The War Within Tier Sets Bonuses: Season 1 Guide

By: friolt
13 min read
Death Knight Tier Set Bonuses

Ok, The War Within is already here. It has been released for a few months. Dataminers have already mined all you need to start the first season and to optimize your Meta class and spec for WoW: WW . I mean the Tier Set bonuses for World of Warcraft: The War Within. Of course, I must note that the exact numbers will be changed during the PTR, and some ultra meta bonuses, like 25% for some classes, will be reduced. But you can already plan your gameplay with these War Within Tier Sets bonuses in the retail version of Warcraft.

So, here they are:

  1. All Tier Sets for 2 pieces + name of tier sets.
  2. All Tier Sets for 4 pieces + name of tier sets.
  3. For each class.
  4. For each spec.
  5. From Nerub’ar Palace.

I can’t stop you anymore, so here is the Tier Sets overview!

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Death Knight War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Exhumed Centurion’s Relics Tier Set, tailored for Death Knights in the first season of War Within Warcraft (WoW 11). This set not only amps up your class capabilities but also ties into the chilling aesthetics of Nerub’ar Palace, making you both look good and feel powerful.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
BloodWith at least one Boneshield charge, damage taken is cut by 2%. Lose a charge? There’s a chance to reduce incoming damage by an extra 1%, stacking up to 3% for 6 seconds.Your damage bumps up by 1% for each active Boneshield charge. Plus, taking hits might just regenerate 1-2 Boneshield charges when you’re running low.
FrostPower up your Runic Power spenders with an extra 8% damage boost.Spending that Runic Power might buff your Strength by a hefty 10% for 8 seconds.
UnholyYour minions get stronger too, dealing an additional 8% damage.Each minion you summon boosts your Haste by 2%, stacking up to 8% for 8 seconds.

Demon Hunter War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Demon Hunter Tier Set Bonuses

Husk of the Hypogeal Nemesis, the slick Demon Hunter Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. As the name suggests, it’s designed to make Demon Hunters even more menacing, boosting your damage and resilience in the eerie battlegrounds of Nerub’ar Palace.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
HavocBlade Dance turns deadlier with a 20% boost in damage.Chaos Strike also ups its game by 20% in damage, plus it has a sweet 25% shot at resetting Blade Dance’s cooldown.
VengeanceSoul Cleave hits harder, dishing out 15% more damage and can shatter a Lesser Soul fragment from the target 35% of the time.Any consumed Soul Fragment pumps up your next Fel Devastation, increasing damage and healing by 2%, stacking up to 30%.

This layout gives you the essential buffs that the Demon Hunter Husk of the Hypogeal Nemesis tier set offers, whether you’re slicing through enemies with Havoc or standing your ground with Vengeance.

Druid War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Druid Tier Set Bonuses

Mane of the Greatlynx, the Druid’s very own Tier Set for Season 1 of War Within. This set is all about boosting your powers across all Druid specializations, making you a force to reckon with in Nerub’ar Palace.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
BalanceBoost your Starsurge by 8% and Starfall by 10%.Lunar and Solar Eclipses will now bump up the Astral Power you gain from Wrath and Starfire.
FeralTiger’s Fury now boosts your crit chance, starting at 6% and climbing by 1% every 2 sec for 10 sec.Land critical hits with combo moves to ramp up your next Ferocious Bite and other abilities by 15%, up to 3 stacks.
GuardianThrash and Moonfire now do 1% more damage and cut the damage you take by 1%, stacking up to 3 times.Both your arcane and bleed damage get a 5% hike.
RestorationHealing from Regrowth, Wild Growth, and Swiftmend jumps by 10%.Boost your healing by 8% for 6 sec after using Soul of the Forest’s bonus.

This quick glance tells you all you need to know about the bonuses offered by the Druid Mane of the Greatlynx for each spec—Balance, Feral, Guardian, and Restoration. Each spec gets a solid power-up to help you excel in your roles.

