World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7 Bis Gear Guide | Wow SoD T3 Guide

By: friolt
13 min read
Earthshatterer Shaman Tier 3 Sod 7

Oh, okay. There’s a new Phase, new challenges, and new gear. So, it’s time to fall into Wow SoD 7 BiS Gear Overview! We’ll tell you all you need to know about Tier 3 (T3) armor in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7. This is the strongest gear you can get in this phase, and it will make you a true champion in the game. Here’s what you’ll learn today:

  • What is T3 Armor? — A quick look at Tier 3 gear and why it’s amazing.
  • How to Get T3 Gear — Steps to unlock, craft, and collect T3 armor pieces.
  • Best T3 Sets for Each Class — See what each class gets and why it’s the best.
  • Tips to Farm T3 Materials — How to farm tokens, scraps, and rare crafting materials.
  • Set Bonuses Overview — The powerful bonuses you get with full T3 sets.
Wartorn Scraps Naxxramas Sod 7

So, you can read everything step by step or jump straight to what you want to learn. Ready? Let’s begin our Wow SoD 7 BiS Gear Overview!

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Wow SoD 7 BiS Gear Overview

Naxxramas Desecrated Tokens

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7), the best gear (BiS) comes from crafting Tier 3 (T3) armor sets. These powerful sets, like the Dreamwalker Raiment for Druids or Dreadnaught Armor for Warriors, are crafted using Naxxramas Desecrated Tokens, Wartorn Scraps, and other rare materials. To start, you need to unlock T3 crafting by completing the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel and gaining Argent Dawn reputation. Each Naxxramas boss drops specific tokens for gear slots like helm, chest, or shoulders. The crafting process also requires materials like Phylacterweave, Righteous Orbs, and Mooncloth. With enough dedication and farming, you can build your complete T3 set, gaining strong set bonuses that boost your class abilities in PvE and PvP.

Tier 3 SetClassKey FeaturesBonus Highlights
Dreamwalker RaimentDruidHealing and mana efficiency.Rejuvenation restores mana/energy; cheaper spells.
Cryptstalker ArmorHunterBoosts ranged damage and mana efficiency.Rapid Fire lasts longer; crit hits grant mana.
Frostfire RegaliaMageDamage spells, threat reduction, utility.Extra damage and no-threat spells.
Redemption ArmorPaladinHealing-focused, great Cleanse bonus.Lay on Hands cooldown reduced; Cleanse heals.
Vestments of FaithPriestMana-saving, healing bonuses, reduced threat.Renew costs less mana; shields on critical heals.
Bonescythe ArmorRogueCrit bonuses, reduced threat, and energy regen.Eviscerate guarantees crits on next attacks.
EarthshattererShamanTotem boosts, healing power, and mana regen.Totems cost less; mana spring improves mana.
Plagueheart RaimentWarlockIncreased damage, reduced threat, better Life Tap.Corruption deals more damage; Life Tap hurts less.
Dreadnaught ArmorWarriorTanking power, survivability, and damage boosts.Revenge does more damage; hit chance increased.

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How to get T3 in the World of warcraft: season of discovery phase 7

Rayne Tier 3 Quest Npc Sod 7

To get Tier 3 (T3) armor in WoW SoD Phase 7, you must craft it using materials and tokens from Naxxramas. First, unlock crafting by completing the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel. Then, farm Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Scraps, and crafting materials like Phylacterweave and Righteous Orbs. This process takes time, gold, and patience, but it’s worth it for the powerful bonuses and gear!

