Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Destiny 2
By: friolt
16 min read
Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

The Destiny 2: Into the Light expansion comes to us, bringing many new things. A new weapon, new balances, many new things. But all of them are eclipsed by the Destiny 2 Onslaught mode. What’s this? Ok, it’s the new hybrid/Tower Defense mode, and we’ve dived into it before you, all just to provide the best Destiny 2 Onslaught mode guide. In our Destiny 2 onslaught guide, you’ll find information not only about what the hell Light’s Onslaught mode is and when the Final Shape expansion is. You will find information about:

  1. Tricks for the into the light’s onslaught mode.
  2. Best Builds of the Onslaught mode in the destiny 2. For the Warlock. For the Titan, and for the hunter.


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What is Onslaught mode in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Onslaught mode? It’s Destiny 2’s fresh take on a horde mode, rolled out with the Into the Light update. Picture you and your squad, up to three players, holding down the fort against endless waves of baddies. It’s got that classic wave-based defense vibe but with a Destiny twist. Fans are hyped ’cause it’s not just about shooting; you’re setting up defenses, using your brains, and tackling bonus objectives. Lord Shaxx is running the show, and yeah, it’s not his usual Crucible gig.

Genre? It’s like if a wave-based shooter and a tower defense game had a Destiny-flavored baby. Loads of action, strategy with defenses, and all that good stuff.

Challenge ModeDive into up to 50 waves in the Challenge version, facing escalating difficulties, including a Grandmaster level challenge.
Three Player ModeOnslaught supports a three-player fireteam with matchmaking available, offering a cooperative horde defense experience. Higher difficulties may require pre-made teams.
DefensesSpend scrap earned from killing enemies on defenses like trip mines and turrets to bolster your ADU’s security. Defenses can be upgraded for enhanced effectiveness.
Bonus ObjectivesEngage in timely bonus objectives within waves for rewards such as heavy ammo crates, with challenges scaling in difficulty.
Lord ShaxxActing as the mode’s vendor, Shaxx opens his arsenal to aid Guardians, marking a new role outside of the Crucible.
Wave-BasedExperience a wave-based horde mode set in the Last City, defending against successive groups of enemies from the Fallen, Hive, and potentially Taken factions.
Rewards & HypeRewards include gear, materials, and unique items, with a new reputation called ‘Hype’ under Lord Shaxx. Chests are awarded every 10 waves, with Challenge mode offering double rewards.
Social Space & MapsMention of a new social space, with Onslaught battles taking place on multiple maps, including reworked PvP maps for new tactical challenges.
Enemy VarietyEncounter a mix of Fallen and Hive enemies, with Champions dropping valuable materials. The Taken are mentioned for other activities, suggesting varied enemy engagements.
Lore & ArsenalThe lore explains the necessity of building defenses in the Last City as we assault the Witness. Shaxx will reveal frowned-upon Crucible weapons for our use


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Expect a blend of strategy, teamwork, and good old shooting. Plus, it’s a chance to see the Last City in a new light (pun intended). And for those nostalgic for the Midnight Coup, you might see some familiar faces

How to pass through all the 50 waves in Destiny 2

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Of course, to pass through all the 50 waves, you must be meta-equipped, and play the games, but we’re prepare you some obvious for us, but not for all obvious tricks, and advices. Of course, then Onslaught comes to us in the release (9 april), many things will be changed, but for today, we can advise you to collect the meta build from the following instruction in the next part of our article!

The ADU, or Automated Defense Unit, is your best bud in Onslaught mode. Think of it as the VIP you’re throwing everything to protect. If its health hits zero, it’s game over, so keep it healthy.

