WOW Classic Era anniversary Gearing Guide | From Pre-bis to T0,5 Wow Classic BiS Gear for each class

WoW Classic Era
By: friolt
24 min read
Best Early Game Boe Gear Wow Classic

So, there’s another World of Warcraft Classic Era anniversary server launch—for Hardcore, for Classic, for… whatever else. As I like to call them, they’re WoW Classic-Classic servers, and that means it’s time to create some good old new, new old, eld young… oh god… It’s time to create a WoW Classic Era Anniversary Gearing Guide.

But as you know, the Classic Era servers are split into phases, like the Seasons of Mastery and others. So, what’s the plan? Simple—split this guide into two big parts.

In the first part, I’ll cover:

  1. Faction gear.
  2. Pre-raid gear.
  3. Profession gear.
  4. Reputation gear.
  5. Quest gear.
    And all the other gear-gear.

But in the second part, we’ll finally tackle the most straightforward thing in the game: WoW Classic Era Anniversary BiS gear for each class and spec.

So, I can’t waste my time—or your time—because every second not reading this guide takes you one step further from Becoming the Best Classic-Classic Player Ever™! Let’s go!


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WOW Classic Era anniversary Gearing | How to gear in wow Classic

How To Farm Green Lens In Wow Classic

Gearing in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is hardcore. You want pre-raid loot? You gotta work for it. Dungeons are your new home, quests are your side hustle, and the Auction House is your gamble. Smash bosses, loot trash, and grind like your life depends on it. This ain’t a charity—earn your gear, flex your stats, and get raid-ready.

DungeonsFarm Scholo, Strath, Dire Maul, and UBRS for Tier 0 sets and key drops.
Quest RewardsComplete quests in Plaguelands, Winterspring, and class-specific chains for big rewards.
PvP GearGrind honor in BGs for solid blues. It’s sweaty, but worth it.
ProfessionsCraft BiS gear with Tailoring, Leatherworking, or Blacksmithing. Devilsaur Set, anyone?
Trash MobsTrash in dungeons like Blackrock Spire drops random Tier 0 gear.
Auction HouseBuy rare BoE epics. Expensive, but saves time.
World BossesKill Emeriss, Azuregos, or Kazzak for epic loot. Bring a big group.
Reputation GrindGrind rep with Argent Dawn and others for gear rewards.
Tier 0.5 UpgradesDo the Tier 0.5 quest chain for better stats and cool challenges.
EventsSeasonal events like Darkmoon Faire have unique items and buffs.

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WOW Classic Era anniversary Gearing | Hit cap

Scholomance Dungeon Loot Guide

In WoW Classic Era, hit cap is the secret sauce to landing your hits (and not embarrassing your DPS parse). Missed attacks? Waste of mana, energy, rage, or ammo—and your raid leader WILL notice. Let’s break it down for all you heroes gearing up during the Classic Era Anniversary.

  • Melee & Hunters — You need 9% hit to never miss a raid boss (level 63). That’s 9 hit rating or 142 points for hunters in modern math terms.
  • Spells (Casters) — You need 16% spell hit to cap against raid bosses. Talents and gear can reduce this requirement.
  • Dual-Wielders — RIP. You need 28% hit to avoid missing auto-attacks. Focus on 9% hit for abilities, or go cry with rogues and fury warriors.
SourceKey Items for Hit Cap (Phase 1)
Dungeon DropsMelee & Hunters — Blackstone Ring (BoE, random world drop).
Casters — No major dungeon drops for spell hit yet, so stack crafted gear.
Crafted GearMelee — Devilsaur Set (Leatherworking):
– Devilsaur Gauntlets (+1% hit)
– Devilsaur Leggings (+2% hit).
Casters — Spellpower Goggles Xtreme (Engineering, +2% hit).
Reputation RewardsMelee & Hunters — Cape of the Black Baron (Argent Dawn, +1% hit)
Casters — None yet in Phase 1.
PvP GearEarly PvP rewards lack hit bonuses but can be decent fillers if you’re under-geared. Not a priority for hit stacking.
World DropsMelee — Blackstone Ring (+1% hit, random BoE world drop).
Hunters — True Aim Gauntlets (BoE, random drop, +1% hit).
Casters — Rarely useful in Phase 1.

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Hit cap = mandatory. 9% for melee, 16% for casters, 28% for DW auto-attacks (but focus 9% for specials). Stack gear, use talents, and stop missing—your guild will thank you

WOW Classic Era anniversary Gearing | Dungeons

Blackrock Depths Pre-Raid Gear Farming

Dungeons in Phase 1 of WoW Classic Era Anniversary are your main grind zones for pre-raid gear. Each one offers gear with unique stats, Tier 0 set pieces, and even some rare epics to help you hit those DPS or healing benchmarks. Get your squad, clear bosses, and loot like a pro.

