Monster Hunter Wilds Weapons Tier List + Combo each weapon

Monster Hunter
By: friolt
20 min read
How To Choose The Right Weapon In Monster Hunter Wilds

What is the best weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds? You might think it is the weapon with the highest damage or the fastest attacks. But the answer is not that simple. The best weapon for you depends on your play style. Do you like big, slow hits or fast, light strikes? Do you want to fight from a distance or up close?

In Monster Hunter Wilds, each weapon has strengths and weaknesses. Some weapons are great for beginners. Others need skill and practice to use well. The real question is not Which is the best weapon? but Which weapon fits you best?

There are 14 weapons in the game. You might expect the strongest weapon to always win. But every weapon can be strong if used the right way. Some weapons do massive damage but are very slow. Others let you stay safe while attacking from far away. Some weapons even help your team by giving them buffs.

So, what is the best weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds? The answer is simple — the weapon that matches your play style.

Monster Hunter Wilds Weapons Tier List

Best Weapons For Breaking Monster Parts In Monster Hunter Wilds

In Monster Hunter Wilds, there are 14 unique weapons. Each weapon is different, and choosing the right one can change how you play the game. Some weapons are strong and slow, while others are fast but weak. There is no one best weapon. The best weapon is the one that feels good for you. This tier list will show you the pros and cons of each weapon to help you find the right choice for your play style.

TierWeaponProsConsInformal Commentary
SGreat SwordHigh damage, can block, good for beginnersVery slow, needs good timingStrong but slow. Good starter weapon.
SLong SwordStrong attacks, good range, counters movesTakes time to masterEasy to learn, lots of potential.
SBowGreat range, fast movement, strong damageNeeds skill to build special movesBest for staying safe and attacking from far away.
SSword & ShieldEasy to use, balanced, has defenseShort rangeGood for beginners. Simple and safe choice.
SHunting HornSupports team, can boost alliesHard to learn songs and combosBest for helping friends and giving buffs.
AHammerHigh damage, can stun monstersNo defense, slow, needs monster knowledgePowerful but hard to master.
ASwitch AxeStrong, good combos, can change formsLimited range, needs specific movesFun and flexible but needs practice.
AInsect GlaiveHigh mobility, collect buffs, aerial combatHard to learn, not for beginnersGood for advanced players who like acrobatics.
AHeavy Bow GunHigh damage, different ammo typesVery slow, not agileGreat for long-range damage, but you move like a tank.
BDual BladesVery fast, strong with Demon ModeNo defense, always need to attackBest for fast, aggressive players.
BLanceStrong defense, can take hits wellVery slow, low mobilityGood for blocking and staying safe, but not for beginners.
BGun LanceHigh damage, good defenseSlow, short rangeHigh risk, high reward.
BCharge BladeGood damage, flexible combatHard to learn, needs good timingStrong weapon for experienced players.
CLight Bow GunAgile, fast firing, good for weak spotsNot as strong as heavy bow gunQuick and precise but lacks power.

Monster Hunter Wilds Long Sword Weapon guide

How To Block With Great Sword In Monster Hunter Wilds

The Long Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds is a strong melee weapon with good range. It is simple to use but hard to master because of the Spirit Gauge. The more you fill the Spirit Gauge, the more damage you can do. When the gauge turns red, your attacks become very strong. This weapon is good for both beginners and advanced players who want a mix of fast attacks and massive damage.

