Wow Classic Era anniversary Blacksmithing guide — how to get 300 skill Blacksmithing

WoW Classic Era
By: friolt
5 min read
Best Profession Pairing For Blacksmithing In Wow Classic

Oi, you! It’s WoW Classic 20th Anniversary time, and guess what? You’re diving into Blacksmithing. Easy peasy? Nah, dude, it’s brutal. It’s sweaty. It’s a ton of molten metal in your pockets. But you’re doing it, ’cause you’re a forge master in the making.

Here’s the deal:

  • Smash ores like a maniac.
  • Craft gear so shiny, dragons squint.
  • Make sharpening stones to slice through raid bosses like butter.
  • Save gold, pair with Mining—‘cause we all know AH is a rip-off.

So, ready to pound anvils and rise as the ultimate hammer-swinging, armor-making machine?

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Blacksmithing | Overview

Wow Classic Era Blacksmithing Recipes List

Want to be the hammer-smashing, anvil-banging legend of the WoW Classic Era 20th anniversary? Blacksmithing is your golden ticket! This profession is all about making epic gear, sharpening stones, and special weapons. Pair it with Mining to keep your wallet fat and your materials flowing.

Main SkillCrafting weapons, armor, sharpening stones, and rods.
Best Profession PairingMining — Gather your own ores and bars to save gold.
Key BenefitsEquip your character with custom gear, create useful raid tools, and make gold selling crafted items.
TrainersAvailable in major cities — ask guards for directions if you get lost.
Leveling TiersApprentice (1-75), Journeyman (75-125), Expert (125-225), Artisan (225-300).
SpecializationsChoose Armorsmith or Weaponsmith at skill 200 to craft unique items.
Rare RecipesFind or buy plans like Mithril Spurs and Imperial Plate Boots for high-level crafting.
Materials NeededTons of ores, stones, cloth, and patience! Example: 730 Thorium Bars, 520 Solid Stones, etc.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Blacksmithing | Materials required

How To Save Gold With Mining And Blacksmithing In Wow Classic

Blacksmithing in WoW Classic Era Anniversary takes tons of ores, stones, and a bit of grit! Pairing it with Mining is key to gathering materials without breaking the bank. Check out the full list below to make sure you’re ready for the grind.

Rough Stone150Mined from low-level zones.
Copper Bar150Smelted from Copper Ore.
Coarse Stone95Mined from mid-level zones.
Silver Bar5Smelted from Silver Ore.
Bronze Bar140Made from Copper + Tin Bars.
Heavy Stone105Mined from Iron deposits.
Gold Bar5Smelted from Gold Ore.
Iron Bar230Smelted from Iron Ore.
Green Dye35Bought from vendors (Tailoring supplies).
Steel Bar190Made from Iron Bars + Coal.
Solid Stone520Mined from Mithril deposits.
Mageweave Cloth60Dropped by mid-level humanoids.
Mithril Bar250Smelted from Mithril Ore.
Dense Stone20Mined from Thorium deposits.
Thorium Bar730Smelted from Thorium Ore.
Star Ruby30Found in chests and rich veins.
Aquamarine5Found in chests and rich veins.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Blacksmithing | Trainers Locations

In the world of Wow Classic Era Anniversary, finding the right trainer is key to leveling your Blacksmithing fast for the 20th Anniversary celebrations. Trainers are everywhere, so here’s a super simple table to help you find them by faction and skill level.

Trainer NameLocationSkill LevelFaction
Ug’thokOrgrimmarApprentice, JourneymanHorde
Basil FryeUndercityApprentice, JourneymanHorde
James Van BruntUndercityJourneymanHorde
Thrag StonehoofThunder BluffApprentice, JourneymanHorde
Saru SteelfuryOrgrimmarExpertHorde
Groum StonebeardIronforgeApprentice, JourneymanAlliance
Rotgath StonebeardIronforgeJourneymanAlliance
Dane LindgrenStormwind CityApprentice, JourneymanAlliance
Therum DeepforgeStormwind CityJourneymanAlliance
Delfrum FlintbeardDarkshoreApprenticeAlliance
Smith ArgusElwynn ForestApprenticeAlliance
Tognus FlintfireDun MoroghApprenticeAlliance
Bengus DeepforgeIronforgeExpertAlliance
Brikk KeencraftBooty Bay, Stranglethorn ValeArtisanNeutral

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How to leveling Blacksmithing + recipes

Blacksmithing in Wow Classic Era Anniversary is all about turning ores into epic gear for the 20th Anniversary party. Level it alongside Mining to save gold and keep your mats flowing. Here’s a super simple table for recipes and materials needed to zoom from skill 1 to 300.

