As you step into this easy guide on collecting Frost Resistance gear in World of Warcraft: Season of Discovery Phase 7, take it easy—we’ll keep things simple and clear. This guide will help you prepare for the icy challenges of Naxxramas without feeling overwhelmed.
In this Frost Resistance guide, we’ll cover the essentials to help you survive the deadly frost attacks, including:
- Frost Resist gear for every class — cloth, leather, mail, and plate options.
- The best enchants, potions, and accessories — because every bit of Frost Resistance matters!
- Where to get the gear — crafting, quests, boss drops, and world drops.
That’s it! Collect your Frost Resistance gear, protect yourself from deadly frost attacks, and help your raid handle bosses like Sapphiron with ease.
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Why you need Frost resistance in the World Of Warcraft: Season Of Discovery Phase 7

Frost Resistance is very important in WoW SoD 7 for surviving the deadly frost attacks in Naxxramas. Bosses like Sapphiron use strong frost abilities, such as Frost Aura and Icebolt, which deal big damage to the whole raid. Without Frost Resistance gear, you will take too much damage, making it hard for healers to keep everyone alive. To stay safe, you need the best Frost Resist gear for your class, use Frost Protection Potions, and equip Frost Resistance enchants. This guide will help you prepare for these tough fights.
Reason | Why It’s Needed |
Boss Abilities | Protects against Frost Aura, Icebolt, and Frost Breath in Naxxramas fights. |
Raid Survival | Reduces frost damage for all raid members, making fights easier for healers. |
Tanks’ Defense | Helps tanks survive heavy frost attacks from bosses like Sapphiron. |
Ranged DPS Safety | Lowers damage from frost-based AoE attacks, keeping ranged classes safer. |
Potion Efficiency | Reduces how often you need to use Greater Frost Protection Potion. |
Enchants Usage | Boosts defense with Top Frost Resistance Enchants on your gear. |
How many Frost resistance you need for Naxxramas in WoW SoD 7

In WoW SoD 7, for fights like Sapphiron in Naxxramas, Frost Resistance is very important. Melee DPS and tanks need around 150 Frost Resistance, while healers and ranged DPS need 100 Frost Resistance unbuffed. This will help reduce the strong frost damage from Frost Aura, Icebolt, and Blizzard attacks.
Frost Resistance Needed | How Much You Can Collect |
Tanks and Melee DPS: 150 | Up to 330+ (with gear) |
Ranged and Healers: 100 | Up to 330+ (with gear) |
Using Frost Resist gear, enchants, and Greater Frost Protection Potions will make the fight much easier.
Slot | Frost Resistance | Source |
Head | +40 | Glacial Headdress (Tailoring, Naxxramas) |
Shoulders | +33 | Polar Shoulder Pads (Naxxramas) |
Chest | +40 | Glacial Vest (Tailoring, Naxxramas) |
Wrist | +20 | Glacial Wrists (Tailoring, Naxxramas) |
Hands | +30 | Polar Gloves (Leatherworking, Naxxramas) |
Waist | +6 | Thorium Belt |
Legs | +40 | Glacial Leggings (Tailoring, Naxxramas) |
Feet | +7 | Thorium Boots (Blacksmithing) |
Cloak | +24 | Glacial Cloak (Tailoring, Naxxramas) |
Neck | +24 | Touch of Frost (Naxxramas drop) |
Ring 1 | +20 | Hailstone Band (Naxxramas drop) |
Ring 2 | +20 | Band of Icy Depths (Quest reward) |
Trinket 1 | +15 | Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector (Engineering) |
Trinket 2 | +13 | Loatheb’s Reflection (Naxxramas drop) |
Enchants | +10 (Head/Legs) | Ice Guard (Quest reward) |
Consumables | +1950–3250 absorb | Greater Frost Protection Potions |
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Wow SoD 7 How and Where to Acquire Frost Resist Gear