  • Weapon Type — Melee
  • Attack Power — High
  • Attack Speed — Medium
  • Range — Good for a melee weapon
  • Defense — None (no blocking)
  • Special Ability — Spirit Gauge (increases damage)
  • Best For — Consistent damage, breaking tough monster parts, hitting monster weak points
Combo NameInputEffectCommentary
Overhead SlashLMB / Triangle / YBasic attack, fills Spirit GaugeGood starting move, easy to use
ThrustRMB / Circle / BPoke attack, good rangeQuick and safe attack
Fade SlashLMB + RMB / Triangle + Circle / Y + BAttack while dodgingGood for avoiding attacks while dealing damage
Spirit SlashR / R2 / RTFills Spirit Gauge quicklyImportant for leveling up the Spirit Gauge
Spirit ThrustR + LMB / R2 + Triangle / RT + YPowerful attack, uses Spirit GaugeGood for dealing high damage in focus mode
Spirit Helm BreakerLMB / Triangle / YStrong attack when Spirit Gauge is whiteBest for dealing massive damage, needs setup
Spirit Release SlashR / R2 / RTUltimate move when Spirit Gauge is redHigh damage, end of combo chain
Special SheatheR + Space / R2 + X / RT + APrepare for a counterattackHelps to avoid damage and set up for a strong attack
Iai SlashLMB / Triangle / YQuick strike after Special SheatheFast, good for consistent damage
Iai Spirit SlashR / R2 / RTStronger version of Iai SlashDeals more damage, but needs Spirit Gauge
Spirit RoundslashHold R / R2 / RTFills Spirit Gauge, takes timeRisky but very rewarding if timed well
Foresight SlashR + RMB / R2 + Circle / RT + BDodge and counterattackBest for avoiding big attacks and hitting back

Monster Hunter Wilds Bow Weapon guide

Monster Hunter Wilds Weapons For Advanced Players

The Bow in Monster Hunter Wilds is a ranged weapon. It is good for hitting monster weak points from far away. The Bow is simple to use but has many special moves. It uses a Trick Arrow gauge and different coatings to make arrows stronger. You can add effects like poison, paralysis, or extra damage. The Bow is best for players who like to keep safe distance and deal consistent damage.

  1. Weapon Type — Ranged
  2. Attack Power — Medium
  3. Attack Speed — Fast
  4. Range — Very good
  5. Defense — None (cannot block attacks)
  6. Special Ability — Trick Arrow Gauge
  7. Best For — Exploiting monster weaknesses, dealing damage safely, support play
Combo NameInputEffectCommentary
Shoot (hold to charge)LMB / R2 / RTBasic shot, deals damageGood for quick hits, charge for more power
Quick ShotF / Circle / BFast shot, no charging neededUse when low on stamina or for quick hits
Power Shot + VolleyF -> F / Circle -> Circle / B -> BStronger shot, good for combosBest when Trick Arrow gauge is full
Arc ShotF (while aiming)Fires a spread of arrows in an arcGood for hitting wide areas, but needs good timing
Charging SidestepSpace + WASD / X + LS / A + LSDodge and charge at the same timeHelps to avoid attacks and prepare strong shots
Flying Swallow ShowR / Triangle / YFast attack after sidestepGood for following up dodges with damage
Dragon PiercerR + F / Triangle + Circle / Y + BStrong piercing attackBest for hitting through monster’s weak points
Thousand DragonsLMB + R + F / R2 + Triangle + Circle / RT + Y + BFires many arrows at onceGreat for breaking tough monster parts
Ready TracerE / Square / XMarks target, arrows aim at marked spotUse before big attacks for better accuracy
Focus Fire: HailstormShift / R1 / RBShoots a rain of arrows at target areaGood for consistent damage and area control

Monster Hunter Wilds Heavy Bowgun Weapon guide

Best Defense Weapons In Monster Hunter Wilds

The Heavy Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds is a ranged weapon with massive firepower. It is great for dealing massive damage from a distance. The Heavy Bowgun has two modes: Standard Mode for using different types of ammo and Ignition Mode for powerful special shots like Wyvernheart and Wyverncounter. This weapon is slow and has low mobility, but it can block attacks and counter enemies. It is best for players who like high damage output and focus fire on monster weaknesses.