Now, onto the tips for handling those 50 waves:

  1. ADU Health: Keep it topped off. Enemies drop stuff to fix it up. Don’t slack here.
  2. Strategic Defense: Trip mines and turrets are your go-to. Put them where they’ll do the most damage without getting trashed too early.
  3. Scrap Smart: You’re not swimming in scrap. Sometimes, save up and beef up what you’ve got instead of going on a spending spree.
  4. ADU Moves: After every 10 waves, the ADU packs up and moves. Stay flexible and move your gear accordingly.
  5. Bonus Objectives = Ammo: These can be a lifesaver. Completing them usually drops heavy ammo. Keep an eye out.
  6. Roles in the Team: Split the work. Someone on bonus duty, others on defense, makes everything smoother.
  7. Know Your Enemy: Each enemy type has its quirks. Figure them out and take them down faster.
  8. Boss Fight Tricks: Boss augments are like cheat codes. Hit those bonus goals for an easier takedown.
  9. Stay Moving: Don’t be an easy target. Keep those legs moving and stay alive.
  10. Flex Your Loadout: Be ready to switch up your gear. Different waves might need different tools.

Remember, Onslaught’s a refreshing twist with plenty of excitement. Whether you’re a solo player getting matched with a team or bringing your own crew, it’s all about strategy, quick decisions, and a bit of chaos. Keep these tips in mind, and you’ll find playing through those waves a bit more doable with a destiny 2 onslaught guide

Destiny 2 Onslaught | Revenant innovations

In Destiny 2 Onslaught: Salvation from the Revenant episode, players face new challenges with enemy waves of Scorn, Shadow Legion, and Dread. This version brings exciting changes, including Revenant Barons that can revive unless their Totems are destroyed. Players also encounter cages holding Eliksni prisoners, which are protected by dark bubbles. To rescue them, destroy the Totems inside the bubble while managing enemy spawn points and using crowd control tactics even in the best map.

New defenses like turrets and air-strike stations add a tactical edge, helping players deal with boss waves and other enemy spawn points. These defenses include turrets with Solar rounds and trip mines that provide additional crowd control in tight lanes or open spaces. Players can also use powerful tools like rocket launchers or a machine gun to maintain control. Two types of tonics—Volatile and Enriching—provide offensive boosts or help players control their loot. Using these tonics regularly in the Onslaught activity ensures maximum rewards.

Revenant BaronsElite enemies that revive unless their Totem is destroyed
Eliksni CagesBubbles with Totems that imprison Eliksni; destroy Totems to save them
BanesEnemy buffs adding challenge like electric shocks or meteor spawns
TurretsPlayer-controlled weapons with upgrades like Solar rounds
Air-strike StationsCall down lasers when enemies enter a targeted area
Volatile TonicsOffensive tonics that boost abilities and weapon damage
Enriching TonicsAllows control over Onslaught rewards like Revenant armor or weapons
Heavy AmmoAvailable to help deal with boss waves and other enemies
Darkness FragmentsCollect fragments to boost abilities or weaken enemies in the fight
Spawn PointsKey areas where enemy waves appear
Shielded SkybombersFlying enemies with shields that require strategic destruction
Full HealthEnemies can regain full health if not dealt with quickly
Woven MailDefensive boost, particularly useful in tight lanes or open spaces
Strand TitanA recommended subclass for crowd control and defense
Rally FlagEssential for replenishing abilities and heavy ammo during tough waves

Recommended builds for the Destiny 2 OnSlaught mode

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Before you will read this part of our recommendations, we want to inform you, about the article about the Destiny 2 Onslaught mode, was released (in a first draft) in a few days before the D2 Horde mode was released, so, some of our advices may be inaccurate, and the META builds with God Rolls will be another, but based on information we have, and we datamined, we can advise you the following builds


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Warlock Builds for Onslaught Mode

Phoenix Protocol Build

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Ensures sustained healing and damage buffs by chaining Wells of Radiance, perfect for defending against waves of enemies.

Key ItemsDescription
Exotic: Phoenix ProtocolCentral to chaining Wells of Radiance.
Weapons: Scatter Signal, Core AxisesFlexible choices with a preference for burst damage in hectic scenarios.
Mods: Solar Surge, Strand Surge, Strand ReservesEnhances elemental damage and ammo efficiency.

A must-have for its defensive prowess, especially in harder modes.

