Hidden Wonders: Unlocking The Fun Secrets of Azeroth’s New Frontier

By: friolt
3 min read
Hallowfall Arathi Loremaster Toy Location

The War Within brings lots of new things to do in World of Warcraft. You can do new quests, dungeons, and raids. You can find new mounts, pets, and fun toys too! Players in Khaz Algar are busy finding secrets and treasures. Some of these treasures have cool toys for your collection. Most toys come from solving puzzles, but they are worth the work!

ZoneTreasureToyWhat to Do
Isle of DornTree’s TreasureHanna’s LocketFind crabs in the zone. Then, loot this treasure to get your ghostly horse toy.
Ringing DeepsForgotten TreasureSovereign’s Finery ChestSolve a small puzzle by finding a key in nearby chests. You get a royal skeleton costume!
HallowfallArathi LoremasterArathi Book CollectionRead books in the zone to answer questions. Complete this for a lore master toy!
HallowfallIllusive Kobyss LureIllusive Kobyss LureFinish the Hallowfall campaign and fight special enemies to get the toy. High drop rate!
HallowfallSky-Captain’s Sunken CacheSilver Linin’ ScepterTalk to 4 Sky-Captains on zeppelins. Then, find the treasure in the water!

Isle of Dorn: Tree’s Treasure

All Toy Drops From Rares In The War Within Wow

Hanna’s Locket
If you’re into scavenger hunts, this one’s for you. First, track down crabs scattered around the zone. Once you gather them up, you’ll finally get your hands on this toy—a ghostly steed, perfect for riding into spooky sunsets.

The Ringing Deeps: Forgotten Treasure

Sovereign’s Finery Chest
Love a good wardrobe upgrade? This puzzle is as easy as pie. Just hunt for the right key among a bunch of chests, and voilà! You’ve got yourself the regal Skeleton King Outfit. Now you can rule the land in style—no skeleton required.

Hallowfall: Arathi Loremaster (Loremaster’s Reward)

Arathi Book Collection
Ready to put your lore knowledge to the test? This treasure’s not just about shiny toys. You’ll be brushing up on Arathi lore to prove your worth to the Loremaster. No shortcuts—find the right books, and you’ll unlock the Biblo Archivist achievement while you’re at it.

Hallowfall: Illusive Kobyss Lure

Illusive Kobyss Lure
Don’t panic if it seems like this toy’s vanished. You’re probably just too early in the Hallowfall campaign. Collect the first three items whenever you like, but the fourth (Ragefin Necrostaff) only drops towards the end of the campaign. Luckily, it’s got a high drop rate, so hang tight, and you’ll be luring in Kobyss in no time.

Hallowfall: Sky-Captain’s Sunken Cache

Best Hidden Toys In Wow The War Within Expansion

Silver Linin’ Scepter
Fancy yourself a sky pirate? This one’s for you. You’ll need to chat up four traveling Sky-Captains across the zone before you can get your hands on this treasure. Once you’ve befriended them, the cache shows up near Mereldar. Good luck with those flight routes, though—they can be tricky!

Hallowfall: Illuminated Footlocker

Cave Spelunker’s Torch
It’s a light-themed treasure in a light-themed zone! Even though you can’t see it at first, trust that the treasure’s there. Solve a quick puzzle with a shiny bug, and you’ll have your very own light-bringer torch.


In The War Within, finding toys is fun and easy if you know where to look. Each toy is hidden in different zones, and you need to solve small puzzles or complete tasks to get them. These toys make your adventures more exciting and give you cool rewards.

By following this guide, you can quickly find the toys in each zone. Whether you’re talking to Sky-Captains or searching for crabs, there’s always a fun surprise waiting for you. So, go explore, solve the puzzles, and enjoy your new toys!

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What are toys in The War Within?

Toys are fun items that you can collect in World of Warcraft. They are hidden in treasures and often need puzzles to be solved before you can get them. They don’t give power, but they’re fun to use!

How do I find toys in The War Within?

Toys are hidden in special treasures across different zones. You’ll need to complete simple puzzles or tasks to unlock them. This guide shows you which toys are in which zones and how to get them.

Where can I find toys in The War Within?

Toys are scattered in different zones like Isle of Dorn, The Ringing Deeps, and Hallowfall. Check the guide for a list of the toys in each zone and how to get them.

Do I need to complete quests to get some toys?

Yes, some toys need you to finish certain quests or campaigns. For example, the Illusive Kobyss Lure in Hallowfall needs you to complete part of the Hallowfall Campaign.

Are these toys hard to get?

Not really! Most toys just need you to solve easy puzzles or find specific items. Some toys take a bit of time because they’re linked to quests, but they’re not too difficult.

What’s the hardest part about getting these toys?

The hardest part might be finding certain NPCs or flight paths, like talking to the four Sky-Captains for the Silver Linin’ Scepter. But with this guide, it’s much easier!

Can I get all toys right away?

Some toys can be looted as soon as you find the treasure, while others may require you to progress in the story or zone campaigns first. Keep playing, and you’ll unlock them!