Evoker War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Hunter Tier Set Bonuses

Check out the Destroyer’s Scarred Wards, the must-have Evoker Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. This set is tailored to supercharge Evokers in the eerie halls of Nerub’ar Palace, offering specific enhancements for each Evoker spec to ensure you’re maximizing your potential.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
AugmentationUpheaval cranks up the heat with 30% more damage, and your next two Eruption casts also hit 30% harder.Ebon Might boosts your primary stats by 0.4% every 2 sec, stacking up to 2.0%.
DevastationBoth Disintegrate and Pyre get a 10% damage boost.Eternity Surge’s cooldown drops by 5 sec, plus it triggers Essence Burst.
PreservationReversion and Emerald Blossom heal 10% more to an ally within 30 yds.Verdant Embrace supercharges your next Reversion’s healing by a whopping 200%.

This setup gives Evokers a powerful toolkit to thrive in different roles, whether you’re causing devastation, enhancing your group, or keeping everyone healed up.

Hunter War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Evoker Tier Set Bonuses

Say hello to the Lightless Scavenger’s Necessities, the Hunter Tier Set for Season 1 of War Within. Designed to boost Hunter prowess across the board, this set offers unique boosts for each Hunter spec, making it a crucial pick-up for any Hunter stepping into the shadows of Nerub’ar Palace.

Here’s a snapshot of what each Hunter spec can look forward to with this set:

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
Beast MasteryBarbed Shot now boosts your pet’s attack speed an extra 5%.Your pet’s attacks have a 10% chance to ramp up all your pet’s damage by 10% for 10 sec.
MarksmanshipAmp up your Arcane Shot and Multishot damage by 20%.Precise Shots now bump the damage of your next Aimed Shot by 10%, and this can stack twice.
SurvivalWildfire Bomb packs an extra 5% punch.Mongoose Bite or Raptor Strike gets a 10% damage boost against targets hit by your Wildfire Bomb.

This tier set is all about maximizing your output in various scenarios, whether you’re commanding a beast, precision shooting, or thriving in the wilds.

Mage War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Mage Tier Set Bonuses

Mage Sparks of Violet Rebirth, the go-to Mage Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. It’s designed to juice up each Mage spec with some serious perks, making every spell you cast at Nerub’ar Palace hit harder and do more.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
ArcaneArcane Blast and Arcane Explosion now do 6% more damage.Got a 10% chance that your next Arcane Barrage after casting Blast or Explosion will pack 10% more punch and load you up with 4 extra Arcane Charges.
FirePhoenix Flames cranks up damage by 10%, and 25% more on the first hit.Every time Phoenix Flames hits, there’s a 10% chance it might just snap back to you, shaving off some cooldown time and boosting your spell damage by 6% for 10 secs.
FrostIce Lance damage up by 5% and buffs your next Frozen Orb’s damage by 10% for each Fingers of Frost, stacking up to 10 times.Frozen Orb makes your Ice Lance hit 15% harder for the next 15 seconds.

This set is all about making your Mage moves more powerful, whether you’re throwing fire, frost, or arcane spells

Monk War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Paladin Tier Set Bonuses

Monk Gatecrasher’s Fortitude, the essential Monk Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. This set boosts each Monk specialization with some serious upgrades, perfect for taking on whatever Nerub’ar Palace throws your way.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
BrewmasterBlackout Kick and Keg Smash hit 20% harder, plus you get a nice 3% damage reduction from Shuffle.Blackout Kick not only boosts your damage by 1% for 15 secs, stacking up to 3, but might also reset Keg Smash and make it free to cast next time.
MistweaverBoth Enveloping Mist and Renewing Mist ramp up their healing by 10%.Vivify prolongs the healing effects of Renewing Mist and Enveloping Mist on your main target by 2 secs, up to 4 secs.
WindwalkerTiger Palm beefs up the damage of your next melee hit by 5%.Your other melee moves crank up your next Tiger Palm by 25%, stacking up to 6 times. Plus, 15% of that damage hits nearby enemies, spreading the pain.

This setup ensures that whether you’re tanking, healing, or dealing damage, the Monk Gatecrasher’s Fortitude is your ticket to excelling in your role. Ready to kick some serious butt?

