Okay, so the Gearing Guide. To be honest, it’s always tough to write a Gearing guide for WoW Cataclysm Classic, for obvious reasons. Basically, we’re all playing the same way— Dungeon Finder until we hit 85, then Heroic Dungeon Finder until we collect all pre-raid gear with a hit cap. When it’s raid time, grab the Best in Slot gear with enough spell hit for WoW Cataclysm Classic. Repeat until you’re the biggest badass in Azeroth.

Even if you’re just looking for PvP gearing in the WoW Cataclysm Classic guide, it all seems much simpler. Play battlegrounds to earn honor, play Rated Battlegrounds to earn conquest, buy gear. That’s it. Sounds pretty simple, right? But as I started this Gearing guide, I realized that many people play solo or don’t engage in classical activities. And of course, if you’re aiming for the First Realm achievement, Best in Slot raid or pre-raid gear won’t cut it—you’ll need some reputation gear too. There are so many hidden nuances in the grass, which is why I’ve decided to write a revamped Gearing guide for World of Warcraft— Cataclysm Classic, where you’ll learn about:
- What the best gear is for leveling.
- Why you must check the Auction House.
- Why you need to visit the Blacksmith for an extra slot in your waist.
- How often you should spam the Dungeon Finder system.
- What about reputation buffs for your shoulders?
- Should you bring PvP gear into raids?
And many other little and bigger tricks for your progress in WoW Cataclysm Classic. Also, bear in mind that this guide isn’t just a simple one; it’s a comprehensive bundle for Cataclysm Classic starters, where you can learn about:
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How to gear in Cataclysm — basics

When we’re talk about how to gear in cataclysm, there’re some classical questions from newbies, like what the hell is the hit rating, and what of hit rating I need as I’m mage, or as I’m a fury warrior. Or what ilvl can I expect as the pre-raid gear? So, catch some of these. In cause EpicCarry, glad to provide you the best info about gearing 😉
Source | iLvl Range |
Normal Dungeons & Quests | iLvl 308-333 |
Heroic Dungeons | iLvl 346 |
Justice Points Gear | iLvl 346 (JP Vendors) |
Reputation Vendors | iLvl 346+ |
Starter Raids | iLvl 359+ (Baradin Hold, Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, Throne of the Four Winds) |
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And what about hit Cap? Why I must to collect it much more than in any other Expansion of the world of Warcraft?

Class/Spec | Hit Cap | Notes |
Mage, Warlock, Elemental Shaman, Shadow Priest | 17% hit rating | Talents like Precision (Mage) can help reduce the requirement. |
Death Knight (Frost DPS) | 8% hit rating | Focus on secondary stats like strength |
Dual-Wield Auto Attacks (White) | 27% hit rating | For dual-wielders like Fury Warriors, good luck reaching that! |

How To Gear in the cataclysm classic — strategy

Ok, as it the gear guide, I’ll put it all in the step-by-step instruction. Which is pass as for new players, and for the Alts. So, let’s start to do it in the right order, and the first step will be — Gearing for the cataclysm leveling
Step 1 —Heilrooms&Old-raid Gear
- Heirlooms— If you’ve got ’em, great! Heirlooms will make leveling easier. Just focus on replacing them as you go.
- ICC Gear— Still rocking some Lich King loot? Keep those pieces as long as the stats are solid. They’ll serve you well until replaced with Cataclysm gear.
Step 2— Auction House & Quest Rewards
- AH Shopping Spree— Look for reasonable prices on solid leveling greens/blues. Some quest rewards get outdone by cheap AH gear.
- Quest Rewards— Pay attention to rewards while questing through Hyjal, Vashj’ir, Deepholm, Uldum, and Twilight Highlands. Grab items that cater to your class’s stat weights.
Step 3— Normal Dungeons
- Queue up for Normals— Start with Blackrock Caverns and Throne of the Tides via LFG. Get the gear drops and quest rewards.
- Grind More Dungeons— Move to Lost City of the Tol’vir, Grim Batol, and Vortex Pinnacle. Equip upgrades like there’s no tomorrow.
Step 4— Heroics & Justice Points
- Hit Random Heroics— Once you’ve got a decent item level, hop into heroics via LFG. Ascendant Lord Obsidius and General Husam are waiting!
- Farm Justice Points— Stock up on JP and spend ’em on those delicious pre-raid gear upgrades at Stormwind City or Orgrimmar vendors.
Step 5— Starter Raids & Valor Points

