BfA New Mounts Guide: Updated for the WoW Patch 8.3

By: Epiccarry
11 min read

As we all know, WoW patch 8.3 brought many novelties and innovations we have all been waiting for. Therefore, the game just got expanded with many new boss raids, allied races, Horrific Visions as well as pets, secrets, and mounts. 

In this guide, we will cover all that you need to know when it comes to the new mounts and their locations. Furthermore, there is a total of 26 new mounts from Visions of N’Zoth available with a cool addition of Mythic+ mount and a few alpacas.

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So, let’s start and see these mounts and see how they fit in the majestic WoW universe. 

New Mounts – What did Patch 8.3 Bring us? 

Since there are some really interesting mounts now, we will be talking about them one by one. In that light, let’s begin. 

Uncorrupted Voidwing

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

This purple, void dragon mount looks so cool and you can acquire it after defeating N’Zoth the Corruptor in Ny’alotha. Furthermore, you’ll need to do this on Heroic difficulty (and higher) and before the release of eight expansion pack – Shadowlands. 

Also, this mount is Ahead of the Curve of Battle for Azeroth. To mount you will need level 20 at the minimum and Apprentice riding spell.   

Ny’Allotha Allseer

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Creepy but kind of cool jellyfish-like monster with many eyes and tentacles are the words for this mount. However, getting it isn’t that easy, as you need to defeat N’Zoth on Mythic Difficulty. 

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You can find it in Ny’alotha, the Waking City, but before the release of Shadowlands expansion. For this mount, it is required to have at least level 20 and Apprentice riding spell.

Wriggling Parasite

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

A creepy, wiggly worm-like mount to say the least.

It is a void worm that moves chaotically and unpredictably, and it will surely terrify anyone in your path. You will get it in Ny’Alotha Raid in Ny’alotha, the Waking city. It shouldn’t be hard to get it if you find a group ready to go through all of the raid achievements. 

Awakened Mindborer

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Almost the same as the previous one, here comes the worm-like creature with the same size and shape, but with red underbelly. 

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To acquire the mount, you will need to finish the Battle for Azeroth Keystone Master: Season Four achievement. Furthermore, to get BfA Keystone Master achievement you’ll need to complete all of the BfA Dungeons on Mythic Level 15 and above, within a certain time limit. 

Black Serpent of N’Zoth

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

This is the third of the warmish mounts in BfA and it represents a portent of N’Zoth horrific visions becoming a reality. This mount is quite a gem and it looks prestigiously horrific, so you’ll need to sweat a little bit to get it. 

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Therefore, you will need to unlock through the depths of vision achievement and that means that you’ll have to complete these Horrific Vision achievements:

  • The Most Horrific Vision of Stormwind
  • Unwavering Resolve
  • The Most Horrific Vision of Orgrimmar
  • We Have the Technology

Waste Marauder

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Next, a nasty looking vulture with a fearsome reputation that will dominate the skies will be yours, in case you’re lucky. What’s more, this mount comes from a rare beast called Rotfeaster (located at way 68.5 32) in Uldum. 

You’ll have a 3.2% drop chance for this mount, when you kill the Rotfeaster.

Mail Muncher

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Finally, here is the fourth and the last specimen of the wormlike mounts. It is thought that Mail Muncher deprived Azeroth of its magical correspondence, as he was munching all the mail on his way. 

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It can be found in Horrific Vision and you’ll get it 100% chance by killing a mob also called Mail Muncher.

Rajani Warserpent

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Every follower of Ra-den will have this brave cloud-serpent flock to his side. This mount looks slick in the shape of white serpents with lighting circulating over its body and it’s a bit upgraded model from older mounts.

 Important to say, you can buy Rajani from Uldum Accord Quartermaster called Zhang Ku for a price of 1 Pristine Cloud Serpent Scale. Nonetheless, to get Pristine Cloud Serpent Scale, you should head over to Guo-Lai Halls at 22,24 and kill Rei Lun with a 2,37% drop-chance. 