Osmomancy Turret Build

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Utilizes stasis turrets for crowd control, enhanced by Berry Bloodline for grenade regeneration and Devour for survivability.

Key ItemsDescription
Exotic: Osmomancy GlovesFor stasis turret deployment.
Weapons: Demolitionist Machine Gun (Void)Paired with void for enhanced grenade energy regeneration.
Mods: Void Reserves, Stacks on Stacks, Charged UpFocus on energy regeneration and grenade spamming.

Ideal for controlling enemy movement and maintaining high damage output.

Necrotic Thorn Build

Dominates with area damage through Thorn’s poison effects and Necrotic Grips. Ideal for group wipes and mini-boss damage.

Key ItemsDescription
Exotic: Necrotic Grips, ThornThorn’s poison effect paired with Grips for collateral damage.
Mods: Double Kinetic Surge, Impact Induction, Thread of GenerationEnhances poison damage and melee-to-grenade energy conversion.


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Titan Builds for Onslaught Mode

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Wormgod Caress Build

Amplifies melee damage significantly, excelling in close-quarters combat against crowds and tanky enemies.

Key ItemsDescription
Exotic: Wormgod CaressIncreases melee damage, crucial for the build’s strategy.
Weapons: Navigator, One-Two Punch ShotgunNavigator sets up tangles, Shotgun for burst damage.
Mods: Unraveling Orbs, Thread of Warding/PropagationFor ability regeneration and enhanced survivability.

Brings unmatched brute force to the fray, a top pick for offensive Titans.

Arc Heart of Inmost Light Build:

Leverages storm grenades for continuous ad clear, using mods and aspects for maximum grenade regeneration.

Key ItemsDescription
Exotic: Heart of Inmost LightEnhances grenade, melee, and barricade abilities.
Weapons: Demolitionist Song of Iute, Iterative LoopFor grenade energy on kills.
Mods: Spark of Amplitude, Spark of Ions, Stacks on StacksAims for maximum grenade spam capability.

A powerful option for Titans preferring ranged destruction with constant storm grenade spam.

Severance Enclosure Build

Utilizes explosive melee attacks for substantial ad clear, supported by solar weaponry for versatility.

Key ItemsDescription
Exotic: Severance EnclosureEnables explosive melee kills.
Weapons: Parabellum (Solar), GjallarhornParabellum for ad clear, Gjallarhorn for bosses.
Mods: Solar Surge, Ember of EmpyreanBoosts solar damage and provides survivability through healing.

Offers an explosive and dynamic playstyle, underused but highly effective for melee-focused players.

Hunter Builds for Onslaught Mode

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Osmiomancy Dust Field Build

Achieves near-constant grenade availability, controlling large groups with ease.

Key ItemsDescription
Exotic: Renewal GraspsEssential for spawning stasis crystals in grenades.
Weapons: Iterative Loop, WitherhoardDemolitionist weapons for grenade energy.
Mods: Stacks on Stacks, Grenade Kickstart, Elemental ChargeEnsures rapid grenade regeneration and energy management.

A master of control, providing unparalleled area denial with frequent dust fields.

Gwisin Vest Bloodline Build

Utilizes synergies for invisibility, damage output, and survivability, making the hunter a versatile threat.

Key ItemsDescription
Exotic: Gwisin Vest, Gear Falcon’s HauberkEnables and enhances invisibility and volatile rounds.
Weapons: Buried Bloodline (with Catalyst)Key for weakening and damaging targets.
Mods: Echo of Starvation, Echo of CessationTriggers devour and void breaches, boosting damage and survivability.

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Offers deep synergistic gameplay, blending stealth, damage, and utility for a top-tier hunter experience.

Triton’s Vice Arc Build

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

A unique ad clear approach using glaive projectiles for area control and damage.

Key ItemsDescription
Exotic: Triton’s ViceCentral to the build’s strategy with glaive projectile detonations.
Weapons: Unexpected Resurgence GLAFor blinding effects and synergy with glaive.
Mods: Spark of Beacon, Flow State, Stacks on StacksAims for sustainability and maximized damage output with glaive

A novel and effective method, ideal for players seeking to experiment with innovative gameplay techniques.