To prepare for Naxxramas in WoW SoD 7, you need Frost Resistance gear. You can get it from crafting, quest rewards, and boss drops. Tailors, Leatherworkers, and Blacksmiths make powerful Frost Resist items, while bosses in Naxxramas drop key pieces. Don’t forget enchants, potions, and Frozen Runes to boost your resistance further. This guide will help you find the best Frost Resist gear for your class.
Source | What You Get |
Tailoring | Glacial Vest, Glacial Gloves, Glacial Cloak, Glacial Leggings |
Leatherworking | Polar Set, Icy Scale Set |
Blacksmithing | Icebane Set, Thorium Set |
Naxxramas Boss Drops | Polar Helmet, Glacial Mantle, Touch of Frost, Loatheb’s Reflection |
Quests (Craftsman Wilhelm) | Glacial Patterns, Polar Patterns, Frozen Rune Gear |
World Drops | Banshee Finger, Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector |
Green Dragons | Rare Frost Resistance drops |
Enchanting | Frost Resistance enchants for Cloaks, Shields, and Armor |
Alchemy | Greater Frost Protection Potions |
Wow SoD 7 Cloth Frost Resist Armor

For cloth users in WoW SoD 7, Frost Resistance gear is very important for surviving frost damage in Naxxramas, especially against bosses like Sapphiron. You can craft most of the best Frost Resist gear with Tailoring or get it from quests and boss drops. This guide will show you how to collect the top Frost Resistance items for cloth users in SoD 7.
Item Name | Required | Frost Resistance | Source |
Glacial Vest | Pattern: Glacial Vest (Tailoring 300, Argent Dawn Exalted) | +40 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Glacial Gloves | Pattern: Glacial Gloves (Tailoring 300, Argent Dawn Neutral) | +30 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Glacial Headdress | None | +40 | Drops from Gothik the Harvester in Naxxramas |
Glacial Leggings | The Only Song I Know (Quest) | +40 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Glacial Mantle | None | +33 | Drops from Grobbulus in Naxxramas |
Glacial Wrists | Pattern: Glacial Wrists (Tailoring 300, Argent Dawn Neutral) | +20 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Brightcloth Pants | Pattern: Brightcloth Pants (Tailoring 290) | +17 | Tailoring Recipe |
Brightcloth Robe | Pattern: Brightcloth Robe (Tailoring 270) | +16 | Tailoring Recipe |
Brightcloth Gloves | Pattern: Brightcloth Gloves (Tailoring 270) | +12 | Tailoring Recipe |
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Wow SoD 7 Leather Frost Resist Armor

For leather users in WoW SoD 7, Frost Resistance gear is key to surviving frost-heavy encounters in Naxxramas, especially against Sapphiron. Most of the best Frost Resist gear for leather users comes from Leatherworking, boss drops, and quests. This guide will help you gather the top Frost Resistance items for your class.
Item Name | Required | Frost Resistance | Source |
Polar Tunic | Pattern: Polar Tunic (Leatherworking 300, Argent Dawn Exalted) | +40 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Polar Gloves | Pattern: Polar Gloves (Leatherworking 300, Argent Dawn Neutral) | +30 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Polar Helmet | None | +44 | Drops from Gothik the Harvester in Naxxramas |
Polar Leggings | The Only Song I Know (Quest) | +40 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Polar Shoulder Pads | None | +33 | Drops from Grand Widow Faerlina in Naxxramas |
Polar Bracers | Pattern: Polar Bracers (Leatherworking 300, Argent Dawn Neutral) | +20 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Wow SoD 7 Mail Frost Resist Armor