  • Weapon Type — Ranged
  • Attack Power — Very High
  • Attack Speed — Slow
  • Range — Very Good
  • Defense — Can Block Attacks
  • Special Ability — Ignition Mode
  • Best For — Breaking tough monster parts, dealing consistent damage, support play
Combo NameInputEffectCommentary
FireLMB / R2 / RTBasic shot, uses regular ammoGood for steady damage, use different ammo types
Aim/FocusRMB / L2 / LTAims weapon for precise shotsBest for hitting monster weak points
ReloadR / Triangle / YReloads the weapon with selected ammoAlways keep an eye on ammo count
Ignition ModeF / Circle / BSwitches to special ammo modeUse when you need big damage fast
GuardR + F / Triangle + Circle / Y + BBlocks attacksGood for defense when you cannot dodge
WyvernheartLMB / R2 / RT (in Ignition Mode)Fires a stream of bulletsThe longer you fire, the stronger it gets
WyverncounterR / Triangle / Y (in Ignition Mode)Close-range blast, counters enemiesBest when the monster is about to attack
Select AmmoMouse Wheel / L1 + Triangle/X / LB + Y/AChange ammo typesDifferent ammo for status effects like poison
Focus Blast: Wyvern HowlShift / R1 / RBBig blast, deals more damage on woundsUse on monsters’ weak spots for maximum damage

Monster Hunter Wilds Dual Blades Weapon guide

Monster Hunter Wilds Weapon Damage Chart

The Dual Blades in Monster Hunter Wilds are fast and agile melee weapons. They are great for quick attacks and evading enemies. The Dual Blades have special modes called Demon Mode and Archdemon Mode, which make them stronger and faster. When you attack in Demon Mode, you fill a gauge. When the gauge is full, you enter Archdemon Mode, giving you powerful new moves. These weapons are best for players who like to always be on the move and deal consistent damage.

  1. Weapon Type — Melee
  2. Attack Power — Medium
  3. Attack Speed — Very Fast
  4. Range — Short
  5. Defense — None (cannot block attacks)
  6. Special Ability — Demon Mode and Archdemon Mode
  7. Best For — Fast attacks, evading, applying status effects, building combo damage
Combo NameInputEffectCommentary
Lunging StrikeLMB / Triangle / YFast forward attack, good for closing gapsBest for getting close to monsters quickly
Spinning SlashCircle / B (multiple times)Fast hits that build the gaugeUse in Demon Mode to fill the Archdemon Gauge
Blade DanceTriangle + Circle / Y + BRapid multi-hit attackBest when the monster is stunned or knocked down
Demon FlurryR2 / RT (in Archdemon Mode)Stronger version of Blade DanceUse this when you are in Archdemon Mode
Demon ModeR2 / RTActivates Demon Mode, boosts speed and damageYour main mode for building the gauge
Archdemon ModeAuto (when gauge is full)Unlocks special moves, no stamina drainSwitch to powerful attacks like Demon Flurry
Perfect EvadeDodge at last momentTriggers Demon Boost, improves speed and damageHard to master, but very rewarding
Focus StrikeR / Triangle / YRolls along monster, hits many timesBest on large monsters, deals more hits
Demon BoostAfter Perfect EvadeShort buff, turns dodges into attacksHelps you stay fast and keep attacking

Monster Hunter Wilds Sword & Shield Weapon guide

How To Use The Charge Blade In Monster Hunter Wilds

The Sword & Shield in Monster Hunter Wilds is a well-rounded weapon. It offers both attack and defense, making it great for beginners. The sword gives fast attacks, while the shield lets you block attacks and perform special moves. You can use items without putting your weapon away, which keeps you safe and ready to attack. The Sword & Shield is best for players who want balanced gameplay and the ability to evade attacks and deal consistent damage.

  • Weapon Type — Melee
  • Attack Power — Medium
  • Attack Speed — Fast
  • Range — Short
  • Defense — Can block attacks with the shield
  • Special Ability — Can use items without sheathing weapon
  • Best For — Fast attacks, defending, balanced play, breaking monster parts
Combo NameInputEffectCommentary
ChopLMB / Triangle / YBasic sword attack, deals damageGood starting move, very fast
Lateral SlashRMB / Circle / BWide attack, hits multiple enemiesBest for dealing with agile monsters
Advancing SlashLMB + RMB / Triangle + Circle / Y + BMoves forward while attackingHelps to close gaps quickly
Shield AttackWASD + RMB / LS + Circle / LS + BHits with the shield, can stun monstersGreat for breaking tough monster parts
GuardR / R2 / RTBlocks attacks with the shieldBest for defense, reduces damage
Guard SlashRMB / Circle / B (while guarding)Quick slash while blockingKeeps you safe while still attacking
Sliding SwipeLMB / Triangle / Y (while guarding)Quick double slash from the groundGood for quick, low attacks
Rising SwipeLMB + RMB / Triangle + Circle / Y + B (while guarding)Upward attack, good for aerial attacksHelps to hit monster weak points
RoundslashLMB + RMB / Triangle + Circle / Y + B (after attacking)Spinning attack, hits all aroundBest when surrounded by enemies
Focus Strike: Vital StabShift / R1 / RB (in Focus Mode)Strong stab, deals massive damageUse in Focus Mode for high damage output
Charged ChopHold LMB + RMB / Triangle + Circle / Y + BPowerful charged attackTakes time but deals raw power damage
BackstepS + RMB / LS + Circle / LS + BMoves back quickly to evade attacksGood for avoiding monster attacks
Leaping SlashLMB / Triangle / Y (after Backstep)Jumps and slashes downAdds mobility to your attacks