Paladin War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Priest Tier Set Bonuses

Meet the Paladin Entombed Seraph’s Radiance, the Paladin Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. Tailored to empower Paladins across all specs, this set delivers unique boosts to help you shine in the challenges of Nerub’ar Palace.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
HolyHoly Shock heals for 10% more and recharges 10% faster.Boosts the initial healing of your next Word of Glory or Light of Dawn by 8%, stacking up to 4 times.
ProtectionShield of the Righteous packs 10% more punch and slices 3% off damage you take.Using any Holy Power ability amps up the damage and healing of your next Avenging Wrath by 0.5%, stackable.
RetributionBlade of Justice and Wake of Ashes hit 15% and 10% harder, respectively.Wake of Ashes ramps up your damage by 10% for 8 seconds after you use it.

This set is all about boosting your capabilities, whether you’re healing, tanking, or dealing damage.

Priest War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Step into the light with the Priest Shards of Living Luster, the Priest Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. Whether you’re healing, shielding, or slinging shadow, this set dishes out bonuses tailored to amplify your priestly powers in the haunting arenas of Nerub’ar Palace.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
DisciplineAtonement heals pack an extra 5% punch.Smite and Penance bump the punch of your next Mind Blast by 25% or beef up your next Power Word: Shield by 15%, stacking up to 3 times.
HolySerendipity works 10% better, speeding up your key healing spells.Heal, Flash Heal, and Prayer of Healing can sometimes fire off again at 35% power, with a 50% chance each cast.
ShadowDevouring Plague hangs around a second longer.Devouring Plague not only hurts more, it boosts all your damage by 2% for 10 seconds, and yes, it stacks.

This tier set is designed to bolster your abilities, ensuring every prayer and curse is more potent than ever.

Rogue War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Rogue K’areshi Phantom’s Bindings, the Rogue Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. Designed to sharpen your rogue skills, this set dishes out stealthy and lethal bonuses for each Rogue spec, perfect for those sneaky battles in Nerub’ar Palace.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
AssassinationYour bleeds might buff your poison attacks, adding a 1% damage boost per stack of Vile Tincture for up to 10 stacks.With 5 or more stacks of Vile Tincture, your Garrote, Rupture, and Crimson Tempest slash through enemies 10% harder.
OutlawSinister Strike, Pistol Shot, and Ambush get a 20% chance to trigger Ethereal Rampage, bumping damage by 15% as Shadow.Ethereal Rampage cranks up the damage of your next Between the Eyes by 6%, stackable up to 3 times.
SubtletySymbols of Death supercharges your next Secret Technique, boosting its damage by 20%.Secret Technique then amps up your other finishing moves by 16% for 7 seconds.

Each piece of this tier set is crafted to enhance your rogue tactics, whether you’re dealing burst damage, controlling the battlefield, or dispatching foes with precision.

Shaman War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Shaman Tier Set Bonuses

Shaman Waves of the Forgotten Reservoir, the Shaman Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. This set is all about boosting your elemental forces, enhancing your enhancement skills, and supercharging your healing waves, making it a game-changer for Shamans in the dark corners of Nerub’ar Palace.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
ElementalElemental Blast and Earth Shock, plus Earthquake, slam with 25% more damage.Spending Maelstrom now juices up your critical strike chance by 5% and critical damage by 10%.
EnhancementStormstrike, Lava Lash, Ice Strike, and Crash Lightning all pack 15% more punch.Feral Spirits stick around twice as long, doubling the fun.
RestorationTidal Waves boosts the healing of spells by 10%.Tidal Waves also gets 80% more effective and slashes the mana cost of spells by 8%.

This tier set is designed to amplify the natural powers of Shamans, ensuring you have the upper hand whether you’re casting devastating spells, swinging elemental weapons, or weaving healing magic.

Warlock War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Rogue Tier Set Bonuses

Warlock Rites of the Hexflame Coven, the Warlock Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. Designed to empower every facet of Warlock magic, this set turns up the heat in your dark arts arsenal, perfectly suited for the twists and turns of Nerub’ar Palace.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
AfflictionMalefic Rapture hits harder, boosting damage by 5% and critical strike chance by 10%.Malefic Rapture can also boost the damage of Agony, Corruption, and Unstable Affliction by 15% for 8 secs.
DemonologyYour primary demon and Shadow Bolt both get a significant 5% and 50% damage boost, respectively.Shadow Bolt may supercharge your primary Felguard, boosting their next Legion Strike by a massive 300%.
DestructionIncinerate and Conflagrate see a rise in critical strike chances by 20% and 25%, respectively.Landing a critical with Conflagrate boosts all your Fire damage by 5% for 6 seconds.