Mail users in WoW SoD 7 need strong Frost Resistance gear to survive tough fights in Naxxramas, like the Sapphiron encounter. The best mail Frost Resist items come from Leatherworking, boss drops, and quests. This guide shows where to find and craft the best Frost Resist gear for mail users.
Item Name | Required | Frost Resistance | Source |
Icy Scale Breastplate | Pattern: Icy Scale Breastplate (Leatherworking 300, Argent Dawn Exalted) | +40 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Icy Scale Gauntlets | Pattern: Icy Scale Gauntlets (Leatherworking 300, Argent Dawn Neutral) | +30 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Icy Scale Coif | None | +44 | Drops from Heigan the Unclean in Naxxramas |
Icy Scale Leggings | The Only Song I Know (Quest) | +40 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Icy Scale Spaulders | None | +33 | Drops from Grobbulus in Naxxramas |
Icy Scale Bracers | Pattern: Icy Scale Bracers (Leatherworking 300, Argent Dawn Neutral) | +20 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Radiant Set | Blacksmithing Set | – | Crafted via Blacksmithing |
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Wow SoD 7 Plate Frost Resist Armor

extra protection against frost damage, helping you survive fights with bosses. You can craft some pieces with blacksmithing, buy from Craftsman Wilhelm, or get as drops from bosses. It is key for the Wow SoD 7 Naxxramas Frost Resist Guide to collect these pieces to handle frost-heavy areas.
Item | Item Name | Required | Frost Resistance | Source |
Icebane Breastplate | Icebane Breastplate | Blacksmithing (300), Argent Dawn Exalted | +42 | Plans: Icebane Breastplate, Craftsman Wilhelm |
Icebane Gauntlets | Icebane Gauntlets | Blacksmithing (300), Argent Dawn Neutral | +32 | Plans: Icebane Gauntlets, Craftsman Wilhelm |
Icebane Helmet | Icebane Helmet | Drops from Heigan the Unclean | +44 | Second boss of Plague Wing, Naxxramas |
Icebane Leggings | Icebane Leggings | Quest: The Only Song I Know… | +40 | Craftsman Wilhelm |
Icebane Pauldrons | Icebane Pauldrons | Drops from Grand Widow Faerlina | +33 | Second boss of Spider Wing, Naxxramas |
Unmelting Ice Girdle | Unmelting Ice Girdle | World Boss Drop | +16 | Drops from Azuregos in Azshara |
Icebane Bracers | Icebane Bracers | Blacksmithing (300), Argent Dawn Neutral | +24 | Plans: Icebane Bracers, Craftsman Wilhelm |
Thorium Armor | Thorium Armor | Blacksmithing (250) | +8 | Plans: Thorium Armor |
Thorium Belt | Thorium Belt | Blacksmithing (250) | +6 | Plans: Thorium Belt |
Thorium Boots | Thorium Boots | Blacksmithing (280) | +7 | Plans: Thorium Boots |
Thorium Bracers | Thorium Bracers | Blacksmithing (255) | +5 | Plans: Thorium Bracers |
Thorium Helm | Thorium Helm | Blacksmithing (280) | +10 | Plans: Thorium Helm |
Thorium Leggings | Thorium Leggings | Blacksmithing (300) | +10 | Plans: Thorium Leggings |
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Wow SoD 7 Other Frost Resist Armor

Other Frost Resist Armor in WoW SoD 7 includes helms, cloaks, rings, and necklaces. These items are very helpful for all classes in Naxxramas, giving frost resistance for boss fights. You can find them from raids, quests, and crafting. Collecting these pieces is a big part of the Wow SoD 7 Naxxramas Frost Resist Guide and is key for surviving frost damage.
Item Name | Required | Frost Resistance | Source |
Tier 2 Helms (all classes) | Onyxia | +10 | Drops from Onyxia |
Glacial Cloak | Tailoring (300), Argent Dawn Exalted | +24 | Pattern: Glacial Cloak, Craftsman Wilhelm |
Icy Cloak | Tailoring (200) | +11 | Purchased from Micha Yance or Ghok’kah |
Sapphiron Drape | Onyxia | +5 | Drops from Onyxia |
Ramaladni’s Icy Grasp | Quest Completion | +25 | From Korfax, Champion of the Light |
Hailstone Band | Naxxramas | +20 | Drops from Noth the Plaguebringer |
Band of Icy Depths | Quest Line | +20 | The Wrath of Neptulon from Narain Soothfancy |
Seal of Ascension | UBRS Key | +10 | Key to UBRS |
Ring of Binding | Onyxia | +10 | Drops from Onyxia |
Seal of the Archmagus | Baron Geddon | +6 | Drops from Baron Geddon |
Touch of Frost | Naxxramas | +24 | Drops from Anub’Rekhan, Spider Wing |
Tempestria’s Frozen Necklace | Winterspring Event | +15 | From Princess Tempestria during invasions |
Wow SoD 7 other Frost resist gear