Monster Hunter Wilds Great Sword Weapon guide

Monster Hunter Wilds Dual Blades Strategy

The Great Sword in Monster Hunter Wilds is a high-power weapon in the best weapons tier list. It is part of the higher tier weapons because of its massive damage output. The Great Sword is slow but hits very hard. You can charge attacks to make them stronger. The weapon can also block attacks with a guard move. It is best for players who like big hits and can wait for the right moment to strike. The Great Sword can also use elemental attacks with the right upgrades.

  1. Weapon Class — Melee
  2. Attack Power — Very High
  3. Attack Speed — Very Slow
  4. Range — Medium
  5. Defense — Can block attacks with guard
  6. Special Ability — Charged attacks and Perfect Guard
  7. Best For — Dealing massive damage, blocking attacks, breaking tough monster parts
Combo NameInputEffectCommentary
Overhead SlashLMB / Triangle / YBasic strong attack, good damageEasy to use, good for quick hits
Charged SlashHold LMB / Triangle / YIncreases damage by holding attack buttonRelease when the glow is red for maximum damage
Wide SlashRMB / Circle / BSwings sword in a wide arcGood for hitting multiple enemies
TackleRMB / Circle / B (while charging)Interrupts charging and attacksUseful if the monster attacks while charging
Rising SlashLMB + RMB / Triangle + Circle / Y + BStrong upward attackGood for hitting monster weak points
Offset Rising SlashHold LMB + RMB / Triangle + Circle / Y + BHits while changing directionHelps to reposition while attacking
GuardR / R2 / RTBlocks incoming attacksReduces damage, keeps you safe
KickLMB / Triangle / Y (while guarding)Quick move, interrupts monstersBest for creating space or stopping monster moves
Focus Slash: PerforateShift / R1 / RB (in Focus Mode)Pierces through enemies, extra damageBest used on wounded monster parts
Perfect GuardR / R2 / RT (timed correctly)Blocks all damage, sets up Power ClashVery strong if timed well
Power ClashDuring Perfect GuardDuel with the monster, can stagger itWinning opens the monster up for massive damage

Monster Hunter Wilds Insect Glaive Weapon guide

Top Weapons For Pvp In Monster Hunter Wilds

The Insect Glaive in Monster Hunter Wilds is a unique weapon that uses both a glaive and a Kinsect (a bug companion). The Insect Glaive is The best Monster hunter for aerial combat and hitting monster weak points. You can use the Kinsect to collect extracts from monsters. Different extract colors give you special buffs, like more speed, stronger attacks, or healing. This weapon is best for players who like to stay mobile and deal consistent damage with quick attacks.

