind and Orgrimmar face zombie infestations.
Rare SpawnsUnique enemies like the Bone Witch with a chance to drop special loot.
New BossesBonus bosses in dungeons like Dire Maul and Scarlet Monastery.

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World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Scourge Invasion | How to complete event

Argent Dawn Npc Quests In Scourge Invasion

Let’s tackle undead mobs, runic circles, and major rewards while fighting the Scourge invasion event in WoW Classic.

Quest Objectives

Listen up, hero! Your job is to kick Scourge forces back to their graves, grab shiny rocks, and check some spooky gold circles. Think you’re up for it? Let’s break it down:

  • Collect 3 Democratic Stones from Scourge mobs outside major cities.
  • Investigate glowing gold runic circles near their nasty camps.

Cities to Visit

How To Defend Cities From Scourge Forces In Wow

Alright, you legend, these cities are your battlefield! The Scourge mobs are chilling outside these spots, waiting for a beatdown:

  • Orgrimmar
  • Thunder Bluff
  • Undercity


Ready to kick undead butt near Orgrimmar? Grab your weapons and get movin’!

  1. Find Scourge forces lurking outside.
  2. Smash undead mobs until you collect Democratic Stones.
    • Pro tip: Drop rate sucks, so kill EVERYTHING.
  3. Stare at their creepy gold runic circles like a pro investigator.
  4. Go back, finish up, grab your XP and coins!

Thunder Bluff

Best Quests To Complete During Scourge Invasion

Let’s rinse and repeat, but now in the peaceful Thunder Bluff. Time to ruin the Scourge’s day again!

  1. Head outside the city; find the zombie infestation.
  2. Kill undead mobs like it’s your job.
  3. Spy on their golden doodles—I mean runic circles.
  4. Run back and cash in those rewards!


One more stop, champion—outside Undercity, where the undead REALLY need a lesson in staying dead.

  1. Locate those gross Scourge forces.
  2. Slaughter them for the final Democratic Stones.
  3. Take a peek at the gold runic circles.

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Under the Shadow Quest

Ready to grind even more? Sweet! Time to grab Necrotic Runes and save the day AGAIN:

  • Zones full of Scourge mobs:
    • Burning Steppes, Eastern Plaguelands, and more.
  • Spot the purple skull on the world map. That’s where the action is!
  • Slay, loot, repeat—then turn those runes in at Light’s Hope Chapel for cool rewards.

Shadows of Doom Quest

Fighting Shadows Of Doom In Scourge Invasion

Here’s where things get spicy: Destroy necrotic shards and face the massive Shadows of Doom.

  • Pro tip: These fights are EPIC. Bring your A-game.
  • Bonus points if you hit up dungeons like Stratholme and Scholomance for more chaos.

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Scourge Invasion | Loot

How To Stop Acolytes Repairing Necrotic Shards

In the Scourge Invasion event, you fight undead enemies and destroy Necrotic Shards at invasion points like Blasted Lands, Scarlet Monastery, and more. Killing these enemies drops Necrotic Runes and other loot like Undead Slaying Sets (great for Naxxramas). You can exchange Necrotic Runes for rewards at Argent Dawn tents. Some bosses, like Lady Falther’ess, have rare loot chances. Look for areas with a glowing purple aura, as they mark invasion zones. Finish quests and gather items before the Scourge Invasion ends for the best rewards.

Enemy or ActivityDrops/RewardsDetails
Scourge enemiesNecrotic RunesUsed to purchase rewards from Argent Dawn NPCs.
Necrotic ShardsNecrotic Runes, Soul Revival BuffBuff increases damage by 10% for 30 minutes.
Rare Spawns (e.g., Lady Falther’ess)Robe of Undead CleansingTunic of Undead SlayingChestguard of Undead SlayingBreastplate of Undead Slaying., Marks of the DawnRare loot from elite bosses during invasions.
Argent Dawn NPC RewardsConsecrated Sharpening Stone, Tabard, OilsPurchase with Necrotic Runes.
Marks of the DawnLesser, Regular, Greater Marks of the DawnRewards scale with player level, max 3 Greater Marks at a time.

World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Scourge Invasion | Invasion locations

Locations Of Scourge City Attacks In Phase 7

Scourge invasions happen in zones and major cities in wow sod 7. Look for Necropolis floating in the sky and areas with undead enemies near crystals. Zones like Blasted Lands, Tanaris, and Eastern Plaguelands are key. In cities, Argent Dawn NPCs give quests, and some invasions have elite bosses. Killing enemies drops Necrotic Shards and rewards. Attack the crystals, defeat the mobs, and stop the four acolytes to end the invasion at that spot.