Other Frost Resist Gear in WoW SoD 7 includes trinkets, weapons, wands, and shields or off-hand items. These provide frost resistance to survive fights in Naxxramas. You can get them from quests, crafting, or bosses. This gear is part of the Wow SoD 7 Naxxramas Frost Resist Guide and is very important for handling frost damage effectively.
Item Name | Required | Frost Resistance | Source |
Loatheb’s Reflection | Naxxramas | +13 | Drops from Loatheb, Plague Wing boss |
Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector | Engineering (260) | +15 | Sold by Xizzer Fizzbolt in Winterspring |
Petrified Scarab | Ahn’Qiraj | +100 for 1 min | Drops from Lord Kri in Ahn’Qiraj |
Elemental Mage Staff | World Drop | +20 | BoE world drop |
Hydrocane | Gnomeregan | +15 | Drops from Viscous Fallout |
Staff of the Qiraji Prophets | Ahn’Qiraj | +10 | Drops from The Prophet Skeram |
Lightforged Blade | Paladin Quest | +10 | Forging the Mightstone quest reward |
Guiding Stave of Wisdom | Blackrock Depths | +10 | Drops from Emperor Dagran Thaurissan |
Banshee Finger | Stratholme | +10 | Drops from Baroness Anastari |
Gyromatic Icemaker | Gnomeregan | +5 | Zone drop |
The Plague Bearer | Naxxramas | +15 | Drops from Patchwerk, Abomination Wing |
Darrowshire Strongguard | Quest Reward | +10 | The Lich, Ras Frostwhisper questline |
Magebane Scion | Quest Reward | +10 | Hidden Treasures quest |
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Wow SoD 7 Frost Resist Enchants & consumables

Frost Resist Enchants and Consumables are very important for surviving Naxxramas in WoW SoD 7. Enchants can add frost resistance to your gear, and consumables like potions and Juju Chill absorb frost damage. This is a key part of the Wow SoD 7 Naxxramas Frost Resist Guide for all players preparing for frost-heavy boss fights.
Item Name | Required | Frost Resistance/Effect | Source |
Frost Mantle of the Dawn | Revered with Argent Dawn | +5 Frost Resistance (Shoulders) | From Argent Dawn Quartermaster |
Ice Guard | Quest Completion | +10 Frost Resistance (Head/Legs) | The Ice Guard quest |
Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance | Enchanting (265) | +5 Frost Resistance (Cloak) | Drops from Atal’ai Witch Doctor |
FormulEnchant Shield – Frost Resistance | World Drop | +8 Frost Resistance (Shield) | BoE World Drop |
Greater Frost Protection Potion | Alchemy (Rare Recipe Drop) | Absorbs 1950-3250 Frost Damage | Recipe drop from Leatherworking Tribal Trainer, Winterspring |
Frost Protection Potion | Purchase | Absorbs 1350-2250 Frost Damage | Sold by Glyx Brewright (STV) and Drovnar Strongbrew (Arathi Highlands) |
Juju Chill | Quest Material | Adds Chillwind E’ko effect (Frost Resist) | From Witch Doctor Mau’ari, Winterspring |

Frost Resistance is very important in WoW SoD 7 for surviving the strong frost damage in Naxxramas. Bosses like Sapphiron use dangerous abilities like Frost Aura and Icebolt, which harm the whole raid. Without Frost Resistance gear, it becomes very hard for healers to keep players alive. To prepare, you need Frost Resist gear, enchants, and consumables like Frost Protection Potions. These items reduce damage and make fights much easier.