This set equips Warlocks with the tools to maximize their damage output and control over the battlefield, making it an indispensable part of your gear as you navigate the challenges of the season.

Warrior War Within Season 1 Tier Set Bonuses

Warlock Tier Set Bonuses

Warrior Warsculptor’s Masterwork, the Warrior Tier Set for Season 1 in War Within. This set is all about enhancing your warrior skills, ensuring each spec—Arms, Fury, and Protection—gets a hefty boost in their own unique way, perfect for taking on the challenges within Nerub’ar Palace.

Spec2pc Bonus4pc Bonus
ArmsMortal Strike and Cleave amp up your next Overpower by 10%.When Overpower resets with Tactician, your next Mortal Strike or Cleave gets 10% more powerful and 10% more likely to crit, stackable up to 2 times.
FuryBloodthirst boosts your next Rampage by 10%.A reset Raging Blow adds 10% more damage to your next Bloodthirst, stackable twice.
ProtectionShield Slam resets drop damage you take by 3% and bump its own damage by 5%.Critical hits with Shield Slam enhance your next Thunder Clap and Revenge by 10% for 8 secs.

This set is a game changer for Warriors, providing the power-ups needed to slash, smash, and bash through any opponent with style and brute force.


Warrior Warsculptor'S Masterwork

In conclusion, the War Within Season 1 Tier Sets are here to give every class and spec a serious power boost in WoW: The War Within. Dataminers have already dug up all the juicy details, so you can start planning your builds and strategies right away. Whether you’re looking to increase your critical strike chance, boost astral power wrath generation, or ensure your ice lance damage is off the charts, these sets have got you covered. For those who rely on combo point generating abilities or runic power spending abilities, the enhancements will be a game-changer.

If you’re playing a Hunter, get ready for some serious wildfire bomb damage increases, while Mages can look forward to a phoenix flames damage buff. Monks will see improvements in tiger palm’s damage and blackout kick increases, and Paladins won’t be disappointed with the boosts to holy shock’s healing and holy power ability.

For classes focused on defense, the shield slam cooldown reduction and cooldown resets will help you stand firm against the toughest foes. And let’s not forget the bleeds deal damage buffs and pet damage increases that will make your enemies think twice before crossing you.

These Tier Sets, inspired by the eerie vibes of Nerub’ar Palace, not only enhance your primary stats but also stack powerful bonuses, from arcane explosion damage increases to malefic rapture damage boosts. Whether you’re aiming to critically strike, deal direct damage, or stack multiple applications of your abilities, the War Within Tier Sets will ensure you dominate every encounter.

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What are the War Within Season 1 Tier Sets?

These are gear sets in WoW: The War Within, providing unique bonuses for each class and spec, enhancing abilities and performance in the game.

How can I get the Tier Sets?

Obtain Tier Sets by participating in Season 1 content, especially in encounters and challenges within Nerub’ar Palace.

What are the bonuses for Death Knight’s Exhumed Centurion’s Relics?

Blood spec gets reduced damage and increased damage per Boneshield charge. Frost spec boosts Runic Power abilities and Strength. Unholy spec increases minion damage and Haste.

What bonuses do Demon Hunter’s Husk of the Hypogeal Nemesis provide?

Havoc spec boosts Blade Dance and Chaos Strike damage, with cooldown resets. Vengeance spec increases Soul Cleave damage and enhances Fel Devastation through Soul Fragment consumption.

What are the Druid’s Mane of the Greatlynx bonuses?

Balance boosts Starsurge and Starfall damage. Feral increases crit chance and boosts Ferocious Bite. Guardian enhances Thrash and Moonfire damage. Restoration improves healing abilities.

What does the Evoker’s Destroyer’s Scarred Wards offer?

Augmentation boosts Upheaval and Eruption damage. Devastation increases Disintegrate and Pyre damage. Preservation enhances Reversion and Emerald Blossom healing, with boosted Verdant Embrace effects.