Location TypeSpecific Zones or CitiesDetails
Major City AttacksStormwind, Orgrimmar, Ironforge, DarnassusCity NPCs and guards help defend. Players can attack or avoid undead mobs.
Zone InvasionsBlasted Lands, Tanaris, Azshara, Winterspring, Burning Steppes, Eastern PlaguelandsLook for a glowing Necropolis and undead crystals in these zones.
Quest GiversArgent Dawn NPCs in cities and Light’s Hope ChapelProvide quests for killing Scourge and collecting Necrotic Shards.
Necropolis ZonesNear floating Necropolis and undead groupsClear mobs, attack crystals, and defeat elite undead mobs for rewards.

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World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Scourge Invasion | reputation marks

During the Scourge Invasion World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7, killing undead enemies and clearing Necropolis invasions earns you Marks of the Dawn. These marks increase your reputation with Argent Dawn and give small rewards. Lesser, Regular, and Greater Marks of the Dawn can be earned by completing quests and defending zones. Use Necrotic Shards to unlock sharpening stones or other items at Argent NPCs. Don’t miss these rewards before the end date of the event!

Mark TypeHow to GetReward
Lesser Mark of the DawnKilling non-elite undead mobsMinor reputation increase with Argent Dawn.
Mark of the DawnCompleting quests and zone defensesBoosts reputation and gives basic consumables.
Greater Mark of the DawnKilling elites or completing major objectivesIncreases Stamina (+30), limited to 3 at a time.

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World of Warcraft Season of Discovery phase 7 Scourge Invasion | Lore

Loot And Gear From Necrotic Runes In Wow Phase 7

The Scourge Invasion is one of the darkest moments in Azeroth’s history, driven by the plans of the Lich King to spread undeath across the world. As his power grows, floating necropolises appear in the skies, marking the arrival of Scourge forces in multiple regions. These necropolises are bases for the invasion, corrupting the land and spreading the plague of undeath.

The floating necropolises are key symbols of the invasion, each guarded by the undead mobs and rare creatures tied to the Lich King’s will. These necropolises also link to powerful Scourge strongholds like Naxxramas, serving as staging grounds for larger campaigns of destruction.

The Argent Dawn is crucial in resisting the Scourge while you fighting against them in the World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7. This faction trains soldiers, organizes defenses, and sends adventurers to destroy Necrotic Shards. They also study the Scourge’s weaknesses, offering hope to the living in this time of despair. Their efforts focus on halting the spread of the zombie infestation and protecting key landmarks.


The Scourge Invasion is a massive undead attack that brings chaos to Azeroth in the World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7. With floating necropolises appearing in the skies over the following zones—Eastern Plaguelands, Burning Steppes, Blasted Lands, and more—players must rally to stop the invasion. The primary goal is to destroy necrotic shards attached to these zones, fend off undead mobs, and complete the following quests to protect cities and gain rewards.

Adventurers must team up to defeat powerful enemies, including rare spawns and elite bosses, while collecting Necrotic Shards to turn in for gear. Argent healers and new NPCs near the service entrance of major invasion areas help guide players. Don’t miss chances to collect Marks of the Dawn, complete quests, and purchase items like sharpening stones and tabards.

It looms large, and every effort counts. With zones like Razorfen Downs under threat, all players across most servers must defend Azeroth before the new invasion ends!

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What is the Scourge Invasion in World of Warcraft Season of Discovery Phase 7?

The Scourge Invasion is a massive undead attack led by the Lich King, with floating necropolises appearing in zones like Eastern Plaguelands, Burning Steppes, and Blasted Lands. Players must destroy necrotic shards, fight undead mobs, and earn rewards like Necrotic Runes and Marks of the Dawn.

Where do Scourge Invasions happen?

Scourge Invasions occur in key zones (Eastern Plaguelands, Blasted Lands, etc.) and major cities (Orgrimmar, Stormwind). Look for a glowing Necropolis or zombie infestations to find invasion points.

What are Necrotic Shards, and how do I destroy them?

Necrotic Shards are crystals protected by undead mobs. Defeat the mobs, attack the crystal, and stop the four acolytes trying to repair it.

How do I complete Scourge Invasion quests?

Visit Argent Dawn NPCs in cities or Light’s Hope Chapel. They give quests to kill undead, destroy shards, and collect Necrotic Runes. Follow quest objectives to complete these tasks.
