Destiny Crota’s End Guide | From Destiny 1 to Season of Wishes

Destiny 2
By: friolt
14 min read
Destiny 2 Crota'S End

So, guardians, it’s the end! The Crota’s End. To be honest, there isn’t more underestimated raid in the Destiny world. Like in games similar to World of Warcraft, with their iconic raids, like. Like the Diablo with a literally Diablo, The Crota’s End is the avatar of iconicity. This raid has more than 10 years of history. It’s transforms from the Destiny 1, to Destiny 2. And there’re A huge rumor, about we’ll seen the Crota’s end Again in the What? You’re goddamn Left! In the Destiny 3!

So, the time has come. And even the portal Like the EpicCarry must to overview the Raid in our famous, helpful and useful manner! That’s why, this time we recommend you to use our table of contents (on the left side of your screen), in cause of this time, firstly we’re put all the useful information, like:

  1. Loot table, and other crota’s end rewards
  2. Optimal route to clear the Crota’s end.
  3. Boss tactics.

In cause, if you’re googled the Destiny Crota’s End, you’re expect for finding helpful tricks from our guide.

But we’re not limit you only with these points, and put a little of attractive parts, about our Nostalgy about the Crota’s end in the times of the Destiny 1. A Destiny plot about crota’s end. And other things, which are more about attraction, and interesting facts about that raid. So, keep you Taraxippos, and let the Raiding Begin!

Crota’s end Table loot

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

So let’s start from a thing, you’re visiting this Crota’s end raid guide. From a Loot table. For your convenience we’re put not only the boss, and who it’s drop, but the god roll ,if you want to farm crota’s end world.

NameTypeTierWay to GetGod RollCommentary
Oversoul Edict (Adept)Pulse RifleExoticDeathsinger or Crota encountersFull Auto, High-Caliber RoundsShreds Thralls like nobody’s business!
Abyss Defiant (Adept)Auto RifleExoticOnly players who are pass through a Weekly Challenge Mode can get itFocused Fire, Lich BaneToasts Hive like marshmallows.
Word of Crota (Adept)Hand CannonExoticWeekly Challenge ModeZen Moment, Phantom GiftHeadshot heaven!
Fang of Ir Yût (Adept)Scout RifleExoticWeekly Challenge Mode for a entire encounterThird Eye, Perfect BalanceWizard sniper extraordinaire.
Black SpindleSniper RifleExoticBy completing raid encountersWhite Nail, MulliganCrota’s worst nightmare.
Light of the AbyssFusion RifleLegendaryBridge encounterHip Fire, Accelerated CoilsKnight zapper!
SwordbreakerShotgunLegendaryBridge encounterFull Auto, Final RoundPerfect for those ‘up close’ moments.
Song of Ir YûtMachine GunLegendaryDefeat CrotaCrowd Control, Field ScoutLays the Hive to rest, peacefully.

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Crota’s end raid entrance

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

Crota’s End in D2? Starts at the Hellmouth. Your crew needs to build a bridge (think like a giant Hive jigsaw puzzle). Grab the Chalice of Light, charge it up, then play tag with it. Charge, pass, repeat. You’re looking to light up the bridge plate and get that thing fully formed.

Once the bridge is up, it’s time to take a dive into the Moon’s guts. That’s your entrance, right into the thick of it. Get ready for some wild stuff down there, like wrestling with Crota’s health bar, snagging exclusive rewards, and tackling the Deathsinger encounter.

All about teamwork, timing, and not falling into the abyss. Keep your eyes on the prize, watch those debuffs, and remember, only the enlightened players can deal the real damage. So, hop in, get enlightened, and let’s take down Crota!

Reprised crota’s end raid the best route to clear

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

There’s not any specific routes for the Crota’s end. You start from the start, and move to the end!

