Tarisland Mounts – How to Get Guide

By: friolt
6 min read
Tarisland Purple Feathered Dragon Quests

Ok, with fresh news from the Chinese release, we’ve reworked our Tarisland Mounts Guide. However, as noted in our previous version of this guide, the main points remain the same. So, if you’re tired of moving around Tarisland on foot, you’re in the right place. Prepare to learn about:

  1. What’s the deal with the riding system?
  2. Do different mounts vary in speed?
  3. How to fly with mounts.
  4. How to fly without mounts.
  5. All about mentioned and noted mounts, with way to reach them in the game.

We’ll also cover which mounts are available on the Auction House, which can be found in the in-game shop, which are obtainable through the paid battle pass, and which ones aren’t worth your time.

So let’s start by reviewing things in the right order!

Tarisland mounts system overview

Tarisland Airship Engineering Craft

Fall into our laid-back guide to the Tarisland mount system—a key to mastering the mysteries and challenges of the game. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. You’re not stuck on foot for long; you can saddle up on your first mount from level 5.
  2. All basic mounts have the same speed—it’s all about the style and the cool factor with these beauties.
  3. Craving the thrill of the skies? Hit level 60, and you’ll unlock the ability to soar high with flying mounts.
  4. Got a rare dungeon or raid mount? You can trade these treasures at the Auction House.
  5. Remember those craftable wings from the engineering profession? Well, they’ve flown the coop and now, you can only snag them in the shop. But keep in mind, they offer more of a glide than full-on flight.
  6. Whether you’re battling through quests, exploring vast landscapes, or just showing off in the city square, our guide ensures your mount is not just a tool but a statement.

Tarisand flying mounts

In Tarisland, once you hit level 60, you can snag some cool flying mounts to zip around the skies. These aren’t just for show; they make getting around much faster and more fun. Here’s the quick scoop:

  • Get ‘Em Early: Flying mounts unlock at level 60.
  • Where to Find Them: Earn them through achievements, special events, or by ranking up in arenas and military ranks.
  • Cool Types: Choose from dragons, phoenixes, wyverns, and more. Each has its own look and sometimes special perks.
  • Trading: If you grab a rare one in a raid, you can sell it for good money at the Auction House.

Flying mounts really spice up the game by letting you explore and travel in style.

Flying in Tarisland without mounts

Tarisland Rhinoceros Reputation Association

In Tarisland, wings used to be a craftable item that players could make using the engineering profession, giving everyone a shot at gliding around the game world. However, that’s changed. Now, if you want to soar or glide through the skies, you’ll need to head to the in-game shop to buy them. While these wings don’t offer full flying like mounts, they still add a fun dimension to travel, letting you glide over landscapes and enjoy views from high up.

AcquisitionCraftable by engineersAvailable only in the shop
FunctionProvided a way to glideStill offer gliding ability
UsageAccessible crafting optionPurchase required; less accessible

These changes have made wings more of a luxury item in Tarisland, shifting from a widely accessible feature to a more exclusive one, enhancing the rarity and prestige of gliding.

Mounts on AH

Tarisland Steel Armored Dragon Arena Victory

In Tarisland, getting a rare mount from dungeons or raids is great because you can sell them for good money at the Auction House. These mounts are special not just for their cool looks but also because they can help you earn in-game gold.

Mount NameWhere It Comes FromDescription
Red PhoenixRaid DropA fiery bird with bright flames
SpoflingDungeon DropA cute, fluffy creature
Blue PhoenixRaid DropA bird with beautiful blue feathers
GriffinDungeon DropA creature with the body of a lion and wings of an eagle

Known mounts and ways to get them

Tarisland Arctic Blue Horned Deer Mystery Event

Whether you’re looking to strut into battle on a fiery phoenix, charge through quests on a frosty tiger, or show off with a mystical unicorn, this table has all the info you need. Check out where to find these awesome creatures and what makes each one special.