Besides, Rei Lun will spawn at way 22,12, when the Warring Clans attack the Vale. To be precise, while in the Guo-Lai Halls find a cave-like entrance and go to the end of the path, where Rei Lun will be. 

Ivory Cloud Serpent

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Now, next mount is also a cloud serpent that many often mistake for a roaring thunder as it rips through the skies. 

You will mount it once you subdue Ivory Cloud Serpent at 27 57 which roams in the Vale of Eternal Blossom with a 100% chance. However, you will need Zen-Tien Lasso for the task which has small a small chance to drop from mobs during Mogu Assaults on the Vale of Eternal Blossom. 


Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Xinlao is a loyal and fierce companion, with a softer, cuddly side in a form of armored quilen. Xinlao comes like a rare spawn in the Valley of Eternal Blossoms, during the Mogu assault. 

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Furthermore, it is a drop with a 2.8% chance from the beast called Anh-De the Loyal at 34 68.

Reins of the Drake of the Four Winds

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Located at Uldum, this mount is a 3.04% chance drop from Level 122 dragonkin, Ishak of the Four Winds at 75 84 during Black Empire Assaults. 

What’s more, this dragon-like mount looks similar to models in Cataclysm and it will fiercely carry you through winds and skies.

Wicked Swarmer

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

This squid-like, flying insectoid mount is surely going to get everyone’s attention with its dark, void vibes. Furthermore, you’ll need to search for it in a Chamber of Hearth, where Wrathion will be selling it with a price tag of 100 000 Corrupted Mementos. 

To be precise, this quantity of Corrupted Mementos is a lot, and you’ll even need to choose between four sockets and this mount. Not to forget, this will be possible once you’ve obtained access to Horrific Visions and after you’ve earned We Have the Technology achievement. 

Shadowbard Drone

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

So, this is another void, insectoid-like flying mount and you can get it once you complete My own drone quest in Uldum. In particular, this quest lasts for thirty days and you should find Voidtuched Eggs for start.

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 Next, you’ll need to take care of the egg and help it hatch by taking Crystalized Void shards to it and some relics occasionally. Once it hatches, you’ll need to feed it and take care of it further, and it will grow into mature Shadowbard Drone. 

So, yeah, get ready to farm it. 

Malevolent Drone

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

This is another drone specimen in the form of a drop after you kill a wasp-like mob called Corpse Eater at 30 50 in Uldum. Moreover, it is an updated version of alliance-only B-mount and now it is available for both factions. 

Drop chance of 0.97% during Aqir Assaults for this mount is really low but be persistent if you really want it. 

Caravan Hyena

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

This hyena mount with a canopy on top will be your companion on the ground, preferably while roaming the dunes. Nevertheless, this is Vulepera racial mount and you will automatically get it once you earn Allied Races: Vulpera achievement. 

That means that you’ll have to:

  • Complete the Vol’dun storyline that will take a few hours and will get you Secrets in the Sand achievement 
  • Obtain Exalted Reputation of Voldunai – this will take a few days since the amount of reputation you can earn is limited
  • Complete a dedicated Vulpera-questline which will get you Allied Races: Vulpera achievement

Sandy Nightsaber

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

This nightsaber of rare, sandy color will be your fearsome mount and a symbol of boastfulness, as it looks stunning. You will be able to purchase it once you complete the Darkshore Warfront on Heroic difficulty, making it even more prestigious. 

Besides, the price tag of 350 7th Legion Service Medals or 350 Honorbound Service Medals must be paid to Warfront vendors to get this mount. 

Vicious White Bonesteed

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Looking twisty and menacing, this horse-like mount carrying horns is the mount obtainable in PvP Arena. To be precise, you will get it by fighting in Battle for Azeroth: Season 4 Rated Arena and Rated Battleground Season Reward for Horde faction. 