- Baradin’s Wardens/Hellscream’s Reach— Grind out those dailies at Tol Barad for sweet rep gear.
- Reputation Grinds:
- Guardians of Hyjal— Shoulders enchant.
- Therazane— Get those shoulder enchants, buddy!
- Earthen Ring & Dragonmaw Clan/Wildhammer Clan— Various gear slots.
- Starter Raids— Begin your raiding adventure with Baradin Hold, Bastion of Twilight, Blackwing Descent, and Throne of the Four Winds. Don’t worry if you get some bad luck on loot drops – keep grinding.
- Valor Points— Farm these from raids and weekly quests for tier sets and other gear upgrades.
Step 6— Reputation Items
- Grind Reputations— Equip yourself with awesome rep gear:
- Guardians of Hyjal— Cloak and leather items.
- Therazane— Shoulder enchants.
- Earthen Ring— Mail caster gear and trinkets.
- Dragonmaw/Wildhammer— Neck and weapons.
- Baradin’s Wardens/Hellscream’s Reach— Trinkets, belts, and boots.
Auction house — your friend for pre raid gear

AH – your one-stop-shop for pre-raid gear in Classic Cataclysm. You can snag blue gear at a reasonable price, and if your pockets are deep enough, you can save some time by grabbing BoE Epics. Don’t make the bad idea of skipping the AH entirely. Use it to replace those outdated pieces!
Epic | Slot | Notes |
Darkmoon Card: Volcano | Trinket | Spell DPS, worth every gold |
Darkmoon Card: Tsunami | Trinket | Healer’s best friend |
Darkmoon Card: Hurricane | Trinket | Great for melee and hunters |
Chelley’s Staff of Dark Mending | 2H Staff | Great healer stick |
Darkspear Ritual Binding | Waist | Spell DPS from the Cataclysm beta |
Belt of Nefarious Whispers | Waist | Rogue, Cat DPS, and the High Priestess’s top pick |
Witch-Hunter’s Harvester | Polearm | Hunters, keep your eye out |
Volcanospike | One-Hand | Solid caster off-hand |
Elementium Poleaxe | 2H Axe | Perfect for Death Knights |
Unheeded Warning | Trinket | Melee DPS, major stat weights boost |
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Heilroom Gear for leveling not as quest rewards

Heirlooms are the common-sense way to power level your character with that sweet XP bonus. Just figure out what you need, spend your Justice Points wisely, and you’ll be replacing items quickly as you start raiding.
Item Name | XP Bonus | Requirements |
Burnished Helm of Might | +10% | 2,175 Justice Points |
Preened Tribal War Feathers | +10% | 2,175 Justice Points |
Stained Shadowcraft Cap | +10% | 2,175 Justice Points |
Tattered Dreadmist Mask | +10% | 2,175 Justice Points |
Burnished Legplates of Might | +10% | 2,175 Justice Points |
Ripped Sandstorm Cloak | +5% | 1,200 Justice Points |
Inherited Cape of the Black Baron | +5% | 1,200 Justice Points |
Strengthened Stockade Pauldrons | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Prized Beastmaster’s Mantle | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Exceptional Stormshroud Shoulders | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Exquisite Sunderseer Mantle | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Burnished Pauldrons of Might | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Champion’s Deathdealer Breastplate | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Burnished Breastplate of Might | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Preened Ironfeather Breastplate | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Tattered Dreadmist Robe | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Stained Shadowcraft Tunic | +10% | 870 Justice Points |
Swift Hand of Justice | +5% | 700 Justice Points |
Discerning Eye of the Beast | +5% | 700 Justice Points |
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Heroic dungeon gear better than gear from raid bosses