Mount NameHow to Get (Laconic)Informal Description
UnicornReputation AssociationA mythical horse with a spiraling horn
Yellow Wolf WarriorMilitary Rank AssociationFierce wolf adorned in battle armor
Bluehorn RhinoReputation AssociationSturdy rhino with striking blue horns
Armored WolfArena RankWolf clad in full-body metallic armor
Invincible KittenEngineering CraftSmall, agile feline with a seemingly indestructible coat
Wildflame RhinoReputation AssociationRhino with fiery red and orange patterns
ReindeerReputation AssociationMajestic deer with a grand antler crown
Red PhoenixRaid DropBrilliant bird engulfed in flames
Black ArmordragonMilitary Rank AssociationDark dragon with armored scales
SpoflingDungeon DropWhimsical creature with spots and fluff
Blue PhoenixRaid DropSapphire-feathered bird with a fiery aura
Rune ArmordragonArena RankingsDragon with rune-inscribed armor
Brightwing WyvernAchievementsWyvern with luminescent, colorful wings
Purpwing WyvernAchievementsWyvern with deep purple wings
Frost Tiger MountQuestsWhite tiger with icy blue stripes
Arctic blue horned deerMystery EventMajestic deer with a cool blue horn and frosty aura
RhinocerosReputation AssociationLarge, rugged rhino known for its raw power
Purple feathered dragonQuestsEnigmatic dragon with shimmering purple feathers
GriffinDungeon DropMythical beast with the body of a lion and wings of an eagle
AirshipEngineering CraftMajestic flying vessel for high-flying adventures
Blue feathered phoenixMystery QuestRare phoenix with stunning blue plumage
Steel armored dragonArena VictoryMighty dragon encased in steel armor with magic runes
Thunder RhinoQuest in Storm LandsMassive rhino charged with natural storm energy
Armored WarriorMilitary Rank AssociationBattle-hardened warrior with full armor
Horror unicornHalloween EventMysterious unicorn with a dark, enchanting presence
Holy white horseSpecial EventDivine horse radiating a pure, celestial light
Blue Ice TigerWinter QuestsFerocious tiger with striking ice-blue stripes
Mechanical DodoEngineering CraftQuirky, mechanically-enhanced bird for unique travels


How To Get Mounts In Tarisland

Tarisland’s mount system is a fantastic way to enhance your gameplay experience. Starting from level 5, you can get your first mount, which helps you move around faster. All basic mounts have the same speed, so you can choose based on style. Once you hit level 60, you unlock flying mounts, which make exploring the game world even more exciting and efficient.

Flying mounts can be earned through achievements, special events, or by ranking up in arenas and military ranks. Rare mounts from dungeons and raids can be sold at the Auction House for good money, adding a strategic element to the game. Wings, which were once craftable, are now only available in the in-game shop and offer gliding rather than full flight, making them more exclusive.

In summary, whether you’re battling through quests, exploring vast landscapes, or showing off in the city square, mounts in Tarisland are not just tools for travel but also symbols of your progress and achievements.

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When can I get my first mount in Tarisland?

You can get your first mount at level 5, which helps you move around the game world faster.

Do different mounts have different speeds?

No, all basic mounts have the same speed. The differences are mainly in their appearance and style.

How do I get flying mounts?

Flying mounts become available once you reach level 60. You can earn them through achievements, special events, or by ranking up in arenas and military ranks.

Can I sell mounts I find in dungeons or raids?

Yes, rare mounts obtained from dungeons and raids can be sold at the Auction House for good money.

What happened to craftable wings?

Previously, wings could be crafted using the engineering profession. Now, they are only available in the in-game shop and are used for gliding rather than full flight.

What are the advantages of using flying mounts?

Flying mounts allow you to explore and travel the game world faster and from a unique aerial perspective, making navigation easier and more enjoyable.

Are wings still useful in Tarisland?

Yes, wings offer gliding capabilities, adding a fun dimension to travel. However, they are now only available in the in-game shop and are not as accessible as before.
