Chronicles say, Naxxramas is an ancient Nerubian ziggurat that became a stronghold to the Lich King’s most powerful officers and their dreaded leader Kel’Thuzad. This guy, by the way, is one of a few truly immortal characters throughout the history of Azeroth. No matter what cataclysms happened, who was in charge of them, where or when the events took place, Kel’Thuzad was always somewhere here. Last time we met him in the Sanctum of Domination – the second raid for the Shadowlands expansion. An unbelievable vitality!
The Naxxramas was originally located in Stratholme, Eastern Plaguelands, but then was torn out of the ground and moved to Northrend – a frozen continent, where the Lich King set his residence. Ever since then the necropolis lives in the clouds above Wintergarde Keep in Eastern Dragonblight.
Naxxramas is a legendary instance. It was first presented in the original game version, back in 2004 and had several reincarnations since then. The initial classic version was designed for a full 40 ppl raid and was very hard to complete; in the Wrath of the Lich King expansion the original number of players was reduced to 25. The raid became easier to deal with and is now the first that gamers visit. There are also slight loot changes. The biggest difference is the absence of a legendary staff in a loot table for a modern raid. Another difference is that players now don’t need to complete any attunements to enter the raid. The achievement system was added, on the other hand, and we will clarify it later on.
This is the first raid of the Wrath of the Lich King expansion and it will become available in the second content phase. The entrance to Naxxramas is above the ground, so players are to have the ability to fly in Northrend. To learn Cold Weather Flying you need to be at least level 77 and pay 1000 gold coins. The other way to get to the raid is summoning, but there should be someone inside the ziggurat to summon you, obviously, so it might not be a full-time decision. The closest flight points are Venomspite for Horde and Wintergarde Keep for Alliance in case you need them.
The inner structure of the raid is a square, divided into four almost identical parts; the fifth part, the Frostwyrm Lair, is located on the second, so to say, floor of the instance. To enter this place, players should kill all other bosses from all quarters.
Four quarters of the instance are called Arachnid, Plague, Military, and Construct. Players may visit them in any order; we have mentioned them in the order of difficulty if you are interested. Each quarter has three bosses, apart from the Construct one – it is a home for four bosses. The final wing, the Frostwyrm Lair, has two bosses with Kel’Thuzad at the end.
Naxxramas Bosses
There are fifteen bosses in the Naxxramas instance. They live in five wings, each with its unique and prominent features.
Some of Naxxramas bosses demand special gear, which may resist certain magic schools. Sapphiron, for example, deals frost damage and it is sometimes very hard to finish a fight without the proper armor.
But adequate gear is not the only thing you will need while fighting Naxxramas bosses. Various consumables are a big part of each battle and they are selected individually. If we take early mentioned Sapphiron as an example, we’d recommend using the following flasks and enchants:
Naxxramas has its own set of armor; the sequence number is seven. It has two variations for 10 and 25 people raiding party. Every class gets their own tier set, including newly added Death Knights.
We’ve got a huge in-depth article about Death Knights builds with all the information you need to become a successful DK. Leveling talent builds, glyphs, rotation, profession, and useful tips. Check the link to read a complete review.
Each class’ set has different appearances and stats, which make this armor a desirable reward. Almost all pieces drop from Naxxramas directly; however, hands may be found in the Obsidian Sanctum raid. The following table will help you orient in the tier pieces and the bosses, who drop them.
There are six quests players can complete inside the Naxxramas instance. Some of them give notable item rewards, some – only reputation with Northrend factions and gold. We will give you brief information about each, so you know beforehand what quest answers your needs better. Note that all quests are designed for level 80 characters; four of them may be repeated weekly.
This is a weekly quest, where you have to defeat the one and only Patchwerk on any difficulty.
Naxxramas Achievements
We all got accustomed to the achievement system many years ago, however, they were a brand new thing back in 2008, when the Wrath of the Lich King expansion was released. The system has improved greatly since that time; some achievements were added, some removed, some – changed dramatically. Here, we have an original achievement system that was valid for that time period.
As long as we are talking about instances, we will mention only raid-related achievements. There were, and still are, four types of them:
Challenge Achievements are given for completing certain challenges or tasks in the raid;
Kill Credit Achievements, which are earned for defeating bosses;
Meta Achievements are a combination of several minor achievements;
Feats of Strength are a limited or one-time thing.
Naxxramas offers the following achievements for the players. We will mention the 25-ppl versions, but keep in mind that almost every achievement has a 10-ppl version as well.
Within one raid lockout period, defeat every boss in Naxxramas without allowing any raid member to die during any of the boss encounters in 25-player mode.
This type of achievements has always been the wildest dream of so many players, as they reward them with unique mounts. The difficulty level varies, but the result is always desirable and satisfying. Speaking about this concrete Glory of the Rider, we must mention that players have to visit three instances, not one. There are two variations of this achievement, for 10 and 25 people groups. Depending on the chosen difficulty, the gamers will receive one-out-of-two mounts as a reward. All the achievements shown are of a 25-ppl variation. We won’t repeat the achievements from the Naxxramas, as they are the same as we have mentioned in a Challenge category.
This category represents achievements of a rare kind, which are usually close to impossible to get. They give no achievement points, but are extremely cool. There were a bunch of Realm First achievements at the time of WotLK. They were removed later on, but we can still enjoy them here. Naxxramas has its own Realm First achievement, and this is:
Player has to participate in the realm’s first defeat of Kel’Thuzad in Naxxramas in 25-player mode.
Interesting Facts About Naxxramas
As was mentioned in the very beginning, Kel’Thuzad, the final boss of the raid, has several reincarnations throughout the years. We wonder just how many times we are going to meet him in the next few years.
There is no attunement to enter Naxxramas – veni, vidi, vici, friends!
There was (and probably still is) a huge conspiracy theory around Mr. Bigglesworth, the favorite cat of Kel’Thuzad. The cat lives in the raid, and it is one of two living creatures in this dreaded place; the other one is Grand Widow Faerlina, a boss from the Arachnid quarter. Little is known about her, so we’ve got no idea who she is or why she is there.
Anyway, there had been a well-known rumor that if anyone from the raid would kill the cat, his owner would be so mad at the entire party, he would deprive the whole party of the loot. An absolutely crazy theory, but there has always been a percentage of players who confirmed this rumor, saying they saw Kel’Thuzad’s revenge with their own eyes. Either way, the Lich will be extremely displeased and will yell: “No!!! A curse upon you, interlopers! The armies of the Lich King will hunt you down. You will not escape your fate…”. Luckily, the fate of Mr. Bigglesworth has no effect on the raid.
One more fact about the cat. It is the namesake to a Doctor Evil’s cat from the Austin Powers movies.
Even though no legendaries drop in Naxxramas, there still are lots of epic items, which are very useful for all classes and specs. Below you may find a complete loot table, including BoE items and accessories. Enjoy!
The overview turned out to be large, but informative. We tried to gather important, yet not obvious facts about the Naxxramas raid. The only thing left is to thank you for your attention and wish you luck while conquering this instance.
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