  1. Unlock Tier 3 Crafting
    1. Complete the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel.
    1. Farm Argent Dawn reputation to unlock access to quests and rewards.
  2. Farm Desecrated Tokens
    1. Defeat bosses in Naxxramas to collect Desecrated tokens.
    1. Each token is specific to a gear slot (e.g., head, chest, legs).
  3. Gather Crafting Materials
    1. Collect Wartorn Scraps (cloth, leather, mail, or plate) from Naxxramas trash mobs.
    1. Farm Mooncloth, Arcanite Bars, Nexus Crystals, and Cured Rugged Hides.
    1. Purchase or farm Phylacterweave and Righteous Orbs to purify gear.
  4. Find Zackett Skullsmash
    1. Use the Makeshift Grappling Hook in Naxxramas to reach Zackett Skullsmash above Thaddius’s room.
    1. Wake him up using Stratholme Holy Water and complete his quest to unlock his shop.
  5. Exchange Scourgestones for Death’s Bargaining Chips
    1. Collect Invader’s Scourgestones and Corrupter’s Scourgestones from bosses in Stratholme, Scholomance, and Naxxramas.
    1. Exchange these for Death’s Bargaining Chips at Zackett’s shop.
  6. Craft Your Tier 3 Gear
    1. Purchase recipes for your class gear from Zackett (requires Death’s Bargaining Chips).
    1. Combine Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Scraps, and crafting materials to make T3 gear.
    1. Purify the gear with Phylacterweave and Righteous Orbs.
  7. Complete Your Set
    1. Farm all required materials for each piece.
    1. A full set requires significant effort, including 1400 Phylacterweave and 80 Righteous Orbs.

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Resource amount to create T3 Set for BiS gear in WoW SoD 7

Tier 3 Boots Source In Naxxramas Sod 7

To create your Tier 3 (T3) armor set in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7, you need specific materials and items. Crafting these powerful Tier 3 pieces, like Dreamwalker Raiment for Druids or Dreadnaught Armor for Warriors, requires Naxxramas Desecrated Tokens, Phylacterweave, and Righteous Orbs. You must unlock the Ancient Secrets of Naxxramas, complete the Echoes of War quest, and build strong Argent Dawn reputation. Crafting all T3 gear is costly, so prepare for serious farming! Below is the resource list:

Armor PiecePhylacterweaveRighteous Orbs
Gauntlets (Gloves)14010
Leggings (Pants)21010
Total for Full Set140080

Wow SoD 7 Druid BiS Gear

Light'S Hope Chapel Tier 3 Quests Sod 7

The best gear (BiS) for Druids in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7) is the Dreamwalker Raiment, the Druid’s Tier 3 set. You get this set by completing Naxxramas Tier 3 quests. First, unlock crafting with the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel. Then, collect Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Leather Scraps, and other crafting materials. This set has strong bonuses for healing and mana efficiency, perfect for Restoration Druids.

Dreamwalker Boots
Dreamwalker Girdle 
Dreamwalker Handguards 
Dreamwalker Headpiece 
Dreamwalker Legguards 
Dreamwalker Spaulders 
Dreamwalker Tunic 
Dreamwalker Wristguards 
Ring of the Dreamwalker 

Dreamwalker Raiment Set Bonuses

  • 2 Pieces — Rejuvenation ticks restore mana, energy, or rage.
  • 4 Pieces — Healing spells cost 3% less mana.
  • 6 Pieces — Regrowth increases target health up to 50 (stacks 7 times).
  • 8 Pieces — Healing Touch crits refund 30% of mana cost.

Wow SoD 7 Hunter BiS Gear

Naxxramas Bosses Token Sources Sod 7

The best gear (BiS) for Hunters in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7) is the Cryptstalker Armor, the Hunter’s Tier 3 set. This set is crafted from materials and Desecrated tokens dropped by Naxxramas bosses. First, complete the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel to unlock crafting. Then, gather Wartorn Chain Scraps, Arcanite Bars, Nexus Crystals, and other materials. The set offers great bonuses for ranged damage and mana efficiency, making it perfect for PvE and PvP.

Set Piece
Cryptstalker Boots 
Cryptstalker Girdle
Cryptstalker Handguards
Cryptstalker Headpiece
Cryptstalker Legguards
Cryptstalker Spaulders
Cryptstalker Tunic
Cryptstalker Wristguards
Ring of the Cryptstalker

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Cryptstalker Armor Set Bonuses

Tier 3 Armor Quest Items Sod 7
  • 2 Pieces — Rapid Fire lasts 4 seconds longer.
  • 4 Pieces — Increases Attack Power by 50 for you and your pet.
  • 6 Pieces — Ranged critical hits grant 50 mana (Adrenaline Rush effect).
  • 8 Pieces — Reduces the mana cost of Multi-Shot and Aimed Shot by 20.