How do the Hunter’s Lightless Scavenger’s Necessities improve performance?

Beast Mastery boosts pet attack speed and damage. Marksmanship increases Arcane Shot and Multishot damage. Survival enhances Wildfire Bomb and Mongoose Bite or Raptor Strike damage.

What enhancements does the Mage’s Sparks of Violet Rebirth provide?

Arcane boosts Arcane Blast and Explosion damage. Fire increases Phoenix Flames damage and cooldown efficiency. Frost boosts Ice Lance and Frozen Orb damage, enhancing overall spell power.

How does the Monk’s Gatecrasher’s Fortitude benefit gameplay?

Brewmaster boosts Blackout Kick and Keg Smash damage. Mistweaver enhances Enveloping Mist and Renewing Mist healing. Windwalker increases Tiger Palm and other melee abilities’ damage.

What are the Paladin’s Entombed Seraph’s Radiance bonuses?

Holy boosts Holy Shock healing and cooldown. Protection enhances Shield of the Righteous damage and damage reduction. Retribution increases Blade of Justice and Wake of Ashes damage.

How does the Priest’s Shards of Living Luster improve abilities?

Discipline boosts Atonement healing and Smite or Penance effects. Holy enhances Serendipity and key healing spells. Shadow increases Devouring Plague duration and overall damage.

What are the bonuses for Rogue’s K’areshi Phantom’s Bindings?

Assassination boosts bleed and poison damage. Outlaw enhances Sinister Strike, Pistol Shot, and Ambush. Subtlety increases Secret Technique and other finishing moves’ damage.

How do the Shaman’s Waves of the Forgotten Reservoir enhance gameplay?

Elemental boosts Elemental Blast, Earth Shock, and Earthquake damage. Enhancement increases Stormstrike, Lava Lash, Ice Strike, and Crash Lightning damage. Restoration boosts healing spells’ effectiveness.

What bonuses does the Warlock’s Rites of the Hexflame Coven offer?

Affliction boosts Malefic Rapture and damage over time spells. Demonology enhances primary demon and Shadow Bolt damage. Destruction increases Incinerate and Conflagrate critical strike chances.

What enhancements come with the Warrior’s Warsculptor’s Masterwork?

Arms boosts Mortal Strike and Cleave damage. Fury enhances Bloodthirst and Rampage damage. Protection increases Shield Slam damage and reduces incoming damage.

How do the new Tier Set bonuses enhance my class abilities in WoW: The War Within?

The new Tier Set bonuses provide significant enhancements across various abilities. For example, consuming precise shots increases your overall damage output, while holy power ability increases allow Paladins to deal more burst damage. For Hunters, wildfire bomb damage is increased, and aimed shot becomes even more potent. These bonuses also affect pet’s attack speed, improving your pet’s performance in battle. Additionally, astral power wrath generates faster, and arcane explosion damage is increased for Mages. The bonuses are designed to increase primary stats, resulting in higher critical strike chance and more powerful melee abilities across the board.

Which abilities are most affected by the new changes in targets and spell mechanics?

Several abilities are now more impactful when considering the targets affected. For instance, ethereal rampage additionally increases the damage dealt by affected targets, while phoenix flames damage increased ensures higher burst damage against multiple enemies. The next arcane barrage deal now benefits from increased damage against primary targets, and malefic rapture damage increased makes it even deadlier for Warlocks. Moreover, tidal waves increases healing effectiveness, particularly when paired with renewing mist healing increases, ensuring your allies stay topped up during intense encounters.

How do cooldowns and resets impact my rotation in PvP and PvE?

Cooldown management and resets have become even more crucial with the latest changes. Abilities like raging blow resets and chaos strike deals allow for faster rotation and more frequent ability use. The next melee ability you use will benefit from these cooldown resets, ensuring consistent damage output. Additionally, casting arcane blast and holy shock increases have had their effectiveness enhanced, making them more reliable in critical moments. With the added bonuses to critical strikes and grants essence burst, you’ll find your rotations smoother and more powerful, allowing you to adapt to both PvP and PvE scenarios effectively.