DungeonLevel RangeAvg Item Level (ilvl)Notable Gear
Razorfen Downs (RFD)35-45~41Decent blues like Corpsemaker for melee.
Scarlet Monastery28-42~40Ravager (Arms Warriors) and Whitemane’s Chapeau (healers).
Uldaman35-45~43Revelosh’s Bindings (stats vary by roll), Ironfoe (epic, rare drop).
Zul’Farrak (ZF)44-49~45Jang’thraze the Protector (combine into epic weapon), healing shields.
Maraudon45-52~47Blackstone Ring (BoE, +hit for melee), caster robes like Robe of the Doomed.
Sunken Temple (ST)50-55~50Atal’ai Boots (healers), Dragon’s Call (rare melee weapon).
Blackrock Depths (BRD)52-60~53Tier 0 pieces start here (Lightforge Belt, Wildheart Boots, etc.).
Lower Blackrock Spire (LBRS)55-60~56More Tier 0 pieces (Beaststalker, Elements, etc.), and Wyrmthalak’s Shard for casters.

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  1. Farm Maraudon early for hit gear and solid caster loot.
  2. Blackrock Depths (BRD) is your gateway to Tier 0 sets—clear it often.

WOW Classic Era anniversary Gearing | factions

Best Dungeon Gear For Hunters Wow Classic

Faction grinding in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is your key to pre-raid gear, valuable quest rewards, and even Tier 0 upgrades. Whether you’re preparing for starter raids like Molten Core or working toward Tier 0.5 upgrades, these factions provide a different gear options for all classes. The grind may feel like a bad idea at first, but the rewards are worth it. Plus, they help with reputation gains and stat weights optimization as you work toward your pre-raid BIS.

FactionHow to Gain RepKey Rewards
Thorium BrotherhoodFarm Dark Iron Residue and turn in crafting mats.Fiery Chain Shoulders for tanks prepping for Molten Core, and early fire resist gear.
Timbermaw HoldKill Deadwood/Winterfall mobs in Felwood and Winterspring.Timbermaw Defender (shield), cloaks with reasonable stats for tanking/healing in starter raids.
Stormpike Guard (Alliance)
Frostwolf Clan (Horde)
PvP in Alterac Valley or turn in quest items.Entry-level PvP weapons like Ice Barbed Spear or Bloodseeker, good for filling gaps in starter gear.
Cenarion CircleKill Twilight Cultists and collect Twilight Texts in Silithus.Some resist gear and quest rewards in Phase 1. Essential later for Blackwing Lair raid prep.
Darkmoon FaireTurn in decks and tokens during events.Darkmoon trinkets for various roles and buffs for raid bosses like Ragnaros.

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WOW Classic Era anniversary Gearing | Professions

Wow Classic Hit Cap For Melee

Professions in WoW Classic Era Anniversary are your ticket to crafting some of the best pre-raid gear available. Whether you’re a tank, DPS, or healer, there’s a profession combo that fits your needs, helping you fill gaps where loot drops fail or RNG makes you cry. Plus, many crafted items are BiS or near-BiS, so you’ll want to get these leveled and ready for action.

ProfessionKey Items Crafted for Pre-Raid GearWho Benefits?
LeatherworkingDevilsaur Set (Devilsaur Gauntlets, Leggings, +3% hit total).
Hide of the Wild (cloak for healers).
Melee DPS (hunters, rogues, warriors) for hit gear.
Healers for cloak stats.
TailoringTruefaith Vestments (priest healing chest).
Robe of Winter Night (caster chest).
Casters and healers looking to boost output.
BlacksmithingArcanite Reaper (epic 2H axe for warriors).
Dark Iron Plate (fire resist for tanks prepping for Molten Core).
Warriors, paladins, and tanks gearing for Molten Core.
EngineeringSpellpower Goggles Xtreme (+2% spell hit).
Force Reactive Disk (amazing AoE tanking shield).
Casters for spell hit.
Tanks and AoE grinders for utility.
AlchemyNo direct gear but makes Flasks (Titans for tanks, Supreme Power for casters) and Elixirs for raid prep.All classes benefit from consumables for pre-raid prep and raids like Molten Core.
EnchantingProvides stat enchants (weapon hit, healing power) and ring enchants for enchanters.All classes gain from self-enchants or supplying the guild.
Mining/HerbalismGathering professions support crafting for Leatherworking, Blacksmithing, and Alchemy.Useful for gold-making and crafting materials to power professions.