Wow SoD 7 Mage BiS Gear

Tier 3 Set Bonuses Sod 7

The best gear (BiS) for Mages in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7) is the Frostfire Regalia, the Mage’s Tier 3 set. You can craft this set by completing the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel, then gathering Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Cloth Scraps, Mooncloth, and other materials from bosses in Naxxramas. This set gives powerful bonuses for spell damage, threat reduction, and utility, perfect for Mages in PvE and PvP.

Set Piece
Frostfire Sandals
Frostfire Belt
Frostfire Gloves
Frostfire Circlet
Frostfire Leggings
Frostfire Shoulderpads
Frostfire Robe
Frostfire Bindings
Frostfire Ring

Frostfire Regalia Set Bonuses

  • 2 Pieces — Evocation cooldown is reduced by 1 minute.
  • 4 Pieces — Mage Armor can increase resistance to magic after being hit.
  • 6 Pieces — Damage spells can make the target take 200 extra damage.
  • 8 Pieces — Damage spells can make your next spell cast generate no threat.

Wow SoD 7 paladin BiS Gear

Dreadnaught Armor Warrior Set Sod 7

The best gear (BiS) for Paladins in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7) is the Redemption Armor, the Paladin’s Tier 3 set. To unlock crafting, complete the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel. Then, gather Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Plate Scraps, Arcanite Bars, and other crafting materials from Naxxramas bosses. This set is great for healing Paladins, with bonuses improving healing, cooldowns, and even adding healing effects to Cleanse.

Set Piece
Redemption Boots
Redemption Girdle
Redemption Handguards
Redemption Headpiece
Redemption Legguards
Redemption Spaulders
Redemption Tunic
Redemption Wristguards
Ring of Redemption

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Redemption Armor Set Bonuses

Argent Dawn Reputation Attunement Sod 7
  • 2 Pieces — Increases healing from Judgement of Light by 20.
  • 4 Pieces — Reduces Lay on Hands cooldown by 12 minutes.
  • 6 Pieces — Flash of Light and Holy Light can grant Holy Power to the target.
  • 8 Pieces — Cleanse spell heals the target for 200.

Wow SoD 7 priest BiS Gear

Bonescythe Armor Rogue Set Sod 7

The best gear (BiS) for Priests in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7) is the Vestments of Faith, the Priest’s Tier 3 set. To get this amazing gear, complete the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel, then gather Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Cloth Scraps, and other materials from bosses in Naxxramas. This set makes healing easier, uses less mana, and even reduces threat—so you don’t get squished by angry bosses! The Vestments of Faith are great for Priests who love to heal while staying cool under pressure. With less mana used and less boss rage directed at you, you’ll keep your team alive and look stylish doing it!

Set Piece
Sandals of Faith
Belt of Faith
Gloves of Faith
Circlet of Faith
Leggings of Faith
Shoulderpads of Faith
Robe of Faith
Bindings of Faith
Ring of Faith

Vestments of Faith Set Bonuses

  • 2 Pieces — Renew spell costs 12% less mana.
  • 4 Pieces — Critical Greater Heal gives your target a shield for 500 damage.
  • 6 Pieces — Healing spells generate less threat.
  • 8 Pieces — Spells can trigger Epiphany, giving 24 extra mana regen for 30 seconds.

Wow SoD 7 Rogue BiS Gear

Vestments Of Faith Priest Set Sod 7

The best gear (BiS) for Rogues in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7) is the Bonescythe Armor, the Rogue’s Tier 3 set. To get this awesome set, first complete the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel. Then, collect Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Leather Scraps, and other materials from Naxxramas bosses. This set makes you deadly in fights by boosting energy regeneration, reducing threat, and even giving crit bonuses!