But if you need, clear the Crota’s end in the following order:

  1. Abyss Run: First up, it’s a spooky lantern jog. Grab the Chalice, light up some lanterns, and watch out for that engulfing darkness. Basically, don’t dawdle, or you’re toast.
  2. Bridge Building Bash: Next, it’s all about making a bridge appear. It’s a bit of a balancing act with the Chalice and swords. Cross over, whack some Gatekeepers, and keep those Hive baddies in check.
  3. Shrieker Showdown: After the bridge, it’s a run up a shrieker-filled hill. Dodge, weave, blast through barriers, and you’re golden.

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  1. Ir Yut, the Deathsinger Duel: This one’s a speed game. Split the squad, find those sneaky Wizards, and then it’s all-out attack on Ir Yut. Keep it snappy, or she’ll sing you to oblivion.
  2. Crota Crunch Time: Finally, it’s the big showdown with Crota. Get that Chalice charged, swipe some swords, and knock down Crota’s shield. Hit him hard and fast. Remember, it’s all about that final stand – bring Crota down before he brings you down.

Bosses in Crota’s end for Challenge mode

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

In The Crota’s end just two bosses, but it’s not a warcraft, and each of boss requires maximal concetration and skill from players:

  1. Ir Yût, the Deathsinger: She’s like a Hive opera singer with a deadly tune. Your entire team needs to stop her song before she wipes everyone out. Think of it as a race against her wicked chorus.
  2. Crota, Son of Oryx: The main man of the raid. Taking down Crota is all about teamwork, swinging Hive swords, and managing that Chalice of Light. It’s a finale where timing, damage dealing, and dodging his attacks are key.

Remember, in the reprised Crota’s End raid, especially in contest mode, these raid encounters ramp up the challenge with tougher mechanics and rewards to match. So, gear up, sync up with your squad, and get ready for some epic boss battles!

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

Ir Yût, the Deathsinger

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

In the depths of Crota’s End, you’ll face Ir Yût, a fearsome wizard with a killer voice. Unlike other raid bosses who love a good brawl, she prefers to sing you to your doom with her Deathsong. It’s a race against time and sound as you dodge her minions and disrupt her deadly concert.

Key Abilities:

  1. Deathsong: Kills everyone who hears it once complete.
  2. Barrier Lock: Initially locked away, becomes accessible after killing Shriekers (Destiny) or Wizards (Destiny 2).
  3. Shield Singer Shriekers and Wizards (Destiny 2): Defend her and must be defeated.

How to Defeat Ir Yût:

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  1. Clear the Room: Focus on taking out Shriekers (Destiny) or Wizards (Destiny 2).
  2. Interrupt the Deathsong: You’ve got a three-minute window to stop her concert.
  3. Deal Massive Damage: Once the barrier drops, unload everything you’ve got.
  4. Challenge Mode (Destiny): Kill her with an Ascendant Sword after clearing the area.
  5. Enlightened Buff (Destiny 2): Use it to access shielded rooms and weaken her.
AspectDestiny 1Destiny 2
Initial PhaseKilling Shriekers to access Ir YûtSlay Blistered Knights, access crystal room
Deathsong MechanicStarts upon detection, 3-minute countdownTriggered after first Wizard kill, 1-minute countdown
Barrier MechanicsDrops after Shriekers are killedShielded rooms, accessible by Enlightened players
Challenge ModeKill everything, then Ir Yût with a swordNot specified
Player Buffs —Enlightened buff needed to access and weaken Ir Yût

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Remember, in Destiny 2’s reprised Crota’s End raid, the whole encounter with Ir Yût gets a fresh spin, making it crucial to adapt and strategize differently from the original raid. It’s all about quick actions, heavy damage, and using the right buffs at the right time.

Crota, Son of Oryx

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

Crota, a massive Knight and the big baddie of Crota’s End, is a beast with a gigantic Cleaver and some mean Darkness Blasts. He’s the ultimate challenge of the raid, throwing everything at you from brutal melee attacks to devastating range strikes. Your whole team’s gonna have to be on point to take this guy down.