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WOW Classic Era anniversary Gearing | AH BoE

Spell Hit Cap Guide Wow Classic

The Auction House (AH) is a treasure trove of pre-raid BIS gear in WoW Classic Era Anniversary, especially if you’re hunting BoE epics or filling gear gaps without relying on RNG. Some BoEs are close to BIS, while others are just good starter gear. Below is a table highlighting the most sought-after world drop and dungeon BoEs, their sources, and why they’re worth your gold.

SlotBoE ItemSourceWhy It’s Good
HeadGreen Lens (random stats)Crafted (Engineering)Spell hit for casters or agility/strength for melee.
ShouldersStockade PauldronsWorld Drop (Level 50+)BIS for tanks with high stamina and defense.
ChestBlack Velvet RobesWorld Drop (Low-Level)Solid early spell power for casters.
WristShadowcraft BracersTrash (Lower Blackrock Spire)Part of Tier 0, great for rogues and druids.
HandsMagefist GlovesWorld Drop (Level 20+)Spell power + fire resist for casters.
WaistBelt of ValorTrash (Blackrock Depths)Stamina-heavy and good for tanks.
LegsCloudkeeper LegplatesWorld Drop (Level 50+)BIS for warriors and paladins with huge stats.
FeetSwiftwalker BootsWorld Drop (Level 40+)Agility and movement speed—great for hunters and druids.
RingsFreezing BandWorld Drop (Level 40+)Spell power and frost resist for casters.
WeaponsGlowing Brightwood StaffWorld Drop (Level 50+)BIS for casters until Tier 1.
Off-handSkullflame ShieldWorld Drop (Level 50+)Excellent tanking shield with lifesteal and fire resist.

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Part 2 | WOW Classic Era anniversary Gearing | BiS Gear

How To Gear For Molten Core In Wow Classic

We’re here are ready to cover the top gear sets you’ll want to snag to max out your character’s potential. From healers to tanks to DPS, each set boosts your stats and makes you a force in raids and dungeons.

Here are the sets:

  • Hunter: Beaststalker Armor;
  • Mage: Magister’s Regalia;
  • Druid: Wildheart Raiment;
  • Warrior: Battlegear of Valor;
  • Priest: Vestments of the Devout;
  • Warlock: Dreadmist Raiment;
  • Paladin: Lightforge Armor;
  • Rogue: Shadowcraft Armor.

Wow classic era anniversary hunter T0

World Boss Loot In Wow Classic Era

The Beaststalker Armor is your official license to look badass while pew-pewing mobs into oblivion. This set screams, I’m here to shoot things, loot things, and occasionally misdirect things. It’s your quintessential pre-raid gear for WoW Classic Era Anniversary, and collecting it will make you feel like Indiana Jones—if Indy had a pet raptor.

PieceSlotSource (Boss)DungeonHow to Get It
Beaststalker’s BeltWaistTrash mobs (random drop)Blackrock Spire*Keep fighting the easier enemies until it drops.
Beaststalker’s BindingsWristTrash mobs (random drop)Blackrock Spire / Stratholme*Fight lots of small enemies to find these.
Beaststalker’s GlovesHandsWar Master VooneLower Blackrock SpireDefeat War Master Voone to get these gloves.
Beaststalker’s BootsFeetNerub’enkanStratholme (Undead)Beat Nerub’enkan in a tough fight for these boots.
Beaststalker’s MantleShouldersOverlord WyrmthalakLower Blackrock SpireOverlord Wyrmthalak has these; win them in battle.
Beaststalker’s CapHeadDarkmaster GandlingScholomanceThis cap drops from the headmaster of the school.
Beaststalker’s TunicChestGeneral DrakkisathUpper Blackrock SpireA big boss holds this, so gather friends to help!
Beaststalker’s PantsLegsBaron RivendareStratholme (Undead)Defeat Baron Rivendare for these important pants.

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How to Get Beaststalker Armor

Azuregos Gear Drops In Wow Classic
  1. Belt & Bindings — Farm trash mobs in Blackrock Spire or Stratholme. A lot of trash mobs.
  2. Gloves — Kill War Master Voone in Lower Blackrock Spire.
  3. Boots — Defeat Nerub’enkan in Stratholme’s Undead wing.
  4. Shoulders — Hunt down Overlord Wyrmthalak in Lower Blackrock Spire.
  5. Head — Beat up Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance.
  6. Chest — Bring a squad and conquer General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  7. Legs — Finish off Baron Rivendare in Stratholme’s Undead wing.

T0 Set Bonuses for Hunters

  • 2 pieces: +200 Armor.
  • 4 pieces: +40 Attack Power.
  • 6 pieces: Chance on melee attack to increase your damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 95 for 10 sec.
  • 8 pieces: +8 All Resistances.

Wow classic era anniversary Mage T0

Kazzak Farming Guide Wow Classic

Mages, get your robes ready because the Magister’s Regalia is here to make you the sparkliest pyromaniac in Azeroth. This set screams, I will burn you, sheep you, and drink mana like it’s Happy Hour! With 8 pieces scattered across dungeons filled with the nastiest mobs, collecting this set is basically a masterclass in suffering—but hey, it’s all for that sweet pre-raid gear glow-up. So, take your fireballs, slap on Arcane Intellect, and let’s farm this bad boy!

PieceSlotSource (Boss)DungeonHow to Get It
Magister’s BeltWaistTrash mobs (random drop)Different Dungeons*Explore and fight the easier monsters until it drops.
Magister’s BindingsWristTrash mobs (random drop)Blackrock Spire*Keep battling smaller enemies until you find these.
Magister’s GlovesHandsDoctor Theolen Krastinov / TrashScholomanceDefeat the scary Doctor or find them from trash.
Magister’s BootsFeetHearthsinger ForrestenStratholme (Undead)Win a battle against the singing ghost to get these boots.
Magister’s MantleShouldersRas FrostwhisperScholomanceChallenge and defeat Ras Frostwhisper for these.
Magister’s CrownHeadDarkmaster GandlingScholomanceGet this crown from the headmaster of the spooky school.
Magister’s RobesChestGeneral DrakkisathUpper Blackrock SpireTeam up with friends to defeat a big boss for this robe.
Magister’s LeggingsLegsBaron RivendareStratholme (Undead)Take down the Baron in a tough fight for these pants.

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How to Get Magister’s Regalia in classic era anniversary

Paladin Gearing Guide Wow Classic
  1. Belt & Bindings — Kill trash mobs in Blackrock Spire, Scholomance, or Stratholme.
  2. Gloves — Defeat Doctor Theolen Krastinov or farm mobs in Scholomance.
  3. Boots — Hearthsinger Forresten has them; find him in Stratholme’s Undead wing.
  4. Shoulders — Fight Ras Frostwhisper in Scholomance for these icy pads.
  5. Head — Conquer Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance to snag his crown.
  6. Chest — Recruit a raid group to bring down General Drakkisath in UBRS.
  7. Legs — Kill Baron Rivendare in Stratholme Undead wing—pray for luck!

T0 Set Bonuses for Mages (Magister’s Regalia)

  • 2 pieces: +200 Armor.
  • 4 pieces: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 23.
  • 6 pieces: When struck in combat, there’s a chance of freezing the attacker in place for 3 sec.
  • 8 pieces: +8 All Resistances.

Wow classic era anniversary Druid T0

Darkmoon Faire Rewards In Wow Classic

Druids, ready to embrace your inner tree, bear, or cat while looking like a boss? The Wildheart Raiment is here to make you feel like Mother Nature herself geared up for war. This set is the ultimate jack-of-all-trades outfit—heal your pals, tank some hits, or scratch faces off—all while rocking feathers and fur. But don’t think it’ll come easy; you’ll need to plunder dungeons, farm trash, and probably threaten Baron Rivendare a dozen times.

PieceSlotSource (Boss)DungeonHow to Get It
Wildheart BeltWaistTrash mobs (random drop)Blackrock Spire / ScholomanceLook for this while fighting the easier enemies.
Wildheart BracersWristTrash mobs (random drop)Scholomance / StratholmeKeep defeating smaller enemies until they drop.
Wildheart GlovesHandsThe UnforgivenStratholme (Undead)Win a tough battle against The Unforgiven for these.
Wildheart BootsFeetMother SmolderwebLower Blackrock SpireDefeat Mother Smolderweb in her webby lair.
Wildheart SpauldersShouldersGizrul the SlavenerLower Blackrock SpireChallenge Gizrul the Slavener to get these.
Wildheart CowlHeadDarkmaster GandlingScholomanceThis cool hat comes from the spooky school’s headmaster.
Wildheart VestChestGeneral DrakkisathUpper Blackrock SpireTeam up with friends to defeat General Drakkisath.
Wildheart KiltLegsBaron RivendareStratholme (Undead)Beat Baron Rivendare in a challenging fight for this.

T0 Set Bonuses for Druids (Wildheart Raiment)

  • 2 pieces: +200 Armor.
  • 4 pieces: +26 Attack Power.
  • 4 pieces: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 15.
  • 6 pieces: When struck in combat has a chance of returning 300 mana, 10 rage, or 40 energy to the wearer.
  • 8 pieces: +8 All Resistances.

How to Get Wildheart Raiment

Best Gold-Making Methods For Wow Classic
  1. Belt & Bracers — Farm trash mobs in Blackrock Spire, Scholomance, or Stratholme.
  2. Gloves — Defeat The Unforgiven in Stratholme’s Undead wing.
  3. Boots — Smack down Mother Smolderweb in Lower Blackrock Spire.
  4. Shoulders — Find Gizrul the Slavener in Lower Blackrock Spire and take him down.
  5. Head — Beat Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance to loot his unique hat.
  6. Chest — Take a group and tackle General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  7. Legs — Farm Baron Rivendare in Stratholme; get comfy, it might take a while.

Wow classic era anniversary Warrior T0

Top Faction Gear Rewards In Wow Classic

Warriors, ready to look like a juggernaut while smashing bosses and flexing on everyone in Stormwind? The Battlegear of Valor is your ticket to glory—if glory involves a lot of dungeon grinding, carrying your group, and hoping RNG blesses you for once. This set turns you into a tanky powerhouse or a DPS wrecking ball, depending on your mood (and spec).

PieceSlotSource (Boss)DungeonHow to Get It
Belt of ValorWaistTrash mobs (random drop)Lower Blackrock Spire / StratholmeFight lots of enemies in these dungeons for a chance to find it.
Bracers of ValorWristTrash mobs (random drop)Lower Blackrock SpireKeep battling smaller foes until these drop.
Gauntlets of ValorHandsRamstein the GorgerStratholme (Undead)Defeat Ramstein the Gorger to claim these powerful gloves.
Boots of ValorFeetKirtonos the HeraldScholomanceWin a tough fight against Kirtonos for these boots.
Spaulders of ValorShouldersWarchief Rend BlackhandUpper Blackrock SpireChallenge Warchief Rend Blackhand to earn these.
Helm of ValorHeadDarkmaster GandlingScholomanceGet this helm from the master of the dark school.
Breastplate of ValorChestGeneral DrakkisathUpper Blackrock SpireTeam up to defeat General Drakkisath for this chest piece.
Legplates of ValorLegsBaron RivendareStratholme (Undead)Beat Baron Rivendare in an epic battle for these legplates.

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T0 Set Bonuses for Warriors (Battlegear of Valor)

  • 2 pieces: +200 Armor.
  • 4 pieces: +40 Attack Power.
  • 6 pieces: Chance on melee attack to heal you for 88 to 132.
  • 8 pieces: +8 All Resistances.

How to Get Battlegear of Valor in classic era anniversary

  1. Belt & Bracers — Farm trash mobs in Lower Blackrock Spire or Stratholme.
  2. Gloves — Defeat Ramstein the Gorger in Stratholme (Undead wing).
  3. Boots — Take down Kirtonos the Herald in Scholomance.
  4. Shoulders — Beat Warchief Rend Blackhand in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  5. Head — Defeat Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance to claim the helm.
  6. Chest — Team up and face General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  7. Legs — Farm Baron Rivendare in Stratholme’s Undead wing for those pants.

Wow classic era anniversary Priest T0

Crafting Professions For Hit Cap Gear

Priests, your time to shine (literally) has arrived! The Vestments of the Devout is your ticket to becoming a glowing beacon of healing and smiting power in the world of WoW Classic Era. Whether you’re keeping your raid alive or showing off those sweet spell crits, this set screams, I’m holy, and I’ll prove it by farming dungeons until my fingers bleed. Prepare for loot runs, mob farming, and a sprinkle of RNG-induced rage—because being devout doesn’t mean it’s easy!

PieceSlotSource (Boss)DungeonHow to Get It
Devout BeltWaistTrash mobs (random drop)Blackrock SpireLook for this belt while battling lots of easier enemies.
Devout BracersWristTrash mobs (random drop)Stratholme (Live)Fight smaller enemies until you find these.
Devout GlovesHandsArchivist GalfordStratholme (Live)Beat Archivist Galford to take these gloves.
Devout SandalsFeetMaleki the PallidStratholme (Undead)Defeat Maleki the Pallid to snag these sandals.
Devout MantleShouldersSolakar FlamewreathUpper Blackrock SpireWin a battle against Solakar Flamewreath for these.
Devout CrownHeadDarkmaster GandlingScholomanceGet this crown from the spooky school’s boss.
Devout RobeChestGeneral DrakkisathUpper Blackrock SpireTeam up to beat General Drakkisath for this robe.
Devout SkirtLegsBaron RivendareStratholme (Undead)Take down Baron Rivendare for these fancy pants.

Set Bonuses for Priests (Vestments of the Devout)

Warlock Pre-Raid Gear Farming
  • 2 pieces: +200 Armor.
  • 4 pieces: Increases damage and healing by up to 23.
  • 6 pieces: Sometimes when hit, you get a shield that blocks 350 damage.
  • 8 pieces: +8 All Resistances.

How to Get Vestments of the Devout in classic era anniversary

  1. Belt & Bracers — Farm trash mobs in Blackrock Spire and Stratholme (Live).
  2. Gloves — Defeat Archivist Galford in Stratholme (Live wing).
  3. Sandals — Take down Maleki the Pallid in Stratholme (Undead wing).
  4. Shoulders — Beat Solakar Flamewreath in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  5. Crown — Smack Gandling in Scholomance to take his hat.
  6. Robe — Gather a team and conquer General Drakkisath in UBRS.
  7. Skirt — Farm Baron Rivendare in Stratholme (Undead wing) for your holy pants.

Wow classic era anniversary Warlock T0

How To Farm Brd For Pre-Raid Gear

Calling all Warlocks in WoW Classic Era! It’s time to cloak yourself in darkness and dominate Azeroth with the Dreadmist Raiment. This Tier 0 set screams evil power and dark magic—perfect for melting faces, summoning demons, and flexing your shadowy aesthetic. The grind for these pieces isn’t just a dungeon run; it’s a dark ritual of RNG and boss smacking. Ready to conquer?

PieceSlotSource (Boss)DungeonHow to Get It
Dreadmist BeltWaistTrash mobs (random drop)Stratholme / ScholomanceSearch for this belt while battling lots of enemies.
Dreadmist BracersWristTrash mobs (random drop)Blackrock SpireKeep defeating minor enemies until these drop.
Dreadmist WrapsHandsTrash mobs (random drop)ScholomanceFight your way through mobs to find these wraps.
Dreadmist SandalsFeetBaroness AnastariStratholme (Undead)Defeat Baroness Anastari to claim these sandals.
Dreadmist MantleShouldersJandice BarovScholomanceOvercome Jandice Barov for these mystical shoulders.
Dreadmist MaskHeadDarkmaster GandlingScholomanceEarn this mask by defeating the school’s dark master.
Dreadmist RobeChestGeneral DrakkisathUpper Blackrock SpireTeam up to beat General Drakkisath for this robe.
Dreadmist LeggingsLegsBaron RivendareStratholme (Undead)Win a tough battle against Baron Rivendare for these.

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Set Bonuses for Warlocks (Dreadmist Raiment)

  • 2 pieces: +200 Armor.
  • 4 pieces: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 23.
  • 6 pieces: When struck in combat has a chance of causing the attacker to flee in terror for 2 seconds.
  • 8 pieces: +8 All Resistances.

How to Get Dreadmist Raiment in classic era anniversary

  1. Belt & Bracers — Farm trash mobs in Blackrock Spire, Stratholme, or Scholomance.
  2. Wraps — Kill Scholomance trash mobs for your gloves.
  3. Sandals — Beat Baroness Anastari in Stratholme (Undead wing).
  4. Mantle — Defeat Jandice Barov in Scholomance.
  5. Mask — Smack Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance.
  6. Robe — Defeat General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  7. Leggings — Farm Baron Rivendare in Stratholme (Undead wing).

Wow classic era anniversary Paladin T0

Ubrs Dungeon Loot Guide Wow Classic

Lightforge Armor is the shining symbol of your divine duty in WoW Classic Era. This set screams I’m here to tank, heal, and outshine everyone else in the dungeon! But let’s be real—getting this set is a grindy crusade through the spookiest dungeons in Azeroth. Want to look like a hero and perform like a raid boss’s worst nightmare?

PieceSlotSource (Boss)DungeonHow to Get It
Lightforge BeltWaistTrash mobs (random drop)StratholmeSearch among the lesser foes in Stratholme for this belt.
Lightforge BracersWristTrash mobs (random drop)ScholomanceBattle through Scholomance’s corridors for these bracers.
Lightforge GauntletsHandsTimmy the CruelStratholme (Live)Defeat Timmy the Cruel to claim these mighty gauntlets.
Lightforge BootsFeetBalnazzarStratholme (Live)Overcome Balnazzar at the end of Stratholme for these boots.
Lightforge SpauldersShouldersThe BeastUpper Blackrock SpireTake down The Beast to earn these heroic shoulders.
Lightforge HelmHeadDarkmaster GandlingScholomanceWin this helm from the headmaster of the dark academy.
Lightforge BreastplateChestGeneral DrakkisathUpper Blackrock SpireTeam up to defeat General Drakkisath for this breastplate.
Lightforge LegplatesLegsBaron RivendareStratholme (Undead)Challenge Baron Rivendare for these legendary legplates.

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How to Get Lightforge Armor in classic era anniversary

Priest Gearing Tips Wow Classic
  1. Belt & Bracers — Trash mobs in Scholomance and Stratholme. Kill everything.
  2. Gauntlets — Beat Timmy the Cruel in Stratholme (Live).
  3. Boots — Balnazzar in Stratholme (Live). Fight your way to the end.
  4. Spaulders — Take down The Beast in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  5. Helm — Kill Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance.
  6. Breastplate — Gather your squad for General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  7. Legplates — Farm Baron Rivendare in Stratholme (Undead).

Lightforge Armor Set Bonuses

  • 2 Pieces — +200 Armor.
  • 4 Pieces — +40 Attack Power.
  • 6 Pieces — Chance when struck to heal yourself for 88 to 132.
  • 8 Pieces — +8 All Resistances.

Wow classic era anniversary Rogue T0

Best Caster Gear From Dungeons Wow Classic

Shadowcraft Armor is your ticket to being the stealthiest, deadliest ninja in WoW Classic Era. This leather drip screams, I backstab bosses and pickpocket mobs for fun. Getting the full set is a mix of farming trash mobs and flexing your DPS in dungeons, but once you’re in full Shadowcraft, no one’s safe—not even your raid leader’s loot table.

PieceSlotSource (Boss)DungeonHow to Get It
Shadowcraft BeltWaistTrash mobs (random drop)Blackrock SpireSearch the lesser foes throughout Blackrock Spire for this belt.
Shadowcraft BracersWristTrash mobs (random drop)ScholomanceKeep an eye on the minor enemies in Scholomance for these bracers.
Shadowcraft GlovesHandsShadow Hunter Vosh’gajinLower Blackrock SpireDefeat Shadow Hunter Vosh’gajin to snag these gloves.
Shadowcraft BootsFeetRattlegoreScholomanceOvercome Rattlegore to claim these boots.
Shadowcraft SpauldersShouldersCannon Master WilleyStratholme (Live)Battle Cannon Master Willey for these spaulders.
Shadowcraft CapHeadDarkmaster GandlingScholomanceEarn this cap by besting the headmaster of the dark academy.
Shadowcraft TunicChestGeneral DrakkisathUpper Blackrock SpireTeam up to defeat General Drakkisath for this tunic.
Shadowcraft PantsLegsBaron RivendareStratholme (Undead)Take on Baron Rivendare for these essential pants.

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Enough resources to upgrade your profession to the maximum level!

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Set Bonuses for Rogues (Shadowcraft Armor)

Warrior Pre-Raid Bis In Wow Classic
  • 2 pieces: +200 Armor.
  • 4 pieces: +40 Attack Power.
  • 6 pieces: Your attacks have a chance to restore 35 energy.
  • 8 pieces: +8 All Resistances.

How to Get Shadowcraft Armor in classic era anniversary

  1. Belt & Bracers — Trash mobs in Blackrock Spire and Scholomance. Kill ‘em all.
  2. Gloves — Find Shadow Hunter Vosh’gajin in Lower Blackrock Spire and ruin her day.
  3. Boots — Defeat Rattlegore in Scholomance. Bonus points for style.
  4. Spaulders — Destroy Cannon Master Willey in Stratholme (Live).
  5. Cap — Outwit and outkill Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance.
  6. Tunic — Team up to take down General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire.
  7. Pants — Show Baron Rivendare why rogues don’t play fair in Stratholme (Undead).

Wow classic era anniversary Shaman T0

Wow Classic Hunter Pre-Raid Bis

The Elements set is your ticket to being the walking storm of WoW Classic Era! This gear is straight-up elemental chaos, making your lightning zap harder and your heals slap harder. But let’s be real—it’s not gonna fall in your lap. Get ready to grind dungeons, face beefy bosses, and deal with RNG that’s basically a prankster. But once you’ve got the full set? You’re not just a Shaman; you’re a freakin’ natural disaster.

PieceSlotSource (Boss)DungeonHow to Get It
Cord of The Five ThundersWaistTrash mobs (random drop)Blackrock SpireSearch among the lesser enemies in Blackrock Spire.
Bindings of The Five ThundersWristTrash mobs (random drop)StratholmeFight through Stratholme’s foes for these bindings.
Gauntlets of The Five ThundersHandsPyroguard EmberseerUpper Blackrock SpireDefeat Pyroguard Emberseer to gain these powerful gauntlets.
Boots of The Five ThundersFeetHighlord OmokkLower Blackrock SpireChallenge Highlord Omokk to claim these boots.
Pauldrons of The Five ThundersShouldersGythUpper Blackrock SpireTake down Gyth for these elemental shoulders.
Coif of The Five ThundersHeadDarkmaster GandlingScholomanceWin this headpiece by defeating the master of Scholomance.
Vest of The Five ThundersChestGeneral DrakkisathUpper Blackrock SpireTeam up against General Drakkisath for this vest.
Kilt of The Five ThundersLegsBaron RivendareStratholme (Undead)Overcome Baron Rivendare for these kilt pieces.

Set Bonuses for Shamans (The Elements)

  • 2 pieces: +200 Armor.
  • 4 pieces: Increases damage and healing done by magical spells and effects by up to 23.
  • 6 pieces: Chance on spell cast to increase your damage and healing by up to 95 for 10 sec.
  • 8 pieces: +8 All Resistances.

How to Get The Elements Armor in wow classic era

Druid Tier 0 Guide Wow Classic
  1. Waist & Wrist — Trash mobs in Blackrock Spire and Stratholme. Just farm until your eyes bleed.
  2. Hands — Pyroguard Emberseer in Upper Blackrock Spire. He’s got what you need.
  3. Feet — Highlord Omokk in Lower Blackrock Spire. Boots secured after smashing.
  4. Shoulders — Gyth in Upper Blackrock Spire. Kill the dragon; loot the dragon.
  5. Head — Darkmaster Gandling in Scholomance. Outplay him and claim his fancy hat.
  6. Chest — General Drakkisath in Upper Blackrock Spire. Gather the squad.
  7. Legs — Baron Rivendare in Stratholme (Undead). Win the fight, win the pants.


Wow Classic Mage Bis Guide

Gearing up in WoW Classic Era Anniversary is all about grinding smart, not just hard. You’ll farm dungeons, craft gear, and battle RNG to build your perfect pre-raid setup. Whether it’s snagging Tier 0 pieces, crafting Devilsaur gear, or farming trash mobs for BoEs, every step gets you closer to BIS and raid-ready glory.

Focus on hit cap first—your damage depends on it. Use dungeons, quests, factions, and the Auction House to fill your gear slots. Remember, professions like Leatherworking and Tailoring are your best friends for making powerful gear.

The grind can feel endless, but every drop, craft, and upgrade pushes you closer to dominating dungeons and slaying raid bosses. Stick with it, plan your gear goals, and don’t let bad RNG stop you. In the end, you’ll flex your pre-raid BIS in Stormwind or Orgrimmar like a true legend. Now, get out there and start gearing!

Do graphomaniac work since 2014 year. Have passion to Wow, Wow Classic and other MMO- games
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How do I start gearing in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Farm dungeons, complete quests, craft gear, and buy BoEs from the Auction House.

What is the best way to get pre-raid gear in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Run dungeons like Blackrock Spire and Scholomance for Tier 0 gear.

How important is hit cap in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Very! Without hit cap, you’ll miss bosses and lose DPS.

What dungeons are best for WoW Classic Era Anniversary pre-raid gear?

Lower and Upper Blackrock Spire, Scholomance, and Stratholme are key.

Can I get good gear from quests in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Yes! High-level quests in Plaguelands and Winterspring give great rewards.

What are factions in WoW Classic Era Anniversary good for?

Factions like Argent Dawn and Thorium Brotherhood provide gear upgrades and buffs.

Can professions help me gear up in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Absolutely! Leatherworking, Tailoring, and Blacksmithing can make pre-raid BIS gear.

What BoE gear should I buy in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Look for Green Lens, Freezing Band, and Cloudkeeper Legplates.

Are world bosses worth farming in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Yes! Bosses like Azuregos and Kazzak drop powerful epic loot.

How do I get Tier 0 gear in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Farm dungeon bosses and trash mobs in BRD, Scholo, and Stratholme.

Can I upgrade Tier 0 to Tier 0.5 in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Yes! Complete the Tier 0.5 quest chain to boost your stats.

How do I earn gold for gearing in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Farm mobs, sell crafted items, and flip gear on the Auction House.

Is PvP gear good in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Yes, it’s great filler gear if you grind honor in battlegrounds.

What is the best faction for tanks in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Thorium Brotherhood offers fire resist gear for Molten Core.

What is the easiest dungeon for gearing in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Maraudon has good loot and is easier than BRD or Stratholme.

Should I farm trash mobs in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Yes, trash mobs can drop Tier 0 pieces and rare BoE items.

How do I gear up my hunter in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Farm the Beaststalker Armor set from dungeons like Blackrock Spire and Stratholme.

Are crafted weapons good in WoW Classic Era Anniversary?

Yes! Items like Arcanite Reaper are BiS for pre-raid DPS.