Skill RangeRecipeMaterials NeededQuantity
1 – 30Rough Sharpening StoneRough Stone40
30 – 65Rough Grinding StoneRough Stone110
65 – 75Coarse Sharpening StoneCoarse Stone25
75 – 90Coarse Grinding StoneCoarse Stone70
90 – 100Runed Copper BeltCopper Bar100
100 – 105Silver RodSilver Bar, Rough Grinding Stone5 + 10
105 – 110Runed Copper BeltCopper Bar50
110 – 125Rough Bronze LeggingsBronze Bar90
125 – 140Heavy Grinding StoneHeavy Stone105
140 – 150Patterned Bronze BracersBronze Bar, Coarse Grinding Stone50 + 20
150 – 155Golden RodGold Bar, Coarse Grinding Stone5 + 10
155 – 165Green Iron LeggingsIron Bar, Heavy Grinding Stone, Green Dye80 + 10 + 10
165 – 190Green Iron BracersIron Bar, Green Dye150 + 25
190 – 200Golden Scale BracersSteel Bar, Heavy Grinding Stone50 + 20
200 – 210Solid Grinding StoneSolid Stone120
210 – 225Heavy Mithril GauntletMithril Bar, Mageweave Cloth90 + 60
225 – 235Steel Plate HelmSteel Bar, Solid Grinding Stone140 + 10
235 – 250Mithril SpursMithril Bar, Solid Grinding Stone80 + 60
250 – 260Dense Sharpening StoneDense Stone20
260 – 270Mithril SpursMithril Bar, Solid Grinding Stone80 + 60
270 – 295Imperial Plate BracersThorium Bar, Star Ruby500 + 25
295 – 300Imperial Plate BootsThorium Bar, Star Ruby, Aquamarine170 + 5 + 5

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Level Blacksmithing Quickly Wow Classic Era 20Th Anniversary

Blacksmithing is the ultimate way to flex your crafting skills during the WoW Classic Era 20th Anniversary. From forging epic gear to crafting sharpening stones and custom rods, this profession is a must-have for any aspiring crafter. Pair it with Mining to keep those mats flowing and save big on gold while leveling.

Leveling Blacksmithing is simple when you follow the right path. Start with basic items like sharpening stones and work your way up to crafting high-tier gear like Imperial Plate Boots. Specialize in Armorsmith or Weaponsmith at skill 200 to unlock unique recipes and become the go-to crafter in your guild.

To hit 300 skill, you’ll need tons of ores, stones, and other materials, but don’t worry—trainers are everywhere, and Mining will keep your bags full.

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What’s the fastest way to level Blacksmithing in WoW Classic Era 20th Anniversary?

Pair it with Mining! Gather your own ores and follow the leveling guide from Rough Sharpening Stones to Imperial Plate Boots. Save gold, time, and frustration.

Do I need Mining to level Blacksmithing?

Nope, but it’s highly recommended. Buying materials from the Auction House will burn through your gold faster than a Fireball to the face.

Where can I find trainers for Blacksmithing?

Trainers are in major cities like Orgrimmar, Stormwind, and Ironforge. Ask a guard if you’re lost—they’re basically GPS in plate armor.

When can I specialize in Armorsmithing or Weaponsmithing?

At skill 200 and character level 40. Choose Armorsmith if you want to craft durable gear or Weaponsmith for epic blades.

Are rare recipes like Mithril Spurs required to hit 300?

Not required, but they make life easier. If you can’t find them, alternative recipes from trainers will do the job.

How much gold will I need to level Blacksmithing?

That depends. If you’re Mining your own materials, you’ll save a ton. Buying everything? Be ready to spend big.

What’s the point of leveling Blacksmithing?

Custom gear, gold-making opportunities, and bragging rights at the 20th-anniversary party! Plus, who doesn’t want to wield epic weapons they made themselves?