Key Abilities:

  1. Devastating Cleaver Strikes: Watch out for his huge sword swings.
  2. Darkness Blasts: Like a Wizard, he’ll hit you from afar.
  3. Shielded: Initially immune to damage. Like it gain elemental shields and it’s stays impossible to defeating crota
  4. Presence of Crota: A debuff that disables health regen.
  5. Oversoul: Summons this if not taken down quickly, wiping the team.

How to Defeat Crota:

Destiny 2 Crota'S End
  1. Gather ’round the Summoning Crystal to get him to appear and start attack crota In sixth person for a few seconds.
  2. Use the Chalice of Light to counteract the Presence of Crota debuff.
  3. Focus firepower on Crota’s Shield to make him vulnerable.
  4. Grab the Ascendant Sword from the Swordbearer and strike Crota.
  5. Repeat the process to whittle down his health at the starting side.
  6. Watch for Oversoul and shoot it down to avoid team wipe.
  7. Final Stand: Push hard at the last quarter of his health, and watch for the Oversoul glitch nad finally killing crota.

Table Comparison: Crota’s End in Destiny 1 and 2

AspectDestiny 1Destiny 2
Presence of CrotaDisables health regenDoesn’t stop regen, but requires pools of Light
Shield MechanicsShoot down with weaponsHit with Cleavers until shield is down
Sword MechanicsOnly way to damage CrotaUsed to down shield, normal damage when vulnerable
Oversoul MechanicsSummons after recovery, insta-killCountdown starts in damage phase, need Enlightened
Final StandLast health quarter, increased intensityBrief immunity, then last stand with Oversoul
Additional ChallengesAge of Triumph Challenge ModeReprised Raid with updated mechanics

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This guide gives you the essentials for taking down Crota in both versions of the raid. Get ready for some epic sword swinging and shield smashing!

Specific raid encounters of the Crota’s End

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

Crota’s End is like the ultimate bottomless pit quest in Destiny. First up, you’re dodging the Weight of Darkness in The Abyss – think pitch-black maze with creepy lamps. Then, at The Bridge, it’s all about teamwork. Two groups, one bridge to build, and some Hive biggies to deal with.

  1. The Abyss: Your first challenge and first encounter at the same time. Navigate the dark maze, dodge the Weight of Darkness debuff, and light up lamps to clear your path. Sprint, double jump, and watch for those exploding lamps!
  2. The Bridge: Split into two teams to form and cross a bridge while juggling Swordbearers and Gatekeepers. It’s a game of timing and defense.
  3. Ir Yût, the Deathsinger: Rush to take down this wizard before she completes her Dark Liturgy. It’s a frantic race against time with lots of adds to clear kill ir yut in ten seconds or less, or you get the incoming damage cap from a first encounter.
  4. Crota, Son of Oryx: The big boss battle. Juggle the Chalice of Light, dodge Crota’s attacks, and whittle down his shield. Sword users play a key role here, and timing your attacks is crucial.

Next, in the Deathsinger encounter, you’re racing to kill Ir Yût before her dark liturgy ends – talk about pressure! Finally, facing Crota himself is epic – think sword users, chalice juggling, and a whole lot of damage dealing.

Throughout, you’re hunting secret chests, grabbing exotic weapons, and dealing with the Enlightened buff.

What the hell is that challenge (contest mode) For Crota’s end?

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

Comparing Crota’s End in Destiny 2’s classical mode vs. contest mode details, here’s a laid-back breakdown for each raid encounter:

1. Enter the Abyss: Classic’s a spooky lantern jog with Weight of Darkness slowing you down. In contest mode, Engulfed in Darkness debuff adds extra tension. You gotta be quick lighting those lanterns and passing the Chalice of Light or it’s game over.

2. Cross the Bridge: Classic’s all about balancing sync plates and Annihilation Totems. In contest mode, it’s a tighter rope walk. The timing’s stricter, and you gotta be sharp with the Chalice and swords.