The average iLvl for dungeon gear ranges from 308-346 depending on whether you’re doing normals or heroics. More options mean better loot drops and better stats to help you hit that spell cap or stack secondary stats. Here’s a detailed guide to where you can score those pieces:
Dungeon | Mode | Avg iLvl |
Blackrock Caverns | Normal | 308 |
Blackrock Caverns | Heroic | 346 |
Throne of the Tides | Normal | 308 |
Throne of the Tides | Heroic | 346 |
The Stonecore | Normal | 316 |
The Stonecore | Heroic | 346 |
Vortex Pinnacle | Normal | 316 |
Vortex Pinnacle | Heroic | 346 |
Grim Batol | Normal | 333 |
Grim Batol | Heroic | 346 |
Halls of Origination | Normal | 333 |
Halls of Origination | Heroic | 346 |
Lost City of the Tol’vir | Normal | 333 |
Lost City of the Tol’vir | Heroic | 346 |
Shadowfang Keep | Normal | 346 |
Deadmines | Heroic | 346 |

Reputation gear

With factions like the Earthen Ring and the Baradin’s Wardens providing unique pieces such as shoulder enchants, trinkets, and weapons, players can maximize their spell hit and secondary stats to meet raid spell caps and start raiding effectively. Whether it’s grinding through heroic dungeons or accumulating justice and valor points, reputation gear ensures you have more options for improving your slot-focused gear while saving those precious gems and points.
Faction | Reputation Required | Reward (Gear/Buff) |
Baradin’s Wardens | Honored | Tol Barad Searchlight (40 TB Commendation) |
Baradin’s Wardens | Revered | Battle Standard (50 TB Commendation) |
Baradin’s Wardens | Revered | Blade of the Fearless (Two-Hand Sword) (85 TB Commendation) |
Baradin’s Wardens | Revered | Nightwatcher’s Dagger (85 TB Commendation) |
Baradin’s Wardens | Revered | Darkheart Crusher (One-Hand Axe) (85 TB Commendation) |
Baradin’s Wardens | Revered | Sky Piercer (Crossbow) (85 TB Commendation) |
Baradin’s Wardens | Exalted | Mandala of Stirring Patterns (125 TB Commendation) |
Baradin’s Wardens | Exalted | Mirror of Broken Images (125 TB Commendation) |
Baradin’s Wardens | Exalted | Shard of Time (Caster Trinket) (125 TB Commendation) |
Dragonmaw Clan | Honored | Bone Fever Gloves (24g 90s 80c) |
Dragonmaw Clan | Revered | Mourning Ring (21g 37s 37c) |
Dragonmaw Clan | Revered | Gauntlets of the Rattling Bones (45g 81s 56c) |
Dragonmaw Clan | Exalted | Mournful Striders (43g 22s 4m) |
Dragonmaw Clan | Exalted | Chestguard of the Unending Plains (81g 83s 7m) |
Therazane | Honored | Lesser Inscription of Charged Magnet (75g) |
Therazane | Honored | Lesser Inscription of Shattered Crystal (75g) |
Therazane | Revered | Ring of Gorsik’s Destruction (21g 37s 37c) |
Therazane | Revered | Seal of Terrath’s Balance (21g 37s 37c) |
Therazane | Exalted | Greater Inscription of Shattered Crystal (75g) |
Therazane | Exalted | Greater Inscription of Unbreakable Quartz (75g) |
Guardians of Hyjal | Honored | Acorn of the Daughter Tree |
Guardians of Hyjal | Honored | Wrap of the Great Turtle |
Guardians of Hyjal | Revered | Treads of Malorne |
Guardians of Hyjal | Revered | Cord of the Raven Queen |
Guardians of Hyjal | Exalted | Waywatcher’s Boots |
Guardians of Hyjal | Exalted | Cloak of the Dryads |
The Earthen Ring | Friendly | Signet of the Elder Council |
The Earthen Ring | Honored | Flamebloom Gloves |
The Earthen Ring | Honored | Cloak of Ancient Wisdom |
The Earthen Ring | Revered | World Keeper’s Gauntlets |
The Earthen Ring | Exalted | Earthmender’s Boots |
The Earthen Ring | Exalted | Softwind Cape |
Ramkahen | Honored | Gift of Nadun |
Ramkahen | Honored | Desert Walker Sandals |
Ramkahen | Honored | Sun King’s Girdle |
Ramkahen | Revered | Robes of Orsis |
Ramkahen | Revered | Sandguard Bracers |
Ramkahen | Revered | Ammunae’s Blessing |
Ramkahen | Exalted | Red Rock Band |
Ramkahen | Exalted | Shroud of the Dead |
Ramkahen | Exalted | Quicksand Belt |
Ramkahen | Exalted | Drystone Greaves |
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Raid Gear

The Bastion of Twilight (Twilight Highlands)

If you’re ready to step into the twisted halls of The Bastion of Twilight and challenge Cho’gall’s cult, you’ll be rewarded with some sick loot that’ll set you up nicely for further raiding and PvP. Check out the loot table below, organized by boss, and the gear you’ll want to grab for ultimate value.

Blackwing Descent (Blackrock Mountain)

Delve into Blackwing Descent, where Nefarian and his minions guard a treasure trove of epic gear for those brave enough to conquer them. Here’s the loot you can expect, complete with item levels, from the raid bosses waiting within.
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Throne of the Four Winds (Uldum)

Completing quests, grinding reputation gains, and assembling your raid guild are all steps toward gearing up for the epic loot drops originally posted in the Throne of the Four Winds. With the right piece of gear from this elemental stronghold, your stat weights will be soaring higher than the winds themselves.
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Baradin Hold (Tol Barad, PvP Raid)

Therazane faction shoulder enchants are great, but don’t forget to head into the Baradin Hold raid for a shot at sweet drops that can boost your game. Originally posted with the launch of Cataclysm, this PvP raid offers tier gear and PvP set pieces that’ll get your raid guild battle-ready.
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Get yourself into those random heroics, hit up the Auction House for a reasonable price on gear upgrades, and don’t forget to grind for reputation gains to snag those sweet shoulder enchants.
Remember, raid guilds come and go, but Valor Points and Justice Points are forever. Stack your best gear, pray for good RNG, and save those gems for tier sets that actually matter. Whether you’re spamming Lost City or cursing Ascendant Lord Obsidius in Grim Batol, focus on your spell cap, grab your off-hand, and figure out the class gear that’ll make your Death Knight the baddest badass this side of Stormwind City.
So, don’t make the bad idea of skipping this guide—equip yourself with the knowledge, hit those dungeons and heroics, and soon you’ll be rocking the best gear Azeroth has to offer. See you at Baradin’s Wardens, Guardians of Hyjal, or wherever the loot drops!
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What’s the best way to gear up in Cataclysm Classic?
Start with Dungeon Finder until level 85, then switch to Heroic Dungeon Finder for pre-raid gear. Progress to raids for Best in Slot items.
How do I gear up for PvP in Cataclysm Classic?
Play battlegrounds for honor and Rated Battlegrounds for conquest. Purchase gear with earned currency.
What’s the importance of reputation gear?
Reputation gear provides additional options to improve your character’s stats and can be essential for meeting raid requirements.
Should I bring PvP gear into raids?
It’s generally not recommended as raid encounters require specific stats and bonuses found on PvE gear.
Where can I find gear for leveling in Cataclysm Classic?
Look for Heirlooms, quest rewards, and gear drops from normal dungeons.
How do I obtain gear from Heroic dungeons?
Queue up for Heroic dungeons via Dungeon Finder once you have a decent item level. Collect drops and earn Justice Points for upgrades.
What’s the significance of the hit cap and how do I reach it?
The hit cap varies by class/spec. Aim for the required hit rating to maximize your character’s performance in combat.
Where can I find gear outside of dungeons and raids?
The Auction House is a valuable resource for pre-raid gear. Look for affordable upgrades to replace outdated items.
Can I enhance my leveling experience with Heirloom gear?
Yes, Heirlooms provide experience bonuses and can be purchased with Justice Points for faster leveling.
What’s the average item level for dungeon gear in Cataclysm Classic?
Normal dungeon gear ranges from item level 308-333, while Heroic dungeon gear is around item level 346.
How can reputation gear benefit my character?
Reputation gear offers unique bonuses and stat enhancements, allowing for more customization and optimization of your character’s build.
What kind of loot can I expect from raids like The Bastion of Twilight and Blackwing Descent?
Raid bosses drop a variety of gear ranging from weapons and armor to trinkets and accessories, helping you progress through higher-tier content.
What’s the importance of Justice Points and Valor Points in gearing?
Justice Points and Valor Points are currencies used to purchase gear upgrades and tier sets, essential for maximizing your character’s potential in raids and dungeons.
Any tips for efficient gearing in Cataclysm Classic?
Focus on hitting your character’s spell cap, prioritize gear with the best stats for your class/spec, and continuously seek upgrades to enhance your performance in Azeroth.