  • Weapon Class — Melee
  • Attack Power — Medium
  • Attack Speed — Fast
  • Range — Medium
  • Defense — None (cannot block attacks)
  • Special Ability — Kinsect extracts and aerial combat
  • Best For — Mobility, applying status effects, exploiting monster weaknesses
Combo NameInputEffectCommentary
Rising SlashLMB / Triangle / YBasic upward attack, good for air combosBest for starting aerial attacks
Wide SweepRMB / Circle / BSwings weapon in a wide arcGood for hitting multiple enemies
VaultR + Space / R2 + X / RT + ALaunches into the air, enables air movesKey move for aerial combat
Focus Thrust: Leaping StrikeShift / R1 / RB (in Focus Mode)Quick thrust forward, strong hitBest when in Focus Mode for extra damage
Kinsect: Mark TargetR / R2 / RTMarks a part of the monsterHelps Kinsect collect specific extracts
Kinsect: FireR + Shift / R2 + R1 / RT + RBSends Kinsect to attack monsterGood for building new trick arrow gauge
Kinsect: Harvest ExtractR + LMB / R2 + Triangle / RT + YGathers buffs from the monsterDifferent colors give different buffs
Kinsect: RecallR + RMB / R2 + Circle / RT + BReturns Kinsect to youRestores stamina and gives collected buffs
Descending SlashLMB / Triangle / Y (while falling)Strong attack while coming downGreat for dealing massive damage on monster’s weak points
  1. Always use the Kinsect to collect extracts from monsters.
  2. Combine red, white, and orange extracts for maximum buffs.
  3. Use Vault to stay in the air and evade attacks.

Monster Hunter Wilds Light Bowgun Weapon guide

Monster Hunter Wilds Weapon Skills And Upgrades

The Light Bowgun in Monster Hunter Wilds is a ranged weapon that offers fast attack speed and high mobility. Unlike its heavier cousin, the Heavy Bowgun, the Light Bowgun lets you evade attacks while still dealing consistent damage. It uses different ammo types to target monster’s weak points, apply status effects, and deal massive damage. The Rapid Fire Mode lets you shoot faster, but only with standard ammo. This weapon is great for players who like to stay agile and focus on raw power from a distance.

  1. Weapon Class — Ranged
  2. Attack Power — Medium
  3. Attack Speed — Very Fast
  4. Range — Very Good
  5. Defense — None (cannot block attacks)
  6. Special Ability — Rapid Fire Mode and Special Ammo
  7. Best For — Fast attacks, evading, applying status effects, breaking tough monster parts
Combo NameInputEffectCommentary
FireLMB / R2 / RTBasic shooting attack, uses selected ammoGood for consistent damage
Aim/FocusRMB / L2 / LTAims for precise shotsBest for hitting monster’s weak points
ReloadR / Triangle / YReloads the weapon with selected ammoKeep ammo full for high damage output
Rapid Fire ModeF / Circle / BShoots faster, uses Rapid Fire gaugeGreat for massive damage in a short time
Special AmmoR + F / Triangle + Circle / Y + BFires special ammo like WyvernblastDeals explosive damage when monsters trigger it
Select AmmoMouse Wheel / L1 + Triangle/X / LB + Y/ASwitch between ammo typesUse the right ammo for the monster’s weaknesses
Chaser ShotF / Circle / B (in Rapid Fire Mode)Follow-up shot, good for fast combosHelps to deal consistent damage
Burst StepWASD + Space / LS + X / LS + A (in Rapid Fire Mode)Dodges while shootingBest for evading attacks while keeping pressure on the monster

Monster Hunter Wilds Hunting Horn Weapon guide

Switch Axe Vs Hammer In Monster Hunter Wilds

The Hunting Horn in Monster Hunter Wilds is a support weapon that lets you play songs to buff your team while also dealing massive damage. It works like a big hammer, giving blunt damage and even letting you block attacks. The Hunting Horn is in the S-Tier of the monster hunter wilds weapons tier list because of its dual role as a damage dealer and support weapon. The key is to play the right songs to boost attack power, defense, and give status effects. It is best for players who like to help teammates while still fighting monsters.

