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WoW Timewalking Boost

22 deals
  • No more wipes! Enjoy the raid content with pros!
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Mage Tower Challenge Boost
  • Mage Tower completion
  • Get epic transmog Set
  • Unique mount
From 6$
Black Temple Timewalking
  • Chance to get glaves
  • Unique achievement
  • Raid loot
From 14.50$
Turbulent Timeways
  • Timewalking dungeons
  • Unique achievements
  • Tipewarped badges
From 33$
Sandy Shalewing
  • Unique mount
  • Timewarped badges
  • Powerful gear
From 80$
Broodling of Sinestra
  • Unique mount
  • Timewarped badges
  • Powerful gear
From 80$
Copper-Maned Quilen
  • Unique mount
  • Timewarped badges
  • Powerful raid gear
From 80$
Nightfall Skyreaver
  • Unique mount
  • Timewarped badges
  • Powerful gear
From 80$
Timewalking Dungeons
  • Raid gear peices
  • Timewarped Badges
  • Unique loot
From 7.90$
Soaring Spelltome Mount
  • Unique mount
  • Prestigious achievements
  • Transmogrification sets
From 6$
Fel Werebear Druid Form
  • Unique transmog
  • Rare cosmetic
  • Stress-free
From 6.50$
Illidan Kill Timewalking
  • Boss kill
  • Powerful gear
  • Battle pets
From 14.50$
Ironbound Wraithcharger
  • Unique mount
  • Timewarped badges
  • Powerful raid gear
From 159$
Tower Overwhelming
  • Transmogrification set
  • Unique mount
  • Prestigious achievement
From 6$
Infinite Timereaver
  • Unique mount
  • Timewalking Dungeons
  • Powerful gear
From 7.50$
Timewalking Firelands
  • Raid completion
  • Unique mounts
  • Valuable raid loot
From 15$
Timewalking Ulduar
  • Unique mounts
  • Powerful raid loot
  • Prestigious achievement
From 19$
Yu'lei Daughter of Jade
  • Unique mount
  • Timewarped badges
  • Powerful raid gear
From 162$
Timewarped Badge
  • Valuable currency
  • Prestigious cosmetics
  • Unique mounts
From 9.50$
Beastlord's Warwolf
  • Unique mount
  • Timewarped badges
  • Powerful raid loot
From 159$
Val'sharah Hippogryph
  • Unique mount
  • Timewarped badges
  • Powerful raid gear
From 159$
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Welcome to our Timewalking Boost Services! World of Warcraft is quite a big game with a two-decade-long history. It’s really hard to enjoy everything WoW has to offer, with a significant piece of PvE content being available only during some of the expansions’ life cycles. Timewalking is a great way to experience old content like it’s 2008 all over again, but not only for nostalgia – the rewards and loot are still there and feel as good as ever!

Old Dungeons and Raids

Timewalking allows you to access all the dungeons and raids from Cataclysm, the Burning Crusade, Wrath of the Lich King, Legion, and other expansions, allowing you to unlock unique rewards and rare mounts that you might’ve missed before. Our Timewalking Carries include both raid and dungeon runs, with additional options to slay particular raid bosses, as well as other nice tweaks to make WoW Timewalking as useful to your character as possible. Our professional players will make sure to complete all the challenges and achievements your heart desires! Our carry services include an offer to complete whatever Timewalking dungeon is in rotation right now as well as the following Timewalking raids:

  • The Burning Crusade Timewalking raid: Black Temple;
  • Cataclysm Timewalking raid: Ulduar;
  • Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking raid: Firelands.

Timewalking Dungeons are available every week and are a great source of gear and Timewalking Badges that drop from bosses.

Mage Tower

Besides old raids and dungeons, our Timewalking Services include Mage Tower runs. This unique piece of solo content was introduced all the way back in 2016 with the Legion expansion and provides a unique challenge for each class and specialization. Our team of professional World of Warcraft players will complete the Mage Tower for your class and specialization, acquiring a Towering Success achievement and as many transmogrification sets as you need. We also have a separate offer for a Fel Werebear form – a prestigious reward available only to Guardian Druids.

Timewarped Badges

Each boss killed in the Timewalking dungeons and raids will reward you with a specific amount of Timewarped Badges. These are extremely valuable and can be exchanged for up-to-date gear with a high item level, pets, mounts and so much more! Our professional team will farm as many Timewarped Badges as possible, allowing you to go all-in at the nearest Timewalking Vendor for whatever it is you need.

