How to Find and Hunt Gypceros in Monster Hunter Wilds

Monster Hunter
By: friolt
5 min read
Why Can’t I Find Gypceros On The Map?

It’s here. New quest. New monster. New problems. The Gypceros hunt in Monster Hunter Wilds is live, and everything is different again. Some strategies work, some don’t, and some are just a pain.

You want to know the best way to find Gypceros? You got it. The easiest items to bring for the fight? They’re here. The hardest attacks to dodge? Good luck. The best tips to avoid getting tricked by its fake death? Stay sharp, or get hit hard.

This guide was made before the latest patch. Changes may affect where and when Gypceros shows up.

Quest Details

What To Bring For Gypceros Fight?

To start the quest, you need to find Gypceros in the “Windward Plains.” You can find the quest by talking to Alma or looking at the map for a big question mark. Follow these steps to get started:

Get the QuestSpeak to Alma or find it on the mapQuest to hunt Gypceros in Windward Plains
Map CheckLook for a “?” on the mapThis means a new or hidden monster is there
Set WaypointMark the locationHelps you find the monster faster

Preparing for the Fight

Gypceros Quest Windward Plains Guide

Before you fight Gypceros, you need to get ready. Bring the right items to help you survive poison and flash attacks. Here is what you need:

AntidotesCure poison
Herbal MedicineHeal poison effects
Stun ResistanceProtects against flash stuns
Focus Strike WeaponHelps break the monster’s crest

Finding the Gypceros

Sometimes Gypceros does not show up on the map. It only appears during “Fallow Season” and “Evening” time. If you still cannot find it, try these ideas:

Monster not on the mapCheck all unexplored areas
No “?” icon in Windward PlainsChange to Fallow Season and Evening
Still not appearingRestart the game or explore another map and return

How to Start the Quest

You can start the quest in two ways: by using the map or talking to Alma. If you see a question mark on the map, set a waypoint and go there. Or, go to Alma and pick the quest from her “Assignments List.” Here’s how to do it:

MethodHow to Do It
Via MapLook for a question mark and travel to it
Through AlmaGo to base camp, speak to Alma, and select “Field Surveys”
Setting a WaypointSet a marker on the map to the Gypceros location

Gypceros Attack Patterns

Gypceros has many dangerous attacks. It can flash, poison, and hit you with its tail. Knowing these attacks will help you avoid them and stay safe:

Attack TypeDescriptionHow to Avoid
Flash AttackBlinds and stuns youKeep distance when it moves its head
Poison SpitShoots poison forward or makes poison rainMove sideways quickly
Tail WhipHits far away with its long tailStay close to its body
Triple ChargeRuns forward quicklyDo not stand directly in front

Key Weak Spots

To defeat Gypceros faster, you need to hit its weak spots. The best places to attack are its head and the crest on its head. When the crest is wounded, you can stop its flash attack. Here are the weak spots:

Weak SpotWhen to Attack
HeadAnytime, but be careful
Crest (on its head)When it prepares a flash attack
Crest WoundUse a focus strike to stop its flash attack

Special Tricks of Gypceros

Gypceros is sneaky. It can pretend to die and then attack you when you are not ready. It also uses its crest to flash bright light. Watch out for these tricks:

TrickWhat HappensWhat to Do
Fakes DeathLays down like it is deadDo not rush to carve it
Surprise AttackJumps up with a strong hitBack away and heal or prepare an attack
Crest FlashShows flashes before the big lightHit the crest quickly to break it

If Gypceros Does Not Appear

If you cannot find Gypceros, try changing the season or restarting the game. Sometimes exploring other areas first can also help. Follow these steps if Gypceros is not showing up:

StepWhat to Try
Change TimeMake sure it is Fallow Season and Evening
Restart GameClose and start the game again
Explore MapGo to new areas and then return
Check Map AgainLook for new question marks or monster icons

After the Fight

Easiest Way To Defeat Gypceros

When you win the fight, go back to Alma to finish the quest. You will get rewards and items. Always check with Alma for new quests too. Here’s what to do after you defeat Gypceros:

ActionNext Step
Win the FightReturn to Alma to finish the quest
Collect RewardsGet items and experience points
Check for New QuestsAlma might have more tasks for you


To hunt Gypceros, first get the quest from Alma or find the “?” on the map in Windward Plains. Set a waypoint to find the monster faster. Make sure it is “Fallow Season” and “Evening” because Gypceros only appears then. If you still cannot find it, restart the game or explore other areas.

Before the fight, bring antidotes, herbal medicine, and stun resistance. These items help against poison and flash attacks. Use a focus strike weapon to break the monster’s crest.

During the fight, watch out for Gypceros’ attacks. It can flash, spit poison, and hit with its tail. Move sideways to avoid poison and stay close to avoid the tail whip. Attack the head and crest to stop flash attacks. Do not get tricked if it pretends to be dead.

After the fight, return to Alma to finish the quest. Collect your rewards and check if there are new uests. To stay safe, do not stand in front of Gypceros and use antidotes quickly if poisoned.

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Where do I find Gypceros?

You can find Gypceros in the “Windward Plains.” Look for a “?” on the map or talk to Alma to start the quest.

What do I need to bring for the fight?

Bring antidotes for poison, herbal medicine to heal poison effects, stun resistance to avoid flash stuns, and a focus strike weapon to break its crest.

When does Gypceros appear?

Gypceros only shows up during “Fallow Season” and “Evening” time. Make sure to set the right season and time.

What are Gypceros’ main attacks?

Gypceros uses flash attacks, poison spit, tail whips, and a triple charge attack. Keep your distance during flash attacks and move sideways to dodge poison.

How do I stop its flash attack?

Attack the crest on its head. If you break the crest, the flash attack will stop.

What if Gypceros does not appear?

Change the season and time, restart the game, or explore another map and return.

What should I do after defeating Gypceros?

Go back to Alma to complete the quest, collect rewards, and check for new quests.

Are there any special tricks to watch out for?

Yes, Gypceros can pretend to die and then attack you. Do not rush in to carve it until you are sure it is defeated.
