PvP Gear

In World of Warcraft, the competitive nature of PvP encounters demands not just a high skill, but also a high level of equipment to be able to compete with others.

The ways to obtain and upgrade PvP Gear in Dragonflight remained pretty much the same as they were in the previous expansions. There are two currencies that can be used to buy PvP gear: you can either buy gear with Honor Points or with Conquest Points. The former is a currency that is awarded for participating in casual Battlegrounds, Skirmishes, and Brawls, while the latter is a more prestigious and hard-to-get currency that buys better PvP gear and is usually awarded for winning Rated Battlegrounds and Arena matches. Since the acquisition of PvP gear is meant to be another form of progression in WoW, players are always in need of more Points to get and upgrade their PvP gear.

Are you tired of endlessly grinding Honor and Conquest points in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight? Frustrated with the monotony of participating in countless PvP matches, only to be met with slow progress towards the desired PvP gear? We understand the struggle, and we’re here to offer a solution: the WoW PvP Gear Boost service.

Our team of experienced professionals is ready to take on the tedious but necessary task of collecting the necessary currencies for you. By participating in various PvP activities on your behalf, we’ll make sure you get the best PvP gear without the mind-numbing grind. You can finally enjoy the game without the burden of farming Honor and Conquest points, and focus on the aspects of World of Warcraft that truly matter to you. Epiccarry’s PvP Full Gear service is designed to make the life of such players easier and help you farm and upgrade your own PvP set in WoW Dragonflight.

Product Description

Our player will farm enough Honor Points to buy a PvP Gear set for your character and upgrade it to the selected item level.

This boost will be completed in Pvp Gear | Buy BoostPiloted mode.

The ETA of this service depends on the gear you have chosen. While framing the necessary Honor to buy a level 476 set takes only up to two days, buying a Conquest set will take 4 – 6 weekly resets.


Level 70 character. Use our Dragonflight leveling boost service if you don’t meet this requirement.

We will need access to your World of Warcraft account for some meaningful amount of time to work on your order. It will be occupied while we work.

Please disconnect the Battle.net Authenticator or disable the "always require authenticator for login" setting in Security Settings. Your account will be protected by the secret question for the duration of your boost. Don't forget to re-enable it once we finish the service.

How to get PvP Gear in WoW Dragonflight?

In World of Warcraft, the most reliable method of acquiring PvP gear involves a two-step process. First, players must farm Honor points through Arena and Battleground matches to equip themselves with Honor gear. Then, they can transition to Rated PvP and replace their gear with more powerful Conquest gear pieces.

New Ways of Getting PvP Gear in Patch 10.1

The upcoming patch 10.1 introduces a variety of changes to the PvP systems and mechanics in WoW Dragonflight. With the beginning of PvP Season 3, new gear sets will be introduced, starting at item level 476 for blue and 489 for epic gear. This means that players will need to replace their existing gear with the latest Honor gear. Additionally, new PvP Profession crafting gear will be available, offering new BiS gear options that can be crafted or purchased from the Auction House.

Say goodbye to the tedium and boredom of PvP gear farming, and embrace the convenience and efficiency of our WoW PvP Gear Boost service. Our offer can help you achieve your PvP goals in World of Warcraft: Dragonflight.


  • Select the Gear Rank:
