Among the many improvements and innovations in eighth expansion, Torghast certainly is a big one. Therefore, this megadungeon is something everyone anticipated – a dungeon guaranteed to be exciting even if you visit it more than once.
Oh, did we mention this dungeon is almost infinite and with your advance, it only gets harder and harder. Still, don’t worry – because as it progresses, you also become stronger and up for a bloody fight. Here, climbing more and more will mean that you’re getting in the right direction!
Not only that, but with each new visit, surroundings are going to change, same as enemies – that’s why it’s not boring. Furthermore, you can go either solo or group-style with a max capacity of 5 friends or random players.
One special feature of Torghast is representing the big cog in Shadowland’s machine of making ‘’Legendary items’’. Additionally, raiding a Tower is payed by supplying your hero with a myriad of Anima Powers that serve to boost your hero up.
Now, we would love to share with you everything on Torghast in a form of a quality overview. Besides, you probably heard a lot about it, but let’s peek inside and see where will this journey take us.
Torghast content

First, let’s say this dungeon is going to unlock, in 3 waves precisely, measured from beginning week when Shadowlands airs. Currently, we are waiting for the unsealing of the next waves, scheduled for 8th/9th December (US/EU) and 15th/16th December (US/EU), respectively. Additionally, the second wave unlocks layer 4-6 and the third wave 7-8 layer.
Furthermore, let’s take a look at the whole process of getting into the Tower of Damned. Incidentally, remember one of our previous articles talking about Covenants? Well, the journey continues from there – and it points us directly to the Torghast.
Simply said, the moment you vow to the Covenant of your choosing in the world of warcraft, there’s an option to choose quests that leads to ‘’The Maw’’. So, the questline will explain The Maw and its area and plus, open the Dungeon automatically. Once you finish these quests, Torghast dungeon will be open for you at any time at the HQ of Runecraver.
Precisely, you should look for the portal which leads to the Tower. That portal is located at the Maw, that’s on the rear side of Ve’nari Refuge.
In addition to that, a new UI addition is added in Torghast, precisely – the Dungeon’s UI with the info on every essential stat connecting to Torghast. Therefore, the UI displays the floor, death counter, amount of available Phantasma, list of Anima Powers in the order you deployed them.
Now, we mentioned many new terms, and don’t worry, will explain them in the next chapters along with Torghast Mechanics.
Torghast physics

Specifically, upon entering the Tower, your game tactic and game mechanics including interaction, will differ. Here, in Torghast, you won’t be able to make any changes when it comes to your specialization or gear, or even your talents.
These are called Torment Effects or The Jailer’s Chains debuff which chains will stop you if you want to change anything. Despite, Refuge of the Damned, can help you out and give you a chance to adjust for the next part that comes.

Some more of Torghast’s nature is that the hardness and difficulty will get higher once you advance. And, the same goes for Jailer’s debuffs or with his empowering effects over mobs. Plus, their health scale increases by ten percent and their strikes will become stronger for three percent magical damage on each new flat you go.
Death counter

Another thing that says a lot about mechanics, certainly is the number of times you die for each run and it represents main parameter – limitation in Torghast. Precisely, you can die only a certain amount of times, and, if you exceed that limit, something really twist is about to occur. Powerful being called Tarragrue will come with the sole purpose of killing you and throwing you out!
However, before it spawns, you will have your time to escape – 30 seconds. Moreover, Obscuring Essence Potion can help you out to maximize the number of deaths per run. Also, by buying Vessel of Unfortunate Spirits you can permanently die. The latter becomes available when you reach an Apprehensive reputation with Ve’nari from whom you’ll also buy it.
Most importantly, let’s see how much deaths are you allowed per run:
Soloing – max of 4 deaths
2 players – max of 6 deaths
3 players – max of 8 deaths
4 players – max of 10 deaths
5 players – max of 12 deaths

Important note: For 2 players it is 6 deaths total, for 3 players it is 8 deaths total, etc.
Torghast areas

As we all know, Torghast is almost infinite, but despite it, we can divide it into zones. Therefore, there are 10 zones:
6 Wings:
- Soulforges
- Skoldus Hall
- Mort’regar
- The Upper Reaches
- Coldheart Interstitia
- Fracture Chambers
3 Twisting Corridors – They originated as a random Challenge option and the prize is only the cosmetics. This means that this is a product that relates to the game’s random pick. They are all patched together, making literally a long pathway of 18 flats.
Runecarver’s Chamber – First, you need to complete the quest that pointed you to the Maw. From there on, you will gain entrance to it as this chamber is an integral organ when it comes to making Legendary Items.
Note: Be warry on the Wings-Rotations, because only 2 Wings will be open in 7 days, they will also switch from time to time.
What’s more, every wing is consisted of eight layers, and every layer is made of six floors. In total – there are 48 flats in one Wing. Also, you will meet different enemies and bosses in each Wing – the environment changes as well!
You might ask – What’s it worth?! – Well, after clearing one part of each Wing, you’ll get a Soul Ash – a special source of power in Torghast. With it, you can use it to fuel up Runecraver’s Chamber and thus make the Legendary item you wish.

Generally, the beginnings are pretty simple, without much complexity that often includes mazes, booby traps, etc. Further levels are, respectively, harder and more complex with a few specificities. Particularly, once you pass 3 floors, you should take a “pause-floor” with vendors and without enemies. Furthermore, you can expect a boss fight at the end of every six floors you pass.
Moreover, the “pause-floor” or literally a chill-out place, is rich with hologramlike preview that shows the boss which awaits you. Nonetheless, to finish it and move onward to the victory and final battle– you’ll definitely have to slay an Empowered Guardian.
Torghast’s currency

Moving to the next part, rules in Torghast differ, and that’s the same way with currency. That said, your goal will be collecting as much of it so you can trade it for Anima Powers. You can do that if you come across brokers that are located at every third and sixth floor.
This is known as the Phantasma and almost all mobs will drop it. Never forget, among floors you’ll encounter Ashen Phylacteries which will also give Phantasma and even Anima cells.
Finally, found Phantasma will not be suitable for carrying between tries, which means that you will lose all your collections in case you leave the dungeon. Logically, your starting position is with 0 Phantasma, every time you enter.
Anyhow, Phantasma is the way for getting Anima Powers and other useful goods from vendors. The last piece of advice here – don’t try to save your Phantasma, use it as you get it. Now, let’s just mention those special goods that vendors also sell:
- To increase damage by 30% in a fight use Fleeting Frenzy Potion
- Special rejuvenation potion from Torghast is Rejuvenating Siphoed Essence
- To obfuscate an area and create a cover to sneak by using Blinding smoke Capsule
- To remove one death from the death counter use Obscuring Essence Potion
- To transform non-elite mob into anima cell, use Ravenous Anima Cell
- To spawn an anima cell use Plundered Anima Cell
Anima powers

When it comes to beginning of the power, Anima Powers will be your main. You can buy that from vendors in your try of conquering each flat. Nonetheless, they are affordable through interaction with anima caches which will come across in a few ways:
- They can spawn out of the blue
- Mobs can drop them
- You can get them as a reward after finishing bonus objectives
- You can find them in some Ashen phylacteries – treasure chests
Even more, there are so many Anima powers which all fall under three main categories:
- Common Anima Powers – Majority of players can use them – independent of class or Covenant.
- Class/Spec Anima Powers – Specific to the class of your hero
- Covenant Anima Powers – Closely related to the Covenant you chose
Another cool thing related to Anima Powers is a way of adding a different one onto the earlier activated. And, you’ll see the effects from both respectively. Pretty slick, huh? Obviously, there’s a way to use them and ensure many combos and strategize to a certain extent with combining Anima Powers.
Overall, we talked about mechanics, but how about the mobs and the weird opponents which stand on your way. Well, we already told you that there is a big one waiting for you as you progress. And, that there is an Empowered Guardian on the exit of every floor.
Now, when it comes to bosses, you’ll need to slay every boss to advance more. Not only that but in the place where you kill the boss, you’ll get an Anima Orb. These orbs can provide more powers for you.
P.S. To top yourself off before a boss battle, go and find a little chamber where Ve’nott vendor offers useful goods (we mentioned above). That way, there’s a pretty good way to invest your Phantasma wisely and improve your chances against a boss.

Also, notice and pay close attention to Rare mobs – notorious servants of the Jailer, that will occur from time to time, if you decide to slay them, it’ll be worth it. Your reward will come in form of a huge amount of Phantasma or an exclusive Anima Orb containing special powers.
Finally, let’s stick to the point and take a look at why we are actually in Torghast, on top of fun and enjoying the experience. That way, let’s see some of the most primary objectives when you enter the Tower of the Damned.
First, Torghast is called the Tower of the Damned for a reason. Precisely, during your run, you will bump into many souls locked in chains and you’ll have two options when you interact with them.
- You can free them
- Sacrifice them which will result in you getting a non-permanent buff called Soulbound Armaments. This buff will increase your Haste, critical damage, and healing by 10%.
Second, and the most important is accumulating Soul Ash required to craft Legendaries. Moreover, you can get a max of 600 SA per wing, and you have access to only two wings per week. Therefore, you can count on 1200 SA weekly, and the minimum required to craft a plain piece of Legendary is 1250SA.
What’s more, to finally craft a Legendary Item you need 3 things:
- A legendary recipe – It comes in a form of drop-down from PvP, Raids, Dungeons, Reputation, etc
- Buy or craft a Base item. You do this with professions like Blacksmithing, Leatherwork, Tailoring or Jewelcrafting
- Go to the Runecarver’s chamber you unlocked simultaneously after unlocking Torghast and let him do the work and produce you a Legendary item.
Final Words
In the end, we hope you finally have a clear and fresh overview of Shadowland’s megadungeon, Torghast. We aimed to keep it simple, yet comprehensive so the most important aspects get covered. We encourage you to enjoy your journey here, get as much Soul Ash as you can, and finally, make your journey worth it by crafting awesome Legendaries.