Set Piece
Bonescythe Sabatons
Bonescythe Waistguard
Bonescythe Gauntlets
Bonescythe Helmet
Bonescythe Legplates
Bonescythe Pauldrons
Bonescythe Breastplate
Bonescythe Bracers
Bonescythe Ring

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Bonescythe Armor Set Bonuses

How To Unlock Tier 3 Armor In Sod 7
  • 2 Pieces — Melee swings can heal you for 90 to 110 (a free snack!).
  • 4 Pieces — Crits with Backstab, Sinister Strike, or Hemorrhage give you 5 energy.
  • 6 Pieces — Reduces threat from main Rogue abilities (bosses won’t hate you as much).
  • 8 Pieces — Eviscerate can make your next Backstab, Sinister Strike, or Hemorrhage a guaranteed crit.

Wow SoD 7 Shaman BiS Gear

Redemption Armor Paladin Tier 3 Sod 7

The best gear (BiS) for Shamans in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7) is the Earthshatterer, the Shaman’s Tier 3 set. To craft this set, complete the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel, and then gather Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Chain Scraps, and other materials from bosses in Naxxramas. This set is perfect for boosting your totems, healing power, and mana efficiency—because Shamans need their mana as much as they need their totems (which is a lot!).

Set Piece
Earthshatter Boots
Earthshatter Girdle
Earthshatter Handguards
Earthshatter Headpiece
Earthshatter Legguards
Earthshatter Spaulders
Earthshatter Tunic
Earthshatter Wristguards
Ring of the Earthshatterer

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The Earthshatterer Set Bonuses

  • 2 Pieces — Totem spells cost 12% less mana (save that mana for emergencies!).
  • 4 Pieces — Mana Spring totems give 25% more mana.
  • 6 Pieces — Healing spells can give your target Totemic Power (makes you the healing MVP).
  • 8 Pieces — Lightning Shield gives 15 mana per 5 seconds while active (shockingly useful!).

Wow SoD 7 Warlock BiS Gear

Frostfire Regalia Mage Set Sod 7

The best gear (BiS) for Warlocks in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7) is the Plagueheart Raiment, the Warlock’s Tier 3 set. To craft this spooky and powerful set, complete the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel, then farm Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Cloth Scraps, and other materials from Naxxramas bosses. This set boosts your damage, reduces threat, and even makes Life Tap hurt less—so you can spam spells like a boss!

Set Piece
Plagueheart Sandals
Plagueheart Belt
Plagueheart Gloves
Plagueheart Circlet
Plagueheart Leggings
Plagueheart Shoulderpads
Plagueheart Robe
Plagueheart Bindings
Plagueheart Ring

Plagueheart Raiment Set Bonuses

Tier 3 Crafting Materials List Sod 7
  • 2 Pieces — Shadow Bolts can heal you for 270 to 330 (self-care magic!).
  • 4 Pieces — Corruption does 12% more damage (nasty!).
  • 6 Pieces — Spell crits and dots like Corruption and Siphon Life generate 25% less threat (stay alive longer!).
  • 8 Pieces — Life Tap costs 12% less health (because pain is overrated).

Wow SoD 7 Warrior BiS Gear

Cryptstalker Armor Wow Sod 7

The best gear (BiS) for Warriors in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7 (WoW SoD 7) is the Dreadnaught’s Battlegear, the Warrior’s Tier 3 set. To craft this epic tanking gear, start by completing the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel. Then, farm Desecrated tokens, Wartorn Plate Scraps, and other materials from Naxxramas bosses. This set boosts your tanking power, hit chance, and survivability—making you a nearly unstoppable wall of steel!