3. Ir Yût, the Deathsinger: Here, the challenge cranks up. In classic, it’s a rush against her Deathsong. Contest mode? You gotta be precise with clearing enemies and timing your sword strikes against her.

4. Crota, Son of Oryx: The grand finale. In classic, it’s about timing your attacks when his shield’s down. Contest mode? It’s a whole new ball game with an even tighter Oversoul window and the need for perfect coordination with the Chalice.

EncounterClassic ModeContest Mode
Enter the AbyssDeal with Weight of DarknessEngulfed in Darkness debuff adds a twist
Cross the BridgeSync plate and Annihilation Totems managementMore precise timing needed
Ir YûtSpeedy defeat before the Deathsong endsAdded swordplay precision, clear all enemies quickly
CrotaAttack during shield downtimeTighter timing, increased coordination with the Chalice

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In contest mode, every step’s got an extra edge. Timing’s tighter, the stakes are higher, and you gotta be on point with your raid crew.

Attraction part: Crota’s end in the Destiny 1

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

Crota’s End in Destiny 1 is a deep dive into the Hive-infested Hellmouth. It’s all about avenging the devastation caused by Crota, Son of Oryx. You and your team navigate dark, treacherous paths filled with unique foes like Swordbearers and Gatekeepers. The raid unfolds through encounters like the Abyss, where you dodge the Weight of Darkness debuff, and the Bridge, demanding some serious teamwork.

You’ll face the Deathsinger, Ir Yût, in a tense battle against her deadly song, before the final showdown with Crota himself in the center room, where your sword-wielding skills are crucial.

Crota’s end Raid comparison between Destiny 1 & 2

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

Destiny 1 keeps it classic with a 150 power level and some nostalgic bosses like Ir Yût and Crota. Destiny 2 spices it up, boosting the power level to 1790 and adding cool new twists like the Chalice of Light and Enlightened buff. Both versions share the same eerie location at the Hellmouth and have their own unique challenges and rewards. So, whether you’re revisiting the old raid or diving into the updated one, there’s plenty of thrills to experience!

Feature/AspectDestiny 1: Crota’s EndDestiny 2: Crota’s End (Reprised Raid)
Recommended Power Level1501790
LocationThe Hellmouth, Moon/Oversoul Throne, Ascendant RealmThe Hellmouth, Moon/Oversoul Throne, Ascendant Realm
Main ObjectiveEnd Crota, Son of Oryx within his throne worldSimilar, with additional mechanics
Unique EnemiesSwordbearer, GatekeeperBlistered Thrall, Shield Singer of Ir Yût
BossesIr Yût, the Deathsinger; Crota, Son of Oryx (Final Boss)Same, with updated mechanics
Key MechanicsDarkness debuff, bridge formation, sword usageChalice of Light, Enlightened buff, new bridge mechanics
Notable EncountersEnter the Abyss, Cross the Bridge, Ir Yût, the Deathsinger, Crota, Son of OryxUpdated versions of the same encounters with new mechanics
RewardsRadiant Shards, Radiant Energy, DLC Exotic weapons, Armor (God-Knight, Willbreaker, Deathsinger), Legendary & Exotic WeaponsSimilar rewards with some new additions
Challenge ModesIr Yut’s challenge, Crota’s challenge (unique to Destiny 1)Updated challenge modes with new mechanics
Gameplay AccessibilityHigh enough level required; completing expansion’s story missions not necessaryAccessible at appropriate Light level; more inclusive
Notable FeaturesFirst Raid to feature Ascendant Realm, shortest in original DestinyUpdated mechanics like Chalice of Light and Enlightened buff

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Plot of the Crota’s end in the destiny 2

Destiny 2 Crota'S End

Alright, so in both Destiny 1 and 2, Crota’s End is all about Guardians charging into the Hellmouth to kick Crota’s butt. The story’s pretty much the same – you’re there to show Crota who’s boss. But, Destiny 2 spices things up with some cool new tricks like the Chalice of Light and giving everyone the Enlightened glow-up. These tweaks change how you play the game, but at the end of the day, it’s still all about taking down Crota in his creepy lair.