Rewards on the Destiny 2 Onslaught mode

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

If you do not found a specific gear, which dropt from the Destiny 2 Onslaught mode, please visit our page a little bit later, we’ll upgrade the Destiny 2 Loot Table as soon, as it been on the release (9 april).

Hung Jury SR4Scout RiflePrimaryKinetic
Midnight CoupHand CannonPrimaryKinetic
The MountaintopGrenade LauncherSpecialKinetic
The RecluseSubmachine GunPrimaryVoid
Edge TransitGrenade LauncherHeavyVoid
Falling GuillotineSwordHeavyVoid
HammerheadMachine GunHeavyVoid
Blast FurnacePulse RiflePrimaryKinetic
ForbearanceGrenade LauncherSpecialArc
SuccessionSniper RifleSpecialKinetic
Elsie’s RiflePulse RiflePrimaryVoid
Luna’s HowlHand CannonPrimarySolar

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Also you can expect for the following loot items in the Destiny 2: Onslaught mode

Reward TypeDetails
Exclusive WeaponsMidnight Coup, Hung Jury, more with unique perks.
Armor SetsOnslaught-specific sets to showcase achievements.
Upgrade MaterialsCores, Prisms, Shards for gear optimization.
CosmeticsShaders, emblems, Ghost shells themed around Onslaught.
Ammo CratesBonus heavy ammo for completing objectives.
High-tier GearLegendary & Exotic loot from challenging waves.
‘Hype’ ReputationEarned for upgrades and gear from Shaxx

Vendors of the Destiny 2: Onslaught mode

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

In Onslaught mode, the big man himself, Lord Shaxx, steps up as the vendor. You’ll find him hanging out in the Last City, gearing up Guardians with what they need for the upcoming march against the Witness. He’s opening up his arsenal to offer some firepower that’s usually not on the table. If you’re familiar with Shaxx from the Crucible, you’ll know where to look for him; just follow the sound of his booming voice and those towering horns.

VendorWhat Is He Selling?Where It May Be Found
Lord ShaxxArsenal including exclusive weapons, armors, and possibly some frowned-upon Crucible goodies.In the Last City, likely near his usual spot in the Tower or a specific location tied to the Onslaught mode activities.

Maps and Locations for the Destiny 2 Onslaught mode

Defending the Last City’s nooks and crannies and storming through some seriously spooky Pyramid ship hallways. Destiny 2: Onslaught mode throws you into the thick of it, transforming familiar PvP stomping grounds into your new favorite spots to unleash chaos. You’re not just running and gunning; you’re strategizing in every alley and turn, all jazzed up with a bit of Pyramid flair. It’s like meeting your old PvP maps for the first time again, but this time, they’ve got a dark, mysterious twist. Destiny 2: Onslaught mode is all about keeping you on your toes and making every location count.

Map NameDescription
MidtownDestiny 2: Onslaught mode kicks off here, but it’s not your usual PvP playground. Expect some Pyramid magic changing up lanes and adding a fresh challenge.
Pyramid ShipNot just for sightseeing; in Destiny 2: Onslaught mode, you’re here on business. Dunk sparks, face bosses, and defend against the Witness’s minions in close quarters.
The Last CityThe heart of Destiny 2: Onslaught mode. Defend your home turf across various locations, each offering unique tactical challenges.

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Destiny 2: onslaught Currency — SCRAP

Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Scrap in Destiny 2: Onslaught mode is basically your do-it-all currency. Think of it as the cash you need to beef up your defenses. You bag this stuff by knocking down enemies. The more baddies you drop, the more scrap you pocket. It’s what you use to slap down trip mines, turrets, or even those handy decoys that keep the heat off you and your squad.

