Wow Classic Era anniversary Enchanting guide — how to get 300 skill Enchanting

WoW Classic Era
By: friolt
5 min read
How To Farm Dusts, Essences, And Shards For Enchanting In Wow Classic

In this guide, we’ll break down the easiest ways to level your Enchanting skill, highlight the essential materials you’ll need, and guide you through each step to hit that sweet Enchanting 300 mark. From trainers to recipes, you’ll learn exactly where to go, what to do, and how to gather your Dusts, Essences, and Shards quickly.

  1. Materials Needed
  2. Trainer Locations
  3. Key Recipes
  4. Leveling Tiers (Apprentice, Journeyman, Expert, Artisan)
TailoringCookingFishingFirst Aid


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Wow Classic Era anniversary Enchanting | Overview

Wow Classic Era Enchanting Leveling Guide For Beginners

In WoW Classic Era Anniversary, Enchanting is an awesome profession for those who want to enhance gear, create useful items, and make gold by enchanting everything from weapons to cloaks. It pairs well with Tailoring, as you can disenchant your crafted items and level both professions together. Get ready to grind for Dusts, Essences, and Shards, and become the master of enchantments!

Main SkillMake gear better by enchanting it.
Best Profession PairingTailoring — make items, disenchant them, and level up both professions.
Key BenefitsMake gear stronger, sell enchantments, and get gold.
Leveling TiersApprentice (1-50), Journeyman (50-135), Expert (135-225), Artisan (225-300).
Materials NeededDusts, Essences, Shards, and Gems. Get ready to farm or buy these!
Enchanting TrainersTrainers in main cities — ask guards for directions!
Trainer LocationsTrainers in Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Ironforge, and more.
SpecializationsChoose what you want to focus on at skill 200.

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Enchanting | Materials required

How To Make Gold With Enchanting In Wow Classic Anniversary

Enchanting in WoW Classic Era Anniversary needs lots of materials! You’ll need Dusts, Essences, Shards, and Gems to level up. Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with all the important materials you’ll need to hit that max Enchanting skill of 300. Prepare for some grinding, but trust me, it’s totally worth it!

Strange Dust125x
Lesser Magic Essence1x
Greater Magic Essence12x
Lesser Astral Essence25x
Soul Dust130x
Greater Astral Essence2x
Vision Dust250x
Greater Mystic Essence2x
Lesser Nether Essence5x
Dream Dust360x
Purple Lotus40x
Illusion Dust40x
Greater Eternal Essence4x
Small Brilliant Shard4x
Large Brilliant Shard2x
Silver Rod1x
Golden Rod1x
Iridescent Pearl1x
Truesilver Rod1x
Black Pearl1x
Arcanite Rod1x
Golden Pearl1x

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Wow Classic Era anniversary Enchanting | Trainers Locations

Wow Classic Era Enchanting Recipes And Materials List

In Wow Classic Era Anniversary, you’ll need to find different trainers to level up your Enchanting skills. Each trainer will teach you new skills based on your current level, so make sure you know where they are!

Trainer NameSkill LevelLocation
JhagApprenticeOrgrimmar (Horde)
Malcomb WynnApprenticeUndercity (Horde)
Mot DawnstriderApprenticeThunder Bluff (Horde)
Vance UndergloomApprenticeTirisfal Glades, Brill (Horde)
Betty QuinApprenticeStormwind City (Alliance)
Thonys PillarstoneApprenticeIronforge (Alliance)
Lalina SummermoonApprenticeDarnassus (Alliance)
GodanJourneymanOrgrimmar (Horde)
Lavinia CroweJourneymanUndercity (Horde)
Teg DawnstriderJourneymanThunder Bluff (Horde)
Gimble ThistlefuzzJourneymanIronforge (Alliance)
Lucan CordellJourneymanStormwind City (Alliance)
TaladanJourneymanDarnassus (Alliance)
Kitta FirewindExpertElwynn Forest, Tower of Azora (Alliance)
HgarthExpertStonetalon Mountains, Sun Rock Retreat (Horde)
AnnoraArtisanUldaman, Badlands (Both Factions)

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How to leveling Enchanting + recipes

In Wow Classic Era Anniversary, leveling up Enchanting is all about gathering the right materials and crafting the best enchants as you go. You’ll start with simple items, then gradually move on to more complex recipes. Here’s a quick guide to help you reach Enchanting level 300, with materials and recipes linked for easy access!