Destiny 2 Crota'S End

From the classic Destiny 1 version to the revamped Destiny 2 challenges, it’s been one heck of a ride. We’ve covered everything from the Abyss’s creepy lanterns to the final stand against Crota, and even dished out some pro tips on loot and boss tactics. And yup, there’s no any raid vendor who deal damage in the center plate, while the wizard dies.

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Remember, whether you’re a seasoned sword user taking on Crota or a newbie tackling the Bridge, it’s all about teamwork, timing, and a bit of luck. So, gear up, grab your best exotic weapons, and get ready to dodge those green barriers, tackle the Deathsinger, and expunge Crota once and for all. Happy raiding, and watch out for those hidden chests along the way.

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How to do Crota’s End?

To complete Crota’s End raid, start at the Hellmouth to build the bridge. Navigate the Abyss with the Chalice of Light to avoid the darkness debuff. Cross the Bridge by balancing sync plates and defeating Swordbearers. In the Deathsinger encounter, quickly eliminate Wizards and disrupt Ir Yût’s Deathsong. Finally, face Crota by managing the Chalice of Light, breaking his shield, and attacking with the Ascendant Sword. Coordination, timing, and understanding each encounter’s mechanics are crucial, and we’re can say what there is wipe mehcanic.

Is Crota’s End Raid Hard?

The difficulty of Crota’s End can vary. In its original form, it was considered more straightforward compared to other raids. However, the reprised version in Destiny 2, especially in contest mode, increases the difficulty significantly with tighter timings, tougher enemies, and additional mechanics like the Enlightened buff.

Where is Crota’s End Raid Located?

Crota’s End raid is located in the Hellmouth on the Moon. It takes players deep into the Hive-infested underground, culminating in the Ascendant Realm where Crota, Son of Oryx, awaits in his throne world.

What’s new in Destiny 2’s Crota’s End raid?

In Destiny 2, Crota’s End raid has been reprised with new mechanics like the Chalice of Light and Enlightened buffs. These new features change how players navigate the raid, especially in contest mode, making it different from the original in Destiny 1.

How does contest mode change the Crota’s End raid?

Contest mode ramps up the challenge with stricter timing, increased coordination requirements, and tougher enemies. The Enlightened buff plays a crucial role, and mechanics like the Weight of Darkness and Engulfed in Darkness debuffs add extra tension.

Are there new rewards in the reprised Crota’s End raid?

Yes, alongside the classic rewards like the Abyss Defiant and the Fang of Ir Yût, there are updated rewards that fit the enhanced difficulty of the reprised raid. Players can expect special weapons and exotic gear tailored to the new mechanics.

What are the key encounters in Crota’s End?

Key encounters include navigating the Abyss, crossing the Bridge, defeating Ir Yût, the Deathsinger, and the final showdown with Crota, Son of Oryx. Each section requires teamwork, strategy, and dealing with the unique mechanics like the darkness debuff and elemental shields.

How do you start the Crota’s End raid in Destiny 2?

The raid begins at the Hellmouth, where players must build a bridge to enter Crota’s world. This involves managing the Chalice of Light, dealing with the darkness debuff, and preparing for the encounters ahead.

What makes Crota’s End unique compared to other raids?

Crota’s End stands out due to its historical significance in the Destiny universe and its unique mechanics like the preservation node and the need for at least four players to effectively navigate its challenges.

What strategies are essential for beating Crota’s End?

Key strategies include effective use of the Chalice of Light, coordination in building the bridge and crossing it, quick actions in the Deathsinger encounter, and precise timing in the final battle against Crota.

How does the Destiny 2 version of Crota’s End compare to the original?

While the core plot remains the same, Destiny 2’s version introduces new mechanics, higher difficulty levels, and enhanced rewards, making it a fresh experience even for veterans of the original raid.
