How to Farm for Beledar’s Spawn Mount in The War Within

By: friolt
2 min read
Tips For Defeating Beledar'S Spawn And Getting The Mount

Do you want a cool new mount in The War Within? You can get a special mount called Beledar’s Spawn. It’s a void elemental mount that looks really awesome! Here’s how you can get it.

StepWhat to DoDetails
Find Beledar’s SpawnWait for Beledar’s crystal to go darkHappens every 1 hour 30 minutes for 30 minutes
Look in the Right PlacesUse a map or TomTom addonBeledar’s Spawn appears in different locations
Fight Beledar’s SpawnDefeat the rare eliteBe ready for a tough fight
Get the MountLoot Beledar’s Spawn mountYou can try every day with level 70 characters

How to Get Beledar’s Spawn Mount

Beledar'S Spawn Spawn Locations In Hallowfall Wow
  1. Find Beledar’s Spawn — This is a rare elite that only shows up in Hallowfall. But it doesn’t come out all the time. Beledar’s crystal goes dark for 30 minutes every 1 hour and 30 minutes. That’s when Beledar’s Spawn might appear!
  2. Look in the Right Places — Beledar’s Spawn can show up in different spots in Hallowfall. Use a map to find where it might be. If you have the TomTom addon, you can use a special macro to see all the places.
  3. Fight Beledar’s Spawn — When you find Beledar’s Spawn, you need to fight it. Be ready because it’s a strong enemy!
  4. Get the Mount — After you defeat Beledar’s Spawn, there’s a chance it will drop the Beledar’s Spawn mount. You can try this every day, and if you have more characters at level 70, you can use them to try and get the mount too!


Best Strategies For Farming Beledar'S Spawn Mount Wow

Getting the Beledar’s Spawn mount in The War Within is a fun challenge! You have to wait for the right time, find the rare spawn, and defeat it. Keep trying every day, and soon you might have this awesome void elemental mount.

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How often does Beledar’s Spawn appear?

Beledar’s Spawn can appear when Beledar’s crystal goes dark, which happens for 30 minutes every 1 hour and 30 minutes.

Where can I find Beledar’s Spawn?

Beledar’s Spawn can show up in different locations in Hallowfall. Use a map or the TomTom addon to find all the possible spots.

What level do I need to be to get the mount?

You need to be level 70 to loot the Beledar’s Spawn mount.

Can I try to get the mount more than once a day?

Yes! You can try once a day with each of your level 70 characters. More characters mean more chances!

What does the Beledar’s Spawn mount look like?

The Beledar’s Spawn mount looks like a void elemental, just like Beledar’s Spawn itself!