Level RangeRecipeMaterials Required
1-50Runed Copper Rod1 Copper Rod, 1 Strange Dust, 1 Lesser Magic Essence
2-50Enchant Bracer: Minor Health48 Strange Dust
50-90Enchant Bracer: Minor Health40 Strange Dust
90-100Enchant Bracer: Minor Stamina30 Strange Dust
100-101Runed Silver Rod1 Silver Rod, 6 Strange Dust, 3 Greater Magic Essence, 1 Shadowgem
101-110Greater Magic Wand9 Simple Wood, 9 Greater Magic Essence
110-135Enchant Bracer – Lesser Strength25 Lesser Astral Essence
135-156Enchant Bracer – Lesser Stamina40 Soul Dust
156-185Enchant Bracer – Lesser Strength80 Soul Dust
185-225Enchant Bracer – Strength15 Vision Dust
220-225Enchant Cloak: Greater Defense15 Vision Dust
225-250Enchant Gloves: Agility5 Lesser Nether Essence, 5 Vision Dust
250-265Lesser Mana Oil60 Dream Dust, 40 Purple Lotus, 20 Crystal Vial
265-294Enchant Shield: Greater Stamina300 Dream Dust
294-295Runed Arcanite Rod1 Arcanite Rod, 1 Golden Pearl, 10 Illusion Dust, 4 Greater Eternal Essence, 4 Small Brilliant Shard, 2 Large Brilliant Shard
295-300Enchant Cloak: Superior Defense40 Illusion Dust

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Where To Find Enchanting Trainers In Wow Classic Anniversary

It’s a great profession to pair with Tailoring since you can disenchant your crafted items to level both professions together. Be ready to gather a variety of materials like Dusts, Essences, and Shards, which will help you level your skills and craft powerful enchantments.

To reach the maximum Enchanting skill of 300, you’ll need to visit different trainers at various locations. From the beginning at Apprentice level to mastering Artisan, each stage requires specific materials and recipes. Whether you’re in Orgrimmar, Stormwind, or Uldaman, make sure you know where the trainers are to advance in your Enchanting profession.

With dedication and the right materials, you’ll soon be able to enchant everything from weapons to cloaks, boosting your gear and earning gold in the process.

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What is the best profession to pair with Enchanting in Wow Classic Era Anniversary?

The best profession to pair with Enchanting is Tailoring. You can craft items, disenchant them for materials, and level up both professions at the same time without needing a gathering profession.

Where can I find Enchanting trainers in Wow Classic Era Anniversary?

Enchanting trainers are located in major cities such as Orgrimmar, Stormwind, Ironforge, Undercity, Thunder Bluff, Darnassus, and Elwynn Forest. Simply ask a guard for directions to your nearest trainer.

What materials are required to level Enchanting to 300?

You will need Dusts, Essences, Shards, and Gems. The materials you need include Strange Dust, Lesser Magic Essence, Greater Magic Essence, Soul Dust, Vision Dust, Greater Mystic Essence, Lesser Nether Essence, and several rods and gems. Be prepared for some farming or buying these materials!

How long does it take to reach level 300 Enchanting?

The time it takes depends on your farming speed for materials and how efficiently you use the recipes. It could take some time to gather all the needed materials and craft the required items.

Where can I get specific recipes for Enchanting?

Recipes are sold by trainers and available as drops or purchases from certain NPCs. Some key trainers, like Kulwia and Dalria for the Journeyman level, offer limited-supply recipes, so you may need to wait for a respawn.

Can I level Enchanting without buying materials from the Auction House?

Yes! While the Auction House is an option, you can gather the required materials by disenchanting items or farming them in the world, especially if you pair Enchanting with Tailoring.