  • Weapon Class — Melee/Support
  • Attack Power — High
  • Attack Speed — Medium
  • Range — Short
  • Defense — Can block attacks
  • Special Ability — Plays songs to give buffs to allies
  • Best For — Supporting team, dealing consistent damage, applying status effects, breaking tough monster parts
Combo NameInputEffectCommentary
Left SwingLMB / Triangle / YBasic attack, plays a noteGood for simple damage output and starting songs
Right SwingRMB / Circle / BAnother note-playing attackUse with Left Swing to create song combos
Backwards StrikeLMB + RMB / Triangle + Circle / Y + BHits behind you, plays a noteGood for aerial combat and hitting monster’s weak points
Forward SmashWASD + LMB / LS + Triangle / LS + YStrong attack, pushes forwardGreat for raw power and keeping pressure on the monster
FlourishWASD + RMB / LS + Circle / LS + BSpins weapon, hits in a wide arcBest for hitting multiple enemies
Overhead SmashWASD + LMB + RMB / LS + Triangle + Circle / LS + Y + BStrong blunt attackGood for breaking tough monster parts
Hilt StabS + LMB / LS + Triangle / LS + YQuick jab with the handleUseful as a secondary weapon attack
PerformR / R2 / RTPlays prepared songs to give buffsThe main move for support weapon role
Performance BeatR / R2 / RT (during Perform)Boosts damage output if timed wellHard to master, but gives consistent damage
EncoreLMB + RMB / Triangle + Circle / Y + B (after Perform)Replays the song for extra effectKeeps buffs active longer and gives a damage boost
Special PerformanceR + LMB + RMB / R2 + Triangle + Circle / RT + Y + BBig performance, strong buffsBest used in Focus Mode for maximum buffs
Echo BubbleSpace + R / X + R2 / A + RTPlaces a bubble that buffs teammatesHelps your team by giving them status effects
Focus Strike: ReverbShift / R1 / RB (in Focus Mode)Strong attack, also plays a noteGreat for staying in the fight while supporting allies
  1. Always try to keep three Echo Bubbles active for your team.
  2. Use Encore to boost the power of your buffs.
  3. The Hunting Horn is a well-rounded weapon that can both fight monsters and support teammates.
  4. Block attacks when needed, but focus on playing songs to buff your allies.

Monster Hunter Wilds Weapons Tier List | Best melee

Switch Axe Vs Hammer In Monster Hunter Wilds

The best melee weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds are S tier weapons like the Great Sword, Long Sword, Sword & Shield, and Hunting Horn. These weapons have strong raw power, good defense, or great support abilities. A tier weapons like the Hammer, Switch Axe, and Insect Glaive are also very strong but need more skill to use. B tier weapons like Dual Blades, Lance, and Gun Lance are good for specific situations but are not as powerful or easy to use.

SGreat SwordHigh damage, can blockVery slowMighty great sword, strong but slow.
SLong SwordStrong attacks, countersTakes time to masterS tier weapon, good for all levels.
SSword & ShieldWell-rounded, defenseShort rangeBest support weapon, safe choice.
SHunting HornBoosts allies, supportHard to learnGreat for team, gives status effects.
AHammerRaw power, stuns enemiesNo defenseA tier weapon, good for breaking monster parts.
ASwitch AxeStrong, sword modeLimited rangeSavage axe, rewarding weapon, needs skill.
AInsect GlaiveAerial attacks, mobilityHard to learnGood for agile monsters, advanced players.
BDual BladesFast attack speedNo defenseBest for aggressive, fast combat.
BLanceStrong defense, blocksVery slowGood secondary weapon, not for beginners.
BGun LanceGood defense, raw powerSlow, short rangeHigh risk, high reward.
BCharge BladeFlexible combat mechanicsHard to learnStrong weapon’s ability, needs timing.

Monster Hunter Wilds Weapons Tier List | Best ranged

Monster Hunter Wilds Weapon Comparisons

The best ranged weapons in Monster Hunter Wilds are the S tier weapons like the Bow and Heavy Bow Gun. The Bow has great range, fast movement, and is best for staying safe while attacking from afar. The Heavy Bow Gun offers high damage and different ammo types but is very slow. The A tier weapon, Light Bow Gun, is the fastest weapon with agile movement and quick shots, but it lacks raw power. For the best mix of power and safety, the Bow and Heavy Bow Gun are the top choices among all the best weapons for ranged combat.

SBowGreat range, fast movementNeeds skill for special movesBest for eagle strike shot, stay safe from far away.
SHeavy Bow GunHigh damage, different ammoVery slowStrong raw power, but low mobility.
ALight Bow GunFastest weapon, agileLow damageQuick shots, good for weak spots, lacks raw power.