Set Piece
Dreadnaught Sabatons
Dreadnaught Waistguard
Dreadnaught Gauntlets
Dreadnaught Helmet
Dreadnaught Legplates
Dreadnaught Pauldrons
Dreadnaught Breastplate
Dreadnaught Bracers
Ring of the Dreadnaught

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Dreadnaught Armor Set Bonuses

Naxxramas Boss Token Drops Sod 7
  • 2 Pieces — Revenge does 75 more damage (ouch for the enemy!).
  • 4 Pieces — Taunt and Challenging Shout have 5% more hit chance (less yelling into the void!).
  • 6 Pieces — Sunder Armor, Heroic Strike, Revenge, and Shield Slam have 5% more hit chance (smack more, miss less!).
  • 8 Pieces — If health drops below 20%, healing spells boost you by up to 160 for 5 seconds (Cheat Death, Warrior-style!).


Dreamwalker Raiment Guide Sod 7

In World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7, the best gear (called BiS gear) is the Tier 3 (T3) armor sets. These are the strongest and most special items you can have in this phase. Each class has its own unique T3 set with powerful bonuses to make your character amazing for battles in both PvE and PvP.

To get T3 gear, you need to unlock crafting by completing the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel. After that, you collect Desecrated Tokens, Wartorn Scraps, and other rare materials by defeating bosses in the Naxxramas raid. Each piece of gear takes time, effort, and farming, but the rewards are worth it. For example, Druids get better healing, Rogues hit harder and faster, and Warriors become super tanks. Every class has its own bonuses to fit their playstyle.

The process is not easy—it involves farming bosses, gathering materials like Righteous Orbs and Phylacterweave, and purifying the gear. You’ll also meet Zackett Skullsmash, who provides recipes and special items. Completing a full T3 set takes time and patience, but it transforms your character into a powerful champion.

In short, T3 gear is the ultimate goal for players in Phase 7. It makes your character stronger, helps you in battles, and shows off your dedication to the game. If you want to be the best in WoW SoD Phase 7, T3 gear is your path to glory!

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What is T3 gear in WoW SoD Phase 7?

T3 gear means Tier 3 gear. It is the best and most powerful armor you can get in Phase 7. Each class has its own T3 set with special bonuses that make you stronger in battles.

How do I unlock T3 crafting?

First, complete the Echoes of War quest at Light’s Hope Chapel. Then, gain reputation with the Argent Dawn to unlock quests and rewards for T3 gear.

Where do I get the materials for T3 gear?

Materials like Desecrated Tokens and Wartorn Scraps drop from bosses and mobs in Naxxramas. You also need items like Mooncloth, Righteous Orbs, and Phylacterweave.

What are Desecrated Tokens?

These tokens drop from Naxxramas bosses and are needed to craft specific pieces of T3 gear, like helmets, chest pieces, or shoulders.

What makes T3 gear special?

T3 gear gives big bonuses for each class. For example, Druids get better healing, Warriors tank better, and Rogues deal more damage. Full sets have amazing extra bonuses.

How many materials do I need for a full T3 set?

You need 1400 Phylacterweave and 80 Righteous Orbs, plus Desecrated Tokens and other items. It takes a lot of farming and gold!

Who is Zackett Skullsmash?

Zackett is an NPC in Naxxramas. You wake him up using Stratholme Holy Water. He sells T3 recipes and items you need to craft the gear.

What are Scourgestones?

Scourgestones drop from bosses in dungeons like Stratholme and Naxxramas. You exchange them with Zackett for Death’s Bargaining Chips, which you need for T3 recipes.

What is the best T3 set for Druids?

The Dreamwalker Raiment is the Druid’s T3 set. It helps with healing and mana efficiency, perfect for Restoration Druids.

Can I craft T3 gear for all classes?

No, you can only craft T3 gear for your own class. Each class has its own unique T3 set.

Is T3 gear only for PvE?

No, T3 gear is great for both PvE and PvP. The bonuses work well in raids, dungeons, and even battlegrounds.

How long does it take to get a full T3 set?

It takes a long time! You need to farm bosses in Naxxramas, collect many materials, and save gold. Patience is key.

Do I need a group to get T3 gear?

Yes, you need a raid group to defeat Naxxramas bosses. You can’t farm tokens and materials alone.

Is T3 gear worth it?

Yes! T3 gear makes your character much stronger, gives awesome bonuses, and helps you win battles. It is a big goal for Phase 7 players.
