Exciting New Event In Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 4: Blackrock Eruption

World of Warcraft (WoW) Season of Discovery (SoD) Phase 4 is bringing an exciting new event to players: the Blackrock Eruption. This open-world event, hinted at by a mysterious timer in the Blackrock Mountain area of the Burning Steppes, promises to add more dynamic content to the game.

How It Works

  • Start Time — Midnight
  • Frequency — Every 2 hours
  • Duration — 60 minutes
  • Active Zones — Blackrock Mountain, Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge

Event Schedule

Exciting New Event In Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 4: Blackrock Eruption
EventStart TimeFrequencyDurationActive Zones
Blackrock EruptionMidnightEvery 2 hours60 minutesBlackrock Mountain, Burning Steppes, Searing Gorge

Player Reactions and Expectations

So far, Season of Discovery has brought a range of events from Ashenvale and STV to the Incursions in Phase 3. Players are eager to see what the Blackrock Eruption will add to Phase 4. The community is buzzing with speculation about the nature of the event, with ideas ranging from boss fights to large-scale invasions by minions of Ragnaros.

Observations from PTR

Exciting New Event In Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 4: Blackrock Eruption

Players who have explored the PTR have noted that the event involves defending against the minions of Ragnaros. The event starts every 2 hours and includes mobs spawning around Blackrock Mountain, Burning Steppes, and Searing Gorge. There is speculation that this might be similar to the AQ opening event but with fire elementals.


Exciting New Event In Wow Season Of Discovery Phase 4: Blackrock Eruption

The Blackrock Eruption event in WoW Season of Discovery Phase 4 is shaping up to be an exciting addition to the game. With its frequent appearances and dynamic gameplay, it’s sure to keep players engaged and on their toes. Whether it turns out to be a PvE event with epic boss battles or a hotspot for World PvP skirmishes, there’s no doubt that this event will add a thrilling new dimension to your WoW experience. Stay with us for more updates and be ready to fall into the action!