Timewalking Events

Of course, just diving into the sweet embrace of nostalgia to spend a weekend or two remembering tBC or WotLK days is a perfectly good way to enjoy Timewalking and previous expansions, but for maximum rewards, you want to check the Timewalking Events rotation. Essentially, every week there’s a specific list of dungeons and Timewalking raids that will be scaled up a bit for a challenge fit for high-level players. Each Timewalking Event is set on a yearly rotation basis, meaning that if you plan right, it’s completely possible to experience almost 20 years of gaming history in one year! All the while collecting all the weekly rewards with our reliable WoW Timewalking Boost. Timewalking Events’ yearly schedule goes as follows:

  • Wrath of the Lich King Timewalking: January 9-16, May 14-21, September 17-24;
  • Cataclysm Timewalking: January 30-February 6, June 4-11, October 8-15;
  • Mists of Pandaria Timewalking: February 20-27, June 25-July 2, October 29-November 5;
  • Warlords of Draenor Timewalking: March 12-19, July 16-23, November 19-26;
  • Legion Timewalking: April 2-9, August 6-13, December 10-17;
  • Burning Crusade Timewalking: April 23-30, August 27-September 3.

Timewalking Rewards

Completing Timewalking Raids is a great way to empower your character, obtain some nice rewards and loot that will greatly boost your WoW experience, or simply bask in the nostalgic warmth of WoW expansions. If you’re interested mostly in the first two and the Timewalking Event means nothing to you but some expansion gear to play with, then our Timewalking Boost Service got you covered. Boosted characters have a unique opportunity to enjoy all the glory of Timewalking Raids without actually having to play them.

Timewalking Mounts

Everybody knows that having nice gear is not enough to have a pleasant gaming experience. A nice, extremely difficult-to-obtain prestigious mount is what you really need to truly experience the World of Warcraft. However, acquiring a prestigious Timewalking mount can be difficult and requires completing some challenging prerequisites. Our boosting services allow you to get the mount you need as fast as possible, without countless hours lost looking for a group or learning boss tactics. If you’re interested, then there are the following mount boosting services available for purchase on our website:

Timewalking Pets

But what if your mount will get lonely? He definitely needs a friend. Or two. Or a dozen. Thankfully, our Timewalking Boost can help you with that, finding you a new pal for an enjoyfull WoW adventure. Some of the pets available through our World of Warcraft Timewalking Carries are listed below:

  • Fel Pup: obtained during the tBC event (Black Temple raid) from the Cupri Timewalking Vendor;
  • Everliving Spore: obtained during the Cata event (Firelands raid) from the Kiatke Timewalking Vendor;
  • Ironbound Proto-Whelp: obtained during the WotLK event (Ulduar raid) from the Kiatke Timewalking Vendor.

Our reliable WoW boosting team will obtain these pets for you with impeccable skill and dedication, so you can forget about group searching and raid bosses.

Unique Gear Sets

And of course, there’s no playing WoW comfortably without some proper, reliable equipment. After all, you have to protect all your new Timewalking mounts somehow. Thankfully, our raid services can provide you with some of the best expansion gear sets available in the game. They may be a bit old and rusty on the sides, probably quite far from today’s fashion meta too. But think of all the nostalgia, all the memories that these sets bring! Transmog system was designed specifically for sets like these:

World of Warcraft old-timers from your friend group or your more experienced team members will definitely appreciate your character’s achievements and tribute to the good old days of WoW. All the emotions definitely make our boost service worth the purchase. It’s important for us to provide our customers with the best service there is, so if you don’t see the service you need or have some questions – feel free to ask our Customer Support Managers. These guys know their stuff and are ready to help our customers however they can, whether Black Temple, achievements, or payment process-related. Looking for something special? Visit our WoW boost page and find more offers!

What character level is required to participate in WoW Timewalking events?

If we're talking dungeons and raids from the current rotation, then maximum level is recommended. All other Timewalking content is available to players above level 60. It might not bring you useful gear, but other rewards, including transmog and mounts, are still very much on the table. Use our WoW Leveling Game Boost Service to unlock the hardest content and the best rewards and loot available in the game as fast as possible!

What dungeons are available with each Timewalking Period?

  • tBC: The Arcatraz, Black Morass, Magister's Terrace, Mana-Tombs, Shattered Halls, Slave Pens;
  • WotLK: Ahn'kahet: The Old Kingdom, Gundrak, Halls of Lightning, The Nexus, Pit of Saron, Utgarde Pinnacle;
  • Cata: End Time, Grim Batol, Lost City of the Tol'vir, Stonecore, The Vortex Pinnacle, Throne of the Tides;
  • MoP: Gate of the Setting Sun, Mogu'shan Palace, Shado-Pan Monastery, Siege of Niuzao Temple, Stormstout Brewery, Temple of the Jade Serpent;
  • WoD: Auchindoun, Bloodmaul Slag Mines, Everbloom, Iron Docks, Shadowmoon Burial Grounds, Skyreach;
  • Legion: Black Rook Hold, Court of Stars, Darkheart Thicket, Eye of Azshara, Neltharion's Lair, Vault of the Wardens.

With our boost services, you can complete whatever dungeon is currently in rotation as many times as you need.

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