Tanks and melee DPS need 150 Frost Resistance, while ranged DPS and healers need 100 Frost Resistance. Using crafted gear, boss drops, and quest rewards can help you reach these levels. For example, Tailors, Leatherworkers, and Blacksmiths create powerful Frost Resist items. Additionally, items like the Glacial Set or Polar Set and enchants boost your defense against frost attacks.

Different armor types have their own Frost Resistance sets. Cloth users benefit from the Glacial Vest and Gloves. Leather users use the Polar Set, while mail and plate users can equip Icy Scale or Icebane gear. Other helpful items include Frost Resistance rings, cloaks, and trinkets, which drop from bosses or can be crafted.
Consumables and enchants add more Frost Resistance. Greater Frost Protection Potions absorb heavy frost damage. Enchants, like Ice Guard or Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance, boost frost defense further. These items are essential for everyone preparing for frost-heavy boss fights in Naxxramas.
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Why is Frost Resistance important in WoW SoD 7?
Frost Resistance helps you survive powerful frost attacks from bosses in Naxxramas, like Frost Aura and Icebolt. Without it, you will take too much damage, and healers cannot keep everyone alive. Frost Resistance gear, potions, and enchants reduce this damage, making fights much easier.
How much Frost Resistance do I need for Naxxramas?
Tanks and melee DPS need around 150 Frost Resistance unbuffed. Healers and ranged DPS need 100 Frost Resistance. With the right gear, enchants, and potions, you can collect over 330 Frost Resistance if needed.
How can I get Frost Resistance gear?
You can get Frost Resistance gear by crafting, boss drops, and quests. Tailoring, Leatherworking, and Blacksmithing provide powerful Frost Resist items. Bosses in Naxxramas and quests like The Only Song I Know also reward important Frost Resist gear.
What are the best consumables for Frost Resistance?
Greater Frost Protection Potions are the most important. They absorb 1950–3250 frost damage during fights. You can also use Juju Chill, which adds Frost Resistance, and Frost Protection Potions for extra help.
What enchants should I use for Frost Resistance?
Use enchants like Ice Guard on your head and legs (+10 Frost Resistance) or Enchant Cloak – Greater Resistance for your cloak (+5 Frost Resistance). Enchant your shield with Frost Resistance (+8) if you use one.
Where can I find Frost Resistance gear recipes?
Recipes come from the Argent Dawn, quests, and world drops. For example, you can get Glacial patterns from Craftsman Wilhelm or world drops for enchants like Enchant Shield – Frost Resistance.
What Frost Resist gear should cloth users get?
Cloth users should focus on the Glacial Set (Vest, Gloves, Wrists, etc.) and items like Brightcloth Pants or the Glacial Cloak. These provide strong Frost Resistance and are made by Tailoring or dropped in Naxxramas.
What Frost Resist gear is best for leather users?
Leather users should get the Polar Set (Tunic, Gloves, Helmet, etc.) and other crafted items. Boss drops like the Polar Shoulder Pads and quest rewards also help.
How can mail and plate users get Frost Resistance gear?
Mail users can craft the Icy Scale Set, while plate users focus on the Icebane Set. Both sets are crafted or dropped by Naxxramas bosses like Heigan the Unclean or Grand Widow Faerlina.
What items boost Frost Resistance for all classes?
Items like rings, cloaks, and trinkets boost Frost Resistance for everyone. Examples include the Hailstone Band and Gyrofreeze Ice Reflector, which drop from Naxxramas and quests.
What should I do to prepare for frost-heavy fights in Naxxramas?
First, collect the best Frost Resist gear for your class. Then, enchant your items with Frost Resistance enchants. Finally, stock up on Greater Frost Protection Potions and other helpful consumables to absorb frost damage. This will make Naxxramas much easier for your group.