How To Get Better At Monster Hunter Wilds Weapons

In Monster Hunter Wilds, there are 14 different weapons. Each weapon works differently. Some weapons are very strong but very slow. Other weapons are fast but not very strong. There is no best weapon for everyone. The best weapon is the one that feels good for you. This guide will help you pick the right weapon.

The strongest weapons are in the S-Tier. These weapons are the Great Sword, Long Sword, Bow, Sword & Shield, and Hunting Horn. The Great Sword does very high damage but is very slow. The Long Sword has strong attacks and good range, but it is hard to master. The Bow is good for hitting monsters from far away but needs skill to use special moves. The Sword & Shield is balanced, easy to use, and good for defense, but its range is short. The Hunting Horn can help your team by giving buffs, but it is difficult to learn.

The A-Tier weapons are also strong but need more skill. These weapons are the Hammer, Switch Axe, and Insect Glaive. They do good damage and are fun to use, but you need practice to use them well.

The B-Tier weapons are not as strong but are good in certain situations. These weapons are the Dual Blades, Lance, Gun Lance, and Charge Blade. These weapons are fast or offer good defense, but they are not as powerful or easy to use as the higher-tier weapons.

Best Weapons For Solo Play In Monster Hunter Wilds

For ranged combat, the best weapons are the Bow and Heavy Bow Gun. The Bow is safe because you can attack from far away. The Heavy Bow Gun does a lot of damage but is very slow. The Light Bow Gun is fast and agile but not as strong as the other ranged weapons.

If you are new to the game, try the Sword & Shield or Great Sword. If you want to help your team, try the Hunting Horn. For fighting from a distance, use the Bow or Heavy Bow Gun. The right weapon will help you play better and enjoy the game more.

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What is the best weapon in Monster Hunter Wilds?

There is no best weapon. The best weapon is the one that feels good for you. Some weapons are strong but slow. Others are fast but not strong. You should pick a weapon that matches your play style.

What weapons are best for beginners?

Beginners should try the Sword & Shield or Great Sword. The Sword & Shield is easy to use, has good defense, and is safe. The Great Sword is strong and good for learning timing.

What are S-Tier weapons?

S-Tier weapons are the strongest and most useful in the game. These weapons are Great Sword, Long Sword, Bow, Sword & Shield, and Hunting Horn. They have strong damage, good defense, or special support skills.

Which weapon is best for fast attacks?

The Dual Blades are best for fast attacks. They are very quick and great for aggressive play. You need to keep attacking to stay strong.

What weapon should I use for long-range combat?

The best long-range weapons are the Bow and Heavy Bow Gun. The Bow is fast and keeps you safe. The Heavy Bow Gun does a lot of damage but is slow.

Which weapon helps my team the most?

The Hunting Horn is the best for helping your team. It can play songs that boost your team’s power, defense, and health. It is a bit hard to learn, but very helpful.

What weapon is best for breaking monster parts?

Strong weapons like the Great Sword, Hammer, and Heavy Bow Gun are good for breaking tough monster parts. They do big damage and can break horns, tails, and claws.

Which weapon is best for advanced players?

Advanced players might like the Long Sword, Switch Axe, or Insect Glaive. These weapons need skill and practice to use well. They have special moves and strong combos.

What weapon is good for staying safe in battles?

The Bow is very good for staying safe. You can attack from far away and avoid danger. The Lance also has strong defense and can block attacks.

Are there weapons that can block attacks?

Yes, the Great Sword, Sword & Shield, Lance, and Gun Lance can block attacks. These weapons help you stay safe if you are not good at dodging.

What weapon has the most mobility?

The Insect Glaive is best for mobility. You can jump and stay in the air. You can also use a bug to get buffs and move quickly.

Which weapon is best for dealing damage fast?

The Light Bow Gun and Dual Blades are good for fast damage. They are quick and let you hit many times in a short time.

What weapon is good for big damage with slow hits?

The Great Sword and Hammer are best for big, slow hits. They need good timing but do a lot of damage when they hit.

Can I change weapons in the game?

Yes, you can change your weapon anytime in your base or camp. You should try different weapons to find the one that works best for you.

How do I get better with a weapon?

You can get better by practicing. Learn the combos and timing. Watch how monsters move. Try different moves and see what works best in battles.

