Hello and welcome to the Epiccary Guides. Burning Crusade Classic is finally here, and the journey to level 70 begins. Let’s make sure you are ready to cross through the Dark Portal and start leveling your character.
First of all, you should pick the Leveling Method that suits you. Choosing the right method is one of the most important things. You can follow the path of Questing, farming Dungeons, or grinding Mobs. There are pros and cons to each method, depending on the realm you are playing, your class, and your gear.
Questing is the most common method for everybody. Questing solo, you are not relying on a group and can play on a comfortable schedule. If you are leveling a boosted character from level 58 and you don’t have a group of friends, questing is the best option, as the initial gear is extremely weak. Following the Questing path, you will gain reputation, experience, gold, and many quests in the Outland provide great item rewards.
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Dungeon Leveling
Dungeon leveling implies repeatedly running the same dungeon over and over again, which is an optimal leveling method for well-geared players with Classic sets who can easily jump into dungeons and tear them apart. The overall effectiveness of the method depends entirely on how fast your group clears the dungeons.
Mob Grinding is a viable method for classes with high AoE damage, however, to make use of the method, you must be able to gather up enough targets to AOE them down, which is hard to accomplish on high populated realms. This method is more skill reliant and may not suit the general player base. If you are feeling like it, feel free to give it a try.
There are few important things to focus on before setting foot into the Outland that will have an impact on your leveling speed.
General Advice
Consumables. Whether you are running dungeons with friends or questing alone, utilizing them properly will cut minutes and hours off your leveling time. Flasks are very important, as they provide strong buffs and their effects persist through death, which is going to happen on a few occasions.
Other consumables provide a situational impact – using a Healing or a Mana Potion at the right time can make a difference between going for another group of mobs or running for 10 minutes back to your corpse. Otherwise, they can be used to efficiently reduce downtime between pulls instead of satting down for a portion of food and water.
Save some gold for a mount. Apprentice Riding and a 60 percent ground speed mount are available for purchase at level 30 and will cost you 42 gold. Improving it to 100% at level 60 will cost 700 gold.
Upon reaching level 70 in Outland, you can take to the skies with an Expert Riding and a first 60% flying speed mount, but this opportunity comes at the price of 900 gold. Final training for the 280% flying speed and the best mount will cost a small fortune of 5200 gold.
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Clean up the bag space. Start with improving your default slot from 16 to 20 slots by adding Authenticator to the Battle.net account. Then get some bigger bags from professions or the Auction House – having more free space is quite beneficial during leveling.
Make use of the bank alts. This little trick helps to save a lot of time, instead of sorting out your bags, just send all the stuff you don’t want in your bags right now to your alt. Mailing is instant between alts, so use it to your advantage.
Plan your breaks and get a rested XP. Classic leveling takes quite some time, and taking time to relax is important for overall endurance. When you take a break from the game make sure to log off inside the inn, or in the resting area to gain some rested experience, which allows you to gain experience at a double rate, and you can accumulate up to 1.5 levels of rested experience at a time.
Now that you are familiar with the basic leveling methods, let’s take a look at the routes you’ll take once you get to the other side of the Portal.
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Pick your Path
Relevant to both Questing and Mob grinding, your path in the Outland will start on the Hellfire Peninsula, which is meant for levels 60 to 62, and continue through the zones of Zangarmarsh (up to level 64), Terrokar Forest (64 to 65), Nagrand (up to level 67), Blade’s Edge Mountains to level 68, Netherstorm to Level 69, and, finally, the Shadowmoon Valley to hit level 70.
If you choose to level through dungeons, remember that it is most efficient to stay in the same dungeon for a longer time and avoid downtimes between traveling to different dungeons. Keeping in mind attunement to the raid, which requires getting reputations in the dungeons and unlocking Heroic difficulty, you should stick to these dungeons for the most efficient XP per Hour:
- The Blood Furnace. It is the best choice of Hellfire Citadel dungeons to level up from level 60 to 61, offering more enemies, which gives more experience and reputation than the Ramparts. Once you reach level 61, perhaps it’s best to do a few more runs to get the reputation with your faction to Honored.
- The Slave Pens. An important dungeon for the attunement process, and it is chosen as it offers a good amount of experience and reputation per run, and you will stick for this dungeon for quite a while – from level 61 to 65.
- Mana-Tombs. Upon reaching level 65, you can switch this dungeon, and climb here to level 66. There are multiple quests for the dungeon that provide a good amount of additional experience.
- Sethekk Halls. The next-door dungeon from the Mana-Tombs, the Halls is a great place to continue the leveling up to 69.
- Shadow Labyrinth. Before heading to this dungeon, remember to start the Karazhan attunement questline outside of the Karazhan tower, as this dungeon holds the first Key fragment. Once there, you can farm the dungeon until you finally hit level 70 and may continue on your attunement quest.
Friendly reminder – visit your class trainers as you level up. Each level in TBC you gain access to the new skills, and some abilities are so important that you may want to drop everything and teleport to the city to increase the power of your character. You may find some portals in Shattrath or ask mage for a favor – you will have to get back to Azeroth to meet with your class trainers.
Now you are ready to step into the Dark Portal and give a fight to the Burning Legion. We hope that you enjoyed this video – comment if you found it useful, check out other videos on the channel