  • Acquisition: Every enemy you take down drops scrap. More enemies, more scrap. Trip Mines drop 1.000 Scrap. Turrets – 2.000 Scrap. Decoys – 2.000 SCRAP
  • Spending: Use scrap to place defenses around the ADU (your main thing to protect) or to beef up existing ones.
  • Upgrades: Defenses aren’t static; they can be upgraded three times. Each level up increases effectiveness but also the scrap cost, exponentially.
  • Choices: With a finite amount of scrap and increasing costs, you’ve got to make calls—spread out your defenses with basic coverage, or go all in on a few high-level powerhouses?
  • Individual Economy: Scrap is personal. You earn it as a team, but everyone spends their stash individually. This means communication is key—you don’t want to double up unintentionally or leave a side undefended.
  • Costs and Benefits: Initial defenses might be cheap, but fully upgrading a turret, for instance, can cost upwards of 12,000 scrap. Balancing immediate needs against future waves is a continuous challenge.
  • Risk of Loss: Deploy smartly. If a defense gets destroyed, you’re re-buying and re-upgrading from square one.

Want to make those defenses meaner? Scrap’s your go-to for upgrades, making your gear hit harder, last longer, or shoot faster. But, here’s the kicker: it ain’t endless. You gotta be smart about where you spend it, especially since each upgrade’s price tag gets steeper. And if your gear gets trashed, you’re starting from scratch, no discounts. So, strategize, prioritize, and spend that scrap wisely to keep the enemy at bay.

Destiny 2: Onslaught mode by plot

The big bad Witness is making moves against our solar system, setting its sights right inside the Traveler. With Destiny 2’s Into the Light launch on April 9th, we’ve got Crow, Mara, and Osiris hustling to build a bridge into the Traveler to kick some Witness behind. But, as usual, the Witness ain’t playing nice, trying to keep us all cooped up in the Last City with every trick in the book.

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So, what’s our move? Destiny 2’s Onslaught mode is our training ground. It’s where we gear up, sharpen our skills, and snag some shiny new toys (thanks to Shaxx opening up his Brave Arsenal) to prep for the final showdown in the Final Shape. It’s all about breaking free, discovering new powers, and not letting the Witness keep us pinned down. Destiny 2’s Onslaught mode isn’t just another horde mode; it’s the battleground for our preparation against the looming threat, all while keeping our home safe from being overrun. So yeah, Destiny 2’s Onslaught mode is where it’s at for gearing up and getting ready to take on whatever the Witness throws our way.


Destiny 2 Onslaught Guide

Destiny 2: Onslaught mode, it’s clear this isn’t just another item on your Destiny to-do list. It’s a full-on strategic battleground where every decision counts, from choosing the right build to mastering the art of defense with that crucial scrap currency. Whether you’re strategizing defenses in the heart of the Last City or taking the fight to the Witness in the depths of a Pyramid ship, Onslaught mode demands more than just firepower—it asks for brains to match.

As you and your team gear up to face wave after relentless wave, remember: this mode is more than just survival; it’s about preparation for the ultimate showdown in the Final Shape. With Lord Shaxx providing the arsenal and the City as your arena, every round is an opportunity to refine your tactics and prove your mettle.


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For those ready to take on the challenge, keep those tips handy, lean into your team, and don’t forget—every enemy felled and every scrap spent brings you one step closer to victory. Destiny 2: Onslaught mode isn’t just a test of endurance; it’s a proving ground for Guardians ready to defend the light against all odds.

So, Lightbearers, it’s time to rally. Onslaught mode is more than just the latest addition to Destiny 2—it’s a call to arms, a chance to stand shoulder to shoulder with your fellow Guardians and push back the darkness threatening our home. Ready your weapons, strategize your defenses, and step into the fray.

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What exactly is Destiny 2: Onslaught Mode?

Onslaught Mode is a new hybrid tower defense and horde mode in Destiny 2, introduced with the Into the Light update. It’s a three-player cooperative mode where you defend against waves of enemies while managing defenses and tackling bonus objectives.

How many players can join in Onslaught Mode?

Onslaught Mode supports up to three players in a fireteam. You can join with friends or use matchmaking to team up with other Guardians.

What are the key features of Onslaught Mode?