This time, minimum requirements for this mount are a little higher requiring level 40+ and Journeyman Riding spell.

Above all, only these races will be able to mount it: Orc, Undead, Tauren, Troll, Goblin, Blood Elf, Pandaren, Nightborne, Highmountain Tauren, Zandalari Troll, Dark Iron Dwarf, Vulpera, Mag’har Orc.

Vicious White Warsaber

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

In a form of armored tiger, here comes the noble White Warsaber, looking striking. Similarly, you’ll need to fight in Battle for Azeroth: Season 4 Rated Arena and it will come as Rated Battleground Season Reward for Alliance faction. 

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As the previous mount, it requires a minimum of level 40 and Journeyman Riding spell and particularly, these races will be able to mount it: Human, Dwarf, Night Elf, Gnome, Draenei, Worgen, Pandaren, Void Elf, Lightforged Draenei, Kul Tiran, Vulpera, Mag’har Orc, Mechagnome.

Wastewander Skyterror

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Vulture with red wings, grey on the edges, and the wide wings is how can we describe this mount. It really looks like “terror in the sky” and you can buy it from Provisioner Qorra – the Uldum Accord Quartermaster with a price of 24,000 Gold. 

However, you’ll also need to reach Exalted with the new Neutral faction called Uldum Accord.

Clutch of Ha-Li

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

You can get this grim bird-like mount at the drop-chance of 2.97% from Ha-Li who spawns at 30 38 in Vale of Eternal Blossom during Mogu assaults.

Corrupted Gladiator’s Proto-Drake

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Majestically creepy, colossal mount chained with iron that feeds on fear and comes from PvP mode. 

To get this powerful gladiator, you must win in 50 3v3 battles at Elite during BfA Season 4 and you’ll get it as a reward.

Mechagon Mechanostrider

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

This robotic birdy-shaped mount looks technically advanced and funny with its erratic movement. You will get it as a reward from unlocking Mechagnome Allied Race by following these steps:

  • Purchase BfA expansion if you already haven’t
  • Complete Mechagon storyline to achieve The Mechagonian Threat achievement
  • Run as many Mechagon daily quests as you can to collect Rustbold Resistance to achieve Exalted Reputation with Rustbolt Resistance 
  • Complete a dedicated questline related to Gnomes and Mechagnomes cooperating, to unlock Allied Races: Mechagnome

Ren’s Stalwart Hound

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Based on the same model as Xinlao, but a little smaller and with seemingly weaker armor, this mount will be your loyal pet. 

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Therefore, you can get it as a drop at the Vale of Eternal Blossom from Houndlord Ren at 10 32 during Warring Clans Assaults.

Slightly Damp Pile of Fur

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Finally, we are going to finish off with the alpacas we were all waiting. So, the first one that comes with a friendly face and light, sandy color tones is a drop from Uldum’s zone – Vol’dun. 

You’ll need to defeat Dunegorger Kraulok at 44,56.

Elusive Quickhoof

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

Well, here is the same friendly-looking alpaca with darker skin tones and you can find it wandering in the dunes of Vol’dun. 

Meanwhile, make sure you bring Seaside Leafy Greens to feed the Elusive Quickhoof to get a chance to mount it. Most importantly, there are at least 15 possible locations where it can spawn, so we advise to make a raid group of players. Next, just split and make sure everyone looks at a different place, and once someone finds it, everyone will get the mount. 

Springfur Alpaca

Bfa New Mounts Guide: Updated For The Wow Patch 8.3

The third and the last, the lightest looking alpaca covered in spring-like tones will come as a reward from hidden quest Alpaca It Up in Uldum. 

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Be ready, as you’ll need to spend 7 days feeding it Gersahl Greens that you can also find in Uldum.


Well, here you have it all – every single of 26 available mounts is described and you can choose the ones that suit you the best. 

Also, you can go for them all as you now have all the information about them, so it will be one hella experience. Good luck and go get ‘em!

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