Sépulcre des Premiers Boost de raid

Boost de raid du Sépulcre des Premiers

Obtenez le boost de raid du Sépulcre des Premiers d'EpicCarry pour obtenir tout le butin que vous souhaitez. Conquérez les boss de raid avec nos boosters professionnels, obtenez les meilleurs équipements et armes du jeu et devenez des champions victorieux de WoW Shadowlands ! Utilisez nos services de raid du Sépulcre des Premiers pour résoudre tous vos problèmes.
Informations générales sur le raid
Le Sépulcre des Premiers est le raid le plus récent et, en même temps, le plus récent de l'extension actuelle de World of Warcraft. Et comme le patch 9.2 sera le dernier pour les Terres de l'ombre, nous pourrons enfin rencontrer le Geôlier en personne. Bien que la date de sortie exacte ne soit pas encore connue, tout le monde attend le prochain patch et la mise en ligne de SotFO au début du mois de mars.
Localisation de SotFO
Le nouveau raid de WoW est situé dans la partie orientale de la nouvelle zone - Zereth Mortis. Outre le nouveau raid, nous aurons une nouvelle faction qui prendra du temps, une nouvelle sous-profession à laquelle il faudra prêter attention, un nouveau système de progression qui, nous vous le garantissons, sera obligatoire. De nombreuses récompenses WoW de toutes sortes sont incluses, bien sûr.
Le nouveau raid comporte la quantité habituelle de niveaux de difficulté. LFR, Normal, Héroïque et Mythique. La difficulté Mythique sera disponible un peu plus tard, dans une semaine environ.
Boss de raid WoW
Le raid du Sépulcre des Premiers contient onze boss, dont Anduin Wrynn et Zovaal le geôlier à la fin. Vous trouverez ci-dessous une liste complète de tous les boss du raid par ordre d'apparition.

Gardien solitaire
Dausegne, l'Oracle déchu
Artificier Xy'mox
Prototype de panthéon
Lihuvim, architecte principal
Skolex, le veneur insatiable
Halondrus le Récupérateur
Anduin Wrynn
Seigneurs de l'effroi
Zovaal le geôlier

Sepulcher of the First Ones Class Tier Sets
Each boss has a significant loot table. It includes notable armor, weapons, and other gear-related items. One of the most interesting innovations of the new WoW raid is the glorious returning of class armor sets. These WoW gear systems have been absent in the game since the Legion expansion, though they had been existing ever since Classic and Burning Crusade. The new gear tiers have 2 and 4-set bonuses.
The developers gave an opportunity to obtain tier sets even for PvP players, who don’t like raiding that much. However, they have to earn a huge amount of new currency and gain certain progress with a new progression system. Progenitor Tier pieces can be obtained from the Great Vault.
What Boost Services does EpicCarry Offer?
We are happy to offer you a lot of WoW carry services, which are related not only to the Sepulcher of the First Ones, but to a number of other raids for all World of Warcraft expansions, including even the Burning Crusade. Here on this page, you may find everything that is related to the latest raid.
You may order the kill of the last boss, or raid achievements, or a complete boost for mythic, heroic, and normal raids. One of the boosting services includes the option, where you will get a full gear set. You may choose a personal loot variation and add almost any amount of loot traders if you like.
The majority of raid boosting services will be completed in the Piloted mode, which means, we will need your account information. But do not worry, as we do not use any side programs, or bots, or whatever some unconscientious marketplaces utilize.
Your account data is always perfectly secured no matter what. Feel free to visit our website and discuss the details with the support team to learn what do we do to save your personal information. Below you may find the general info about each article of trade we offer for one raid in WoW.
Sepulcher of the First Ones’ Complete Raid Run
This is one of the most popular types of WoW raid boost, and we are ready to help you with your raiding progress, wherever you have stuck. No matter what raid difficulty you will choose, our team of pro players will finalize the task.
Choose normal, heroic, or any other service for the Sepulcher of the First Ones’ boost. Kill all the bosses, get all the loot you want, and become the champion of the world.
This current raid boost is particularly important for the World of Warcraft game, as it is the final raid of the expansion. The better rewards you get right now, the longer you will be able to stay on top.
The best in-game gear gives a perfect opportunity to solve all kinds of WoW issues: you may defeat each last boss of each dungeon of the current patch solo; you receive better rewards since you can defeat more challenging foes.
Each following week starts to be easier, than the previous one. Moreover, you and your account are perfectly ready for the following expansion. Isn’t it worth having boosting services for final raids where all bosses drop glorious stuff? We may guarantee, you will be left completely satisfied with our raid carry services.
The Glory of the Sepulcher Raider
Just like any other Glory of the Raider achievement, this one requires the whole raid group to work as a team. The rewards are usually almost identical: the meta-achievement and a unique mount. This Sepulcher of the First Ones’ raid carry is the same.
You will join our professional boosters to defeat each boss, keeping certain rules and objectives. Playing alongside our pro players guarantees no time spend on wipes and thus corps runs and other disturbing protractions. You may be playing on the European realm, or American, or any other – we will complete this service nonetheless. Note, however, that such raid boost is completed usually on the normal difficulty of the raid, so the item level of the looting rewards will be adequate.
Sepulcher of the First Ones’ Full Gear Boost
Such types of services are designed especially to give our customers a chance not only to defeat the Jailer, the last boss of the Sepulcher of the First Ones’ raid together with other ten bosses but to gain certain material reminder of your victories.
This 9.2 Patch is the last one for the Shadowlands, which means, the ilvl of the gear has reached its maximum. You are free to choose between all possible difficulties, whether it is heroic or any other, and to conquer all the bosses from which you might need some stuff.
We can help you to wear only BiS items if you like. Everything is negotiable. Just visit our site, choose whatever you need, and have a result in the shortest possible time.

Quatre étapes pour votre premier portage épique

Choisis ton coup de pouce

Parcourez notre sélection et trouvez le service qui correspond le mieux à vos objectifs de jeu. Si vous avez des questions, notre équipe d'assistance est prête à vous aider.

Ajouter au panier

Une fois que vous avez fait votre choix, ajoutez le service à votre panier. Si vous souhaitez obtenir d'autres avantages, continuez à explorer nos offres.

Confirmer votre commande

Lorsque vous êtes prêt, allez dans votre panier et passez à la caisse. Complétez les étapes de paiement pour valider votre commande.

Boostez !

Après confirmation de votre paiement, notre service clientèle vous contactera pour organiser votre session de stimulation.

Si vide, Big Sadge :(