Key features include wave-based combat against the Fallen, Hive, and possibly Taken enemies, the use of scrap currency to build and upgrade defenses like turrets and trip mines, and completing bonus objectives for extra rewards.

Can I play Onslaught Mode solo?

Yes, you can enter Onslaught Mode solo and get matched with other players. Higher difficulty levels might require a pre-made team for the best chance of success.

What rewards can I earn in Onslaught Mode?

Rewards include exclusive weapons, armor sets, upgrade materials, cosmetics, and more. Completing waves and bonus objectives grants chests with valuable loot.

How does the scrap currency work?

Scrap is earned by defeating enemies and is used to purchase and upgrade defensive units like turrets, trip mines, and decoys. It’s a crucial part of your strategy in Onslaught Mode.

Are there different difficulty levels in Onslaught Mode?

Yes, there’s a Normal mode for casual play and a Challenge mode for those seeking a tougher challenge, including up to 50 waves and Grandmaster-level difficulties.

How do I protect the Automated Defense Unit (ADU)?

Keep the ADU’s health up by using repair batteries dropped by enemies and strategically placing your defenses around it to fend off attackers.

What strategies should I use to succeed in Onslaught Mode?

Focus on building a balanced team, managing your scrap wisely to upgrade defenses, completing bonus objectives for extra rewards, and adapting your tactics to the diverse enemy types you’ll face.

Is Onslaught Mode connected to the Destiny 2 storyline?

Yes, Onslaught Mode ties into the Into the Light storyline, emphasizing the Guardians’ efforts to defend the Last City and prepare for the final battle against the Witness in the upcoming The Final Shape expansion.

What specific loot can drop in Onslaught Mode?

In Onslaught Mode, you have a chance to snag revamped classics and new gear, including the Hung Jury SR4 Legendary Scout Rifle and the Midnight Coup Legendary Hand Cannon. Also, lookout for exclusive weapons with unique perks, armor sets, and potentially rare cosmetics.

How much scrap do I need to deploy basic defenses?

To deploy basic defenses in Onslaught Mode, you’ll need the following amounts of scrap:

Trip Mines: 1,000 scrap; Turrets: 2,000 scrap ; Decoys: 2,000 scrap.

Can defenses be upgraded? If yes, what’s the cost escalation?

Yes, defenses can be upgraded three times, each increasing in effectiveness and cost. The initial upgrade is relatively affordable, but fully upgrading a defense like a turret can cost up to 12,000 scrap, reflecting the exponential cost increase with each level for delivery point from pyramid rounds.

What are the rewards for completing bonus objectives during waves?

Completing bonus objectives can grant you heavy ammo crates and other valuable resources to aid in your defense. These objectives scale with difficulty, offering greater rewards as you progress at the easiest map size.

How does the Challenge Mode differ from the Normal Mode?

Challenge Mode ramps up the difficulty with up to 50 waves of enemies and requires more strategic defense placement and resource management. It’s divided into sets of 10 waves, with the ADU moving locations to introduce new tactical challenges.

What are the different enemy factions encountered in Onslaught Mode?

You’ll face a variety of enemies from the Fallen and Hive factions. As you advance through the waves, you may also encounter Taken enemies, adding to the mode’s diversity and challenge.

What makes Onslaught harder on legend difficulty?

On legend difficulty, Onslaught becomes much tougher. Enemies hit harder, and they might have spark charge powers, making them more dangerous. You will need to use your best solar weapons and other weapons to deal with stronger enemies. A good strategy is to find the right delivery points and use heavy gear like a rocket launcher when things get tough. Reaching the adu point is key to surviving waves, especially when enemies come in big numbers.

How do I prepare for Onslaught?

Before starting, make sure you bring powerful gear, like solar weapons and a rocket launcher. Always check your saved email or followed topics to stay updated on the latest tips for Destiny 2 Onslaught. Using the account maximum to its full potential is helpful when playing, especially with limited gear. The Last City location is important as well because it gives access to spark charge abilities that help during the fight.
