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The raid features four boss fights, a jumping puzzle, and various secrets for skilled gamers to solve in pursuit of additional loot and triumphs. The raid begins with the escort encounter similar to one of the open world events in the Throne World – ride the barge and clear your way through waves of Scorn to the Pyramid Entrance. In order to simplify your task, order a Vow of the Disciple raid boost, and we will help you get all the rewards.
This is possible since one gamer has already succeeded, but in order to be guaranteed to pass the Vow of Disciple raid, you will need preparation and a reliable team. Request a special service for Vow of the Disciple raid boost to satisfy all your needs.
The visual symbols callout table is a signature mechanic of the Vow of the Disciple raid presented in each encounter and throughout the whole raid, requiring players to correctly call out certain images for the whole fireteam. Trying to memorize them using the follow-up images would be the first thing to do before the raid.
There are four raid challenges on a weekly rotation, all of them being activated when the VoD is on the Raid Rotation. Completing a weekly challenge grants bonus loot from the raid encounter, including Red Border weapons.
There are two chests hidden inside the raid – you can easily collect them both by checking the Extra option on the Vow of the Disciple Carry service.
All Legendary weapons from the Vow of the Disciple raid are craftable – to unlock any specific pattern you must get five Red Border (Deepsight Resonance) versions of a respective weapon. It is possible to get a Deepsight weapon drop from encounter completion or from secret chests. Drop from the special raid puzzle chest and the first weapon bought with the Spoils of Conquest will be a guaranteed Deepsight drop.
Here’s a table of possible Vow of the Disciple raid loot drops from each raid encounter:
Acquisition | Caretaker | Exhibition | Rhulk |
Weapons: |
Weapons: |
Weapons: |
Weapons: |
Armor: Head Chest Legs |
Armor: Head Arms Class Item |
Armor: Head Chest Legs |
Armor: Head Arms Class Item |
After completing each of the all the encounters, the gamer receives a Disciple raid loot. Players can find secret chests also have mods after finishing full raid.
There are two chests hidden inside the raid – you can easily collect them both by checking the Extra option on the Vow of the Disciple Carry service.
In this raid, you’ll go through four different encounters. Each time you finish one, you can get special armor, specific weapons, and other drops. If you don’t want to spend a lot of time on the raid, you can pay for a Vow of the Disciple raid boost and still get all the fantastic rewards. Disciple vow raid encounters are:
Acquisition. Venture inside the Pyramid to your first encounter – let’s hope you remember all the callouts to make it past this point. Split your team into pairs of Readers calling out the symbols and directions, and Runners killing the Knights and Glyphkeepers, revealing the final symbols.
The Caretaker. Second Encounter is a mix of the puzzle with the boss fight. The Caretaker is an unstoppable scorn-like creature that will slowly move toward the Obelisk to drain its energy and wipe your fire team. You must cleanse the Obelisk yet again.
Exhibition. Third encounter, and probably the most challenging in the entire raid. This fight requires a good level of communication and puts more personal responsibility on each individual player in the fireteam because every member of the group will have to pick up one of the relics at least once while you rush through the encounter against the wipe timer.
Rhulk. The last boss of the Vow of Disciple raid. The team needs to work together, and complete two phases using raid symbols.
Certainly! The Guardian can acquire this exotic weapon after completing the VoD. You and your team will need to defeat Rhulk. However, Collective Obligation is a random drop from Vod. You can get it only with a certain chance. I may take weeks to get this exotic to your collection. You will need to go through the raid again and so on until you receive Collective Obligation.
Disciple raid armor is a set of armor for raids, pieces of which are randomly dropped during battles in the Vow of the raid Disciple, and the drop rates are quite low.
Rhulk is the last boss of the raid is the First disciple of the Witness – wait for the end cutscene to find out more! Once you face this ominous figure, you may ask yourself who is the real boss of the Witch Queen expansion. It is a unique raid encounter where the boss is actively trying to reach and kill you, instead of standing still and taking the fire. This towering monstrosity means business, and you can find it the hard way.
Encounter consists of two repeating phases – you must reach the boss by charging the totems and pushing back the Darkness wall. Once you do, Rhulk will face your fire team on the top platform.
As we said, during this phase Rhulk will chase you, charge at you, and shoot laser beams. Keep up the distance and shoot his weak points to initiate the DPS phase. You will repeat the process a few times – the third DPS phase will be your final chance to kill the boss before the enrage. As soon as he reaches critical HP, Rhulk will activate his Last Stand – save your supers and heavy ammo to kill him as fast as possible.
Defeat the Rhulk, look out for the Collective Obligation drop, and watch the end cutscene which introduces a new villain and sets the story going from the Witch Queen to the future expansions.
It all depends on the options you choose and how many rewards you want to receive. The maximum time it takes to complete the Vow of the Disciple raid is 8 hours. But if you want to get a Collective obligation, then the passage may take even longer because it is impossible to guarantee getting this weapon.
The Vow of the Disciple Forbearance grenade launcher, is a weapon that experienced players can get in Destiny 2 a few different ways. You might find it after beating one of the bosses in the Vow raid, discover it in a secret treasure chest somewhere in there, or buy it from the final loot chest if you have enough Spoils of Conquest currency.
The Vow of Disciple raid was added with the Witch Queen DLC. You have chances to get Submission as random loot from the first, second, or third encounters in Vow. Once you’ve picked it up, it can also randomly drop from both hidden chests in the depths of full raid.
The player must complete the entire Vow of the Disciple raid without dying. In addition to flawless triumph, you will also receive Divinity’s Caress Shader. Our team can perform flawless completion buy vow boost.
You will need a minimum of 1600+ power level for your Guardian.
In addition to the significant increase in difficulty, Master Vow of the Disciple features additional modifiers such as Match Game and includes Overload and Unstoppable champions. Completing challenges in Master Vow rewards players with Adept versions of raid weapons and Stat-Focused Armor.
Taking into account both the difficulty of Master Vow and the reasonable price of our services, it is much easier to buy VoW of the Disciple boost instead of hours of tense, nervous gameplay. Visit the dedicated page to learn more about the Master Vow of the Disciple Carry service.
You don’t need to watch guides or read about the Normal mode VoD, you just must trust all the difficulties in full raid to us. As a result, get raid rewards after disciple raid completion and do not spend a lot of time on it. Get powerful weapons, armor set and other reward fast and efficiently.